witcher in marvel

Chapter 191 Excellent Harvest

Chapter 191 Excellent Harvest

General Ross was able to survive, of course not because he was lucky, but because of Bai Jinglan.

It takes only half an hour in the material world, and more than ten years in the hell dimension.

Bai Jinglan... Oh, no, it should be Xiaowu.

Xiaowu has initially merged with this dimension. He has memories of when he broke his face, which is hundreds of years old, but now he feels as old as time.

That's not his real feeling, but from this dimension.

To be the master of the dimension, in another way, is to integrate into the universe, become the Tao of Heaven, omniscient and omnipotent.

Therefore, when they are in their own dimension, the demon gods can arbitrarily mobilize the power of the dimension to suppress and repel any outsiders, and once they leave their own dimension, their power will shrink immediately.

Even so, becoming the master of dimensions also has many benefits.

The most obvious point is that Xiao Wu, who was originally slightly weaker than Lan Ran, had increased his strength several times even if he was not in the pocket dimension. It surpassed the white lantern ring.

Now, he can really pull up a Black Lantern Army!

For Bai Jinglan's main body, the dimensional power floods the cells, which not only further enhances the power, but also eliminates the biggest weakness - magic resistance.

Uh... Although it is still worse than physical resistance, it has changed drastically.

This is an all-around improvement!

At the same time, through the memory of the dimension, he saw the mastermind behind the scenes.

It was a young woman wearing a black robe and holding a black scepter in her hand.

Very strange faces, can't see the reality clearly.

However, compared to the strange witch, he cared more about the mysterious scepter. It seemed to be the embodiment of a black hole, and everything it passed would be plunged into darkness.

Moreover, it not only absorbs light energy within the physical range, but also seems to absorb the light in the creatures' hearts, strengthening the doubts and fears in the creatures' hearts. Those hell creatures that were brushed by the darkness became restless one by one, and then Called by Mankov's magic spell, he rushed out of the gate of hell like a stray dog.

This is obviously an artifact, and a very powerful one at that.

With an incomparably powerful artifact in her hands, able to open a dimension without an owner, Bai Jinglan doubts that her power may not be worse than that of the supreme mage.

Such an existence is hidden behind the scenes, and they don't know what they are planning, which is always frightening.

Hmm... After Bai Jinglan was about to leave the dimension, he went back to Karma Taj and gave a small report to the supreme mage.

Then, he sensed the changes in the outside world, so he directly asked Xiao Wu to take action, borrowing the power of the Lord of Dimensions, to give those politicians a resounding blow.

The reason why General Ross was kept alive was not because he was afraid of his identity, but because it was too cheap to kill him directly.

It is said that Captain America is the representative of the American spirit, but in fact, he represents the American spirit of the past, while General Ross is the representative of the modern American spirit-arrogant, conservative, and unscrupulous in order to achieve his goals.

This superpower that has dominated the world for nearly a century has become accustomed to looking down on other people, for ordinary people, for superpowers, and even for gods.

They have long lost their sense of awe, and they firmly believe that the military power of US imperialism can wipe out all enemies, even if God comes, they will bow their heads.

General Ross is a typical example of this.

At the same time, he is somewhat different from politicians who can only talk big.

It has to be said that General Ross is indeed a qualified soldier, and he doesn't care about sacrificing his life in order to achieve his goals, whether it is someone else's or his own.

Murder must be punished.

Killing him directly is not the best punishment, but crushing his life-long faith is.

Bai Jinglan will save his old life, and then bit by bit, crush his arrogance and arrogance.

The political system of American imperialism is very loose, similar to the enfeoffment system in the Shang and Zhou dynasties of the Celestial Dynasty. Each vassal state has a high degree of military and political autonomy, and the power of the central government is greatly restricted.

The difference between the two is that the Shang and Zhou dynasties were really loose, while American imperialism used culture as its "muscle" and relied on "consensus" to unite various groups in the country.

Therefore, the failure of the war and the economic downturn are unlikely to disintegrate the US imperialism, because they have experienced these many times, but if one day the cultural consensus of the US imperialism-the so-called "American spirit" disappears, this will be caused by more than fifty people. Only the union formed by small countries will really disintegrate.

Hmm... This is a certain professor's point of view, and Bai Jinglan plans to try it out.

General Ross left desolately, thinking about how to explain to Congress.

In the large Airbus in the sky, Ludan looked at the emptiness on the screen, with one eye flickering slightly.

Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Mockingbird stood on both sides, and the entire group was silent.

General Ross is indeed annoying, but these soldiers are innocent... At least in their view, the soldiers who were ordered to act were innocent, but they were killed by the brainless orders of their bosses.

Mockingbird suggested: "Maybe, we can ask the mage to rescue them. Didn't he help us rescue the agents trapped in other spaces last time?"

The widow shrugged: "According to what I know about that mage, he would never agree."

Hawkeye supported his forehead, and echoed: "Indeed, the mage is narrow-minded. We didn't conflict with him and paid a large sum of money before he was willing to help rescue our agent. With General Ross' attitude just now, he wants to Asking a mage to help...impossible."

"We should try..." Mockingbird sighed. "That's thousands of people, representing thousands of families."

The widow and Hawkeye were silent.

Fury was silent for a while, and said: "Natasha, you go to see Vivienne Daly, Barbara, you go to Max... Ask them to help you talk about love, maybe things will turn around. "

Hawkeye shook his head: "There are so many monsters behind that door, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Fu Rui stared at the screen and said lightly: "It's up to people, you go!"

"it is good!"

The two female agents agreed, boarded the Quinjet fighter plane parked on the top of the Airbus, and went to find the target separately.

Bai Jinglan didn't know what Braised Dan's plan was, he was still in the inherent barrier, ready to do a ten-stroke draw.

Today's luck is so good, it's a pity not to play!

【Soul Breaker Gun
From: "Soul Ferry"

Introduction: The weapon specially made by the underworld to hunt and kill souls has no effect on living beings]

Weapons that are only effective against spirit bodies, I don’t use them at all, and I will throw them at the school as rewards in the future.

【Fei Mei

From: "Death"

Introduction: Zanpakuto, the vice-captain of the [-]th team, Hinamori, can send out fireball attacks, which can cause huge explosions and hurricanes]

The Zanpakuto of the vice-captain level is still of the magic department, and its power is actually not bad, but it can only be used by spirits... Well, we have to plan first, maybe we can pull out a team of death.

【Wheel Tieyan

From: "Death"

Introduction: The Zanpakuto of the original Ten-Blade Tiruti Sandaviki will turn into a big moth after being released, and can manipulate feathers to attack according to one's own will]

Just came a Zanpakuto from the God of Death, and now there is another Zanpakuto that breaks the face...

【Magic Tuxedo
From: "Magic Tuxedo"

Introduction: The high-tech equipment manufactured by the FBI has various auxiliary abilities such as shooting, fighting, swimming, and dancing]

The high-end spy equipment used by Uncle Long... Wait for Stark to copy a batch, and then give Uncle Long a piece.

【rat charm
From: "The Adventures of Jackie Chan"

Introduction: Give still life the ability to move]

good stuff!
The Rat Charm has no attack power, but is definitely one of the most magical of the zodiac spells and can bring life to any still life.

This is a very high level of magic.

【Baby Phoenix

From: "World of Warcraft"

Introduction: Descendants of the Ashes of Austria]

Ash of Arcane is a rideable phoenix, one of the most prestigious and rare mounts in World of Warcraft.

The baby of Ashes of Austria, I don't know if it will grow up or not.

However, raising a phoenix is ​​quite interesting.

【Lotus Temple scroll
From: "The Adventures of Jackie Chan"

Introduction: A simple and easy-to-use magic scroll, you only need to imprint the magic seal to use the magic in it]

It's still something related to Uncle Long. It's called magic, but it's actually more like superpowers.

As long as the imprint on the magic scroll is branded on the skin, you can spray shock waves, summon wind and lightning, etc., but the power is relatively ordinary, and the duration is limited... Brain must like this very much, I don’t know what price he is willing to pay .

【Rabbit Charm
From: "The Adventures of Jackie Chan"

Introduction: Give the holder the ability to move quickly]

Another zodiac spell.

However, now that he has a body of steel, he must be faster than a rabbit, so this thing is rather tasteless.

[Magic Seal · Inherent Time Control
From: "Fate"

Introduction: It can change the speed of time, but it can only affect itself]

Nice stuff.

The unique magic held by Emiya Kiritsugu can separate the inside of a specific space from the "flow of time" outside, thereby accelerating or stagnating time. It is a very special kind of time magic. The flesh is a great burden.

However, Bai Jinglan is now the least afraid of physical burden.

【Army of the King

From: "Fate"

Introduction: The ultimate treasure of Alexander the Great, which can turn his subordinates into independent heroic spirits, an inherent enchantment that can be summoned continuously to fight the enemy]

Turn the former subordinates into heroic spirits, and summon them to fight at any time...Toria must like this very much!

Bai Jinglan was very satisfied.

Today is indeed a lucky day, and the things drawn are very good!


(End of this chapter)

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