witcher in marvel

Chapter 385 Resurrecting Damon

Chapter 385 Resurrecting Damon
"You're back?"

There was some surprise in Steve's voice, but more regret. If Bai Jinglan had arrived a few minutes earlier, maybe Mindy's father would not have died.

Bai Jinglan stepped into the warehouse, looked at Damon who was already cold, shook his head and said, "This is fate."

If they had been obedient and reported to the school, how could it be so miserable?

"That... we should leave quickly."

Hai Bian Wang, who had just been untied with blood on his face, looked at the purple-haired little loli in shame, and reminded, "Those people won't let us go, we'd better hide first."

Minty said nothing.

How could she not care about this friend who killed her only family member?

But she also knew that his reminder was correct. The big drug lord is so powerful that there are many of his people in the police station. When the police detectives arrive, they will not let them have good fruit.

At this moment, Bai Jinglan turned his gaze to Little Lolita, and said calmly: "Super Killer, do you want to see your father again?"

Little Loli Minty shuddered: "What did you say?"

Bai Jinglan said: "I ask if you still want to see your father again?"

Minty's eyes widened, she suddenly pulled his leg armor, and said loudly, "You can cure Dad, can't you?"


King Hai Bian answered subconsciously, then flinched under the eyes of the three, and said in a low voice, "If the burn area exceeds 50%, there is no chance of healing. This is common sense..."

Why didn't Minty know this, it's just that she knew that Bai Jinglan was a superpower... maybe she had a special ability in this regard?

Bai Jinglan ignored the brain-dead boy, looked at Mingdy and said: "There is a price for bringing the dead back to life, if you can accept it, it's not impossible..."

Minty was a little confused: "What does this mean?"

"I hope you won't blame me in the future."

Bai Jinglan didn't continue to explain, but put his hand in front of his body, a black light flashed between his fingers, and it turned into a black light ring and fell down.

Immediately, Damon's scorched skin began to peel off quickly, returning to its original skin color, and the burnt hair also grew rapidly.

The scene was so weird that Steve subconsciously stopped Minty, and then took a step back. The second-year boy Kick-off almost tripped over a dead body.

"……How is this going?"

"too horrible!"

A few people didn't understand what was going on, and Damon's closed eyes suddenly opened.

"Wow, ghost!!!"


King Hai Bian was so frightened that he rolled and scrambled, but Little Lolita Mingdy was full of surprises and rushed towards her father in joy, but was thrown back by a gentle wave of air.

"I am..."

Resurrected from death, Damon raised his hand in surprise, looked at the newborn skin, and with a slight thought, the black lamp uniform appeared instantly, wrapping his half-gut body.

Then, he stood up and saluted Bai Jinglan very devoutly: "Thank you sir for giving me a new life!"

Bai Jinglan didn't change his soul, but he still added some messages to it—messages that cannot be betrayed.

For all the black lamp messengers, he is the supreme god.

Seeing the resurrection from the dead with his own eyes, Kick-off King’s eyes were full of unspeakable fear, Steve looked at Bai Jinglan as if he was looking at a monster, only little loli Minty could only feel joy from the heart .

Bai Jinglan waved her hand casually: "Go and comfort Mindy!"


Damon then turned his head and smiled at Minty.


Little Loli rushed over excitedly, hugged her father's neck, and soon felt something was wrong, "Dad, your body is very cold..."

He had just been baked half-cooked, so it should be very hot right now.

Damon laughed: "Honey, it's because of the uniform."

Minty blinked: "Well, this uniform is so handsome!"

Damon looked at Bai Jinglan respectfully, and said, "When you become a student of the Extraordinary School, Mr. White will prepare a more handsome uniform for you."

Minty was very pleasantly surprised: "Dad, you agreed?"

Little Lolita is still somewhat curious about the legendary magic school, but Damon has always been hesitant.

He has secretly investigated the so-called "Super Seven", and knows that those so-called heroes who are like stars are actually all bastards behind their backs.

It's different now, he definitely won't disobey Bai Jinglan's intention.

Steve approached Bai Jinglan and asked in a low voice, "Mr. White, what's going on?"

Bai Jinglan shrugged: "Damon is considered a dead spirit now, and his life form has changed a bit, but he is still him, and his soul has not changed."

The corner of Steve's mouth twitched, and he suddenly thought of ghosts, zombies and other scary things, but Damon didn't seem to have changed from before.

"Damon, go get revenge!"

Bai Jinglan said lightly, "You have just become the envoy of the black lamp, just to get acquainted with those powers."


Damon nodded excitedly.

Even though he had already died once, the hatred in his heart was even stronger.

The big drug lord D'Amico put him in prison for five years first, caused the tragic death of his favorite wife, and then sent someone to catch him with fire, beat him up, and burned him. The two had a deep hatred.

In the past, their father and daughter were less powerful and could only eliminate some of his minions, but now that he has become a powerful messenger of the black lamp, it is time to avenge his blood.

Steve grinned and reminded: "Hey, the camera seems to be still on, so you just discuss how to get revenge, is that really okay?"

Bai Jinglan smiled slightly: "The camera has already stopped, no one will know what we are talking about."

Steve was a little embarrassed: "But..."

He really can't accept the style of Damon's father and daughter acting as gangster killers and targeting gangsters to kill, but now Bai Jinglan is obviously encouraging the two to avenge their personal revenge.

Bai Jinglan curled her lips and said, "If you can convince them, I don't care."

Steve: "..."

During the few days when Bai Jinglan left, relying on the information from S.H.I.E.L.D., he found Mindy several times and wanted to persuade them to change their way of revenge, but the two never took it seriously.

Not to mention now, Damon has just been turned into a human-shaped torch, ran to hell for a circle, how could he be persuaded when he was so angry?

(End of this chapter)

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