Chapter 306
Lao Wan, the scene person, came out to make trouble again.

Wearing a handsome black windbreaker and an old-fashioned special brown helmet, he floated at an altitude of several kilometers, pulling the speeding aircraft from the sky back to the ground abruptly.

Looking at Lao Wan, who looked like a king, Bai Jinglan suddenly thought of Miss Polaris.

I don't know if the two coexist in a world. If the Polaris is also in this world, you can go back to the academy in a fool.

Well, it's time to inquire.

"long time no see!"

Lao Wan greeted the X-Men with a smile, but when he saw the two saber-toothed tigers who got out of the plane at the end, the smile froze on his face.

"Victor? Mortimer?"

Lao Wan frowned, "I thought you were already dead."

Mortimer shrugged. "We are indeed dead, so now we only serve the master."


Magneto's gaze flashed across the crowd, and finally landed on Bai Jinglan.

Although among this group of mutants, there is also a strange night crawler, and this guy looks like a devil, but he doesn't think that a guy with weak eyes will be the "master" in the mouth of his former general.

For Magneto, that's something to be happy about.

Because this "master" has no scruples in awakening the dead, it means that he must not be the same as the X-Men who are full of benevolence and morality, and maybe he can be drawn into his camp.

Yes, for Lao Wan, who is proud of his mutant blood, the so-called "master" must be a powerful mutant he has never heard of.

As long as they are mutants, they can be drawn to their side!
Facing this old enemy who escaped again, Logan and others were full of vigilance.

Qin said: "Eric, what do you want to do?"

Magneto smiled kindly again: "I'm here to cooperate with you...for Charles!"

Several people looked at each other: "Tell me."

"My old man is getting old, and I have been standing here waiting for you for a long time..." Magneto pointed to the nearby woods, "Go over there to rest and chat slowly."

"I hope it won't be too long!"

Logan's eyes were fixed on him, and he couldn't feel any affection for this old guy who had rubbed him on the ground many times.

Although Magneto ignored almost his gaze, but after meeting his gaze inadvertently, he grinned meaningfully, causing the irritable Wolverine to almost jump up, before turning to face Bai Jinglan Wei Wei salutes: "This gentleman, please!"


Although there are some complaints about Magneto's iron-blooded wrist, he is still an eye-catching character, and Bai Jinglan is also very face-saving.

The mountain air is cool.

A few people randomly found some dry wood, and the fire man helped to light the bonfire, and then they were driven away like other children.

Orolo said with a blunt tone: "Can you say it?"

Magneto didn't care, and said, "Colonel William Stryker commanded the attack on Xavier's school. He had only one purpose in attacking the school, which was to get a brain wave booster, or collect enough parts to make another one..."

Qin Ruo realized: "Only the professor can operate the brain wave enhancer."

Magneto said indifferently: "This is the only reason why my old friend is still alive."


Qin and Orolo looked at each other, and both found the uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Only the unaware Wolverine asked suspiciously: "What are you all afraid of?"

Magneto said: "When the brain wave enhancer works, Charles' brain can be connected to everyone on the earth. If he is forced to focus his consciousness on a specific group of people, such as mutants... he will Could kill us all."

After listening to Magneto, Logan also realized the seriousness of the matter. The only good news is that Charles' life is at least safe.

Orolo frowned, puzzled and said: "Wait, how did Stryker know that the brain wave enhancer is at school?"

Magneto looked a little embarrassed: "I told him...remember? I helped Charles make the booster."

When Orolo heard this, she immediately rolled her eyes.

The culprit is him again!
Magneto said slightly angrily: "Mr. Stryker's persuasive ability is very strong, even a mutant as powerful as Charles can't resist..."

Qin frowned and said, "Then who is Colonel Stryker?"

"He is a military scientist, and he has dedicated his life to the problem of eliminating mutants..." Magneto laughed mockingly, and moved his eyes to Logan who was stunned, "If you want to know more details, why? Don't ask the werewolf? William Stryker is the only one who can process synthetic cells besides me, and the metal in your bones is his masterpiece... don't you remember?"

Logan was silent for a while, and turned his gaze to Bai Jinglan: "I think Mr. White must know more information about him. Do you still insist on seeing Charles before you tell?"

Bai Jinglan shrugged and said, "Strike's son is also a mutant, who can use phantoms to affect other people's senses. Stryker once asked Professor Charles for help to remove his son's ability, but Charles obviously failed. And That kid returned home, and because of his hatred for his parents, he tortured them with phantom powers, and Stryker's wife committed suicide because she couldn't bear the pain, and Stryker hated mutants extremely, including his son."

Several people were silent.

Such a tragic situation is not uncommon among mutants.

"Strike controlled his son, extracted brain fluid from his mind, and used it to control mutants for his own use..." Bai Jinglan stretched out his hand and grabbed the top of his head, and the eavesdropping Nightcrawler landed with a "bang" On the ground, he continued, "Nightcrawler went to assassinate the president, Magneto handed over the brain wave booster, etc., all because they were forcibly injected with the brain fluid of Master Illusion. But the effect of that thing lasts for a limited time, so their sanity It will be back soon."

Qin was surprised: "So, Stryker will use the same method to control the professor?"

Bai Jinglan shook his head: "Professor Charles's spirit is very strong, a little brain fluid can't control him, Stryker must let his half-dead son go out in person, um... Cyclops is probably controlled by brain fluid, Block anyone who comes to rescue Professor Charles."


Qin's eyes were more worried. Although it seemed that the effect of the brain fluid was limited, who knew if there would be undetectable damage.

Logan couldn't help asking, "What about me?"

Bai Jinglan said: "Your original name was James Hollett, and you were born in a wealthy family in Canada at the end of the 19th century. You and Victor left the family as adults and participated in many wars. Later, you were recruited by Stryker to engage in Special work, but you left the organization because you hated Stryker's cruelty, and went to work as a lumberjack on a forest farm in Canada, and changed your name to Logan..."

Several people listened quietly, and even Magneto was surprised. He and Charles only found a little information about Logan's past, but they didn't expect this mysterious person to know so clearly.

"Shortly after, you met and fell in love with an Indian woman in the forest—Kia, but not long after, Kaiya was killed by Victor, and you couldn't kill Victor to take revenge. At this time, the history Trek came to the door and invited you to participate in a mutant transformation experiment, which can give you the power to kill Victor."

Logan raised his eyebrows, and said dejectedly: " skeleton is my willingness to come?"

"Yes, and no." Bai Jinglan paused, and said, "To be precise, you were tricked into entering the game... because Kaiya, nicknamed 'Silver Fox', is also a mutant, and she is Stryker. Her subordinates were ordered to approach you to gain your trust, and then they were killed by a saber-toothed tiger to provoke your anger. In fact, her death is just an illusion. But her feelings for you are not false, she was just imprisoned to save her My younger sister had to cooperate with Stryker. After rescuing my younger sister, she also died for you."

Logan closed his eyes and was silent for a while: "Why do I lose my memory?"

"Because your head was hit by an Adamantium alloy bullet. Although the self-healing ability prevented you from dying on the spot, all your memories were lost."

"Strike's hand?"


Logan was silent for a longer time this time, and suddenly said: "Should we set off? I can't wait to cut off Stryker's head!"

Magneto asked in surprise: "Do you know where Stryker is?"

Logan gave him a disdainful look: "If you hadn't been troubled midway, we would have arrived at the place now!"

Magneto: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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