witcher in marvel

Chapter 189 Occupying the Dimension

Chapter 189 Occupying the Dimension
Platinum kryptonite comes from a short story in the comic "Batman: The Secret Files". Simply put, Batman has suffered too much suffering and pain because of years of fighting and beatings. Superman He couldn't stand it anymore, and he recognized Batman's character, so he found a platinum kryptonite in the Phantom Zone.

Platinum kryptonite is a one-time item. It has no effect on Kryptonians, but it can allow ordinary people to have exactly the same abilities as Superman.

Superman offered him to Batman, but Batman resisted the temptation.

Batman was afraid that he would lose control after gaining power, so he refused the power at his fingertips. Later, he gave platinum kryptonite to "Gotham Girl"-a heroine who guarded Gotham City by exchanging lifespan for superpowers, and platinum kryptonite Stone gave her real power.

Bai Jinglan sacrificed a bunch of things related to angels, and what he got was such a platinum kryptonite.

laugh! ! !
He rubbed his eyes hard, feeling like a fire was burning.

This feeling is a bit like the surge of magic power of the pig charm, but it is ten times, a hundred times stronger.

Is this Superman's version of Heat Sight?
Bai Jinglan opened his eyes suddenly, and the blazing beam swept across, cutting the mountain hundreds of meters away into two obliquely in an instant.

This is the landscape of his heart, which is much stronger than ordinary stones, but it is cut like tofu, and the damage is much higher than that of the pig charm!

He jumped twice eager to try, and suddenly rushed forward, the air wave from the charge cut a deep trace on the sea level.

"Damn it, amazing!"

Bai Jinglan tossed around in the barrier, feeling the power of the steel body, super speed, super strength, super hearing, super vision, frozen breathing... the cells in his whole body were more active than ever before.

EMMMM, he suddenly felt... a little regretful.

Different forms of Superman have vastly different strengths.

Like Thinking Superman and Golden Superman, creating life, changing reality, traveling through time, and even playing with the universe as marbles, at least at the multiverse level.

The inferior Silver Superman, whose flight speed can break the time barrier, extinguishes a star with a sneeze, drags a planet comparable in size to Jupiter through the universe with chains.

And the superhuman strength he has gained now is just a normal superhuman.

In other words, DC's Kryptonian family corresponds to Marvel's Titan family.

So, which one is more perverted, the normal purple sweet potato essence or the normal superman?
If we only talk about the performance of the movie, the normal Superman has limited advantages over the shocking team, and it is estimated to be similar to the normal purple potato essence.


Bai Jinglan grinned.

It suddenly occurred to him that as long as he fully grasped the abilities of the Man of Steel, he seemed to be enough to step into the category of the Sub-Heavenly Father... It's just that the magic resistance was a little lower, but it didn't matter, there were other ways to make up for it.

Moreover, he has more than just a body of steel.

When the S cells are developed to the limit, there will be another super race transformation, which will increase the combat power by forty times. Even if the gods come, he will dare to rush to open Wushuang.

Oh, right.

There is still a pocket dimension waiting for him to receive.

After taking the pocket dimension, it is estimated that the strength will be improved.

In other words, he is about to formally step into the ranks of the top bosses in the Earth God Realm.

Thinking of this, Bai Jinglan was so excited that he closed his eyes and contacted Xiaowu with his soul.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already Xiao Wu's vision.

Different from the hell in the traditional impression, there is an extremely desolate world in front of you.

The endless white sand stretches to the horizon in the darkness, and the infinite vast empty world seems to be empty of nothing but white sand and quartz.

This place... really looks like a virtual circle!

Oh, it turned out to be just the surface.

After Bai Jinglan received Xiaowu's memory, he realized that the real burning hell was below, just like the Daxu Forest located under the virtual circle.

There are a lot of lower-level ghosts living in the Great Forest, and there are a lot of monsters living in the Burning Hell.

The hell creatures summoned by Bald Mankov are all creatures that grow in that space.

From another perspective, they are as innocent as the people implicated.

They are like wild beasts living in the forest, they are forcibly summoned by the black magic of angels, and they have to be forced to go to another world like hounds to hunt the flesh and blood life of that world, and they have paid many similar casualties for this .

Through Xiao Wu's eyes, Bai Jinglan could still see some monsters crying.

"This is really..." Bai Jinglan clicked his tongue.

If you ignore their cheating looks, this picture is actually quite sad.

In other words, when he becomes the master of this pocket dimension, these ugly guys will be regarded as subjects, right?
I don't know if there is a way to give them the whole volume, it looks like it is too challenging for the aesthetics.

Throwing away what was there, Bai Jinglan began to think about how to swallow this dimension.

In the classics of Karma Taj, there is no similar knowledge.

Oh, that's right... He stretched out his hands and used projection magic.

Regular magic books have the ability to enhance magic effects, which are similar to magic wands. When he just memorized the content of "Book of Roger Elle", he also tried to include it in the Infinity Sword System.

The "Book of Luo Jieer", which was written by an unscrupulous angel, has barely entered the level of an artifact. The infinite sword system cannot copy the artifact, but it will be no problem if it drops two levels.

The unknown man behind the scenes handed the magic book to Mankov and told him the information about the gate of hell, which is not unconnected.

On the pages of "Book of Rojael", spells for summoning and controlling elves are recorded, and in the blank spaces of some pages, there are some special content added by caring people-all about this pocket dimension.

I don't know why the behind-the-scenes master is not interested in the pocket dimension, but she has made some changes to the ability of this magic book, so that the holder can more easily insert magic into this dimension.

Therefore, with the blessing of "The Book of Luo Jieer", this dimension should be discovered faster.

"Speaking of which, the man behind the scenes knows this dimension so well, why didn't he occupy it here?

Too strong to look down on?

Or, does that guy have a bigger conspiracy? "

No matter, let's stamp your own chapter first!
"Block it, Black Winged Demon—Three Stage Return to Blade!!"

Holding the magic book in his hand, Bai Jinglan directly used the final move.

The shape of the three-stage returning blade is changed on the basis of the second-stage returning blade. Xiaowu's hair and tail have all turned white, and there are horn-shaped black flames on both sides of the head. The black feathers on the arms have faded, and the hair on the lower body The black feathers turned into a skirt-like pattern, and the wings changed from bat-like to two pairs of black wings. Its posture was like that of a fallen angel, and the original empty hole was occupied by a black bead.

The empty hole in the broken surface represents the missing heart.

The empty hole is filled with beads, replacing the function of the heart, which means Xiaowu is complete.

Xiaowu, who looks like a fallen angel, spreads her black wings, and the spiritual power in her body boils, following the guidance of the magic book, resonating with the rules of the entire dimension.

At the same time, his soul power dissipated and penetrated into every corner.

When doing this, he was keenly aware that the flow of time here is different from that in the present world, and there are decades in a real outside day... Bai Jinglan felt relieved again, this kind of time comparison should be enough for him to occupy the dimension Come down?

(End of this chapter)

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