witcher in marvel

Chapter 130 The Legend of Philadelphia

Chapter 130 The Legend of Philadelphia
At an altitude of [-] meters, there are clouds like silk flocks.

Bai Jinglan sat on the throne, watching the cloud scene with great interest.

Toria stood with her sword in her hand, looking into the distance, wondering what she was thinking.

On the other side, Dean was almost lying on the ground, with a face full of tears.

Sam sat next to him, although he also looked a little scared, but compared with his elder brother, he was definitely called "Mount Tai collapsed before him, but his face remained unchanged".

Joanna was sitting on the other side, and suddenly patted Dean on the back, making him almost jump up. She giggled and said, "Dean, I didn't expect you to have a fear of heights!"

"Who said I have a fear of heights!"

Dean's face was as white as paper, and he still refused to admit defeat, "I'm just afraid of flying, let alone this kind of open plane!"

The light boat Vimana has a special way of riding, not in the engine room, but standing on the upper deck like a boat.

On the strangely shaped long and narrow deck, there are jewels everywhere, but there is only one king's throne.

In other places, there is not even a shelter.

Of course, there are invisible barriers wrapped around the flying boat, otherwise passengers who are not strong enough will be thrown hundreds of miles away in an instant.

In fact, since it is a flying boat, it naturally has a cabin.

However, Bai Jinglan liked the feeling of flying at high altitude, and planned to train the courage of a few future students, so he dragged them all to the deck to blow the air.

So, that's it.

Sam and Joe were terrified at first, but it didn't take long for them to shake off their fear and become curious about this handsome airship.

Only Dean, who usually looks the most unrestrained and bold, has been lying there without standing up since the flying boat flew into the sky.

No, he didn't even raise his face, he kept his head buried there, panting heavily.

If it wasn't for the breeze blowing on the airship, Sam and Joe would almost think that he was short of oxygen at high altitude.

Looking at the ostrich-like Dean, Sam couldn't stop laughing: "Dean, are you okay?"

"What do you think?" Dean said angrily, "Why do I drive everywhere, Sam!"

Sam laughed and said, "I thought you were reluctant to part with your car?"

"I really can't bear my car... Please!"

Dean raised his face suddenly, and said urgently to Bai Jinglan, "Sir, I apply to accompany my car in the cabin!"

Bai Jinglan didn't even raise his eyelids, and said lightly: "Dean, you have to adapt to the high altitude, otherwise you will have the ability to fly in the future, don't you also have to carry a circle of guardrails with you?"

Dean said with a sad face: "Although I don't really believe that one day I will fly, but... if there is such a day, I will definitely come up with the guardrail!"

Bai Jinglan glanced at him and said, "Then I'll teach you how to fly on a broomstick, and see how you bring the guardrail up!"

Dean rubbed his eyes and murmured softly: "The broom is too tight, I prefer flying carpets, it can definitely be used as a guardrail..."

Qiao poked his head out cautiously, looked at the clouds below, then turned his head and asked, "Mr. White, if we fly around like this, won't we attract the air force to attack?"

"Vimana has an optical invisibility effect, and radar cannot detect us."

With a wave of his arm, Bai Jinglan suddenly slowed down the speed of the flying boat of light, and then fell downwind of the clouds, "And... we have arrived at our destination."

Sam supported the retching Dean and exclaimed: "It's here so soon? Wow, this spaceship is really amazing!"

Dean rolled his eyes: "It's too fast...I'm going to throw up..."

Bai Jinglan rested her chin with one hand, and raised the corner of her mouth slightly: "Dean, I think you need special training."

"What special training?"

"that's it!"

Bai Jinglan flicked his fingers, and Dean's body suddenly turned and fell off the flying boat.

But in the blink of an eye, a luminous chain pierced through the void and was binding him.

"Wow ah ah ah ah!!"

A series of screams came from below.


Sam and Joe, terrified, seized the chain hastily, and tried to pull him up, but found that the chain was heavier than expected.

"Don't worry, he won't fall." Bai Jinglan said with a smile, "Just let him practice the feeling of flying in the air first... Oh, do you want to try it?"


The two immediately let go of their hands and looked down sympathetically.

It's just a small prank, but the time is actually very short, not more than 1 minute before and after.

With the descending speed of Vimana, the start and stop ignoring the rules of physics, it soon stopped outside Philadelphia.

"Sir, you are too black-hearted!"

Dean was tearing up, accusing Bai Jinglan tearfully.

"Are you still afraid of airplanes?" Bai Jinglan patted Vimana's cabin, "I can ask Vimana to take you to fly a few more laps. When your fear of heights is gone, you can come back anytime."


Dean shook his head desperately, "Don't be afraid! I won't be afraid in this life!"

"very good."

Bai Jinglan snapped his fingers, Vimana's hatch opened, and Tolia drove the car out.

This time there were too many people, so we stopped riding motorcycles and horses.

A group of people drove into the urban area, and Dean ate three hamburgers in a row, feeling finally alive again.

"Last night, we already contacted Jerry..." Sam said, "In fact, even if we don't contact him, he is going to contact us?"

Joe said seriously: "So, the plane crash is indeed a supernatural event?"

"We'll wait until we meet him." Dean stuffed the last bite of the hamburger into his mouth, and replied vaguely, "According to Jerry, he got the cockpit recording of the crashed flight, and there are some weird things in it." He was just about to ask us to go over to help take a look. Well... the captain of the crashed plane was his good friend and one of the seven survivors. It is said that because of this air crash, the captain was in the Blame yourself, think it's your own fault."

Joe clicked his tongue: "Should I say the unlucky lucky one, or the lucky unlucky one?"

Sam shrugged: "The only problem is that Jerry only invited me and Dean, and it's a relatively confidential place, so..."

Bai Jinglan didn't take it seriously: "You guys go, let's go around the city."

The Winchester brothers are very experienced hunters, so let them do things like investigating clues.

Moreover, there was a place he wanted to see very much.


"We'll be back soon."

The two brothers nodded, got in the car and left.

Joe asked, "Where are we going?"

Bai Jinglan looked at him: "Have you heard of the Philadelphia Experiment?"

"Of course!" Joe excitedly said, "The unsolved mysteries of the world, uh... but experts have explained that it's a rumor. Could it be that the Philadelphia Experiment is true?"

Bai Jinglan spread her hands: "Everything is possible!"

The Philadelphia experiment can be described as the most perfect urban legend, which combines many of the most mysterious science fiction elements such as time travel, teleportation, Einstein's unified theory, and military secrets.Apart from the experiment itself, there seems to be a bizarre murder case hidden behind it due to leaks.

Legend has it that on October 1943, 10, the U.S. Office of Naval Research conducted a secret experiment. They found a destroyer USS Eldridge, which was being repaired at the Philadelphia dock, and started a space transfer experiment.

At that time, the commander-in-chief of the Philadelphia experiment was the talented physicist Nikola Tesla, but he was dismissed because he insisted on refusing to allow the crew to experiment in person. Afterwards, von Neumann took over as the commander-in-chief. He was under pressure from the military. This experiment was carried out, and Einstein personally participated in the experiment.

The whole experiment design adopts Tesla's idea. Huge and heavy coils are wound around the hull in a specific order at both ends of the hull. The Ledridge disappeared in an instant at the extraordinary dock, and suddenly appeared at the Norfolk pier 479 kilometers away.

In addition, it was also mentioned that this experiment was related to the arrival of aliens, and under the influence of the invisible field, some crew members were frozen and it would take six months to thaw; It burned for 6 days; some disappeared since then, half of the people went crazy and so on.

In short, the rumors became more and more outrageous, so that many people thought that this experiment almost destroyed the earth, and condemned the military for concealing the truth.

This so-called experimental project has been refuted by various officials, but people have continued to question it, and it has gradually become one of the most famous mysteries in the world.

Bai Jinglan doesn't know if it's true or not, but anything can happen in the Marvel world, especially this kind of legend that involves multiple mysteries.

Now that we have come to the border of Philadelphia, of course we have to drop by to have a look.

In fact, this is the main reason why he made this place his first stop.


(End of this chapter)

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