witcher in marvel

Chapter 421 The Night Scepter

Chapter 421 The Night Scepter
In the Los Angeles County Jail, there are nearly 3000 prisoners, plus more than 5000 prison guards, a total of more than [-] people, all of whom have turned into hideous monsters.

Moreover, it is not only the people who have changed, but the entire prison.

When Skye smashed the outer wall of the office and ran outside from the room full of monsters, he suddenly found that the scene in front of him was completely different from before.

First of all, the sky is covered with thick dark clouds, and the dark appearance makes people feel suffocated.

Secondly, the huge Los Angeles County Jail has turned into a huge cemetery. Tombstones of different sizes are arranged in a random and disorderly manner, extending to the end of the field of vision. In the middle of the mist, there is also a majestic and gloomy old castle.

"This is……"

"Did we go to the wrong place?"

"Or is it a dream?"

Skye and Robbie were dumbfounded.

Bai Jinglan's all-knowing eyes in the center of his eyebrows continuously released brilliance, quickly swept around, and said with interest: "We have not gone to the wrong place, nor are we dreaming, this is indeed the Los Angeles Prison, but it is shrouded in magic. .”

His body trembled slightly, and suddenly a golden light swept out, suppressing the rushing monsters one after another. He raised his finger and pointed at the castle: "Where do these magics come from..."

Skye breathed a sigh of relief: "The castle?"

Bai Jinglan shook his head: "No, it's just an entrance, the real source is inside."

"What are you waiting for?"

Robbie was trying to suppress the spirit of revenge in his body, and only wrapped part of the energy around the iron chain around his waist, so as to sweep away the rushing monsters, and said loudly, "Their numbers are increasing , as soon as possible, I can hardly hold on..."

The "unable to hold on" he said naturally did not mean that he could not be defeated, but that he could not suppress the spirit of revenge.

Once the spirit of vengeance, whose vocation is to judge evil, erupts completely, it is estimated that the entire prison will be bloodbathed.

"Let's go!"

Bai Jinglan slightly raised his hand, grabbed the collars of Skye and Robbie, jumped into the air in an instant, stepped on the heads of a large group of monsters, and rushed to the castle at an extremely fast speed.

"In the name of Agamotto, the All-Seeing Eye—Back and Scatter!"

boom! !

The all-seeing eyes between Bai Jinglan's brows released the sun-like brilliance, piercing through the lingering smoke instantly, revealing the gate of the gloomy castle.

He rushed to the door with the two of them in his arms, without stopping at all, he just opened the door and rushed in.

Immediately, the vision in front of the three of them changed again.

The sprawling cemetery disappeared, once again becoming a prison.

However, this prison is only black and white, like a simple pencil drawing.

"In that prison!"

Bai Jinglan's eyes turned between his brows, and he locked on a prison cell near the edge.

Still carrying Skye and Robbie, he approached the cell from the air, his eyes released a hot gaze, tearing the cell wall to pieces.

Then, a thick darkness spread out.

In a blink of an eye, the entire prison was pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers.

Even the eyes of the Ghost Rider can't see through this weird darkness.

It doesn't simply expel the light, but sucks all the light away, just like... a black hole!
"This power... is somewhat familiar!"

The darkness cannot cover the all-seeing eye, but the nature of this energy made Bai Jinglan realize something.

Such absolutely dark energy reminded Bai Jinglan of Hecate.

No, it should be said to be Hecate's predecessor - Nyx, the goddess of the night!
What is that scepter that can use the power of the Evernight Goddess?

As one of the oldest demon gods, Nyx has almost multiple levels. If she uses this energy, even Bai Jinglan can't do anything about it. However, the thickness of the energy that appears now is obviously much worse.

"Stop pretending to be a ghost, show yourself!"

Bai Jinglan clicked his tongue, waved his finger, and cast a banishing spell.

"In the ancient body of Hogs, in the ancient name of Oshutu, Agamotto listens to us—protect me from evil!"

In an instant, Bai Jinglan turned into a sun, releasing dazzling brilliance, facing the turbulent impact of darkness.

In an instant, most of the heavy darkness was driven away, and the nearby vision became clear again.

Robbie rubbed his eyes, opened them to look forward, and exclaimed, "Uncle!!"

In the place where the darkness was born, Eli Morrow was wearing a black robe, most of his face was covered under the hood, and he was holding a black staff in his hand.

With a weird smile on his face, Eli looked at Robbie and sighed: "Robby, you shouldn't get involved!"

Robbie opened his mouth and said in disbelief: "I heard some disturbing things from Lucy, but I have always had a glimmer of hope... You have always been behind the scenes. You framed them and took away the scepter , and turned everyone in the prison into monsters!"

Eli showed a disapproving smile, raised the scepter in his hand, and asked nonchalantly, "Isn't it beautiful?"

Robbie said shyly, "It...is dangerous!"

"Pretty things are dangerous!"

Eli raised his scepter, his face full of fanaticism, "Robby, you know I like the night, now... I am the night itself! I am the power, I am everything!!"

Robbie said sadly, "Uncle, that thing ruined your brain, come back with me!"

The corner of Eli's mouth raised, but his tone changed: "I heard a rumor in the prison about a demon, Ghost Rider, who turned out to be my own nephew... It's so interesting, how did you become like this?"

"it's all because of you!"

Hearing his question, Robbie's eyes gradually turned the color of flames, and his tone was also a little angry, "Because of you, we were shot by gangsters... They want to kill you because of what you did !"

"No, it's the Bauer couple, Joe and Lucy." Eli pouted, "They caused all this, they lied to you..."

"Do you think I care about this?" Robbie said angrily, "What kind of scepter is a group of scientists fighting for, so many killings, so many people died, so many lives ruined... We believe in you so much, uncle, I And Gabe loved you like a father and you ruined it all, why would you do that?"

"Because I don't want to be looked down upon by others!!"

Eli snorted and said sharply, "The group of white people in the power laboratory, they thought they were giving me alms! They thought they were superior and smarter, and the arrogance in their eyes...they deserved it!"

Robbie was silent for a moment, more sad: "You just want revenge?"

"It's not revenge, it's respect!"

Eli was reminded of angry memories, waving the scepter angrily, and shouting loudly, "You have no idea how hard I work every day, I work hard just to get in that door... just because my young I made mistakes during my time, from high school to graduate school, no one ever believed me! They thought my grades were obtained by cheating, they all thought I couldn’t do it, rejected me, despised me, haha, look how capable I am now, I I can create a city with a wave of my hand, or I can destroy it with my hand - I am becoming a god!!"

"You better become a god, because the devil is coming for you!"

Seeing his uncle getting more and more crazy, Robbie finally gave up and stopped suppressing the spirit of revenge. The fierce hellfire spread from his body, turning him into a burning skeleton.

Subconsciously, Skye took two steps back and exclaimed, "Wow, that's cool!"

Bai Jinglan shrugged and said, "It's really cool, but Robbie is too young to display the power of the Spirit of Vengeance. He can't beat the current Eli..."

"Robbie, you'll soon understand—what it's like to be abandoned in the dark, banished in the shadows!"

Eli raised the scepter above his head, and the darkness that was driven away by the light spread again.

This time, not only the prison area was swallowed by the darkness, but even the entire Los Angeles, and it was spreading to a wider area.

In the darkness, Eli's proud roar came.

"This is the power of God, the whole world will crawl under my feet!!"


(End of this chapter)

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