witcher in marvel

Chapter 139 Lucifer's Game

Chapter 139 Lucifer's Game
Bai Jinglan didn't want to disturb Lucifer's "interest", but someone had already disturbed him one step ahead, so he was going to follow along to watch the play.

Then, he saw a very eye-catching scene.

The angry Lucifer was disheveled, with lip prints on his face, and was riding on a half-fruit girl, with a horrified expression that was almost spoiled.

Lucifer, who was very embarrassed, explained with a little panic: "This time it is really not what you see!"

He didn't explain to Bai Jinglan and Mai Zejin, but to the person who interrupted his "game" - the female police detective Chloe who was being targeted by him.

During this period of time, in order to get involved with Chloe, Lucifer used his ability as a girl to get Chloe's middle-aged female boss and let him become an external consultant of the police station to follow Chloe. help.

This time, Lucifer did not come to "play", but this girl star who has become very popular in recent years, has something to do with a murder case.

Compared to Chloe's rolling her eyes, Dean and Joe sighed in disbelief.

Naturally, they didn't know Lucifer, and it was the girl star who sighed.

This girl star was born as a child star, and she has always been known for her innocence. She has always had a good image in the eyes of the public, but judging from the current situation... that half-bad look, that confused look, it seems that she just After knocking on washing powder and the like, it's already high.

Qiao covered her face and lamented: "No, I'm her fan, I don't accept idols becoming like this."

Sam didn't take it seriously: "Is it wrapped in a delicious sweet coat, but the inside is delicious evil? We have seen too many such people."

"Well, evil! Super evil!" Dean stared at the girl star's superbly developed figure, and nodded with deep approval.

The girl star was overjoyed, and when she heard the laments of the three, she was not ashamed, but vented and shouted: "Everyone thinks I'm innocent, I've had enough!"

"Miss Dodd, we know that you and Gillian had a dispute before death, why..."

Seeing that the girl was still holding on to Lucifer, she didn't mean to block the spring at all, and she looked like she was going to continue in full view, Chloe rolled her eyes helplessly, and could only stare at Lucifer angrily.

Lucifer frantically resisted the girl's attack, and replied innocently: "This is none of my business... Hey, little mage, use your spells to help her out!"

Chloe didn't understand, so: "What?"

Bai Jinglan shrugged and said nonsense: "Lord Lucifer, you know that mages can't use spells in front of people casually, but since it's your request, it's okay to help, but...you owe me a favor. "

With such a big boss by his side, of course he has to use it if he can use it. Even if his ability is greatly reduced, he can't help fight, but it is still possible to help solve some problems.

Lucifer said impatiently: "I know, I know, get her done!"


Bai Jinglan raised his hand and touched the girl's head.

The energy of the horse charm flashed, and she suddenly froze as if she had just woken up from a dream, and blinked several times in surprise.

For a moment, she showed a scared expression: "God, I really got into big trouble..."

"Miss Dodd, we don't care about your taking medicine, what we care about is the reason for your dispute with Gillian..."

Chloe followed the girl's words, but stared at Bai Jinglan, and couldn't help asking, "Sir, have we met before?"

Bai Jinglan smiled and said, "Yes, in Lucifer's bar, with Carter."

"Oh, I remembered." Chloe suddenly said, "You are a friend of Agent Carter."

"That's it."

Bai Jinglan nodded slightly, and asked casually, "How is Detective Carter? Has he been punished as a traffic policeman?"

"Carter is on vacation, and I heard that he's going on a trip to Hong Kong Island." Chloe changed the subject, "Just now... how did you do it? You actually woke her up all at once."

If everyone knew how to do this, there wouldn't be so many people dying from washing powder every year.

Bai Jinglan laughed and said: "It's just a small trick. You should know it from my appearance. Isn't it normal for a Chinese to know some authentic Chinese inner family qigong?"


Chloe didn't know what expression to make, and said with a wry smile, "Maybe our government should send someone to learn from it, and the medicinal herbs in our country will probably not be so rampant."

"The national conditions are like this, you can't learn."

Bai Jinglan smiled disapprovingly, turned her head and waved to Lucifer, "Lord Lucifer, since you are 'busy', see you next time."

Lucifer waved his hand angrily: "No problem, I haven't forgotten your men's night, remember to come and play with me!"

"Detective Chloe, goodbye."

Bai Jinglan greeted the female police detective again, and kicked out a few guys who followed to watch the fun.

In the distance, a helicopter is slowly landing.

Another slut has arrived.

Dean muttered that he hadn't seen enough "reality TV", and Sam was concerned about another matter, asking cautiously, "Mr. White, is that man a mage too?"

Bai Jinglan glanced at him: "Didn't you hear what I called him?"

"Master Lucifer?" Sam was startled, "Is that a nickname?"

Bai Jinglan said: "No, that's his name—Lucifer Morningstar!"

Dean's body froze: "Don't tell me, that's Satan Lucifer from hell!"

"No way!"

Qiao's pretty face was also twisted into a ball, more collapsed than seeing her idol as a fallen girl.

Their family members all died because of demons, and Lucifer is the boss of all demons, how could he be such a coquettish and funny comparison?

"I'll give you some common sense first." Bai Jinglan said to them as he walked in the direction of the helicopter, "Hell is a very complicated dimension, divided into many areas, and each area has a monarch, which can be called 'Lord of Hell', also known as 'Lord of Hell', each of the gods: Egyptian gods, Greek gods, Norse gods...all have their own territory in hell, and Lucifer is just one of them.

Of course, among the lords of hell, Lucifer is considered one of the strongest lords, and has a very high status in the dimension of hell. The only ones who can be as famous as him are Mephisto, the king of lies, Marduk, and Satan How many.

In addition, 'Satan' is the title of the emperor of hell, which represents the supreme status. Many hell lords call themselves Satan, but no one dares to sit on the real Satan throne. "

Pointing to the sky above his head, he said sarcastically: "There is a dimensional group on the top of the earth, where everything in the real world can be taken care of, called the 'Infinite Embassy', which is a neutral zone established by the gods of the universe.

Any supernatural existence, as long as you find a path, you can visit there, ghosts, mages, demons, gods, goblins... In the infinite embassy, ​​there is a special area for demons to discuss important matters about themselves and their subordinates. Called 'The Devil's Advocate', the real satanic throne is there.

Those daemon lords often keep their mouths shut, making excuses to sit around empty thrones, proving how sublime they are by placing themselves near the highest seat.

Those demons who often claimed to be Satan were very honest in that room, at most vying for a seat close to the throne, but no one dared to sit on that seat, because they would definitely be swallowed alive by everyone. "

The three of them were all amazed, and King Dumao couldn't help raising his head, looking at the endless sky.

Unfortunately, all you can see is the sky.

If the infinite embassy was so easy to find, Bai Jinglan would have gone in and visited it long ago.

There was a neutral zone established by the Life Tribunal. Even the five great concept gods did not dare to mess around. Even if they rushed to spit in front of a certain hell lord, he had to endure it obediently.

"Hey White!"

On the side of the street, after finishing signing for a few beautiful girls, the coquettish big dog threw away the pen and shouted to Bai Jinglan, "Tell me, you haven't finished your work yet? I pushed hundreds of millions of dollars." For business, I came here specially to watch you catch ghosts."


(End of this chapter)

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