witcher in marvel

Chapter 415 The battle situation has been decided

Chapter 415 The battle situation has been decided
"Meteor Arrow Shower!"

An arrow shining with cold light rose into the air, and then exploded like a firework. Hundreds of beams of light rained down, cleaning up the area in an instant.


The dead woman opened her mouth, stood there for a moment, turned her head suddenly, and stared fiercely at the "Spiderman" in the distance.

Barton turned "Pandora" into a rope and flew high in the sky. When he caught sight of the dead woman, he smiled and gestured, "You're welcome!"

You're welcome, sister!

It was so easy for her to get a little bit of interest in playing, but she was robbed all at once!
At the same time, Agent Carter drove a huge treant and rushed to Skye's side. The huge treant, five or six meters high, used hundreds of branches as whips, and rushed into the nine-headed tree with great strides. The position of the snake, knocked the Hydra soldiers to the ground one by one.

The heavy firepower of the nearby Hydra was basically torn apart by Skye, and the remaining light firepower was not as fast as Carter's healing speed to the treants.

The Thunder Eagle is famous for its thunderous speed, and with the help of the Thunder Eagle martial spirit, although she can't fly at supersonic speed like Melinda, she is still superior in low-altitude maneuvering.

The pace of Skye and Death Woman had already exceeded the coping ability of Hydra agents, and the addition of several super agents to the battlefield caused the already precarious Hydra defense line to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, when another batch of superpowers joined the battle, the situation on the battlefield soon began to change again.

The combination of Death Girl and Barton ushered in the Boy Keith group of COS Teen Titans.

The combination of Carter and Skye ushered in the G-Men, a copy of the X-Men.

These two spoofed versions of the groups themselves have good combat power, but they are far inferior to the two genuine teams.

There are only five members of the young Keith regiment, Seaman who can control water, an arsenal equipped with mechanical arms and a variety of high-tech weapons, a war eagle with eagle wings and claws, and a guardian with super strength and self-healing ability. , and the second copycat version of Batman-Nightwing.

The number of G-Men is even smaller, with only four members, the fake Cyclops, the fake Angel, the fake Beast, and the fake Shapeshifter.

The abilities of these two superhuman teams are relatively average, otherwise they would not have lost the Super Seven, but their respective abilities can complement each other, and the cooperation between them is very tacit, and it is difficult for Skye and others to eliminate them in a short time.

Fortunately, with Melinda's help, Falcon successfully installed blade servers on three space carriers, which interfered with the Zola algorithm designed by Dr. Zola.

The three space carriers ascended to the sky and opened the densely packed muzzles, but they couldn't lock the target to attack.

Just as the captains of the three motherships were about to ignore them and dump their ammunition on Washington, Bai Jinglan appeared.

This is the toy he ordered, how could he let them make a fuss?

After he crushed the captain and a group of Hydra agents to death, Natasha rushed in like a meteor in a brilliant band of light.

Seeing Bai Jinglan standing in the cockpit, the widow was slightly startled: "Mr. White..."

Bai Jinglan waved his hand: "I'm going to take the mothership away, the movement may be a bit loud, in order to avoid accidental injury, you'd better leave as soon as possible."


Without any hesitation, Natasha immediately notified her friends who were near the mothership—retreat immediately!

After Melinda received the call, she immediately turned around, drove the Quin-type fighter jet, accelerated to dive towards the ground, and soon approached the back of the Shanzhai Angel.

In an instant, countless scorching fireballs like will-o'-the-wisps were continuously shot from under the body of the Kun-type fighter, and they blasted towards the Shanzhai Angel who was avoiding the Skye shock wave.

This device, called the Flare Dispenser, was originally intended to be used as an inductive heat source to get rid of the enemy's heat-seeking weapons, but after being eroded by the magic power of the Noble Phantasm and turned into a berserk, it turned into a pursuit-type incendiary bomb.

The Shanzhai Angel had no time to react to the sudden counterattack, and plunged into the raging fireball group, then lost control surrounded by the red lotus fire, and just spun and fell to the river.


The falcon that followed, with a sharp whistling sound, went straight to the only air unit of the young Keith regiment - the war eagle, and mercilessly sprinkled a dense rain of bullets on his head.

The bullets that poured down like a torrential rain passed behind the galloping war eagle, and splashed high like a waterfall.

But before he could catch his breath, Barton, who was standing on the ground, twisted "Pandora", turning it into a powerful piercing laser cannon, aiming at the embarrassed Warhawk.

boom! !

In an instant, Zhan Ying disappeared completely.

The two air combat units were wiped out, whether it was the G-Men or the young Keith regiment, there were varying degrees of panic, and then there was an explosive attack from Skye and others.

Shock waves, laser cannons, plant whips, sharp blade lights... covered half of the area in an instant, and carried out a saturated attack on a group of superhumans.

The battle is set.



"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes..."

"To shut up!!"

"I won't do anything to you, you are my best friend..."

"But you are my task!"

"Then finish it...because I'll be with you till the end."

The love and killing between Captain America and Bucky is coming to an end.

Faced with the crazy attack of his friends, the US team chose to bear it all. The body, which was already seriously injured, was already at the end of its rope.

"Mr White..."

After completing the task, Natasha looked at the dying captain, and looked worriedly at Bai Jinglan next to her.

She wanted to save the captain, but was stopped by him.

Bai Jinglan said lightly: "Steve would rather die than do anything to Bucky, because he feels guilty towards Bucky in his heart, and physical torture can make his heart feel better."

Natasha frowned and said, "But... the captain is dying."

The US team is just a genetically modified person. The peak physique of the human body is actually stronger than normal people, and they will die if they are too seriously injured.

"Don't worry, he won't die."

The hero's bitter drama was about to end, Bai Jinglan flicked his finger lightly, and a thunderous hammer flew out in a circle, and landed in Steve's hand in the blink of an eye.

Steve subconsciously reached out, grabbed the handle of the hammer, and then raised it high above his head.

Boom! ! !
Above the clouds, one after another thunderbolts streaked across, the silver electric lights stirred up the strong wind, and the thunder surged, causing the world to change color.

In the surge of the bursting thunder plasma, the bloody wounds on Steve's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Imitation Thor's Hammer!
The real Thor's Hammer was placed in the Void Night Palace, and Bai Jinglan tried to copy it with the Reality Gem.

It's a pity that the external hammer is easy to copy, but the core God's Storm can't, making this imitation version of Thor's Hammer less powerful than Bai Jinglan's infinite sword version.

Of course, the Infinity Sword version exists for a limited time, but the copied Thor's Hammer can exist for a long time.

Moreover, although the imitation version of the hammer is not satisfactory, it can be regarded as a mid-range artifact in Asgard... At least it is much better than Loki's two magic-breaking daggers!
Steve is good with a hammer, so this one is for him.

In any case, he is also a teacher of the school. If he is too weak, he loses the face of the school.

"Thank you!"

Steve looked at the hammer in his hand, nodded slightly in Bai Jinglan's direction, then fixed his eyes on his good friend, and called affectionately, "Bucky, I will definitely find a way to restore your memory!"


A bolt of thunder fell and Bucky fainted.

Having just obtained Thor's Hammer, he can master the power to the subtleties. Steve's fighting talent is by no means weaker than Thor's.


(End of this chapter)

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