witcher in marvel

Chapter 106 Fantasy space

Chapter 106 Fantasy space
The first to strike was not the magma giant, but the giant crocodile standing on its head.

He didn't have any signs, and suddenly stretched out his sharp claws, piercing through Bai Jinglan's heart.

However, before he could burst out laughing triumphantly, his back suddenly shivered like being pricked by needles.

Not a hallucination!

The big crocodile lowered its head in astonishment, and the scarlet sword edge pierced through his heart.


"With your IQ, you don't have to think about it."

Bai Jinglan quickly drew back the Sword of Killing God, and pointed his left hand at his companion at the same time.

"Palm Thunder!!"

Boom! !
Black thunder spewed out, covering the faces of several strange monsters.


"it hurts!"

Several strange monsters rolled and crawled continuously, and after being penetrated by Yin Lei, they trembled continuously.

In an instant, each of them changed their appearance.

Those real dimensional monsters dare not be so arrogant on the earth, these few are just alien black mages - they say they are not afraid of Kama Taj, but they still have scruples.

The big crocodile is not a real crocodile man either, he also showed his original form when he died, but he was a white wizard with a big beard.


The leader of the magma man raised his spear high, obviously not taking the wizards seriously.

In an instant, dozens of magma giants launched together, either throwing magma spears, or bending their bows to shoot out magma arrows.

Dozens of flames fell in unison, like a dazzling meteor shower.

These magma-like weapons fell on the ground like meteors, without causing much movement, just like ordinary bows and spears.

However, the few wizards whose faces were covered with thunder were melted into ashes without even groaning.

Not even the instruments they carry can withstand the high temperature.

"Do you think you can escape?"

The leader of the magma giant raised his head and roared at the boulder in the distance.

Bai Jinglan stood there with his back to the moon, overlooking the enemies below.

He kneaded a magma arrow, thinking to himself: What is this made of?How dare an arrow seem to contain the power of a volcano!

Moreover, there is a very strong poison on this thing!

He just curiously took the arrow, and was immediately invaded by the strong fire and toxin, as if being pressed on a branding iron. It was thanks to the horse charm that was cleaned out in time, otherwise he would have to eat one carelessly. Bored.

This army composed entirely of magma monsters is much more powerful than the ghosts of the underworld summoned by Huayao!
Morgan Le Fay's masterpiece?

She is indeed the strongest dark witch in history!

Maybe collect some and bring them home...

Call ~
Before Bai Jinglan could finish his thoughts, the arrow between his fingers turned into sparks, which dissipated in the night wind in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the arrows and spears that covered the ground all turned into sparks and disappeared, and the magma giants raised their magma spears again and put on their magma bows and arrows.

Bai Jinglan: "..."

So slippery!
Also with automatic recycling?
"For the sake of the great witch queen, kill him and take back Zegundo's wand!"

The leader of the magma giant shook the reins, and the magma flying dragon under his crotch flapped its wings. Amid the high-pitched dragon chant, it spewed out a large area of ​​high-temperature flames in the direction of Bai Jinglan.

Bai Jinglan's figure lowered slightly, and instantly disappeared from the top of the boulder. When he reappeared, he was already in the sky above the leader of the giant, and then fell with a sword against the bright moon.

when! ! !
The leader of the magma giant raised his spear to block, but couldn't bear Bai Jinglan's strength, and was crushed to fall more than ten meters amidst the screams, almost being crushed into the ground with people and dragons.

"Good boy, it's not over yet, the next one is coming!"

In Bai Jinglan's teasing chuckle, like a whirlwind, his body folded in mid-air, drawing a graceful arc, and the God Killing Sword swung out again from another direction, drawing a large curve.


The leader of the magma giant swung his spear reflexively, but he was thrown flying with a bang as if hit by a hammer, and plunged into the rocks by the sea.


The magma flying dragon under his crotch roared angrily, turned his head to spray flames again, Bai Jinglan turned around and kicked in a roundabout, which was strengthened by the bull charm to a powerful force of [-] tons, and immediately kicked the robust adult flying dragon out.

In the next moment, he jumped tens of meters away without hesitation, and a row of magma arrows chased his figure, forming a row on the wet coast, like a huge garland of flames.

Sirens sounded in the distance.

Even though this small island country is sparsely populated and this area is even more inaccessible, such a big movement still attracted attention.

Just as Bai Jinglan was about to open the mirror dimension and pull these guys in to deal with them, she suddenly remembered something.

The place where these guys appear... seems to be a small space!

Is there any pocket space similar to Hell's Glory House near this unremarkable small island country?
The moon hid in the clouds, and the coast returned to its original darkness, making the magma giant even more dazzling.

Bai Jinglan pondered for a while, dispersed the space spell that was about to be thrown, turned around and ran towards the depths of the sea.

"Chase! Chase!!"

The leader of the magma giant poked his head out of the rock, roaring angrily. The high temperature around him made the broken rock tend to melt.

Immediately, the magma flying dragons soared into the sky one after another, carrying tall magma giants on their backs, and chased after Bai Jinglan with their teeth and claws open. Because it was close to the sea level, the high temperature boiled the sea water, and a large thick fog rose up.

In an instant, Bai Jinglan had already swept into the deep sea, and Barbados became a small dot under the night sky behind him.

He gradually slowed down his movement speed, looked towards the nearby sea area, and was a little surprised: This seems to be the Bermuda Triangle!

This space is indeed a little weird, there is an electric current floating in the air, which slightly paralyzes his body.

The magma giants who were chasing wildly behind all roared excitedly, driving the fast-moving flying dragon to speed up, and approached Bai Jinglan's side in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, like the western cowboys in the film and television drama, they threw out long magma ropes, binding Bai Jinglan tightly.

Then, amidst the cheers of the magma giants, the leader of the giants waved his curved spear, and the deep darkness on the sea quickly dissipated, revealing a fantasy world like a fairyland.

A huge island full of strange peaks and rocks, floating high in the sky, a wide waterfall cascading down from mid-air, the noise is like thunder, surrounded by clouds and fog, rolling white waves, falling on the protruding rocks of the stone wall, and the nectar flies Entering, the jasper shattered, and the splashed water formed a large spray, like a cloud of milky white smoke and thin clouds, falling straight into the void with no end in sight.

On the huge floating island, you can see exotic flowers and plants everywhere, and there are many weird beasts running around - flying spiders, tigers with tentacles, shiny dogs, mice bigger than wolves , a wolf bigger than a rhinoceros, a shark galloping on land...

This place seems to be the old lair of the magma giants. Apart from the group that came to hunt down Bai Jinglan, there are also some magma men on the hanging island, hunting those weird beasts.

The magma giants who returned with the "trophies" just landed on the ground on the magma flying dragon, and suddenly heard an exclamation in the ear of the giant leader:
"Wow, what a nice place."

"Well, this place is destined for me—I declare that this place belongs to me!"


(End of this chapter)

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