witcher in marvel

Chapter 33 The Hand's Plan

Chapter 33 The Hand's Plan
Jing Xin Yoshioka "resurrected".

Not only was his demeanor and temperament as cold as ever, but even the damaged clothes had been repaired.

If it weren't for the blood stains on the skin, it would be almost impossible to tell that he had died once just now.

Bai Jinglan circled around him and wondered, "How do you feel?"

"Jing Xin Yoshioka" flicked his wrist, retracted the long sickle, and tied the silver chain with two flowers, and replied with a wooden face: "The power of this body can be perfectly controlled, and his memory and personality can also be controlled." If it is copied, no one will notice the difference.”

"very good."

Bai Jinglan nodded in satisfaction, then asked, "Where is the Hand's sphere of influence in New York?"

"The United States is not the main sphere of influence of the Hand. The five fingers are stationed in Europe, Japan, China, Africa, and Germany." The new Jingxin Yoshioka said slowly, "However, a few months ago, the five fingers just got a Definite information—Shenlong Shou Lao had a body buried in the ground in New York, so they sent Jingxin Yoshioka to New York to get in touch with the newly-emerged mafia leader Wilson Grant Fisk, and planned to use his power to enter New York. Then find a way to dig out the remains of the dragon.”

There are two ways of death and resurrection in hand. One is the kind of ordinary ninja, which uses the power of the ancient demon god "beast" to directly rebuild the body with dark power, but this resurrection method is similar to the black lantern ring. The resurrected people will become puppets of "beasts"; the second resurrection method is dedicated to high-level people, and the mysterious substance borrowed from the bones of the dragon is borrowed. When the five fingers betrayed Kunlun, they stole a lot of dragon bones. Thousands of years have passed, even if they save money, they are almost exhausted now, so they are always looking for new keels.

Shenlong Shoulao will have a nirvana every few years, shed his old body and grow up again. Most of these bones are stored in Kunlun, and this bone in the underground of New York was left thousands of years ago. At that time, New York was still a virgin forest.

"Five Fingers" found this life-saving straw with great difficulty, and of course they would hold it firmly in their hands, so there was Jingxin Yoshioka's trip to New York this time.

Bai Jinglan is aware of this plot, and also knows that the remains of the dragon are in the ground of the Rand Building, but it was sealed by a certain generation of iron fists, and only the power of iron fists can break the seal, so the hand will push the idea to the latest generation, and it is also The Iron Fist of the weakest generation finally led a group of street heroes to form the Defenders Alliance, the Hands and the Underworld Emperor Jinhe to carry out a series of firefights.

In other words, Bai Jinglan is also interested in the remains of the dragon.

He doesn't need that thing to bring the dead back to life, and he doesn't need to use it to prolong his life, but the bones of the dragon are definitely valuable treasures. Throwing them into the altar of infinity should be able to exchange for some useful things.

Bai Jinglan looked at Jingxin Yoshioka, and ordered: "You go back to the Hand and continue Jingxin Yoshioka's mission, but remember one thing, don't hurt the innocent... Oh, and, anyway, the Hand will be stationed in New York, and it must be with those gangsters. Conflict, you can find trouble with those guys as much as possible, and kill all those who have committed serious crimes."

He wants to create the Black Lantern Legion, one is to help with dirty work, and the other is to borrow their hands to provide more power for the Black Lantern Ring. Jingxin Yoshioka's identity is the most suitable. He was originally a ruthless ninja killer. Coinciding with the task of grabbing territory with other gangsters, they can kill without any scruples.


Xin Jingxin Yoshioka was fully involved in the scene and saluted respectfully.

"Leave your contact information, I will find you again if necessary."


"Let's go, remember not to be seen, you just died once."

Jingxin Yoshioka was very obedient, wrapped the sickle around his waist again, and immediately jumped down from the window, slowed down with the friction of the wall a few times, landed lightly and delicately on the ground, and disappeared in the forest under the night in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the fleeting black shadow, Bai Jinglan was in a very good mood. He picked up the silver suitcase, thought for a while, carried Abino on his shoulders, and jumped out of the open window.

The wind blew past his ears, ruffling his clothes and hair.

The moment he was about to hit the ground, the energy of the invisible lamp ring covered him, instantly dissipating his falling force.

His feet stepped on the ground, making a crisp sound.

The copycat version of Leap of Faith was a big success!

Faintly, the sound of the siren gradually became clearer.

Bai Jinglan curled his lips, carried the "trophy" on his shoulders, and quickly moved away from here, made a big circle, and jumped out of the hunting ground from the wall again.

Ford pickups are already there.

Ethan opened the back seat door and helped push Abino in, complaining, "Oh my God, if you don't send any news, I'll rush in to save you."

Even outside the hunting ground, he could clearly hear messy gunshots and dull explosions. It was almost the scene of a small war.

With the relationship between Bai Jinglan and Vivian, Ethan was deeply afraid that something would happen to him, and then Vivian would use him as a punching bag.

With that woman's murder without blinking an eye, his whole family must be in bad luck?
Bai Jinglan shrugged and answered briefly: "No way, something unexpected happened."

Ethan didn't care about that, as long as the mission was successful, he sat in the driver's seat, glanced at the suitcase, and asked, "It seems that you not only grasped the goal of the mission, but also got what you needed? "


Bai Jinglan patted the suitcase, "There are enough things in it to bankrupt the wolf. In addition, the killer organization's lair was destroyed, and Abino disappeared. He must come back and deal with these troubles himself."

"In other words, there is no need to interrogate."


"Where are we going now?"

"Go to Vivienne and hand him over to her."

When Bai Jinglan led people to run, he had already called Vivienne halfway.

However, where Vivian was, Bai Jinglan was speechless.

That's an exclusive club.

When Bai Jinglan and Ethan arrived, Vivian was sitting under the stage watching... Striptease?

In the rather luxurious private box, there was only Vivian in the audience.

Two graceful female dancers are moving in the sluggish music, sometimes tapping their toes, sometimes swaying lightly, surrounded by white mist-like dry ice, which makes their slender figures more attractive, but does not impress the audience. It has a vile feeling, but it has a kind of elegance and femininity of ballet.

Vivienne wore a black wig and a low-cut black dress, like a coquettish black swan, she waved to Bai Jinglan: "You are late, I am doing training."

The corner of Bai Jinglan's mouth twitched: "Are you training them, or are they training you?"

Vivian chuckled and said, "Honey, you're so boring."

"You didn't just know."

Bai Jinglan pouted, and threw the suitcase on the sofa, "It's done, Abino is outside, here is what Abino has, enough for you to force the wolf out."

"Good job, dear." Vivienne smiled all over her face. "We let the wolf go bankrupt, and he will run back to New York with his tail between his legs."



Vivian took a box from the side, which contained another injection, and said to the old agent with a wooden face, "Ethan, you help White catch Abino, this is what I promised you."

Of course, Ethan's terminal illness cannot be cured with one shot, and this is the second-stage drug that Vivienne prepared for him.

Ethan hesitated for a moment, but took it anyway.

The side effects of this drug were too great, and he was a little afraid to continue the injection.

Ethan injected the medicine himself, and Vivian handed Bai Jinglan a check: "Honey, this is your reward."

Bai Jinglan took it over and said casually: "It's only half done now, if you don't catch the wolf in the end, wouldn't your money be wasted?"

Vivienne wrapped her arms around his neck, exhaling like blue: "I believe in you, I will definitely catch him."

After a pause, she asked softly, "What's going on at the hunting ground? How did you make such a big commotion?"

Bai Jinglan shrugged and said, "It wasn't me who made the big noise, it was a group of ninjas from Japan who got into a fight with the killers there. I just happened to be at the right time."

Vivian frowned: "Japanese ninja? Is it troublesome?"

Bai Jinglan didn't tell her about Jingxin Yoshioka, but just said perfunctorily: "A group of guys who want to go to New York to grab gangster territory have nothing to do with your CIA."

The Hand is a very troublesome organization, but what he said is not wrong. It is the job of the FBI to deal with them, and it has nothing to do with the CIA.

Moreover, they are a bunch of lunatics who regard human life as nothing, and they can use everything to achieve their goals. Even with Jing Xin Yoshioka as the internal support, he doesn't want Vivienne to get involved too much.

"That's fine."

Vivian believed him very much.

Bai Jinglan pondered for a moment, then said: "Your job is too dangerous, I'll get you an 'Amulet'..."

Vivian's eyes lit up: "Those magical little things?"

Bai Jinglan smiled: "All magic tools need mana to be activated, but after my research during this period, maybe I can make one that can be used by Muggles, but I don't have any suitable materials at hand now, you have to do it again." Be patient for a while."


 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation,


(End of this chapter)

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