Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 490 Destroyer Armor

Chapter 490 Destroyer Armor

"Stay away from him."

Frigga yelled angrily, raised her arm, condensed a lot of magic power in her palm, turned into a magic star bomb, hit Lau Fei precisely, and blasted Lau Fei who was caught off guard, rolling twice in the air , His back hit the wall heavily, and the solid wall made of unknown stone was smashed into a dent.

After repelling Laufey, Frigga ran forward in a hurry, pulled out a light and sharp sword from the scabbard on the wall, and stopped between Laufey and the sleeping Odin, her eyes extremely vigilant. Staring at Laufey, at the same time sent a signal for the palace guards to come here immediately.

Is it true that every mage in Asgard dreams of a warrior?At this time, Frigga turned out to draw his sword to meet the enemy. Loki likes to play with weapons such as daggers, and it seems to be passed down in one continuous line.

And it seems that the mages of the ancient line didn't see magic wands or anything, they were all light strings, transparent sword blades, etc. For melee mages with water, it is no easier to find a long-range one than to find water on the sun.

Frigga's magic star bullet hit Lau Fei, and it had no effect other than knocking him into the air. It didn't even mean to crack the ice armor on his body.Standing up from the ground indifferently, with a real sneer on his face, he looked at the guarded Frigg, and said.

"Frigga, a famous beauty in the Nine Realms, it's a pity to marry such an old man. Odin is going to die soon, do you want to go back to Jotunheim with me?"

"Laufey, Asgard and Jotunheim have an armistice agreement, why did you break into Asgard?"

Frigga questioned Lau Fei sternly.

"It was your son Thor who destroyed it first, ran to my palace and killed my people, do you still think about peace?"

As Laufey said, he walked towards Frigga step by step, surrounded by the cold air on his hanging right arm, and quickly condensed into a rough ice pick with a length of two meters.

Facing the pressing Lau Fei, Frigga couldn't help but backed away, her hand holding the long sword trembling slightly.Back then, Odin fought hard to defeat Laufey, but she was far inferior to Odin, so she might not be abused in a real fight.

But looking at Odin who was lying quietly behind him, Frigga mustered up the courage to give a soft drink, and swung the long sword in his hand to charge back towards Laufey.She has sent out a signal that the palace guards will arrive soon, and before that, Lau Fei must be held back.

Lau Fei still walked towards Frigg with unhurried steps, and just when Frigg's sword was about to stab him, he swung the ice pick in his hand and knocked against Frigg's long sword.

'Ping! With a soft sound, Frigga felt a huge force coming from the long sword, which made her jaw go numb. She swung her arm upwards, and the sword almost flew away. Before the vibration of the sword body subsided, Lau Fei He took a step forward, reached forward with his left hand, and directly pinched Frigg's neck.

The five fingers tightened, making Frigga feel a strong sense of suffocation immediately, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground unsteadily.Lau Fei raised his arms little by little, and slowly lifted Frigga up from the ground, from standing on tiptoe to completely hanging in the air, his face was full of pain.

Lau Fei turned his head and said to Odin who was lying on the bed.

"Lie here and watch your queen die before you, god of Asgard."

Before Laufey could finish his words, the gate of the palace suddenly moved and closed instantly, separating Laufey from his guards.This situation surprised Lau Fei, and then a small door next to him opened, and Loki walked out with the Gun of Eternity.

Before Laufey could react, Loki raised the Spear of Eternity and fired a tiny energy ray at Laufey, easily breaking Laufey's left arm, causing Frigga to fall to the ground superior.

Then another energy ray hit Lau Fei's chest, and violent sparks exploded. The strong impact caused Lau Fei to fly backwards, hitting a stone pillar heavily, before sliding down the stone pillar, Loki Appearing suddenly in front of Lau Fei, the tip of the Eternal Spear in his hand pierced through the opening in his chest just now.


Laufey had a look of astonishment on his face. He thought that Loki would play tricks, but he didn't expect that Loki would make a move before he could kill Odin.

Loki's lips, who were clearly close at hand, did not move, but Lau Fei clearly heard what Loki said.

"Killing the King of the Frost Giants and destroying Jotunheim will definitely make me the King of Asgard. Why risk trusting your integrity and bet that you won't tell me about the murder of the All-Father? What about the rest?"

Laufey opened his mouth, wanting to say that he would never say it, but Loki didn't give him time at all. After speaking, he immediately activated the Eternal Gun, and the energy stored in the Eternal Gun poured out all at once. In an instant, Lau Fei was blown to pieces.

The remaining energy unabated penetrated the thick palace wall and the defensive circle, blasting a big hole in the wall. From the hole, one could clearly see the long bridge and the end on the far sea. of Bifrost.

At the same time, the Rainbow Bridge opens.

Only colorful rainbow lights can be seen on the earth, and then the Destroyer armor appeared in the military base.

Loki wants to kill Thor at the same time and make himself the king of Asgard.

"Come again!"

The soldiers at the military base fired at the giant metal robot that appeared, but the bullets that couldn't even pierce the elite Frost Giant's armor couldn't get the Destroyer armor.

It just opened its face, and after condensing the light, it killed the soldiers who attacked it with one shot.

Thor's cell was also affected by misfortune. After he rolled out and hit his head badly, he saw the Destroyer armor.

"Destroyer! How come!"

Thor couldn't believe it, why did the Destroyer armor appear here?

But then, Bronski and Wolverine charged up.

Loki controls the Destroyer, and after seeing these two giants, he immediately gave the Destroyer an order to kill them.

These two giants somehow made Loki feel flustered.


The Destroyer armor was blown away by Bronski's punch, but it stood up quickly, and after adjusting its strength, Bronski's attack was caught by the Destroyer.

On Wolverine's side, the indestructible Edman alloy claws on the Destroyer armor could only catch sparks and make a harsh metal friction sound, which made Bronski shiver and show a very uncomfortable expression .

Then Wolverine is blinded by the close-range light of the Destroyer.

(End of this chapter)

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