witcher in marvel

Chapter 364 Fusion Reality Gem

Chapter 364 Fusion Reality Gem
Void Night Palace.

Lan Ran pushed his glasses, stared at the liquid Reality Stone, and asked doubtfully, "Do you want me to use the Reality Stone?"

Bai Jinglan nodded and said: "The ability of the Reality Gem is to modify reality. It is similar to the effect of 'Heaven and Earth Are Coming'. It should be able to replace Bengyu, or even surpass Bengyu's effect, allowing you to truly surpass Death God and Pomian, and grow to a higher level." advanced stage."

"Makes sense."

Aizen thought for a while, pulled out the mirror flower and water moon, and waved it in front of him.

"Swastika - Heaven and earth are coming!!"

The majestic aura came out through the body, soaring straight into the sky, and the impacting Xuye Palace shook endlessly.

Fortunately, the underground space has already set up an enchantment, as long as there is no earth-shattering movement, it will almost not cause shocks from the outside world, otherwise the braised egg will have to rush to "check the post" again.

Aizen touched the tip of the Zanpakutō, which immediately caused a commotion in the jewel liquid.

He frowned slightly: "With my current spiritual power, it is difficult to integrate it."

"I will help."

Bai Jinglan had expected it.

Aizen's ability is still at the level of the heavenly father, and he can use the infinite gems without any scruples, but it is difficult to integrate them into the body.

Bai Jinglan's eyebrows raised slightly, and golden waves arose all over his body.

"With the light of Emperor Weishan and the power of those who have lived in darkness for a long time!
Take Largo Fur Seven Rings with Monopol December!
In the name of Agamotto, the all-seeing eye... Fusion! "

As he recited the long magic spell, the magic seal in his hand kept changing, and the golden electric snakes overflowing from his whole body sprayed out from the top and bottom of his body, hitting the gemstone and the nearby ground one by one, crushing the gemstone that was trying to resist. live.


"it is good!"

Aizen stared at the stagnant fiery red "mud", narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Zanpakuto in his hand seemed to be on fire.

Immediately, the blade and the "mud" mixed together, causing violent wind roars.

The "mud" decreased little by little, and the blade expanded little by little.


boom! ! !
Half of the Xuye Palace was lifted up, and on the white sandy beach under the pale moon, it seemed that a heavy rain had fallen, and crackling debris fell to the ground.

However, only for a moment.

The whole world seems to be rewinding, and the splashed debris flies back into the air, and then returns to the original place along the flight trace.

In a blink of an eye, Xuye Palace returned to its original appearance again, and the white sandy beach was still clean, as if the previous disaster was an illusion.


Bai Jinglan laughed.


The appearance of Aizen whose life level has been improved has not changed much, it has not changed into the weird appearance after Bengyu's evolution, but the strength of breath has increased by at least two or three times, even if it is still not as good as Xiaowu who occupies the geographical dimension, it is not much worse up.

Bai Jinglan wiped his hand in front of his body, and zodiac charms emerged one after another.

He said with great interest: "Try to see if you can make the last two spells according to these nine spells."

He drew dozens of lotteries before and after, but he only got ten zodiac charms. He still lacks the sheep charm that can make the soul go out of the body and the dog charm that gives people the ability to die.

The Reality Gem's ability is to modify reality, to literally and literally turn certain ideas into reality.

Bai Jinglan wanted to see if he could use the ability of the Reality Gem to make up for the two missing spells.

The zodiac charm is not an item of the Marvel universe. If the reality gem can be made out of thin air, then many of his ideas can be realized.

"it is good."

Aizen nodded, and swiped the newborn Zanpakutō along the surrounding spells. When the last pig spell was swiped, the speed of swiping suddenly slowed down.

Immediately afterwards, a "chess" engraved with the image of a puppy appeared out of thin air.

"It really worked!"

Bai Jinglan was in a good mood, took the talisman, sensed the energy inside, and couldn't help nodding slightly.

That's right, that's the taste!
At this time, the sheep charm also appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the only rat charm that was not here was also manifested.

Bai Jinglan smiled: "Now Nilu can get all her little friends out, and save her from babbling all the time."

"More than that!"

Lan Ran showed a smile full of deep meaning, and with a thought, the twelve zodiac charms circled around.

He suddenly raised a sword and stabbed it in the center of the spell ring.

laugh! ! !
It was as if a balloon had been punctured.

There was a chirping sound in the void first, and then it climbed up layers of cracks.

Aizen swung his knife again and slashed.

click! !

An oval portal was opened.

Bai Jinglan raised her brows and said with a smile, "Sure enough, I found it."

The energy of any magic weapon is not endless, there must be a dimension to support the energy consumption of the magic weapon, and the zodiac charms are no exception.

He had this idea before, using the twelve zodiac charms to open the energy dimension attached to them, and then occupy that dimension.

However, this idea has not been realized yet, because of the appearance of the gate of hell without a master, he has mastered the first dimension.

The several dimensions that appear in succession are all of the dark attribute, which is inconsistent with the attribute of the white lantern ring, so Xiaowu can only swallow it, and the dimension behind the zodiac talisman is obviously not a dimension like hell.

"Go, go in and have a look."

Bai Jinglan didn't hesitate, and directly stepped over the portal.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed, from the majestic Void Night Palace to an endless void.

This is a very strange world, the scope is wider than the hell dimension of the Goddess of the Moon, but most of the area is void.

In the space where up, down, left, and right are indistinguishable, there are floating islands all over the place. There are strange plants growing on the islands, but no carbon-based organisms can be seen.

"This environment seems to have been seen somewhere..."

Bai Jinglan rubbed his chin, then blinked suddenly, "Isn't this the place where the Eight Great Demons are imprisoned?"

The eight demons in "Jackie Chan's Adventures" once ruled the seven continents and oceans of the earth in ancient times. Each of them has its own territory and dominates the world. Later, the Eight Immortals used Qi magic to break into a world that is different from human beings. In the completely isolated space of another dimension, the door is sealed with the Panku treasure box.

The environment of this magical dimension is very similar to that of the other-dimensional space, except that there are no eight demon kings who have been sealed.

Hmm... It seems that this extra-dimensional space is called "Devil's Hell", and the door that enters and exits here is also called "The Gate of Hell", but that is mainly because of the demons being imprisoned. The rule environment here is obviously different from the real hell. completely different.

Bai Jinglan looked at Lan Ran: "I'll leave it to you."


Aizen nodded, then opened his mind and began to merge with the dimension.

I don't know how long it will take to fully integrate, Bai Jinglan didn't stay long, and turned around in this dimension. Except for some novel plants, he didn't see any other interesting things, so he turned and returned to Xuye Palace.

He was about to return to the Slaughter Park to see the results of Skye's training, but when he thought of Nilu who was sleeping surrounded by a group of little hell dogs, he paused before leaving, and took some from the white sand outside the Void Night Palace. Clay, made three clay figurines casually.

Hollow wearing a stag beetle-like mask—Pexel Cadish.

More than half of his body is masked - Dondchaka Bilstein.

Also, the giant beast with a long body that shuttles through the sea of ​​sand - Bawa Bawa.

For hundreds of years, Nilu has lived with them in the desert, like a family relationship, known as the "Four Brothers of Strange Thief Niludong Peiba and Hot Sand and Weili".

It's a name that makes people unable to complain.

Seeing these three weird-looking guys, Nilu will definitely be so excited that she can't sleep, and Bai Jinglan has fulfilled her previous promise.


(End of this chapter)

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