witcher in marvel

Chapter 174 Soul Eater

Chapter 174 Soul Eater

In a cheap apartment in Queens, Bai Jinglan met the future little spider.

The environment of Parker's family is not good. Even when Uncle Ben was alive, he barely entered the middle class. Now that only Aunt May is left as the pillar, the family's situation is even more miserable.

On the way here by car, Bai Jinglan knew a piece of information - Uncle Ben was still shot dead, just three months ago, and when he died, only eight-year-old little Peter was standing by his side.

Although I don't know if Uncle Ben still left that famous saying, his death will undoubtedly have a great impact on the future little spiders.

It seems that although the timeline has changed a lot, what is destined to happen will still happen.

From a higher dimension, the fate of all Spider-Man in the universe has already been doomed.

The super magician named "Master of Weaving" weaves the fate thread for all Spider-Man, and the characters who are given the Spider Totem will inevitably transform into Spider-Man, and at the cost of sacrificing their relatives or friends... That's bad.

The little spider has already sacrificed his uncle, only waiting a few years to assume the responsibility of being a good neighbor in New York.

But now he is just a little kid.

Moreover, he was really in a deep sleep state, with no visible pain on the outside, and he snored lightly from time to time.

Aunt Mei, who was just 30 years old, looked at the sleeping child and said with a sad face, "Peter has been like this for two days."

"Well... there is indeed a problem."

Bai Jinglan touched Little Peter's forehead, "His body is fine, but his soul is shrinking."

Aunt Mei didn't understand why, but she became even more uneasy, and hurriedly asked, "What will happen?"

"In the name of the eternal Emperor Weishan, the all-seeing eye—open!"

The next moment, an eye of energy opened between Bai Jinglan's brows, and the magical light fell on Little Peter's body, patrolling back and forth for a while.

He replied: "The soul contains the will and spirituality of a person. If it shrinks completely, a person will not die, but will become an idiot."

Seeing the eyes of energy between Bai Jinglan's eyebrows, Aunt Mei covered her mouth in surprise, but after hearing his "diagnosis", she immediately put her surprise behind her and asked in a hurry: "Then... what should I do?" ?!"

"Don't worry, it's just a group of dimensional creatures sneaking into his soul, and it will be fine to drive them away."

Creatures of different dimensions have different characteristics. The dimensional creatures that appeared this time are different from the Epra demon bird. They are purely spiritual life, not interested in human flesh and blood, and prefer human souls.

Bai Jinglan turned her head and said to Tolia, "I want to use astral projection to enter Little Peter's sea of ​​souls with my soul, and I must protect my body."


Toria nodded, stepped on the ground with her right foot, and immediately changed from casual clothes to knight clothes.

"Ms. Parker, please step back."

As she said this, the invisible Wind King Barrier had already swirled an invisible wind in the room, pushing Aunt Mei back several steps.

For "Cyclone" Lei Ling, such a light wind could be dissipated with a wave of her hand, but she did not block it. She also took a few steps back with the wind, and stood at the door with Aunt Mei.

"Don't be so nervous, I'll be out soon."

Bai Jinglan smiled, crossed her knees, and floated in the air like that.

When he closed his eyes lightly, a phantom flashed away and melted into the forehead of little Peter.

"Wow, this is a little more serious than I thought."

The "Sea of ​​Soul", also known as the "Spirit World", is the realization of a person's cognition of the world.

Little Peter was too young to be ignorant of the world. His current spirit world is full of strange plants, weird sunflowers, vines with strange flowers, and countless doll bears the size of hills.

In the world full of magnificent imagination, there are many creatures that should not exist at this time.

Their appearances are completely different, but they are all terrifying. The only thing in common is that all the creatures have snake-like tails on their heads.

These things are called "soul eaters". They are the creations of the outer ether. They are separated from the material world by countless dimensions. They have almost no chance to enter the material world. I don't know why they suddenly appeared and invaded the soul of the future little spider , It even looks like they are ready to settle here.


They obviously regarded themselves as their masters, and the entry of Bai Jinglan, an outsider, immediately aroused their hostility, and they surrounded him in groups, roaring at him with unknown meaning.

Bai Jinglan pouted, raised his hand and threw a "translation spell".

Immediately, the unknown language can be understood.

"You don't belong here, go away!!"

The words they exhale are different, but the general meaning is the same.

Bai Jinglan sneered, and responded: "Man, you don't belong here either... Now, can anyone tell me why you guys appeared in the material world? If I'm honest, I can consider not killing you."

"You—you're going to die!"

The ferocious monsters were angry, and rushed forward with their teeth and claws.

Just as Bai Jinglan was about to throw a magic spell, there was a light sound from a distance.


Immediately, all the Soul Eaters stopped their movements, and then separated to the left and right, revealing a spacious road.

A slender grandmother walked out slowly.

This is still a soul eater, but she is the leader and queen among the soul eaters. Her appearance is very close to that of a human, and her appearance and figure are very good. The only thing that is annoying is... there are strips of "snake tails" behind her. ".

More precisely, it was something like a tentacle.

"Are you the mage of Kama Taj?" the human maid said indifferently, "Even though we come from a faraway place, as far as the edge of the sea of ​​shadows, we still have heard about the supreme mage...we are in awe of your mighty battle Magic, but we are unrestrained wanderers of the nether world, we run with the spirits in the wind, we run to stay ahead of other dimensional beings, you are not qualified to teach us where to put our tentacles!"

"Ahead of other creatures?" Bai Jinglan noticed this sentence and frowned, "What does this mean?"

The human wainiang didn't hide anything, and said lightly: "There are some things here that attract us, not only us, but also creatures from other dimensions."

In other words, there will be creatures from other dimensions coming to the material world?
Bai Jinglan's heart moved, and he asked, "What is attracting you?"

The human maiden said: "We don't know what it is, but it is very pure energy, which is very attractive to the group we came from."

Bai Jinglan pondered for a while, and waved out the magic fan: "For the sake of answering the question honestly, I can give you a choice - leave this child's soul, and I can send you to another place, you can't stay it's here."


The wainiang's expression remained unchanged, she raised her right hand slightly, "Your challenge has been accepted, noble mage, it will be an honor to witness your death...Silent people, summon our warriors!"

"Soldier?" Bai Jinglan was startled.


Hundreds of soul eaters raised their different tentacles one after another, shouting sharply towards the sky.

boom! ! !
The ground covered with weird plants and teddy bears trembled suddenly, and a monster as tall as a mountain poked its head out.

"Dear mage, once your soul is blessed by the hell-breather Spnogg, you will become a candle that lights the winding road of darkness!"

The human maid shouted in a way that was almost chant, and then pointed at the huge monster, which immediately opened its mouth like a lake, and rushed towards Bai Jinglan.


(End of this chapter)

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