witcher in marvel

Chapter 161 The person who attacked Toria

Chapter 161 The person who attacked Toria

The target of the attack was not a casino.

In other words, the main target is not the casino.

Tolia was eating happily at the buffet when suddenly a bunch of smoke bombs were thrown.

The thick smoke obscured the view, and it seemed that there was something added inside, with a pungent smell.

The bustling Chilong Casino created a huge momentum, but within half an hour of its opening, it turned into a tragedy.

In the choking smoke, hundreds of gamblers covered their mouths and noses, shouted for help, groped for the gaming tables and heads, trying to escape from the casino, but the visibility was so touching that everyone became I opened my eyes and went blind.

For a while, I don't know how many people were knocked to the ground, and how many people were trampled into serious injuries.

Almost at the same time, Toria was attacked.

A heavy blow went straight to the back of her head.

Not an actual weapon, but... Sonic!
Toria reacted quickly, quickly took out the holy sword, and while turning her body, blocked the sword's edge in front of her.

boom! !

The sound wave like a heavy hammer collided with the Wind King's enchantment, and immediately aroused a gust of wind, sweeping away the surrounding smoke, revealing the appearance of the attacker.

More than one person.

It was two men and one woman, all dressed strangely.

One of the youths was covered in fiery red, with fiery red hair, a fiery red goatee, and a fiery red tights with a row of fiery red diamond-shaped darts embedded in the surface of the tights.

The other man is a strong man, dressed like Santa Claus, with gray hair and beard, not wearing Santa Claus's iconic hat, but wearing a suit that is 90% similar, but holding a two-handed sword in his hand .

The only woman was dressed as an assassin in the game, black and yellow tights, and her weapons were two pistols.

"Not bad!"

A strong man like Santa Claus squeezed out a smile on his serious face, "The boss has a good eye, this girl is really not an ordinary person!"

"If we were ordinary people, wouldn't our trip be in vain!" the fiery young man said with a cynical smile.

The woman glanced at them, and said lightly: "After you catch someone, it's not too late for you to be complacent... She gives me the feeling that it is very difficult to deal with!"

Holding the sword in both hands, Tolia aimed at the three of them and shouted, "Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

"Little sister, when we catch you, you will naturally know!"

The flaming young man's eyes flashed, he twisted his waist and swung his arms, and two diamond-shaped darts shot out suddenly, extremely fast.

Toria's speed was even faster, she raised her sword tip without hesitation, and the Wind King Barrier turned into an invisible shield, flying two darts to both sides, but more darts flew over in a line.

At the same time, the female assassin arched her back, like a cheetah, rushed to Tolia's side, and then pressed the trigger.

However, there was no sound of gunfire.

There are no bullets flying, but the danger is higher.

The sonic shock that Toria encountered just now was the masterpiece of these two pistols.

The strong Christmas man also rushed out, holding his two-handed sword in front of him, like a crazy brown bear, rumbling towards him.

Tolia pursed the corners of her lips, snorted softly, let go of the Wind King's enchantment, stepped on the ground with both feet, and leaned down to use her strength to jump forward.

The fiery young man's darts were still coming continuously, her forward figure swayed from side to side, avoiding a handful of sharp darts, but her speed did not slow down a bit.

Boom! !

The invisible holy sword collided with the two-handed sword of the strong Christmas man, and the strong man's sword and the man were instantly sent flying backwards. They hit the silly dragon statue in the casino like a meteorite, and were smashed to the bottom with a bang.

Toria lightly stopped her figure, maintained her balance with her exaggerated waist strength, and landed beside the fiery young man in a squatting position, turned over and raised her legs and struck a heavy chop, landing on the fiery young man's neck.


His neck is broken.

However, he only tilted his body for a moment, then supported his half-broken neck, restored the original posture, and then showed a grin at Tolia.

Toria frowned and said, "You... a robot?"

Where the guy's neck was broken, he couldn't see any flesh and blood, only metal wires and electric sparks.

Toria turned her head to look at the strong man who was smashed under the statue. That guy looked worse than the fiery young man. Half of his body was smashed to pieces. He used his hands as feet, dragging the upper half of his body, and quickly went Crawling here, the broken parts of the body also sparked wildly.

It's a robot too!

In this case……

Toria turned her eyes to the assassin girl again, she was the only attacker who remained intact.

The corner of the assassin's mouth was slightly raised, and she pulled her hood back, revealing a pair of weird eyes.

The "eyes" looked very delicate, but they looked like the plastic eyes of a Barbie doll, without any trace of life.

All robots!

No wonder they created such a bad environment, but they don't need any tools to assist them, and they can still perform tasks freely.

Toria was stunned.

"Miss Toria, our boss wants to see you!"

The assassin woman pointed to her eyes, "The boss is looking at you through these eyes, he is very satisfied with your performance, I hope you can come with us..."

Tolia said coldly: "Don't even think about it, I won't..."

Before the words of her refusal fell, the fiery young man straightened his head, looked at the disabled half of his face, and said with a smile: "Please don't refuse, the boss said, if we can't invite Miss Tolia back, it means we all It is useless waste...Since it is useless, it can only be destroyed, and we all have some explosive devices in our bodies, if we choose to destroy it on the spot, hundreds of people here will be buried with us!"

Toria's eyes turned cold: "You...damn you!!"

It has to be said that such a threat is indeed very effective against the King of Knights.

Suddenly, her expression softened, she nodded and said: "Okay, I promise you!"

Then, she really dissipated the holy sword, and even took off the knight outfit, and put on the previous casual suit again.

"Is this your superpower?" The fiery red youth looked like a real life with a surprised expression on his face.

"Nothing to do with you!"

Toria was expressionless, "Where are you going, lead the way!"

"I'm sorry, we can't just let you follow like this, so..." the assassin girl raised the sonic gun in her hand, "Don't resist, Miss Toria, sleep well, and you'll be there when you open your eyes!"

This time it was not a sonic cannon, but an anesthetic gas.

This is not the first time for them to deal with power users. The process is very familiar. There are a lot of similar equipment. If the anesthetic gas does not work, there are other equipment to choose from.

Fortunately, Toria, who was shrouded in anesthetic gas, fell limply to the ground after shaking for more than ten seconds.

"Wow, her physique is really good!" The fiery red youth admired and kicked with his foot, "This amount can numb an elephant, and she actually resisted for more than ten seconds."

"The better the physique, the higher the value!"

The female assassin put the pistol back into her waist, leaned over and put the sleeping Tolia on her shoulder, and signaled to the fiery young man, "Old rules, remember to clean up the scene, and don't leave any traces..."

Before she could finish her words, the gate of the casino suddenly opened, and a gust of strong wind surged in, making the thick smoke roll up again, and clouding the area cleared by the wind king's enchantment again.

Of course, for robots, this effect is zero.

The fiery red youth nodded: "You leave with the target first, I will take the tiger back after I clean up the scene."

The female assassin searched for a direction in the smoke, and left quickly.

The remaining two work separately.

Although the strong Christmas man has only half of his body left, he crawled quickly with only his hands. He circled around the battle area and collected the parts dropped by himself and his companions. He pulled out half of Han's body, picked up some broken parts, and left with the strong Christmas man and a pile of garbage.

A moment later, Bai Jinglan and Tolia emerged from the smoke.

Toria said, "Aren't we going to catch up?"

The one taken away by the assassin girl was certainly not Toria.

Bai Jinglan wouldn't let me, the king of hairless hair, suffer that kind of crime. He just let Tolia pretend to faint, and then took advantage of the smoke to cover the eyes of the assassin female camera, and used a piece of hair to transform into Tolia. look, let them take it away.

Well, this is the avatar method attached to Monkey 72 Transformation. Monkeys often use monkey hair to transform into a monkey’s grandson, and he uses his hair to transform into the image of Toria. It doesn’t look much different from the original person, and even instruments can’t detect it. .

Bai Jinglan thought for a while and replied: "These guys seem to be high-tech criminals. I don't know how effective the invisibility technique will be. I plan to turn into a sparrow and follow them. I will find their lair first...Toria , you stay here first, help Inspector Li to finish the case, and I will call you when I need it."

"Okay!" Toria nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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