Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 76 Morgan

Chapter 76 Morgan
Self-healing factor + vibrating gold body, which makes Luke Cage more fleshy.

But this is not enough, because pure meat is meaningless, so there is also a mutant gene for super strength.

The mutant gene of this super power was very ordinary. After awakening, it is estimated that this mutant only has about ten tons of power.

But after being modified by Zod, the mutant gene of super power becomes very powerful, although it has no defense.

After Luke Cage transplanted the superpower mutant gene, coupled with his own mutation, his strength exceeded 100 tons, and he could fight hand-to-hand with Red Hulk, Hulk and Super Abomination.

The key is that his body shape will not change too much, and his flexibility will not be too heavy after becoming a vibrating metal body, because vibrating gold is much lighter than most metals at the same volume.


Morgan quietly slipped over to find Zod.

"Is there a problem?"

Zod nodded, then looked at her.

"That... what if I can't use soul magic anymore?"

Morgan knew that he was able to have a relationship with Zodhis because of this accident and the matter of soul magic. Otherwise, many girls and women who were prettier than her wanted to have a relationship with Zodhis , so she has been very restless, and she does not have the mentality of Kuaiyin at all.

"You can't use soul magic. You can also learn other things to help me, such as cell research, gene compilation, high-energy physics, astrophysics, space physics, theoretical physics, energy physics, etc. I am very short of talents in these areas now."

Zodhis saw Morgan's uneasiness. Compared with Kuaiyin who was heartless and Wanda worked hard, Morgan probably had a mentality of wanting to take shortcuts.

Jessica Campbell didn't think so much. Suddenly, she was the only one left in her family. When she was at a loss, she was picked up by Zodhis and she is now studying hard, hoping to change her destiny by reading. Didn't know she was going to be a full-on shrunken Supergirl anytime soon.

Morgan felt a headache when she heard Zod's words, because she couldn't understand many of them, and Zod's private academy offers all subjects, as long as you want to learn.

"I will work hard."

Morgan ran away after finishing speaking, and Zod naturally knew what she was thinking.

After Morgan fled, she walked down the street in a depressed mood. Although she was very jealous of Zodhis's appearance and figure, Zodhis was a genius beyond the century. I probably wouldn't have a common language with him. I'm so stupid after all...

"Do you want to get his love for you?"

When Morgan walked to a place where no one was there, a voice suddenly rang in her ears.

Morgan was taken aback. Having experienced soul magic, she knew that science is not the only thing in this world, there are also ghosts and ghosts. She turned her head and found that there was a blue-black light behind her at some point. The shadow, this shadow is blurry, but after Morgan saw it, the appearance of the shadow clearly appeared in his mind.

It was a huge monster as tall as a mountain, with four horns on its head, made of blue crystal gemstones, and scales all over its body. Judging by the size of those scales, any one of them was bigger than Morgan. It had a ferocious face, which fit Morgan's look very well. The image of the devil.

Morgan immediately wanted to run away, but his body froze in place.

"Don't be afraid, Morgan, I am your father!"

The other party said directly.

When he said this, Morgan became even more afraid, because the Ancient One mage Zodhis respected very much said that one of her parents was probably not a human being, and it was probably the product of the invasion of the Dimensional Demon God.

Although Morgan didn't know what Dimensional Demon God was, he could tell from his name that he was not a good person.

At this moment, in front of Morgan's eyes, black and blue light and shadow surged, and the picture of Zodhis appeared.

On the screen, Zodhis was exercising in the gravity room with his chest and abdominal muscles exposed, and Morgan's eyes widened suddenly.

"Morgan, do you want his love for you?"

The old father... the Dimensional Demon God is slowly tempting.

"You don't want to seduce me!"

Morgan swallowed hard, and then wanted to turn his head away.

"No, Morgan, I'm your father, I know what you think, and I just want my little girl to be better."

Morgan closed his eyes, as if he would not listen.

"Did you see, the female secretary next to him, the woman named Uld, she is much more beautiful and capable than you, you are not as good as her at all, are you willing to let Zodhis become that Is it all about women?"

The Dimensional Demon God said unhurriedly, and also showed Morgan a picture of Uld, just when Uld was taking a bath, Morgan looked at Uld, and felt that he was completely defeated, and there was nowhere to fight from head to toe. of.

"As far as I know, Zodhis likes mature women, how many years do you have to wait?"

The Dimensional Demon God continued.

Then he noticed that Gu Yi started to notice this place, and quickly retreated.

"I'll give you a few days to think about it, Morgan!"

Morgan gasped, her whole body limp on the ground, she stood up after a while, she ran to Blade Technology Industry, and wanted to tell Zod about the Dimensional Demon God coming to find her, but when she went upstairs, she saw Ur De and Zod are chatting.

Although she didn't know what they were talking about, seeing Uld and Zod talking and laughing, Morgan's feet seemed to be rooted, making her unable to move.

She was... jealous.

A seed began to germinate, and the Dimensional Demon God showed a satisfied smile after realizing that his connection with the Earth Dimension had deepened.

Any negative emotions will be transformed into negative energy and become the nutrient of the Dimensional Demon God, and human beings without negative emotions do not exist.

Morgan didn't say what she had just encountered, and she left quietly.

If I didn't have the power, I wouldn't be able to get so close to Zodhis...

Wanda noticed something was wrong with her little best friend's mood, and she could see that she seemed to be troubled by something.

"Morgan, what's wrong with you?"

Wanda asked concerned.

"I'm fine, Wanda."

Morgan could see that Wanda really cared about her, she smiled, shook her head and said.

She didn't want to involve Wanda, after all, Wanda was such a good person.

"Just tell me if there's anything, we're good friends, aren't we?"

Wanda cherishes all these wonderful things, including two friends, Morgan and Jessica.

"Don't worry, I will bore you to death."

Morgan teased, but also made up his mind.

 Thanks to G7 Coffee, Ge Tiantian into the bridal chamber, Ye Zibotao, Cizhu Yebai and Wu Wuyishi for their rewards, Thanks(ω)! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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