witcher in marvel

Chapter 459 The Unlucky Inhuman Race

Chapter 459 The Unlucky Inhuman Race
The appalling alien invasion incident ended inexplicably.

The island of Manhattan is almost in ruins, and the reconstruction funds are as high as hundreds of billions. The government cooperates to establish the Ministry of Disaster Control.

Of course, the Stark Group is not just doing good deeds. The large area of ​​land near the Stark Tower has been paid by Stark for free, and will be built as the headquarters of the Avengers in the future.

It is worth mentioning that the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. have parted ways. Iron Man, American Team, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Thor have become members of the first generation. At the same time, Nick Fury has resigned from S.H.I.E.L.D. He will focus on On the Tianjian Bureau outside the earth, the next director of SHIELD will be taken over by Coulson. Melinda, Barbara, Sharon and others will stay in SHIELD to assist Coulson, and Agent Carter, who has regained his youth, will replace Alexander. The position of Pierce has become the lubricant between SHIELD, Tianjian Bureau and the World Security Council.

Originally, the Security Council would not agree to the request of Carter and Fury so easily. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. has developed too fast and its size has exceeded the threshold of various countries. Those who are able, on the other hand, look to Bai Jinglan's extraordinary school.

In other words, during the Battle of New York, the students of the Extraordinary School, as well as the special agents from various countries who went to special training, all played a very important role. Those magical battle suits made all countries salivate. It is a pity that I have seen hell After the legion fought fiercely against the vanguard, even the toughest American country would not dare to play hard...Millions of troops combining magic and technology, large portals that can be opened anytime and anywhere, super soldiers comparable to nuclear bombs, enough to easily destroy any A modern civilized country.

Bai Jinglan agreed to the requests of all countries.

Of course, Nick Fury's face is not that big. The reason why Bai Jinglan agreed to this request is because the school is supposed to recruit some ordinary people... The blessing method he learned from the Black Panther Goddess can be used To mass-produce super soldiers, even if they are not as good as the Black Panthers and the US team, they are certainly no worse than the Winter Soldier, which is enough to satisfy all countries.

However, the number of places given to each country is still limited, and these personnel still have to be selected, and those who are careful are eliminated one by one.

Among the new batch of students from various countries, several familiar faces entered the school: Bucky Barnes, a good friend of the American team, Lance Hunter, Barbara's ex-husband, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "Alfonso Mackenzie, the agent who briefly became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., is regarded as the successor of General Ross and Brigadier General Talbert, who is also the late boss of Wan Li Wang, and the third generation of American captains who also came from the military." Patriots" Jeffrey Mays and more.

Because of the appearance of Bai Jinglan, their fate has changed, and what will happen in the future, it is estimated that Gu Yi cannot be sure.

The school is under the care of an experienced and prudent Professor X, Bai Jinglan doesn't need to pay too much attention to these things, and quickly turned his attention to the stranger.

These aliens controlled by the mind stone have been released by him from mind control.

They regained their sanity, but fell into deep pain.

Most of the aliens living on the earth are hidden among ordinary people, and have deep feelings with ordinary people, but they are controlled by their minds, and they set off a bloody storm in Manhattan. I don’t know how many innocent people died. their friends and relatives.

The Inhumans living on the moon, after a group of people were mentally controlled, also launched massacres in Attilan, especially the human-shaped nuclear bomb Black Bolt, he shouted casually, half of Attilan disappeared, no I don't know how many clansmen died tragically because of this.

Facing the dejected aliens, Bai Jinglan planned to recruit and add some partners to Skye, otherwise it would be too embarrassing for her, the established alien leader, to have no aliens under her command.

In the main hall of Xuye Palace, Bai Jinglan received Black Bat King and his party, and asked directly: "Black Bat King, Attilan has been destroyed, what are your plans for the future?"

Bai Jinglan still has a good impression of Black Bolt King.

Although he seemed a little too conservative in the governance of the country, causing his younger brother to launch a positive change and push him off the throne of the king, but compared to his overconfident younger brother, he is indeed more like a real king, obviously possessing powerful However, they never abuse their power, nor will they wantonly invade other civilizations because of their own lack of resources.

The social form of the Inhumans is actually deformed, using the blood and sweat of most people.To create a Garden of Eden for a small number of people, the flesh and blood of a large number of ordinary people are buried under the blooming appearance.

Black Bolt wants to change, but doesn't know how.

This time it was all right, Attilan was gone.

The silent Black Bat King pursed his lips and made a simple gesture towards Bai Jinglan.

Medusa cheered up and translated: "Black Bolt Thank you for liberating our mind control, and thank you for allowing us to reunite safely."

Bai Jinglan smiled lightly: "You're welcome."

Then, he added: "Here, you can speak."

Black Bat King was startled, then made a gesture.

Medusa translated: "You should know that Black Bolt cannot control..."

"It doesn't matter." Bai Jinglan smiled lightly, "In this palace, no power can be used without my permission. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Black Bolt King looked at Medusa, she nodded, and moved her hair as usual, but was surprised to find that the long and flexible hair in the past did not move at all.

The crystal stimulated the mind and found that the elements could not be communicated; Gorgon stepped on the ground and could not sputter the shock wave.

Originally, Bai Jinglan couldn't do this, but with the Black Sandalwood Rose, there would be no problem.

The earth is Gaia's territory, her words are the truth, and it is useless for Newton to jump out.

The strangers were surprised, not knowing what happened.

Black Bolt King tried to open his mouth and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Bai Jinglan said: "I am the guardian of the earth. Those who defeat you are all soldiers under my command. Skye is one of the members of the Inhuman race."

Endorsed by Gaia, the Earth Mother, and the Sorcerer Supreme, he can indeed claim to be a veritable Guardian.

Black Bat King raised his eyes and eyebrows slightly: "The guardian of the earth... I haven't heard of it."

The Inhuman race also originated from the earth, and it took only a few hundred years to relocate from the earth to the moon. In the records of their race, there has never been any mention of a guardian.

Bai Jinglan shrugged: "It's normal, as long as you don't threaten the civilization of the earth, the guardians won't care what you do."

Black Bolt King was silent for a moment, and sighed: "I just want my people to come back to life."

The corner of Bai Jinglan's mouth curled up: "If you pay enough price, it's not impossible for Attilan to return to its original appearance."

Black Bolt asked, "What do we need to pay?"

Bai Jinglan smiled lightly: "What else do you have now?"

Attilan has been destroyed, and there are only a few of the lunar aliens left. Apart from themselves, what else can they give?
Black Bolt King, his wife, and his brother looked at each other for a moment, and said, "We can work for you, but we just hope to retain our autonomy."

Bai Jinglan smiled: "Have you ever thought about, even if Attilan is recovered, where is your future?"

His personality is constantly improving, and the two lantern rings are also being upgraded. It won't take long before he will have the ability to resurrect the dead. By then, he will be able to resurrect those dead aliens. As for the destroyed Attilan, It's even simpler, just ask the Supreme Mage to borrow the time gem, and it can be repaired with a time reversal.

However, he can't work in vain.

Black Bolt asked seriously, "Do you have any suggestions?"

There is no way out for Attilan. Generations of people are trapped in a small place, digging and planting in the ground like ants, and all resources are distributed according to class... This seemingly advanced city is actually more advanced than Wa. Kanda is even more primitive.

As long as they don't get out of the cage of Attilan, the internal conflicts of the lunar aliens will not stop.

The Inhuman royal family has known this for a long time, but they have no ability to change it.

Bai Jinglan shook his head, and changed his tone: "It is not an easy task to revive your people, it will take a lot of time and energy, you should live on the earth for now, I will arrange it for you The next life. Take advantage of this time, you can think slowly."


(End of this chapter)

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