witcher in marvel

Chapter 108 Max and Zeke's Obsession

Chapter 108 Max and Zeke's Obsession

Marbury Villa.

Stark is arguing with Max about something.

To put it simply, Max and Zeke believed that there would be a long time before their genes collapsed. They planned to continue the mission of rescuing their younger siblings. Anyway, one Bilin staying here was enough for Stark. for their clinical trials.

And Tony Stark asked himself that he was entrusted by Bai Jinglan to help these artificial humans perfect the genetic formula. Of course, he didn't want the two guys who hadn't been cured to leave, especially the crucial Max.

As a third party, Leidick watched coldly, and with his current status, he would not help Max make any decisions.

At this moment……

Swish! !

The portal where sparks danced appeared.

Stark frowned, and before he could accuse him angrily, a black figure flew out of the portal and fell to the ground with a slap.

Stark froze for a moment, looked down, and met a big white eye, and then...

Σ( ̄. ̄)

"Fuck, what a monster!!"

Seeing the tentacles flaring their teeth and claws, Stark took two steps back sensitively, and stuck out two hands under his ribs, and swipe on the table next to him, grabbing a few weapons and being very alert.

Hmm... that's a tiger with tentacles!

Then, a giant wolf the size of a rhinoceros was thrown in, and then a huge shark with four legs.

Stark's face was filled with horror—was this the ransacking of some monster genetic laboratory?

"What shape are you in?"

Bai Jinglan stepped through the portal and looked at Stark strangely. Seeing this guy with four hands open, one holding a large pipe pliers, one hand holding a screwdriver, one hand holding a flame spray gun, and the other holding an electric drill, he asked strangely , "Are you going to cosplay Nezha? Then you are missing a few hands, oh, and two heads."

Stark opened his mouth, threw the weapon in his hand, pointed to several unconscious monsters, and asked, "Hey, did you dismantle a genetic laboratory again?"

"Uh, so be it!"

Bai Jinglan shrugged, "It's not a science laboratory, but a magic laboratory... This is the masterpiece of a certain legendary witch. She created many strange creatures. I got a few and gave them to you, right As your reward for helping this time."

Stark raised his eyebrows, coughed dryly, and said, "I'm a mechanic, not a biologist. If you give me some small things like Sivas bracelets, I might try my best."

"Well... also."

Bai Jinglan thought for a while, took out "Sirvanas' music box" and threw it over.

"what is this?"

Stark didn't have the stink of beeping that he never picked up other people's things. He carefully caught the music box and gently lifted the lid. The two banshees immediately projected out and began to sing softly in mid-air.

"This is a music box, right?" Stark rolled his eyes, "Even if it is a holographic music box, it has no value to me..."

Bai Jinglan said: "This is indeed an ordinary music box, but it is not a holographic projection, but a magic projection."

"Magic projection?"

Stark suddenly became interested.

What he was interested in was not the ability of the magic weapon, but the operation method of the magic circuit in the magic weapon, which was completely unfamiliar knowledge to him.

"You can study that thing casually in the future, it doesn't matter if you take it apart, let's take a look at this first..."

Bai Jinglan took out a golden apple and placed it on the messy table.


Several people gathered around, looking at him curiously.

"Yes, Apple."

Bai Jinglan nodded, and answered shortly, "It's not an ordinary apple, it's a golden apple from the Nordic Asgard, a divine fruit bred by Idun, the goddess of spring. Eating it can keep you young forever and prolong your lifespan." , take a look, is it useful for Max... and Zeke's genetic disease?"

"The golden apple in the myth?" Stark's eyes widened, wanting to believe it or not, "The myth really exists? Or is it just a rumor, and it's just a story evolution in your magic world?"

Ladick's expression remained unchanged, he just leaned closer and observed the golden apple carefully, while Max and Zeke locked their eyes on Bai Jinglan's face.

After all, although people often talk about God and shut up about gods, there are not many people who are 100% sure of the existence of gods.

The vast majority of god believers just regard God as their soul sustenance. .

Bai Jinglan smiled: "The magic world can exist, why don't the gods exist?"

Zeke couldn't help asking: "God... really exists?"

"Whether God exists or not has nothing to do with you." Bai Jinglan said lightly, "All the gods have left the earth, and you have very few opportunities to contact them, and it is even more impossible for you to contact God... Oh, the gods of Norse mythology are still If you have a chance to get in touch, because the earth is nominally the territory of the Nordic Asgard, and sometimes there will be Nordic gods from the lower realms to handle affairs, maybe you will run into each other at any time."

Stark is concerned about another question: "You said that the gods left the earth, are they all aliens?"

Bai Jinglan shook his head: "In fact, the gods are the natives of the earth. They are advanced life evolved from the life force of the earth. They once ruled this planet in ancient times and left behind various myths and legends. Later, some things happened, and the gods had to leave the earth and live in other dimensions, so that human civilization can rise."

Stark still wanted to ask again, but Bai Jinglan put on a more serious tone and said, "Stark, you will know about this in the future, the matter of Max and the others is imminent, please help solve this problem first!"

Stark smacked his lips and picked up the golden apple: "Okay, I'll test this thing now!"

Redick hurriedly said, "I'll go too!"

"up to you."

Stark curled his lips disapprovingly, raised his chin towards Max and Zeke, and said to Bai Jinglan, "By the way, you still have to settle their affairs."

Bai Jinglan looked at them: "What's the matter?"

Max stood up and pursed her lips: "White, we want to...continue the previous action!"

Zeke echoed: "Mr. White, our genetic collapse has not yet officially started, and there is still a safe period of time, so Max and I discussed it and took this opportunity to rescue the kidnapped siblings!"

Bai Jinglan thought for a while, then looked at Stark and Reddick: "How long can they remain in such a good condition?"

Reddick quickly replied: "At least for one to one and a half months, their genes will definitely not change, but after one and a half months, it may happen, and lesions may appear at any time."

"One month!"

Bai Jinglan nodded, and turned to Max and Zeke, "I want to force you to stay, and you can't just focus on healing, so... I'll give you a month, no matter whether everyone is saved or not. Come back, you all have to come back for treatment. Oh, and even if you want to leave, you have to wait for Stark to analyze the effect of the golden apple before leaving. In case this thing can restrain your genetic collapse, you will have more How long does it take to save people?"

"it is good!"

This time, the two agreed very happily.

Bai Jinglan smiled, and asked instead: "Hmm...Zake, how effective is the Berserker's cane?"


Zeke took out half of the cane from his clothes, and nodded with lingering fear, "With this thing, I can single out a fully armed special force, but..."

Bai Jinglan smiled: "Its side effects are also terrible, right?"

In Agents of SHIELD, Randolph comforts Ward: using a cane will gain great power, and the negative reaction is a dark and violent pain emanating from the bottom of my heart, and there is anger in my chest that makes people think my heart is going to explode, but this This feeling doesn't last long, and it subsides after a few decades.

As long as it is a sane person, no one likes this feeling.

Zeker doesn't like it either, but he needs such power.

"So, let me change a weapon for you."

Bai Jinglan retracted half of his cane, and took out the newly acquired "Baroque", "This is Balrog Baroque, the flame attribute gloves and boots that contain the power of the King of Hell, similar to Max's impact steel, but It just doesn’t have the ability to transform at will. Well, although its strength bonus is not as good as the Berserker’s cane, it’s enough for you.”

Zeke took it over solemnly: "Thank you!"


(End of this chapter)

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