witcher in marvel

Chapter 366 Sokovia

Chapter 366 Sokovia
Eastern Europe.


According to the map provided by Friday, Bai Jinglan quickly found a mountain range outside the city. The hereditary castle of Baron Wolfgang von Strucker's family was on the top of the mountain. There were strong bunkers hidden in all directions of the castle. There are also many Hydra high-tech troops, surface-to-air missiles, and energy tanks, which are clearly a strict military base.

Hydra is a united and divided organization. In the face of external attacks, they can unite and unite to the outside world, but most of the time they go their own way, and several big snake heads are fighting openly and secretly all the time, trying to grab the resources under other snake heads. swallow.

The Red Skull series became famous through World War II and became the most powerful series of Hydra. After the war, they used the "paper clip" plan to preserve their vitality, and bit by bit the S.H.I.E.L.D. However, the most authentic inheritor of the Red Skull is not Alexander Pierce, but Baron Strucker, who shrank in a remote area and became the emperor of the country.

This can be seen from the firepower arrangement under Baron Sterak's command.

Energy weapons, which are hardly seen in S.H.I.E.L.D., are everywhere under the command of Baron Sterak. Even the defenses of the bunkers stationed outside are energy cannons.

With regard to these black-tech weapons of Castle Strak, if the Avengers did not come to the door, even if several large fleets from the United States came, they could only be hanged.

In the original trajectory, Baron Strucker stole Loki's spiritual scepter from S.H.I.E.L.D., and then began to study the scepter in depth, and used it to develop advanced weapons and carry out human experiments on living people, successfully creating a Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are two superpowers.

After Alexander Pierce's death, it was the Coulson operatives who discovered Strucker's location, sent the information to Maria Hill, and eventually the Avengers, leading to Avengers: Age of Ultron. "event.

Bai Jinglan is not interested in Baron Strucker, his goal is the Maximov brothers and sisters.

More precisely: Scarlet Witch.

The Scarlet Witch who has mastered Chaos Magic can single out the Purple Potato Essence, which is no worse than the fully awakened Thor. Of course, she should try her best to bring her under her command.

The Maximov brothers and sisters were not thrown into the laboratory by Baron Strucker as test subjects after the Battle of New York, and the Hydra human experiment did not start because of the spiritual scepter.

When Bai Jinglan set up the Transcendent School, he asked Stark to help him find the Maximov brothers and sisters, but they had already disappeared, obviously sent to the laboratory a long time ago.

He didn't come here on purpose before, because the Soul Stone was not there, and without the power of the Soul Stone, he didn't know if he could guide the witch's power out.

Yes, boot out.

The Maximov brothers and sisters in the movie universe, they are not mutants, nor are they aliens, but they also carry supernatural power genes, but they have been in a recessive state until Hydra used the soul gem to conduct human experiments on them, and they will Their hidden power genes are fully activated.

Bai Jinglan really wanted to try now, whether she could use the Reality Gem to stimulate the witch's ability.

If not, let her learn the black magic in "Dark God Book".

Speaking of "Dark God Book", he had already thrown the original copy into the altar of infinity, and he had to find a reprinted version.

Hmm... He seems to know the location of a certain copy of "Dark God Book" - in a certain parallel universe.

If the Scarlet Witch can understand the "Dark Divine Book", she may be able to stew purple potato essence with his dark sect by herself.

As one of the highest heads of Hydra, Baron Sterak's status is even higher than that of Pierce. In the name of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Like Skeletons, he is obsessed with raising super soldiers.

Although the baron at this time did not get the spiritual scepter, the human body enhancement experiment had been carried out for many years. The Maximo brothers and sisters whose families were ruined were one of the experimental subjects who were captured.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is really for nothing..."

Arriving outside the Sterak Castle, Bai Jinglan looked at the illusory layer of laser protection, and couldn't help but despise S.H.I.E.L.D.

As early as World War II, Hydra developed energy guns, and now there are energy shields. S.H.I.E.L.D. has occupied the Rubik's Cube for decades, but still hasn't developed it.

If there is such a layer on the aerospace aircraft carrier, how can it be stepped on by the enemy over and over again?

Bai Jinglan pondered for a moment, then poked a finger on the protective cover.

hum! !

With the violent buzzing sound, the invisible shield suddenly appeared, shining with layers of blue ripples.

"Enemy attack!"


When Bai Jinglan's figure appeared, there was a burst of intensive artillery fire, and it was not ordinary artillery fire, but energy beams.

Some of these attacks come from guns, some from chariots, and some from bunkers. In short, all energy weapons, even the thinnest energy beams, can easily penetrate wood and stone, which is much more powerful than ordinary firearms. .

Bai Jinglan didn't bother to pay attention to the attacks from all directions. Anyway, no matter whether the energy beam was strong or weak, as long as it touched him, it would all be bounced back without exception, killing the person who launched the attack.

Bai Jinglan smiled at the dumbfounded Skye, pointed to the energy beams flying around, and said, "Skye, your last test - get rid of them!"

Skye has a strong personality, but he is too kind. He has been taught by Coulson, and he is unwilling to kill the enemy. Most of the time, he just knocks him out.

This is not a good thing!
Therefore, the last training Bai Jinglan arranged for her was to understand the true usage of kindness.

Skye: Σ(⊙▽⊙")
Before Skye could protest, Bai Jinglan had already disappeared.

It takes precise calculations for Iron Man to break through the protective shield, and then use several missiles to attack several points separately, so he doesn't need to be so troublesome, even if he only uses a small amount of force, it is enough to easily shatter the protective shield.

Entering the range of the protective cover, there was another beam of energy head-on, Bai Jinglan curled his lips, his mind power turned into a sharp blade, and he swung it coldly, killing those who blocked the way.

For these devoid of humanity, he will have no mercy.

Bai Jinglan moved forward like a plague. Wherever he passed, people turned their backs. Walking into the hinterland of a large laboratory, he soon saw rows of cells with special structures, some of which looked like Stryker's base in "X-Men". , most of the test subjects are mutants.

At the end of the row of cells, there are two relatively clean cells, where a man and a woman are held respectively.

Quicksilver with silver hair and Scarlet Witch with red hair.

Thinking about the green-haired Lorna, Magneto's bloodline is really strange.

The two brothers and sisters were wearing white prison uniforms, leaning against the wall and sitting on the floor with blank expressions.

Because of the game between big countries, Sokovia, like other small Eastern European countries, has a turbulent regime and a disastrous economic collapse. The Maximov brothers and sisters live in such a country.

They were born in a poor family, without expensive car toys and exquisite dolls, but at least a few years ago, they were warm and happy.

Until one day, the warlord leaders on the outskirts of the city, with the support of certain forces, began to launch an armed seizure of power. Sokovia, which was originally chaotic, fell into the shadow of a bloody storm overnight.

The Maximov family was not spared. First, the Maximov couple died in the flames of war. Pietro took his sister Wanda to hide under the bed, but a missile fell in front of them.

The missile that did not detonate was only one meter away from the Maximov brothers and sisters. Pietro hugged Wanda tightly, waiting for the arrival of death in loneliness and helplessness.

During the two long and terrible two days, the two little guys didn't even dare to move, fear, anger, despair... let them engrave the Stark Industries logo on the missile firmly in their hearts, and for this reason they volunteered to become Stark... The subject of Baron Trak's human experiment, in order to seek revenge from Tony Stark one day.

To be honest, Bai Jinglan felt a little incomprehensible about the reason why the two hated Tony, but well... it is obviously not a comfortable feeling to be a human experiment subject.

These two children seem to be spoiled...

Bai Jinglan shook his head, stood outside the cage, and took out the Zanpakuto.


(End of this chapter)

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