Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 47 Steal Vibration Gold!

Chapter 47 Steal Vibration Gold!
This huge vibrating meteorite will not dry up even if it is dug for hundreds of years, it is simply a classic representative of God's food.

Uld looked at the Wakanda soldiers next to him. In addition to shields and spears, there were also a small number of troops equipped with thermal weapons.The outdated weapons during the First World War were configured like this in most African countries, and she felt that they could start from this aspect.

Since Zodhis sent her over, Uld felt that it was impossible for Wakanda to have no Zhenjin. Although the natives looked stupid and naive, it didn’t mean they were really stupid. A good thing like Zhenjin would Sell ​​it all and keep nothing?

"Mr. T'Chaka, our Blade Technology Industry can provide you with a batch of advanced weapons."

Uld hinted that although Vanke and his sons are not as good as Tony Stark, they have also invented many conventional weapons.

"Advanced weapons? Is it the Iron Man flying in the sky?"

T'Chaka said brightly.

Ould's face was full of black lines. This group of African natives dared to think that War Machine is a good thing that other big countries can't buy with money except the five hooligans. The five hooligans have to queue up to buy it. deliver?
T'Chaka pretended not to see Urd's expression, but in fact he was also very helpless. He sold Zhenjin to make a deal with the U.S. imperial government and built a U.S. military force, but the tribal warriors looked down on long guns and short cannons. Stubbornly use the bow and arrow that he has practiced since he was a child.

This is the disadvantage left by Wakanda's closed country. There is no foreign cultural shock, and the tribal people are conservative in thinking and unwilling to accept new things.

T'Chaka realized something was wrong when he took the throne, especially the outbreak of World War II, which made him see the country's backwardness.He intends to promote national basic education, but the elders of other tribes are very resistant to this policy, thinking that it will shake the foundation of the country, so the plan has been shelved.

It's not that the elders of the tribe are short-sighted, but that the ruling class's control over knowledge is extremely harsh. Compared with a group of ignorant people with little culture and a group of intellectuals with their own ideas, the fool knows which one to choose.

The outside world is progressing too fast, and T'Chaka also knows that there is no rush to reverse the pedantic thinking of the elders, so his method is to implement the strategy of strengthening the country in the golden tribe with the least resistance, and wait ten or even 20 years later, the gap will be widened Other tribes can only follow the general trend in order to survive, and backward ideas will collapse on their own.

Governing the country is not something that can be accomplished overnight. In T'Chaka's plan, his generation will change their primitive and backward thinking.Wakanda will become really strong in the next generation, after he paves the way, his son will inherit the throne and lead the country to complete its rise.

He didn't know that his son T'Challa had completed his idea, but it was just the original future. Now, with the appearance and intervention of Zodhis, it is probably very mysterious.

It is true that the Wakanda people will be richer than Blade Technology Industry if they sell a few more vibrating gold, but they dare not, because for every extra vibrating gold sold, there will be one more force targeting them.

Zhenjin is a good thing, but it is also a hot potato!
"War Machine, I can't make the decision."

Uld said anxiously.

"There are only 10 kilograms of vibration gold in the tribe."

T'Chaka said quickly.

He intends to throw bricks to attract jade, the technology of War Machine is good, if it can be researched, then Wakanda will not have to be afraid of the outside world.

10 kilograms?

Uld thinks that this group of natives are really cunning, and they still have so much vibrating gold. No, according to normal thinking, there must be more!

So Ould called Zod.

"Exchange war machines for vibrating gold? Change, of course, how much you can exchange. Wakanda's vibrating gold is definitely more than 10 kilograms. Ould, Wakanda's vibrating gold is calculated in tons."

Zod said to Uld.

If it wasn't for the fear that Gu Yi or the panther god Buster would come out to stop him, Zod would have robbed him long ago, and it's not like he was incapable of robbing.

The war machine has Zod's own lock, and if it is disassembled without his permission, it will only explode. The Black Queen will also monitor this situation, so there is no need to worry about someone being able to crack his technology.

Zod was also very generous. He asked Uld to negotiate terms with T'Chaka, and exchanged vibrating gold equivalent to the weight of a war machine for a war machine. How much did Blade Technology Industry have?

T'Chaka is not a fool either. The most important thing about Gears of War is definitely not the shell, but its core. At best, it's just a pile of tin cans. You actually want me to exchange it with vibrating gold of the same weight?

But Ould guarded the line of defense and insisted on this number. T'Chaka wanted to let Uuld hang out for a few days, but he didn't expect that Ould would leave by plane without delay.

T'Chaka didn't know, and Zod suddenly thought that he couldn't steal it, but he could steal it!
Simply, even War Machine doesn't need to pay, just steal vibration gold directly.

Anyway, Wakanda's science and technology should only be ahead of the world for a few years now, and you can try it before the spaceships come out.

Through a photo of Urd, Zod arrived in Wakanda. In his eyes, the dilapidated outside did not exist at all, but a high-tech city.

"Has it developed to this extent?"

Zod entered the city in an instant, without triggering any alarms.

Zhenjin couldn't stop Zod's clairvoyance, and he began to look for his target.

It didn't take long for Zod to find something like a warehouse, which was full of square silver-white metal blocks. It seemed a bit ordinary, but this was the famous vibrating gold!
Super vision focused and observed the molecular structure of these metals, so as not to make mistakes.

After reading it again, Zod matched the molecular structure of the vibranium he had obtained before.

Although I knew that Wakanda has a lot of vibration gold, but this is too much!

Zod seems to have seen a mountain of gold, and the people in Wakanda put the vibranium on a forklift and pulled it away casually. The car opened the cabin, and then it was filled with freshly refined vibranium, which is the vibranium dug up every day by the mining tribes of Wakanda.

The psychic power was released, and everyone froze in place. Then the people in the warehouse walked out of the warehouse mechanically, and then Zod landed on the ground, clasped the ground with his hands, and the biological force field began to spread to the entire warehouse. After the warehouse was wrapped, Zod uprooted the entire warehouse with a slight force!
At this time, Wakanda had already noticed that something was wrong, the alarm sounded, and everyone around rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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