Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 591 The Lying Marvel

Chapter 591 The Lying Marvel

Those who were swallowed by his black hole power and destroyed were not returned to the death world of the universe in another way, but were completely wiped out fundamentally and essentially.

This is like completely eliminating the reflection of the object before it appears, and the result is that nothing will remain.

Barbatos wanted to escape, but he couldn't. Zod's black hole power had already locked this area.

If it is in the DC universe, then Barbatos can escape directly into the dark multiverse, and it is impossible for Zod to find him.

Fortunately, his body came here.

This is a very unsafe place for the gods and demons of the two major universes. Immortality has become a joke here, and there is a possibility of being killed.

So Zod had no scruples, and directly grabbed Barbatos' shoulder with his hand, and then with a sudden force, he infected his billowing black flames towards him.

Zod, as the incarnation of a black hole, has almost infinite power, so Barbatos can't struggle out of his hands at all.Whether it's a direct resistance from the physical body, or the escape of the incarnation energy, neither way will work.And this also led to the fact that he could only accept the pain of being burned by the black flame incarnated by the power of the black hole.

This is not a real burning flame, but it is much more terrifying and painful than any kind of burning flame.That's what it feels like when the power of a black hole is taking your body, your powers, your soul and everything.It is an extreme pain that no living being can bear.

In the face of this pain, Barbatos immediately gave up resisting, and began to howl in pain.

The more he roared and struggled, the more the flames on his body increased.

This flame itself is fueled and sustained by his presence.

Therefore, when his whole body was covered with this terrible flame, his entire godly life had completely entered the countdown stage.

Just when Zod thought he could eat Barbatos smoothly, suddenly, a beam of light appeared from the DC universe and hit Zod.

Zod suddenly exited the state of black hole power uncontrollably, and Barbatos also ran away quickly.

Barbatos has been frightened by the fear of death. As a god and demon who spreads fear, it is really unimaginable.

However, Barbatos' fear was all plundered by Zod with the authority of Hell Satan, which strengthened Zod's wave. After all, he is the master of the dark multiverse, and the quality of fear is too high and too strong.

It made Zod feel overwhelmed.

"Anti-Life Equation?"

Then Zod broke free from the control of this force, was it Mobius or the Anti-Monitor?
Just as the white light and the life equation create the positive matter universe, the anti-life equation creates the antimatter universe (Antimatter Universe).

The life equation is scattered in the positive material universe and integrated into all things, while the anti-life equation exists alone in the center of the antimatter universe—the center of Qward star (Qward).

It is the most powerful weapon in the universe. It can forcibly manipulate others, influence their thinking, and make them submit to the user of the equation.

After Mobius came into contact with the equation, the equation changed Mobius into the appearance of the anti-monitor just like the Omega effect (Omega Beams) changed the appearance of Darkseid, and He is connected with the antimatter universe, so in the "infinite earth crisis", when the anti-monitor destroys the positive matter universe and expands the antimatter universe, his strength will continue to increase.

The Anti-Life Equation is vaguely related to Darkseid's Omega Effect. After Darkseid's death released the Omega Effect, the Anti-Life Equation was also affected by it and broke away from the Anti-Monitor, making it back to Mo Bius.

There are various accounts of the power and effects of the Anti-Life Equation, one of which is said to corrode and engulf everything it touches.

Upon hearing this anti-life program, one will lose free will and be manipulated by the user.

Zod had this strange feeling just now, his body uncontrollably withdrew all his strength, so that he let go of the big fish Barbatos.

"Anti-Life Equation = loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y= hope and n=folly, love=lies lies, life=death, self=dark side.”

This is what Zod heard just now, the content of the anti-life equation.

After hearing it, I felt controlled. Although Zod always wanted to complain about the content of the anti-life equation, it felt like making up random things, and why did he use mortal addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?

Have you ever studied advanced mathematics?
However, it seems that the Anti-Life Equation can't completely control Zod, but can only affect Zod a bit.

"What's the matter, a guy like Barbatos also has allies?"

Zod was puzzled, and could only understand that it was because the same universe came out, so the Anti-Monitor helped Barbatos, so as not to be swallowed by Zod, and then strengthened the combat power of the Marvel Universe.

In fact, Zod knows that these little people cannot decide these things, it depends on those transcendents who have surpassed the omnipotent universe.

However, even though DC Universe has been invaded like this, Marvel Universe doesn't seem to have much reaction, and Zod doesn't know what the people above think.

Is it okay to always be passive and defensive?


Then Zod replied to Zod, the god of stars, that Barbatos had been beaten and fled, so there was no need to worry about it coming.

Zod, the god of stars, breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't expect that the Laughing Bat would invite Barbatos to come. Fortunately, he didn't relax. Otherwise, when the main body came, he would have been killed by Barbatos.

After knowing the whole story from the main body, Zod, the god of the stars, was also a little surprised that the Marvel universe was allowed to invade the DC universe like this?
Is it so flat?

Or is a counterattack already brewing?
do not care.

The star god Zod also found the Laughing Bat's Hellbat armor, which he gave to other Zods in a well-preserved suit.

They need these powers more than themselves.


Zod in another universe, receiving couriers from other Zods.

"Damn it! It's actually a hell bat armor!"

This Zod looked at the armor in front of him in surprise. Although Kryptonians don't need any armor, they feel very handsome!

"Where did the hell bat armor come from in the Marvel Universe?"

He felt weird.

(End of this chapter)

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