Chapter 170

Bai Jinglan dissipated the inherent barrier and returned to the underground park.

Under the leadership of Tolia, Uncle Long and others are exploring the huge park, looking for a way out of here.

"Mr. White, you go back..."

Seeing Bai Jinglan's figure appear, John immediately greeted him excitedly.


Bai Jinglan flicked his fingers: "Forget nothing."

Boom, boom, boom... Except for Toria, the group of people all fell down.

Tolia asked in surprise, "Why..."

Bai Jinglan explained: "It's not suitable to be exposed here, so I erased their memory here."

Arcade is very unfriendly to those who escaped the game. The few people who stayed in the first level before have all turned into corpses.

Those loyal viewers of Akaide, as well as Akaide's confidantes, have already been dealt with by Bi Xiaowu with the Shadow Corps, and then the memory of Uncle Long and the others will be cleaned up, and the secrets here will be safe will spread out.

Of course, the terrain had to be changed a little bit to cover the entry passage with a barrier.

From now on, this is his private domain.

Well, we have to recruit some "game designers" in the future to upgrade the system here.

Toria nodded: "What should I do next?"

Bai Jinglan has already made a plan: "Send them all to Midway Entertainment City, and disguise it as a crime scene... As for Arcade, who has already died, let him abscond in fear of crime, and die unexpectedly halfway!"

There are actually quite a few loopholes in this plan, not to mention that it cannot be concealed from secret agencies like S.H.I.E.L.D., and the police can easily find loopholes, but he can use projection magic to create near-real illusions.

Thus, a big drama unfolded in the second half of the night.

The police, who had already been scolded because of the successive disappearances of celebrities in the city, received a report from a waiter in Midway Entertainment City, claiming that they accidentally discovered the celebrity imprisoned in the underground secret room... In fact, it was Arcade who arrested Ellie card, there is the original game version of the underground carnage park.

The police immediately searched the Midway Entertainment City. Sure enough, in that weird basement, they found the unconscious missing person, and in the computer in the basement, they found the account of Arcade arresting celebrities from all walks of life and preparing for a real-life hunting game. plan.

After rescuing one of the captured hostages, the Las Vegas police arrested "Arcade", but after he wounded several policemen in a row, he escaped in a private helicopter.

Then, the helicopter crashed in the desert.

When the police chased to the crash site, only one frame of the burning helicopter was left, while Arcade and the pilot were directly burned to ashes, and were swept away by the strong wind in the desert and scattered in all directions.

It's weird.

But also very reasonable.

The only unsolved case in the end is the group of so-called "audiences".

They all mysteriously disappeared, but not in Midway Entertainment City, but after leaving the Entertainment City.

Another political earthquake is inevitable, but it has nothing to do with Bai Jinglan.

Uncle Long, Carter, and Isabella were inexplicably knocked down, and after waking up in a daze, they found that they had experienced a kidnapping case.

However, before they could transform themselves into heroes and save themselves, their captors had already been killed.

A happy ending for all.

Mrs. and Mrs. Smith felt very sad. They lost their memories of this period of time. They didn't know that Bai Jinglan was also in Las Vegas, and they were not suitable for dealing with the police. After making some notes, they quietly left Las Vegas that night. Gas.

The same was true for Erica, who soon left the casino and returned to her hometown.

At this time, Bai Jinglan had already returned to New York, sorting out the gains from this trip.

The power badge of the Blazer family was exchanged for the Black Death Emperor Xiaowu.

Three pots of black magic plague were exchanged for the "light and shadow" guns of hunting demons.

A black magic amulet in exchange for the magic weapon "Black Key".

The damaged super robot was exchanged for "Undead Armor".

Also left in his hand: the branch of the world tree, the angel wings of Lucifer, the gold coin of the holy spirit, the stone of Norn, and the imitation crisis room.

In addition, he hunted and killed the Nosferadu group, killed the young version of the shapeshifter, the low-level demons who caused the air crash, the flag breaker who caused the riots, the monsters from the Nine Realms summoned by Dr. Godek, and the super robots of Arcade... ...The sum of the zeros and zeros totaled more than 12000 points.

Seeing the accumulated nearly 8 points, Bai Jinglan felt a little itchy: "Let's draw ten consecutive draws!"

【Tiger Charm
From: "The Adventures of Jackie Chan"

Introduction: A charm that represents the balance of Yin and Yang]

The first reward is very good. Among the twelve zodiac charms, the tiger charm has almost no destructive power, but it is the most important one, because its function is to balance the power of other charms.

Bai Jinglan now has a lot of abilities, and the Tiger Talisman is also very effective for him.

【Frisbee with Fangs

From: Harry Potter

Description: A green frisbee that flies around and bites anything it encounters after being thrown. 】

What is the use of this special meow?
Teasing cats and dogs?

["Advanced Potion Production"

From: Harry Potter

Introduction: Written by Lebasius Pollage, with additions by Severus Snape]

Hmm... Aizen has a new job.

[Kuring dispatch general

From: "Under One Man"

Introduction: Ignore the will of the spirit and force it to obey and use it for oneself, and can invite multiple spirits to possess the body at the same time to increase its strength. The method of "obedience to the spirit" can also eat the spirit to gain power permanently. 】

It is the ultimate sorcery that ranks with "Tongtianlu", which is useless to Bai Jinglan, but it can be thrown into the future college as a textbook. For exorcists like the Winchester brothers who often deal with ghosts, This ability is comparable to a divine skill.

【Heavy Cavalry
From: Devil May Cry

Introduction: The hell metal on the Thunder Knight can be absorbed and combined with the motorcycle to form a more terrifying heavy weapon. 】

I remember that in the game, Dante threw this thing on an ordinary motorcycle, and the motorcycle immediately turned into something similar to the Ghost Rider's ride. Not only can it drive in various tricks, but it can also be used as a sledgehammer... In other words, I don’t know if Brunhilde can integrate this thing.

【Magic magic

From: "Fate"

Introduction: A magician transforms a part of the body into a simulated life, or transforms an existing life, or signs a contract with a certain existence, so as to have a familiar that can be driven. 】

Use magic to create subordinates with different abilities, similar to the yellow turban fighters in oriental magic. If the materials used are high enough, the familiars created will definitely be more useful than the shadow corps.

【Rune Magic

From: "Fate"

Introduction: The magic system composed of runes is equivalent to words with supernatural power. Different words can have different functions, such as fire attack, enemy tracking, strengthening, super-speed regeneration, etc. 】

This is where it gets interesting.

Before, I was still worried about not knowing the magic of Asgard, and I couldn’t understand the runes in the Norn Stone, so I gave a set of runes as a gift... Although the runes in the world of "Fate" are different from those in the comics. There must be a difference in the rune magic of Wei World, but the core should not be much different, right?

【Dragon Charm
From: "The Adventures of Jackie Chan"

Introduction: Give the holder a powerful blasting ability]

Another zodiac spell, but also the most destructive dragon spell.

It's a pity, for today's Bai Jinglan, the ability of the Dragon Talisman is relatively useless, the only advantage is that it doesn't consume it.

Well, let's find a way to install it on the armor of the undead god!
【Life source flow

From: "Under One Man"

Introduction: The End of Art, the Ultimate of Qi]

Another Eight Wonders, and the most useful Eight Wonders—for Bai Jinglan.

The word "odd" in the Eight Miraculous Skills is more reflected in the speed of cultivation. The power of the "source of qi body" does not surpass Longhushan's skills, but the speed of accumulation of qi far exceeds it.

Zhang Huaiyi, who practiced "The Origin of Qi Body", came from Longhu Mountain himself. "The Origin of Qi Body" is the same as "Golden Light Curse" and "Thunder Law", and they may have mutual promotion effects.

【Magic Dress · Moon Essence Essence

From: "Fate"

Introduction: With mercury weighing 140 kilograms as the carrier, it is made by using the physical characteristics of mercury combined with the fluid operation that magicians are good at. It has the capabilities of automatic attack, automatic detection of enemies, and automatic defense. 】

The omnipotent weapon of Mr. Ken's family is a very excellent battle dress. Although it is not as good as a real treasure, it is still a good piece of equipment.

Well, if the avatar is endowed with personalities and functional limitations, it can also evolve into a multifunctional maid golem, which is very useful for cleaning rooms and acting as personal bodyguards.


(End of this chapter)

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