witcher in marvel

Chapter 111 Smith's Appreciation Ceremony

Chapter 111 Smith's Appreciation Ceremony

Mrs. Smith and the Carrot Killer are considered top elites in the killer world, but compared to the legendary killers of the Mutual Aid Society and the ninja masters of the Hand, they are at least one or two grades behind.

Cross is best at firearms, standing at a corner, holding a pistol in each hand, firing bullets flying in arcs, easily suppressing a small team, causing half of them to hang up as soon as they showed up.

No matter where they hide, bullets that do not obey the rules of physics can easily send them to God.

Mr. X is also a good marksman, but he prefers to use close range gun fighting.

The soaring adrenaline made him look like a tiger, and he jumped into the middle of a group of killers. Two pistols bang and bang, and at the same time, using his body as a weapon, he rampaged like a black bear, making the killers jump like bowling balls.

Jingxin Yoshioka is even more exaggerated, he walks through like a ghost, and every time the samurai sword flickers, it can separate a person's head.

The strong smell of blood filled the unfinished building, and the fierce Quintana pressed the child to her chest, for fear that he would be choked by the smell of blood.

John squatted on the ground and shrugged at his wife: "Look, I told him to come here, he must be able to save us!"

Jane squinted at him, and said meaningfully: "Even if the killer is settled this time, the organization will send other killers."

John was silent.

When Bai Jinglan heard it, he asked curiously, "John's organization has just been destroyed, so why are you so eager to hunt and kill you?"

John shrugged helplessly: "An organization bought my organization, and they just needed to show their authority to the organization's killers, so I became the best target..."

"Then you're out of luck."

Bai Jinglan looked at the couple, and said calmly, "You don't need to test here and there. Since I promised to guarantee your safety, I will definitely do it."

Jane's expression relaxed slightly.

They are all elites of their respective organizations, and they know how powerful the organization is. Now there is such a mysterious and powerful figure who is willing to help them through this disaster, even though she has never been willing to bow to men. I can't help but feel a lot more relaxed.

John showed a big smile: "Now I feel more and more that it's worth giving you that sword!"

Listening to their conversation, Quintana opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

She is just a very ordinary woman, and she really doesn't want to get involved in such things.

If possible, she would also like to ask the mysterious man in front of her to help solve the people who chased and killed them. It doesn't matter if she pays some price for this.

However, Smith, who has a bad temper and hard temper, may not be willing.

Sure enough, the carrot killer, who had never said a word, looked down at her and said calmly, "Don't be afraid, I'll find the mastermind after I've dealt with this group of killers. As long as we get rid of him, we'll be safe in the future." It's..."

"Don't be so troublesome."

Bai Jinglan smiled lightly, "Whether it's the people who are chasing John and the others, or the people who are chasing you, I will send someone to take care of it, and you don't have to worry about these things in the future."

The real target of those who hunted down the carrot killer and Quintana was the child, and behind them was an arms group and a member of parliament.

To put it simply, the congressman was going to use gun ban as his campaign slogan, and the arms group had just launched a special pistol. Fearing that the congressman's behavior would affect their money, he sent killers to assassinate a group of surrogate mothers that the congressman was secretly looking for.

Because the congressman is seriously ill and needs a bone marrow transplant of the same blood, but he has no blood relatives, so he finds a group of women to be surrogates, and waits for his own blood to come to the world, so that their bone marrow can be used to save his life.

Therefore, if those surrogate women were killed, the congressmen could only close their eyes and wait for death.

The carrot killer happened to meet a surrogate mother who was hunted down and rescued her, but she was still beaten to death after giving birth.

It was rare for a kind carrot killer to hide with a newborn baby, find Quintana who was working somewhere, and then they started being hunted everywhere together.

Now, the congressman has formed an alliance with the arms group, and they are not going to let the baby go, and there are two people who are insiders.

Among the large group of killers outside, there are both members of the congressmen and mercenaries of the arms group.

Both groups belonged to the powerful, and the Smiths and Quintana together had become thorns in their side.

Even if Bai Jinglan asked the Hand Association and the Mutual Aid Association to take care of the killer group behind the Smiths, the congressmen and the arms group would not let them go.

Simply, kill them together.

The Killer Group will be handled by the Hand Association and the Mutual Aid Association. As for the MP and the BOSS of the Arms Group...

Bai Jinglan stood at the window, looking down at the killers commanding from the outside.

In an instant, his figure disappeared in the unfinished building, startling the four people who were watching him.


The carrot killer eats carrots every day, has very good eyesight, and immediately found Bai Jinglan's trace.

At this time, he was standing in front of the Chevrolet team.

The killers who stayed behind were also startled, and then prepared to shoot under the command of the boss.

Bai Jinglan turned a blind eye to this and just passed his hand across the air.

In an instant, all the killers paused and stopped there in unison, as if the pause button had been pressed.

"Let's go back!"

Bai Jinglan waved his hand, "Whoever sent you here, kill them."

A group of killers stared, retracted their firearms, got into the car obediently, and left in a hurry.

One hypnotism, all done!
When Bai Jinglan returned to the unfinished building, the battle here was almost over.

The killing speed of the three super killers far exceeds the imagination of ordinary killers.

Only a hundred or ten people, all cleared up in 5 minutes!

"Now, you can leave." Bai Jinglan announced to several people, "Everyone goes back to his own house, each finds his own mother, and there is no need to worry about being chased by anyone."

Carrot Killer frowned: "How can you guarantee..."

"You can continue to escape."

Bai Jinglan didn't bother to pay attention to him, and nodded to the three of them, "Let's go, it's time to get down to business!"

Carrot Killer suddenly said: "Wait!"

Bai Jinglan said a little unhappy: "Do you have other things?"

"I owe no one a favor!"

Carrot Killer's expression is exactly the same as Xin's, always cold, as if there is no other expression.

Bai Jinglan looked at him: "So?"

"Are you one of those people?"

The carrot killer licked his lips, "Magician? I once saw a magician, he died in front of me, and I picked up his things..."

He shook the half carrot in his hand: "I don't know what it is. I buried that thing in a flowerpot, and then I found that the carrots grown there had some strange effects. So I thought, that thing It should be of some value to you."

Bai Jinglan became interested: "Oh? Take a look."

NPC came to deliver loot?
"Hold on."

This unfinished building is the carrot killer's safe house. He walks up to the roof with ease, and soon embraces an unremarkable flower bed.

Pulling out the carrot in the altar, he rubbed it casually with his hand, chewed it again, and at the same time reached out to wipe it in the soil, and took out a small red stone.

He handed the small stone to Bai Jinglan: "That's it. When the magician was dying, he still held it tightly."

Bai Jinglan took it over and took a look, only to find that it was not a different red stone. After wiping off the dirt on it, it was a blood-colored crystal the size of a little finger.

From the appearance point of view, it looks like a piece of red crystal.

However, Bai Jinglan could feel the power inside the stone.

It's a Philosopher's Stone!

The blood-colored crystal... Could it be bloodstone fragments?
There are many hunters who specialize in hunting vampires in Marvel, the most famous is the blade warrior known as "Sunwalker", but in addition to the blade warrior, there are several other vampire hunters on the mysterious side, the most famous of which is Blood Stone family.

The first generation hunter of the Bloodstone family is Ulysses Bloodstone. He accidentally obtained a red crystal from outer space. As a result, the crystal's alien guardian manipulated the crystal and slaughtered his entire tribe.

The angry Ulysses shattered the crystal, and one of the fragments was embedded in his chest, endowing him with powerful vitality and combat power, while other crystal fragments were scattered all over the world.

Seeing this magnificent shard of blood crystal, Bai Jinglan immediately thought of the legendary alien blood crystal.

"This thing is really valuable."

Bai Jinglan put away the blood crystal fragments, thought for a while, took out the checkbook and swiped a pen, "I will give you another 100 million US dollars, so that you can only eat carrots in the future, um... John, I will also give you 100 million US dollars." , the two will not owe each other in the future."


(End of this chapter)

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