witcher in marvel

Chapter 309 Occupy the Base

Chapter 309 Occupy the Base
"Professor Charles, hello."

Looking at the haggard bald man, Bai Jinglan nodded slightly in greeting.

Although I have some complaints about Professor X's behavior, but no matter what, a kind-hearted person will always make people feel good.

Professor X, who had just released his mind control, was very tired, and still had a kind smile on his face: "Mr. White, thank you for helping the children."

Bai Jinglan smiled: "Everyone gets what they need."

Cyclops stood behind the professor, looked at him and asked, "What does Mr. White need?"

He was in a very bad mood at the moment. He was controlled by Stryker before and attacked his girlfriend Qin, and then he was bombarded by Qin's thoughts and regained his sanity, but Qin was also injured by his shock wave.

When he was controlled by his mind, he was not unconscious. He watched what happened in front of him, but he was unable to stop it. It was like the most terrifying nightmare.

Bai Jinglan spread her hands: "What I want is this base."

Cyclops frowned and said, "This is a base for studying mutants."

Bai Jinglan said lightly: "I'm not interested in mutants, what I'm interested in is these liquid metals."

At this time, the saber-toothed tiger and the toad came in, carrying a pale corpse.

Dozens of bloody spots on the corpse had been frozen by cryogenic temperatures.

Stryker's body.

Seeing Stryker's miserable state, Charles sighed softly.

Seriously speaking, part of the reason for Stryker's current fate is also due to him.

Bai Jinglan popped out a black light ring and put it on Stryker's fingertips. The black brilliance shone and penetrated like water.

Stryker opened his eyes suddenly, startling several people nearby.


Bai Jinglan made a gesture and said lightly, "This is the new identity I gave you, and you will become my servant."


Stryker lowered his head in fear.

Although they have seen saber-toothed tigers and toads resurrected from the dead, Phoenix, Storm, and Wolverine still felt trembling from the heart when they saw Stryker return from the kingdom of the dead.

This is definitely not a power that mutants can touch!

The dead woman stood behind Bai Jinglan, looking at the back of the new owner, her eyes were full of fanatical admiration.

She is a native of the Neon country, and she worships the strong by nature, and her new master is obviously the supreme strong.

Professor X's voice was also a little fluttering: "Mr. White, you are..."

Bai Jinglan didn't hide anything, and said: "I need a lot of Adman alloy. Stryker's ability is very useful to me, so I temporarily wake him up. Everyone can rest assured that he will no longer be harmful to mutants. Because... to some extent, he is no longer the original Stryker."

Professor X closed his eyes and murmured: "Indeed, although he has the memory of Stryker, his temperament seems to have undergone a great change, and he no longer has the previous tyranny and hatred."

Bai Jinglan smiled lightly: "Because his soul has been reorganized by me, only most of the past memories are kept."

Professor X sighed: "Although Stryker deserves to die, but Mr. White's actions are inevitable..."

"I only use cruel methods against the wicked..."

Bai Jinglan shrugged disapprovingly for the heart of the Virgin who had nowhere to rest, and threw out another black lantern ring, which revived Stryker's son Jason.

After Jason killed his own mother, he was caught by his father who only hated him, and became a guinea pig living in the laboratory. It was even more miserable than a terminally ill witness. The Black Lantern Ring brought him back to life. Let his body, which had been devastated to the limit, return to its normal state, his complexion was no longer pale like death, hair grew on his bald head, and his dull eyes came alive, and he was more alive than before death.

Seeing Jason like this, Cyclops and the others became more vigilant.

Professor X was quite open-minded, and waved his hand to tell the X-Men not to mess around, and said to Bai Jinglan gently: "Mr. A tragedy like that of the Ke family."

Bai Jinglan smiled: "Don't worry, he is very obedient now, and he will never lose control again."

Professor X looked at the quiet Jason and sighed: "That's good, my body is very weak and I need to go back to rest for a while, let's go back to the academy now!"

Bai Jinglan sent him off with a smile: "I'll visit Xavier again after I've dealt with my own affairs."



A week later.

The spillway of the old base was opened, and heavy trucks slowly drove into the base.


Stryker leaned down in fear and saluted in the direction of the secret room, "I tried my best and only got one ton of Adamantium alloy and five tons of secondary Adamantium alloy."

The door of the secret room opened automatically, and Bai Jinglan walked out from the inside, and said somewhat dissatisfied: "I asked Jason to help you, why are the numbers still getting less and less?"

Stryker controls the mutants to assassinate the president, so as to arouse the hostility of the entire United States to mutants. Just before the president is about to issue an executive order, Professor X handed over Stryker's criminal record to the president, and finally avoided a race war.

However, Stryker, a well-connected American colonel, was also expelled from the military because of this, his ability in all aspects was greatly weakened, and he was even hunted down by both the military and the police.

Fortunately, Bai Jinglan resurrected the "Master of Illusion" Jason and asked him to help Stryker with his illusion ability, so his plan to obtain Adamantium alloy did not die.

But this week, Stryker's work efficiency is still getting worse every time.

The Adamantium alloy itself is extremely heavy. One ton of alloy can produce at most one high-end battle suit. Counting the previous inventory of this base, the real Adamantium alloy that Stryker obtained before and after is only 5 tons. It is quite a lot, about 15 tons in total.

But where is this enough?

Stryker hurriedly said: "Sir, it is difficult to synthesize Adamantium alloy, and the output is very small. Most of the alloys in other bases have been cast into various utensils. Even if they are brought back, it is difficult to recast them. I will synthesize them soon Most of the alloys have been obtained, but if you want more alloys, you must wait for a while until the next batch of alloys is released, or..."

Bai Jinglan: "Or what?"

Stryker said: "All the Adamantium alloys in the military come from Roxon Company. If we can loot Roxon Company, we will definitely get a lot of Adamantium Alloys, and even the synthetic formula of Adamantium Alloys."

"Roxon Corporation again?"

Bai Jinglan pondered for a while, "I heard that Adamantium alloy is created by using steel, some kind of catalyst and vibrating gold... Do you know the origin of those vibrating gold?"


Stryker nodded hurriedly, "Decades ago, the Roxon Company discovered a vibrating gold mine in the Antarctic Circle. Due to the harsh environment and difficulty in mining, the production of vibrating gold has never been high. One of the main reasons for the abundance."

"Antarctic vibration gold?"

Bai Jinglan was not surprised. The vibrating gold on the earth came from a meteor that fell on the earth 10000 years ago. After the meteor entered the earth, it was divided into two parts. It just landed in the Antarctic region.

In the movie, the US team’s shield is made of Wakanda vibrating gold, but the shield in the comics is made of Antarctic vibrating gold mixed with other metals, which is also the most primitive Edman alloy.

Bai Jinglan pondered for a moment and asked, "Is there a country like Wakanda on this earth?"

"Wakanda?" Stryker thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of this country."



Bai Jinglan frowned slightly. In the X-Men world without Wakanda, naturally there would be no tens of thousands of tons of Wakanda vibrating gold.

However, the universe he lives in is Wakanda, and Zhenjin is as big as a mountain.

If you can get the formula of Edman alloy, and then go to Wakanda to get some vibration gold, you can synthesize Edman alloy by yourself.

Bai Jinglan turned his head to look around, only the saber-toothed tiger and toad were there, and frowned, "Where did Lily go?"

The toad bowed and said, "Master, when the dead girl went out to purchase supplies, she met a few mutants with good abilities, and planned to persuade them to join the banner of the lord!"


(End of this chapter)

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