witcher in marvel

Chapter 42 Hard fight

Chapter 42 Hard fight

Under the anger, Modu shot mercilessly.

As one of the earliest disciples of the supreme sorcerer, Modu's "Life Tribunal Scepter" is not a divine weapon, but among the magical weapons of many secret masters, it is already considered the best.

At this time, the flowing scepter was completely concentrated in strength, and it was pulled down with violent force. Even if the target was a giant tank, it would still be smashed into scrap iron by one blow.

The secret masters have resisted the Dimensional Demon God for many years, and the strength of each one should not be underestimated.

Bai Jinglan was very familiar with Modu's character, so he was not surprised at his sudden aggression, and immediately wove a magic fan with white magic, wrapped in red flowers flying all over the sky to meet him.

Boom! !

The gorgeous magic fan was scattered on the spot, turned into specks of energy, and dissipated without a trace in the rushing air.

This is the power of magic weapon!

However, Bai Jinglan had expected it.

His magical ability was inferior to the beginning, and he could only be destroyed if he used his bare hands to fight against high-level magic weapons.

But enough is enough.

Although the magic fan was blown apart, it slowed down the speed of the scepter and reduced its attack power.

Just when the life tribunal scepter shattered the magic fan and almost touched Bai Jinglan's chin, he suddenly leaned back and walked forward with his body close to the ground, sliding quickly under Mo Du's body.

The next moment, Bai Jinglan put his hands on the ground, exerted force on his waist, stood upside down from the ground, and kicked Mo Du's legs briskly with his feet lifted up suddenly.

Modu's reaction speed was extremely fast, his feet stepped in the air, and the magic circle under the speeding boots flickered. The figure supporting him rose sharply, easily avoiding Bai Jinglan's kick, and then his figure suddenly turned upside down, with both feet Faster continuous kicks.

Bai Jinglan volleyed in the air to borrow strength, turned over and landed on the ground, kicked off with her left foot, and jumped back more than ten meters.

"Bai, step back immediately!"

Modu fluttered to the ground, and the scepter in his hand fell down.

The solid ground instantly fell apart.

The girl's power shrank even faster, and most of the sea of ​​flowers covering her field of vision had already disappeared, and more people noticed the situation here.

The edge of the battlefield.

Tony Stark was surrounded by a group of bodyguards, three layers inside and three layers outside, but his head of bodyguards, Happy, still felt that it was too dangerous, and tremblingly persuaded: "Sir, those people look too scary, We'd better step back, shall we?"

After the sea of ​​flowers dissipated, those bodyguards who had been tortured to death appeared in front of them. Such a horrible way of death made them shudder.

Stark was very excited, and he was enjoying watching the show, so he refused without hesitation: "Such an interesting magic show is too far away, how can I see it clearly?"

Now he hasn't built a steel battle suit, and he doesn't have the habit of collecting data on extraordinary people, but facing such a strange life, how can he not be curious as a scientist?

Happy knows that he can't change the boss's decision, so he can only try to call more bodyguards.

Stark Manor is very close to here, and the bodyguards in charge of staying at the manor will soon rush over to thicken the human wall.

Compared to Stark's relaxed look, Nancy and Sydney looked dignified.

Sydney scratched her hair: "Uh, who doesn't seem to be an opponent, should we support it?"

Nancy glanced at the other colleagues, and the worry on her face became more intense: "Compared to supporting him, I am more afraid that the police will list them all as targets."

The scattered corpses inside and outside the villa had already made the policemen very nervous, but they were startled by the battle scene of the two magicians, and hadn't reacted for a while.

When the two were struggling, a convoy of more than a dozen Chevrolets drove over quickly and stopped in front of the isolation belt set up by the police.

Immediately afterwards, one by one in black suits got out of the car, passed through the isolation belt without any scruples, and walked towards the policemen who were watching the show from a distance.

In addition, a man and a woman jumped directly over the police officers, walked up to Nancy and Sydney, and showed them their IDs.

"FBI, we are taking over here now." The male agent with a worrying hairline had a gentle smile on his face, "I am Agent Coulson, and this is Agent Melinda. As far as we know, the two seem to be related to That gentleman knows, he..."

Before Coulson finished speaking, the scene in front of the villa changed.

The girl finally completely restrained her strength, and a dozen bodyguard souls full of resentment made her even stronger.

With a ferocious smile on her face, she turned a blind eye to the three mages behind her, sang innocent nursery rhymes again, and went into the villa to look for Murray Anthony.

Seeing this, Modu and Tina immediately gave up Bai Jinglan and went to chase the girl, but were stopped again.

Without hesitation, Modu raised the scepter forward, tearing the space in front of him, and moved forward like a broken mirror, covering Bai Jinglan, but it was only empty.

He knew that Bai Jinglan didn't suspend the ring, so he wanted to seal him up with the mirror dimension, and deal with it after getting rid of the hell demon. Unfortunately, Bai Jinglan was most guarded against this move, and when he saw this, he slipped away without thinking. Far.

Bai Jinglan's "stubbornness" finally made Mo Du furious.

This time, Tina was not satisfied either, and pulled out the long stick behind her: "Bai, your actions will be punished by the Supreme Mage."

"I'm sorry, I must keep what I promised, and..." Bai Jinglan wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, her tone was still calm, "I don't think the Supreme Master will punish me for such a trivial matter, I have already emphasized that Several times, just waiting for her to end the hatred, I will naturally eliminate her. I did not join the darkness, why did the Supreme Mage punish me?"

"Drawing dark power should be eliminated immediately, no matter what the reason is!"

Modu roared, and the scepter that was stuck on the ground suddenly lifted up.

boom! !

The ground under his feet seemed to be lifted, and it turned into a collapsed mountain peak.

Magic Landslide Phantom!

Meanwhile, Tina waved her magic wand.

In an instant, a huge magic circle suddenly appeared, and three dazzling pillars of fire pressed down in the air.

Magic · Burning Pillar!

Two kinds of high-level magic erupted at the same time, and the turbulent energy was full of destructive power.

Boom! ! !
The earth trembled and roared like an earthquake, and the fiery air squeezed around, distorting the surrounding scene.

A group of "spectators" were dizzy, as if they had encountered an erupting active volcano.

The falling mountain peak and falling fire pillar instantly submerged Bai Jinglan inside.

Coulson and Melinda looked complicated, the power of the mage exceeded their expectations, and there were more than one or two similar characters.

When did the earth become so dangerous? !
Before they could finish their thoughts, the air waves in the battlefield dissipated.

The place bombarded by the two kinds of magic did not see Bai Jinglan's figure, only a ball that looked like a swamp black mud.

The next moment, the black sphere surged and scattered in all directions, revealing the figure inside.

Nancy and the two breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the mysterious mage was fine.

Modu's face is not ugly enough to describe, he looked at Bai Jinglan in disbelief, and asked in a deep voice: "Bai, you also absorbed the power of darkness?!"

"not at all."

Bai Jinglan raised his hands with a smile. The black "silt" was like a viscous liquid, slowly dripping from his fingers and palms, and then spread like waves, "This is not from the power of darkness, It's the thunderbolt rectification of Taoism in the Celestial Dynasty, these black substances... are just liquefied thunder."

The black thunder surged and spread rapidly along the ground. In just three or five breaths, it covered a [-]-meter radius, turning this place into a genuine thunder prison.

"You two, please try my Cangtan in the north!"


(End of this chapter)

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