Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 80 Jessica

Chapter 80 Jessica

Jessica had no choice but to ask Wanda for advice. However, Wanda grew up in a chaotic place like Sokovia and had never read a book. Now she is still in the learning stage. I arranged private education for them, starting from the basics.

On this day, Jessica went home with a lot of books, but she was robbed on the road. She didn't intend to pay attention to it, and just wanted to leave quickly. Unexpectedly, the other party's gun went off and pierced the body of the old man who was talking with him. , the bullet rolled in the air in an irregular manner, Jessica only felt that everything was slowed down, and she watched the bullet shot at herself, although most of the power had been reduced by the old man.

But who knows if he can kill someone, Jessica doesn't want to bet.

Just when Jessica was anxious, she felt as if she could move. In such a slow world, her speed began to increase, and then she avoided the bullet.

When Jessica came back to her senses, the warhead had already hit the wall behind her, sending gravel flying and leaving a small crater.

The robber was dragged away by his accomplices in a daze, and the fallen old man was quickly surrounded and rescued. At this moment, a young man rushed in.

Jessica could only hear the old man calling him Peter, but after she aroused her superpowers, she just felt very uncomfortable. She would accidentally step on the concrete floor when walking, and hold a street lamp and push it down. She was very scared , Hastily ran back home.

"Sir, I think you need to see this."

The Black Queen released a video to Zod, which showed the destruction scene of Jessica becoming a public enemy all the way.

"Has the trace been erased?"

Zod was not surprised either. After Jessica woke up from the coma, she would be able to awaken her superpower in a few days, but she didn't awaken during this time, and Zod thought something unexpected happened.

It seems to be just right now.

"It's been cleaned up."

The Black Queen replied, otherwise, Jessica would be targeted by the Snake and Shield Bureau.

"Well, she should be very disturbed now, where is she?"

asked Zod.

"She's in Wanda's dormitory."

The Black Queen gives another footage.

Jessica is telling Wanda about her changes. She has become extremely powerful, invulnerable, and able to fly.

It is completely a shrunken version of Superman. Of course, because the DC company in the Marvel world has not yet released the Superman series, they first released the Batman series, which is different from the real world, so this metaphor is a narration metaphor.

Wanda looked at Jessica enviously. Although Jessica is still very scared, Jessica with superpowers can help Zodhis, right?
And Jessica is probably the only human with super powers, unlike herself.

Zod, who originally wanted to go over to appease Jessica, stopped paying attention when he saw this scene. He is not as good as someone else's best friend.

Under Wanda's comfort, Jessica finally realized that what she did was not a bad thing, but a good thing.

Thinking of today's robbery, she chose to run away instead of saving people because she was too scared. Was it equivalent to killing a person?
Thinking of this, Jessica felt complicated, but she followed what Wanda said and quickly contacted Zodhis.

"Mr. Heath, I...I have a secret to tell you."

Jessica quickly changed her words when she saw Uld on the side.


Uld's eyes flashed a faint light, what secrets do you need to talk to a minor?
It's against the law to talk to minors!
"Ould, why did the legal department receive more than 1000 lawyer letters?"

Zod said to Uld.

"Investigators from a company disassembled our war machine and found that a screw on it was slightly more similar to their patent. It was suspected that we imitated their patented product. At the beginning, there was only a lawyer's letter , but I didn't expect them to send so many in a row."

Uld said quickly.

Because all parts of War Machine are produced by Blade Technology Industry itself, although it is actually easy to imitate, the most important technology is the energy core.

"A screw?"

Zod didn't expect it to be so outrageous.

"what company?"

Zod was curious.

"Rosanne Energy Group is a notorious energy company known all over the world for issuing lawyer letters."

Uld said helplessly.

"At the same time, Roseanne Energy Group is also the number one energy company on the earth. In addition, there are more important social software for global Internet users, such as footbook, itterlat, and other hundreds of social platforms. As an oligarch in the oil industry, Luoshan also has many subsidiaries responsible for the production of some oil derivative products, such as lighters."

Uld continued to introduce.

And Zod has already recalled the memories of his previous life through the super brain, and immediately knows who the CEO of this company, that is, the real owner is.

The super villain, Dario Agger, one of the big villains who appeared in the Marvel Comics Universe, encountered the tomb of the ancient Greek mutant "Minotaur" when he narrowly escaped from the pursuit of pirates, and was forced to ate his remains in hunger.

Unexpectedly, he had a genetic mutation and became a new "Minotaur".

Of course, because there are no mutants in this universe, even if he belongs to the X gene that was awakened by luck, he is not a mutant, but a force that is biased towards the mysterious side.

That is, the real tauren!
Usually Dario will maintain a human appearance, and will transform into a Minotaur when fighting, possessing very powerful strength and defense.

However, if it is just a lawsuit, the legal department and the lawyer team supported by Blade Technology Industry are not free to eat. Basically, many of them are super elites or even big bosses in the legal industry who have jumped from other companies.

Zod had time to deal with Jessica's affairs after the legal department received a large number of lawyer's letters. He took Jessica into the secret room, and this kind of respect moved Jessica very much.

After all, many adults do not know how to respect minors, which is not acceptable in a place like the United States that yearns for independence and freedom.

"Is there any secret you want to tell me?"

Zod asked with a smile.

"I, I had an accident today, and in the process of dodging bullets, I got superpowers."

Jessica was timid at first, but after seeing Zod's gaze, she mustered up the courage to speak out.


Zod's expression did not doubt that it was a prank or a child's fantasy, he repeated it in a very serious tone.

(End of this chapter)

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