witcher in marvel

Chapter 387 Irish Witchcraft Legends

Chapter 387 Irish Witchcraft Legends
Greece, Santorini.

"Dear White, what brings you here?"

Hecate, dressed in home clothes, looked at Bai Jinglan who came to the door, and said with a half-smile, "I thought you were not going to come to see me before I informed you? Could it be because of the Minotaur?"

Bai Jinglan got straight to the point: "I want to ask you for help with something, and I have to ask you one thing."

He changed his tone and asked curiously, "However, what do you mean by Minotaur?"

The Minotaur, from Greek mythology, was a half-human, half-bull monster maliciously created by Poseidon. It was cruel in nature, and especially liked the tender meat of children.

Of course Bai Jinglan knew about this famous monster in Greek mythology, but he didn't understand why Hecate suddenly wanted him?
"I'm going to have dinner, are you interested?" Hecate made an invitation gesture and said with a smile, "I just made a very good roast lamb, with lemon and many seasonings, I miss you and your companions will love it."

"sounds good."

Bai Jinglan turned her head away and looked at the two Wandas beside her, "What about you? Are you interested?"

The mature Wanda looked at the legendary witch god curiously, and apologized: "It sounds very delicious, but please forgive me...I am a vegetarian."

"Oh, that's it." Hecate didn't care, "Then how about some wine? I have rosin wine here."

The mature Wanda was even more embarrassed, and whispered: "It's a pity, I quit drinking... because my abilities often get out of control, so I try to keep myself sober."

Little Wanda didn't have those taboos at first, but seeing another unlucky day of her own, she thought about it and refused, "I can't drink too."

Hecate still smiled unabated, and seemed to welcome Bai Jinglan as a guest: "Where's the coffee? Have you quit too?"

"We love coffee!" The two Wandas replied at the same time.

Refreshing things like coffee are very important to them.

"Finally I can rest assured."

Hecate was like an ordinary housewife, bringing out all kinds of food, wine glasses and brewed coffee.

Bai Jinglan looked around her small shop, and said with a smile: "I think you are quite familiar with the life here, why bother to cling to the Godhead of the Goddess of the Night, just stay on the earth and live."

Hecate poured coffee for the two Wandas, and said lightly, "Right now, I have no desires, but in a few weeks, or a few years, I will change my mind and come out again..."

She shook her head: "Few of us so-called gods will stay in the Pantheon all the time. Everyone is busy with what they like. Like Hercules and Ares, they like to be heroes in the human world. Athena likes Traveling in the universe... The guys on Mount Olympus have all entered the twilight of the gods, but they will all return to this world at some point, and of course I have to prepare before then."

Bai Jinglan didn't know if it was right, but asked instead: "I just noticed that there seems to be a smell of blood in the air of this small island. Is it related to the Minotaur you mentioned?"

Hecate shrugged and pushed the wine glass in front of him: "This small island is a holy place of light and laughter during the day, but once it enters the night... there will be only fear."

Bai Jinglan raised her eyebrows: "What happened?"

"Half a month ago, the nights here were full of laughter and music, but now as soon as the sun goes down, the doors and windows of every house will be locked and dare not be opened." Hecate turned his head and looked at the sky outside the window, "Mino Tauros roam the streets, looking for prey, locals, tourists, the death toll keeps climbing..."

Little Wanda was surprised: "Why is no one looking for help from superheroes? Didn't the Super Seven accept the commission?"

Hecate took a sip of the turpentine wine and said with a faint smile: "At first Greece wanted to solve it by itself, so they sent an army over. Unfortunately, most of them were killed or injured in less than one night, and the rest were scared out of their wits. Later, the Greek government A lot of mercenaries were recruited, and they were also brutally massacred by the Minotaur... Is there a superhero? There is also one in Greece, named Jon Ajax, you can understand it as the Greek 'Captain America', He went to the ground last week, and then the guys who are called the Super Seven can start to prevaricate with all kinds of reasons."

Big Wanda couldn't help but said, "What about you? You are the God of Witches, you must be able to defeat that monster, right?"

Hecate smiled faintly: "I'm just a temporary resident, and I'm not interested in being a superhero. As long as that guy doesn't mess with me, I won't deal with him... Also, I can feel it, the Minotaur Ross used some kind of magic shield, which is not an ordinary spell, similar to polluted magic."

Bai Jinglan pursed her lips: "No wonder I always feel a little weird."

Hecate looked at Bai Jinglan and said: "This kind of magic comes from a very old school, and it should be written by someone who came back from the land of the dead. I have other things to do now, and I don't want to make troubles. It's inexplicable. Provoke a strong enemy out."

The so-called return from the "land of the dead" is like the gods returning from the twilight of the gods.

To be able to enter the "Land of Death", and come back from that ghostly place, must be one of the gods of the Pantheon, or a life comparable to the gods in strength.

Hecate now spends most of her energy searching for the dream dimension, so she naturally doesn't want to provoke such an enemy.

"Old school?"

Bai Jinglan thought for a while, then frowned and said, "Could it be from the lineage of Jade Warlocks?"

The Emerald Warlock is a group of black magicians hundreds of years ago. The leader is called the "Witch of Carmen". She took her two children and tried to occupy the whole of Ireland, but was defeated by four wizards who called themselves "Sons of Danu". , and was sealed into the dungeon dimension.

This school of black magic is mainly based on the curse of the soul, and it can also devour the power of nature to strengthen itself. It can be regarded as a very powerful school of black magicians.

"It's them."

Hecate nodded and chuckled again, "Aren't you on Earth during this time? Otherwise, you wouldn't know that Ireland has encountered a huge disaster... In the words of the news - Ireland is slowly dying, Ireland All industries related to agriculture have been decimated and the country is deserted. And the minerals - aluminium, zinc, lead, etc., are suddenly filled with highly toxic substances. Livestock are also dying, there is no export of meat and milk, all of which Disappeared."

She paused for a moment, and said seriously: "Swallowing the power of nature, such an evil witchcraft, can only be used by emerald warlocks."

Bai Jinglan frowned, and said to himself, "Could it be that the Supreme Master is not on Earth?"

The ancient one in this universe is the Celts, and Ireland is the hometown of the Celts. If such a catastrophe happens in Ireland, there is no reason for the Supreme Mage not to intervene.

So, that guy's attack at this time may be due to a time difference.

"I'll deal with it."

Bai Jinglan changed his tone and pointed to the two Wandas, "Chaos magic... I think you should know about it."

Hecate was not surprised at all: "Of course I recognize the Scarlet Witch of this generation."

Wanda asked in surprise, "Are there any other Scarlet Witches?"

In fact, she just learned the title of "Scarlet Witch" from Agatha's mouth.

Hecate laughed: "The magic of chaos comes from Sithorn, the god of black magic. He applied the magic of chaos to the ancestors of the gypsies, and let this magic power be passed down from generation to generation. Naturally, more than one generation of scarlet witches appeared."

Wanda blinked: "That is to say, there were people who mastered magic in my ancestors? But... I seem to have never heard of it."

Hecate shrugged and said casually: "Normally, there are many legends in the world that are actually true, but people basically regard them as stories."

Bai Jinglan said: "You are the goddess of magic in Greece, and you know the witches best. Can you help them control their abilities?"

"Ha, I haven't used any spells in many years. My relationship with witchcraft is like Zeus, who has been dead for a long time..."

Hecate was silent for a moment before continuing, "White, you know that my energy is limited and I may not be able to help them, but if you want, I can take you on the 'Witch Road', maybe There will be some help for the immature Scarlet Witch."


(End of this chapter)

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