witcher in marvel

Chapter 358 5 Finger

Chapter 358 Five Fingers
Coulson approached Bai Jinglan and asked, "Mr. White, are they the leaders of the Hand?"

"There will be five leaders in the hand and society, who call themselves 'five fingers', she is the head of the five fingers - Alexandra, the old woman next to her is also one of the five fingers, she is called Mrs. Gao, Hua The person in charge of the national branch..." Bai Jinglan said lightly, "Don't underestimate them, each of them has lived for more than 800 years, and they are proficient in Kunlun martial arts. Even Steve may not be able to fight with bare hands. Win one of them."


Whether it was Coulson and Steve who were on the scene, or Nick Fury who eavesdropped remotely, they were all taken aback.

Of course, what shocked them was not Kunlun martial arts, but that these two old women had lived for more than 800 years.

If the news of their immortality spreads, it is not impossible to set off another world war.

"Your opponents have no idea of ​​the strength of the Peace Council."

Alexandra snorted coldly, the original mood of trying to persuade Iron Fist was gone, "Hei Kong, kill everyone except Iron Fist!"

There was a touch of blood in Erica's eyes, and an evil and oppressive atmosphere slowly permeated.


Matthew stood up and rushed over, trying to wake up his former lover.

The corner of Erica's mouth twitched, and a ferocious smile appeared. Suddenly, her figure flashed, and she kicked him backwards, then turned around and swept her legs, shoveling Luke Cage to the ground.


With a stern voice, she slashed the cold blade in front of Bai Jinglan, but only received a light finger.


The samurai sword made of alloy broke into seven or eight pieces, and the counterattack hit her own chest, causing her to fly back like a stone.

Madam Gao's complexion changed slightly, and she hurriedly reached out to stop it, but it seemed as if she had encountered a car moving at full speed, the bones of her arms made a series of crisp sounds, and the two of them fell into the counter with their heads up.

Bai Jinglan flicked his fingers, and said a little depressed: "Oh, I forgot, I promised not to destroy people's business..."

"Black Sky" is the biggest trump card of the Hand and Society. The last time "Black Sky" was dispatched, it wiped out the Zhenchun Society that had been entangled with the Hand and Society for hundreds of years. Originally thought that this time it could also wipe out the enemy, but Unexpectedly, I hit a big nail at the beginning.

Erica collapsed at the first touch, Mrs. Gao was severely injured by Yu Jin, when Alexandra saw it, almost without thinking, she turned around and flew back... For hundreds of years, five fingers have encountered countless life-threatening situations. Disasters, relying on this prompt decision, can break free from fatal crises one after another.

Bai Jinglan didn't chase after him either, and turned around suddenly, pinched his hands into claws, and looked at the side wall lightly, with a muffled "boom", his arm passed through the wall and was grabbing a person's neck. Then, when it was retracted, two corpses of flesh, muscles and bones fell down.



Seeing this terrifying scene, Jessica, Danny, and Luke finally couldn't bear it anymore. They vomited palely, and even Coulson's face turned ashen.

As a cold-blooded agent, I have seen countless blood and gore, but scenes like this are still very few.

In particular, Bai Jinglan's whole body was clean, not even a drop of blood was stained on his hands, and his face was always as calm as before. Such a strong contrast made people even more frightened.

Looking at the two inhuman wreckages in front of him, Bai Jinglan tilted his head towards Coulson, and said lightly: "Hand and five fingers, Botu, the head of the American branch, has long since died. One is Suowanda, the person in charge of the African branch, and Murakami, the person in charge of the Japanese branch, their bodies and heads have been transformed with long-lived substances, and they will be given to you for research by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Okay." Coulson nodded.

This is excellent research material, and of course S.H.I.E.L.D. will not let it go.

Danny Rand was used to spitting, and wiped the corner of his mouth: "They ran away, shouldn't we chase them?"

When Bai Jinglan killed Suowanda and Murakami, Erica and Mrs. Gao had already taken the opportunity to escape, and the group was vomiting so badly that they didn't bother to stop them.

Bai Jinglan shrugged: "I just want them to escape, otherwise there will be a war here, or even the house will collapse... Uh, Danny Rand, you are a rich man, so you can help redecorate this place !"

He turned and walked out. Coulson hurriedly said, "Mr. White, are you planning to follow them and find their lair?"

Bai Jinglan shook his head slightly: "I just want to change the battlefield, and other people are fine. The 'beast' is not easy to kill. If you want to kill it, you have to work hard. It is not a good thing to fight outside. .”

"I want to go too!"

Danny Rand hurriedly said, "Shouhe will kill my whole family. I have been preparing for this all my life. I will only be willing to see them destroyed with my own eyes!"

Daredevil also wants to go, although he knows that the current Erica is not the real Erica, but he still has some extravagant hopes in his heart.

Jessica Jones remained silent. She had no intention of being a hero, and was only implicated because she was investigating a case, but the Rival Guild was still quite curious.

Luke Cage also intends to take a look. He participated in this battle in order to help a child who was deceived by hands and clubs. Destruction, but I still want to see the ending with my own eyes.

As for the stick man, the stubborn old man was slapped away by Bai Jinglan, and he is still in a coma, so there is no need to pay attention to his opinion.

"As you go."

For the request of several people, Bai Jinglan agreed indifferently.

Under the guidance of Danny Rand, the group soon arrived at the entrance of a building.

Kerser looked around and asked Danny, "Is this the headquarters of the Hand and Society?"

"right here."

Danny Rand nodded. They just escaped from here not long ago, and they are very familiar with the path here.

"There are many residential buildings around. It is not a good idea to start a war here."

Steve frowned, he didn't hold a shield in his hand, and he always felt that something was missing.

Once on the battlefield, his heart will become a sword, a sword that is extremely sharp and polished to shine.

It was a sharp sword without the slightest confusion.

Before falling into a 70-year slumber, he schmoozed with members of the Howling Commandos and laughed at himself on more than one occasion that he was useless for anything but fighting.

After waking up in this new era, he is in a state of confusion about everything, but as soon as he touches on things related to combat, he immediately becomes energized again.

"The ground is just harassment, the real battlefield is underground."

Sensing the evil spirit slowly spreading underground, Bai Jinglan narrowed his eyes slightly, and walked towards the main entrance of the building.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw a group of gunmen pouring out from all directions, and pulled the trigger on this side.

"FK, Vulcan Cannon!"

Luke Cage's body is as hard as iron, and he completely ignores pistols and submachine guns of ordinary calibers, but the Vulcan Cannon, a battlefield killer, is not something he can resist.

Similarly, Danny Rand's Qi can only be used on his fists. Daredevil is an ordinary person who is proficient in fighting. He cannot resist the hail of bullets and can only dodge quickly.

Hand and Society is an ancient killer organization, but it never sticks to the use of cold weapons, but advocates the alternate use of hot and cold weapons. Taking the opportunity to rush forward, chop the bloody enemies into meat paste.

Compared with several street heroes, Steve is not retreating but advancing.

He turned into a gust of wind, galloped in the shadows, and rushed into a large group of ninjas. His skillful fighting skills unfolded, and immediately beat the ninjas to the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and Danny Rand murmured, "Do you think his face looks familiar?"

"I've been meaning to say it for a long time."

Luke Cage curled his lips and said, "He is exactly the same as Captain America. When I saw him just now, I thought Captain America was resurrected..."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go help!"

Daredevil didn't think so much, picked up two sticks from the side as short sticks, and cut into the battlefield from another direction.

"I'm going this way!"

"I'm going to take down those machine gunners!"

With the help of a few street heroes, the pressure on the American team dropped sharply, and the ninjas of the gang were defeated steadily.

Coulson looked at Bai Jinglan: "Mr. White?"

Bai Jinglan said casually: "Steve needs to adapt to this era, let him deal with those little miscellaneous fish."

The ninjas of the Hand are renewable resources, even if they are all killed, they can be resurrected under the influence of the "beast", so there is no need to pay too much attention to these manpower losses.

As long as the "beast" is dealt with, the Hand will still be the Hand.

Suddenly there was a loud "bang" in the air, and the ground of the building collapsed into a dark hole amidst inexplicable shocks.

This is Jingxin Yoshioka's handwriting.

"Alexandra, Mrs. Gao, and Heikong have gone underground. If you want to watch a show, come down with me!"

Bai Jinglan stood on the edge of the cave and looked down, before waiting for a few people to answer, he jumped into the cave.


(End of this chapter)

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