Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 99 The Mighty Tony

Chapter 99 The Mighty Tony
"As smart as he is, it's impossible to find out that something is wrong with Yin Sen now. It should be because you are too idle, let him see the clue."

Zod said.

After all, the main task of these beast soldiers is to monitor Tony Stark, hundreds of people are just to stare at him, and they were terrorists when they said to Tony Stark, terrorists don't need to rob.

Terrorists don't need to fight with others, do they?
In addition, the attitude of the Beast soldiers towards firearms is dispensable, and sometimes they even put empty magazines into the guns. It's no wonder Tony Stark didn't notice these details.

There are too many flaws in Yin Sen. This second Yin Sen feels that he has changed his language. Tony Stark should not be able to learn a new language so quickly, but he did not expect Tony Stark to learn a new language at a speed beyond imagination. Even if Yin Sen didn't talk much, the occasional few words were enough for Tony Stark to sort out the truth.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you run away, I was going to let him go."

Zod thought for a while and said.

Just as the beast soldiers over there breathed a sigh of relief, they heard Zod continue.

"However, the death penalty is inevitable, and the death penalty is inevitable. You all go to Africa to find polar bears for me, and if you can't find them, you will never come back for the rest of your life!!!"

Zod hung up the call.

"Boss, are you angry?"

One of the beast soldiers asked naively.

"Damn it, after you became an insect fusion, did your mind become simpler? The boss must be angry!"

Another Beast Soldier scolded iron but not steel.

"So are we really going to Africa to find polar bears?"

The beast soldiers looked at each other, let alone go to Africa, never heard of Antarctic bears, okay? Should we first go to the North Pole to catch a polar bear, take it to live in Antarctica for a while, and then go to Africa?
In desperation, the beast soldiers had no choice but to go to Africa. After all, Zod had his mind wave controlling them, so he had no choice but to rebel.

Zod was not angry, and he was not the kind of person who would get angry casually. Sending the beast soldiers to Africa was just an excuse. In fact, he wanted them to lure the black panther god of Wakanda out.

Worst of all, Wakanda cannot be allowed to pretend to be crazy for more than ten years.

Anyway, they are just a batch of old products of animal soldiers that are about to be eliminated.

There has recently been a clear hierarchy within the World Snake.

The highest level is naturally the boss Zod, and the next is the four emperors, that is, the black queen, the white queen, the black emperor and the white emperor.

Further down are the three generals, seven generals and 16 lieutenant generals with a fixed establishment.

Then there are major generals, brigadier generals, colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, and ordinary world snake soldiers.

For the World Snake members, who are mostly military, this class system is easy to accept.

It's just that Blonsky was very surprised that he was only a lieutenant general, but this was an order issued by Zod himself, and he couldn't protest and refute it.


On the other hand, after Tony Stark escaped, he used the steel suit and his own physical fitness to successfully walk out of Afghanistan and went to the US military base in Afghanistan. The person in charge of the US military base was stunned when he saw him of.

Didn't Tony Stark have been missing for over a year, or even confirmed dead?

"Help me find Colonel Rhodes..."

Tony Stark passed out after speaking.

When he woke up, he was already lying in a big hospital.


Next to him is his good friend from childhood, Air Force Colonel James Rhodes, who is also one of the pilots of the current military air force's war machine.

"You have been missing for more than a year, where did you go?"

Rhodes asked worriedly.


Tony lamented that it seemed like a lifetime since he hadn't seen him for more than a year.

He has matured and become different!

After communicating with Rhodes and learning that Stark Industries has now become Obadiah's company, Tony Stark didn't feel anything. Obadiah is still a good uncle in his opinion.

After Obadiah learned the news of Tony Stark's return, his face sank, but he quickly recovered his emotions and asked the secretary to prepare a car for him to visit Tony who was undergoing examination in the hospital.


Obadiah pushed open the door of the ward, and when he saw Tony, the tearful expression that had been brewing for a long time froze.

Because Tony Stark is not as weak as he imagined, on the contrary, his face is rosy, his upper body is exposed, his chest muscles, abdominal muscles, biceps and other muscles are clearly visible. You said that Tony Stark was kidnapped and taken away for a while. No one believed it for more than a year!
After all, it was Zod's fitness cell specially prepared for Tony Stark. He had to forge and beat steel every day. He ate three vegetarian meals and one meat meal. There was also a hard fiber meal every two days, which was very healthy.

In order to prevent Tony from developing caffeine and alcohol dependence, Tony didn't even have to drink coffee or alcohol. He could only drink various fruit and vegetable juices to detoxify and beautify his skin. Even his skin improved a lot.

With plenty of sleep (no nightlife), Tony Stark is refreshed and bright-eyed.


When Tony saw his relatives, he turned over from the hospital bed very excitedly, so fast that Rhodes was stunned for a moment.

He knew that Tony's body was very healthy now, but he didn't say that he was so flexible!

Not to mention, they have to do [-] hours of physical work every day, and then the beast soldiers don't care about food, they have to go to the cafeteria to grab food by themselves, and all the animals will be eaten if they are too late.

Zod told them that Tony would be able to exercise in this way, and he would not eat people if he missed a meal, as long as he could eat breakfast to prevent him from getting gallstones.

Under such circumstances, Tony Stark has already practiced the ability to climb over obstacles with one hand to ensure that he can eat.

Because Obadiah is in a wheelchair, Tony can only give him a virtual hug.

"Just come back, just come back."

Obadiah patted Tony on the back, only to feel the pain of his palm, which was too strong.

"By the way, Tony, when you were away, the police said that you might have died. In order to prevent Stark Industries from going bankrupt, that's why I..."

Obadiah was worried that Tony would misunderstand, and quickly wanted to explain this matter. After all, for a person like him who felt that he judged others by himself, Tony must also value Stark Industries very much.

"Needless to say these things, it doesn't matter who Stark Industries is with. By the way, I want to eat cheeseburgers, and Happy!"

Tony said nonchalantly.

"Well, after you disappeared for more than a year, Happy has resigned."

Obadiah said awkwardly.

"What about Potts?"

Tony froze for a moment, but wasn't surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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