witcher in marvel

Chapter 433 More corrupt presidents

Chapter 433 More corrupt presidents
Seeing the little wolf girl emerge from the pile of flesh and blood with an expressionless face, the people nearby subconsciously took a step back.

This scene... is too explosive!

Fortunately, the battle suit has its own purification effect, and the blood stains on the little Lolita's body will be cleaned up automatically when she steps into the bleeding pool, otherwise, all the friends will have to stay away.

"How did you come here so fast?" Minty glanced at the dead monster, and asked Richter, "Is it arranged by the school?"

Richter shrugged and said: "We were shopping this weekend, and we rushed over when we heard the movement here."

Mindy suddenly said: "No wonder..."

The little mutants, like them, came at the right time.

Little fat Bobby scratched his head: "What should we do with this dead Godzilla? Can't we just throw it on the side of the road?"

Ned stroked his chin. "I think the bums would roast it..."

Peter blinked: "Do you think... will be delicious?"

Little radish heads: "..."

In other words, there are many weird things in the food in the extraordinary school, and adding a "Godzilla" does not seem to be a strange thing.

At this time, Director George, accompanied by Gwen, came over, looked at the little wolf girl and said, "Son, are you alright?"


The little wolf girl raised her slender arms, the muscles corroded by gastric juice recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, this kind of work of getting into the stomach of a monster is only suitable for Laura, who has super-speed regeneration. Others will probably become food if they go in.

The corners of Director George's eyes trembled, and his knowledge of the so-called extraordinary school increased a bit.

"Run away!"

"It's crazy, run!"

The crowd that suddenly became noisy again made the little ones vigilant.

Chief George stopped a passerby who was fleeing, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"President Roosevelt!"

The passerby panicked, "President Roosevelt is here!"


Chief George was dumbfounded.

Before he could react, he heard an angry voice coming from the side of the giant beast.

"That's right, run away!"

"You New Yorkers still treat this beautiful city as your own personal urinal, and dare to kill my pets. Franklin Roosevelt will clean up this city, even if I have to do it alone!"

A group of policemen looked over in bewilderment, and saw a mummy sitting in a wheelchair, waving its skinny arms, gliding quickly on the asphalt road, grabbing the car next to it from time to time, and throwing it out like a pebble, throwing people on both sides Pedestrians are local rats.

"Nobody trained us to do this..."

"I must be dreaming, right?"

The policemen, who had just experienced a horrible war, stared at the rushing corpse tremblingly.

Chief George's brows darkened, he rushed out with a gun, stood in front of Roosevelt, and said sharply: "Mr. President, this is not your era anymore, please stop..."

"You think you can stop me, young man?"

Furious, Roosevelt grabbed a car and threw it out.

"Dad, be careful!"

Gwen hurriedly flew again to save her father, while Minty rushed forward, the Edman alloy knife flashed coldly, split the oncoming car into two pieces, and turned into a flash of lightning, slashing across President Roosevelt.

For many Americans, Franklin D. Roosevelt is an idol, but for little Lolita, it is just a distant name.

laugh! !

President Roosevelt was cut in half with his chest, but in an instant, the two parts of his body were glued together again.

"You think you can kill me like this?!"

Roosevelt turned his head, with a hideous sneer on his dry face.

The next moment, he slammed the wheelchair he was sitting on, and the wheelchair rushed out like a high-speed train, knocking Minty out with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, his arms shook continuously, and he grabbed more than a dozen cars and smashed them over.

At the moment of contact with Minty, all the cars exploded like bombs, and the ground seemed to be hit by dozens of missiles, instantly setting off smoke and dust more than ten meters high.


The faces of a group of friends changed slightly, and suddenly there was a high-pitched and shrill howl of wolves, which sounded in the ruins of the building surrounded by smoke and dust, and exploded in all directions.

A cyan lightning flashed out at a high speed, and arrived at Roosevelt's back in an instant.

"Profound Truth Blue Wolf Instant Body!"

Minty turned into a silver lightning, constantly revolving around Roosevelt. If one looks down from a high altitude, it is a perfect electric ring.

This electric ring wrapped Roosevelt in the middle, and a flicker from time to time could leave a hideous wound on his appearance.

The fierce electric light surged, making the subtle green light in the eyes of the mummy keep flickering.

"Let go of me, or I'll destroy you!!"

The mummy was continuously torn apart and then closed by magic, but it couldn't break free from the electric ring.

"Absolute Truth - Vulture Star Flash!"

The starlight in the sky enveloped Gwen, turning him into a giant eagle.

The "eagle beak" that was shining with starlight fiercely "pecked" on the mummy's head, and the fierce electric current and wind blade erupted instantly, and combined with the lightning light aroused by Minty, the huge shock wave caused the smoke and dust rising all around immediately. blow off.

"Help together!!"

Seeing this, the other little guys either erupted the secrets of the battle clothes, or used supernatural powers, and aimed at the mummy fiercely.

"No no no no!!"

The green light filled the dry corpse was ignited by the torrent of lightning, and Roosevelt let out a shriek, exploding like a bomb.

After waiting for a short while, finding that the mummy hadn't recovered, Ned cheered excitedly: "We did it!"

He has not yet reached the age of middle school, but he already has a strong secondary disease.

"Wow, this guy is really hard to beat!"

"Well, it's harder than that 'Godzilla'!"

A group of little guys were discussing excitedly, it felt like playing a game and organizing a group to push the boss.

However, Director George is in a very bad mood, not because he has a problem with the little guys, but... the dead president came back to life, clamoring to destroy his own country, and then was beaten up by a group of children, which is too bad for the image of the United States big.

As a patriot, he didn't want to see this picture.

At this time, a Kun-style fighter plane flew from afar and quickly landed on the ground.

Coulson stepped down from the fighter plane, looked at the messy neighborhood, and then at a group of little carrot heads, and said hello, "Hello, kids, I'm Agent Coulson, from S.H.I.E.L.D....you want a share?" Part-time job?"

A group of little guys looked at each other in blank dismay: "Part-time job?"

Coulson said: "There are more corrupt presidents like this out there. SHIELD is short of manpower. Can you help me?"

George stood up and said displeasedly, "Agent Coulson, they are children!"

Coulson pointed to the corpse of the giant beast not far away, and said: "Director Stacy, they are not ordinary children." He paused, and continued, "Besides, I just went to the extraordinary school, and Mr. White has agreed, It's up to the kids to help with these corrupt presidents."

Minty eagerly asked, "Mr. White agreed?"


Coulson smiled gently, "Mr. White said that this will be a temporary test, and there will be extra points in the final exam. The children will be divided into several groups and go to different areas to deal with the awakened ghosts... Uh, I'm on my way to DC, where there's a bunch of corrupt presidents, they've taken over the capitol, they've kidnapped a lot of government officials, and I need the kids to help save people."


(End of this chapter)

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