witcher in marvel

Chapter 427 The Clues Provided by Athena

Chapter 427 The Clues Provided by Athena
Amidst the flickering magic runes, a crimson light flashed, transforming into the image of a girl in battle armor, holding a shield in her left hand and a spear in her right hand.

"Athena hears your prayer, mortal!"

This is the magical illusion of Athena, several feet high, standing there like a hill.

A violent aura swept over her, and a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents felt that the hurricane was coming, and they couldn't stand on their feet. They took several steps back and managed to maintain their balance.

"Greek gods and Norse gods are so different?"

Thinking of the fierce Thor, the god of thunder, and the god of intrigue, Patton and Coulson were a little speechless.

At least on the surface, Thor and Loki are more like a kind of superhuman, but this Athena, who really looks like a god.

Of course, this is just their illusion.

If Loki didn't always like to play backstab, the effect of playing tricks would not be bad.

The only difference between the Greek gods and the Norse gods is that the reincarnation of Asgard relies on the world tree, while the Greek gods are bound to beliefs. As long as there are records of them among humans, as long as there are people who know their names, they will never will really die.

"Great Athena, please help me destroy the blasphemer!"

The old hag raised her palm, her face frenzied, and the rings between her fingers shone brightly.

The phantom Athena had no expression on her face, her huge body looked down, and she slammed the spear down.

Immediately, the golden spear shadow shone brightly, like a meteor shower.

"What are you so impatient for?"

Bai Jinglan shook his head and quickly concluded the seal.

"In the name of Exalon, Ice Touch!"

Absolute zero freezing air vented out from his palm, at first it was a ball of icy flame, and finally turned into a dazzling beam of light and swept out.

Crystal clear ice formed on the route the beam of light passed.

The spear shadow collided with the ice wall, as if the space was distorted, causing circles of ripples.

Without waiting for the old witch to become a demon again, Bai Jinglan stepped out, rushed in front of her in an instant, and snatched the ring from her hand.

"I... my ring!"

The old witch was startled at first, then furious, "I am the guardian, you dirty maggot, how dare you..."

"You should go home and retire!"

Bai Jinglan was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so he tapped her directly between the eyebrows, washed away her past memories, and threw it to Melinda casually.

Melinda was confused: "Mr. White, she..."

Bai Jinglan waved her hand: "I erased her memory, arranged an identity for her, and let her live an ordinary life!"


Melinda and Coulson looked at each other and nodded.

This kind of thing is often done by S.H.I.E.L.D., and we are very familiar with it.

The old hag doesn't have a magical constitution, she can use magic because of Weishandi's ring.

Now that the ring fell into Bai Jinglan's hands, the summoned spirits disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only the phantom of Athena.

Bai Jinglan followed the direction of the illusion and found a small rough shield.

Found in the Roman antiquities area, very inconspicuous little thing.

Bai Jinglan sized it up and said in surprise, "This isn't Aegis, is it?"

"Aegis" is the Aegis in Greek legend, the weapon with the highest defensive power among all the gods. Many modern technological weapons named "Aegis" come from this Aegis in Greek mythology.

"Aegis" has two sides, one is owned by Zeus, and the other is owned by Athena.

Aegis of Zeus, made of goat skin full of magic by Vulcan, has unparalleled defensive power, even Zeus's thunder can't harm it, and it can create a storm by waving it. When it is placed in the sky, The sky will become dark, and when Zeus picks it up, the sky will clear up.

Athena's Aegis was built by the god of fire with the fur of a mythical ewe. Its four corners were filled with magic such as fear, battle, ferocity, and tracking, and the center was equipped with Medusa's head. Anyone who sees this shield will be turned into a fossil.

On this seemingly rough shield, Bai Jinglan did not see Medusa's head, but felt a variety of magical elements—blessing magical elements.

Athena is called the Goddess of War, not because of her personal bravery, but because of her battlefield strategy and various blessing abilities - for this, you can refer to the five little strong saint fighters who are alive and dead.

The magic on this shield, or magic, has a similar meaning.

Forget it, let's get down to business first!
Bai Jinglan put the shield back to its original place, and using the method given by the supreme mage, carved a magic circle beside it, and then poured energy into it.

After a moment, the peaceful shield trembled.

Soon, amidst a slight buzzing sound, a majestic coercion swept across.

The phantom still standing in mid-air let out a soft sigh as if it had come to life.

Her eyes were agile, she glanced at the others, and finally looked at Bai Jinglan: "Mage of Karma Taj, why did you disturb my slumber? It's not time for us to return."

Bai Jinglan didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "The goddess of the night is about to be resurrected!"


Athena was taken aback, but quickly said, "It's impossible, unless the sun has disappeared, she can't come out."

Just like Odin's magic on Thor's Hammer, as long as qualified people can pick up Thor's Hammer, they can gain the power of Thor, and Zeus's seal on Nyx is also the same - as long as the sun shines on On the earth, Nyx had to wait to rot.

Therefore, unless the sun suddenly goes dark one day, Nyx will always be sealed.

"It is true that she has not been resurrected, but there is already a trend..."

Bai Jinglan told the goddess of wisdom about the tossing about the goddess scepter and the speculation with the supreme mage, "I need a place to keep her three godheads."

"That's right, as long as she can't get the three godheads and can't return to her full glory, she can be defeated."

Athena pondered for a moment, and said, "I have heard Father God mentioned that he entrusted three godheads to three people for safekeeping - one of them was entrusted to an ally in the Land of Knowledge; the second was entrusted to the enemy, hidden In the light of dreams; the last one, in faraway lands."

Bai Jinglan frowned and said, "Is there no specific location? The land of dreams is easy to understand. What are the land of knowledge and the paradise in the distance?"

Athena smiled: "Father God didn't say it clearly, but I have some guesses - the so-called 'Land of Knowledge' should refer to the "Hall of Omniscience" in the City of Almighty, where the light of knowledge will shine forever until the day the universe is closed .”

Bai Jinglan suddenly said: "The Almighty City of Pantheon..."

The gods of the earth formed a pantheon in the outer dimension of the earth. The city of omnipotence is the club and council hall of the gods. There is a supreme library there, which keeps all the knowledge in the world, so it is also called "the hall of omniscience".

"The second one is in the hands of the master of dreams, that's for sure." Athena chuckled, "In the past, Mount Olympus often clashed with dreams, but it suddenly calmed down thousands of years ago. I think it should be God the Father entrusts the godhood to Nightmare for safekeeping, and in return, God the Father and his subjects will never invade Nightmare's territory."

It has to be said that it is very in line with the character of Nightmare who is bullying and afraid of toughness.

She went on to say: "As for the third piece - 'Distant Paradise', I'm not quite sure, but I know that on the other side of the Milky Way, there is a planet called Bliss, and Father God has lingered there several times... I If you want to be there, you should be able to find clues."


(End of this chapter)

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