Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 4 The Scorpion Gang

Chapter 4 The Scorpion Gang

Zod sneaked in.

Many of the factory are Mexicans. Although this factory is on the border of Texas, it still belongs to Texas, but this is the US-Mexico border, and it is normal for Mexicans to smuggle in.

After all, for the Scorpions headquartered in Mexico, of course, these guys who know how scary they are and whose family members are still in Mexico can control them.

The Skeleton Gang wanted to destroy the factory many times, but the Scorpion Gang used fierce firepower to fight back.

The intense sunshine in Texas for many days has allowed Zod to ignore the threat of bullets, and now it is estimated that only artillery shells and missiles can cause him damage.

But in order to keep the clothes on his body, Zod still chose to dodge.

He can't just walk around in armor all the time.

He approached quickly like a ghost, terrifying the Scorpion Gang who didn't know how to block fire and suppress them.

After all, what I usually see are ordinary people, and suddenly a guy who is different from ordinary people appears, so I am not afraid or shocked.

After avoiding the first round of fire with ease, Zod grabbed a semi-automatic rifle, not knowing what model it was, and fired directly.

The recoil of the rifle simply does not exist for Zod, and with the assistance of his super senses, his gun feel and accuracy quickly reached the level of a sharpshooter.

Most of the gang members of the Scorpion Gang were shot and killed by Zod, and their counterattacks all failed, scaring all the members of the Scorpion Gang to run away.

Then Zod changed to burst shooting, chased after them and started to search after everyone was brought down.

He threw away the banknotes when he saw that they were not US dollars, and he actually earned [-] to [-] US dollars in this round.

"The money is still too slow."

Zod sighed, if he hadn't only had a battle armor to follow, he would have invaded the Internet long ago and got a lot of money and identity for himself, so he wouldn't have to stay here to ask gangsters for money.

Although he is a scientific researcher, if he wants to create artificial intelligence or supercomputers by himself, he needs corresponding hardware, and those are not cheap or hard to get.

The factory Zod was not destroyed. He drove back all the Mexicans in the factory. Among them, those who could speak English told him to ask the Scorpion Gang to prepare 1000 million dollars to come back to the factory, otherwise the goods inside Zod would be destroyed. All ordered, rednecks near cheap.

Because the factory is very important to the Scorpion Gang, the Scorpion Gang sent people here very quickly.

This time there were almost 200 people here, fully armed, almost as if they were going to war.

There are several heavy machine guns alone, as well as RPGs, and Zod even saw an armed helicopter!

Because the Mexican worker couldn't describe clearly, after all, Zod used a rifle during the massacre, so the Mexican worker thought it was the Skeleton Gang or some new force that got into trouble with the Scorpion Gang.

"only you?"

Jin Fei, the third leader of the Scorpion Gang, stared at the calm Zod.

"It's always been just me."

Zod asked strangely.

"Give me arrest him!"

Of course Jin Fei didn't believe it, he felt that Zod was left behind by the new force or the Skeleton Gang to pass on the message.

Zod picked up the pistol on the table, and Zod shot down three people on the other side without even reacting.

Jin Fei was startled and quickly hid behind.

"Kill him to death for me!"

The Scorpions opened fire immediately, and Zod picked up two rifles from the weapons found on the table.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

At the same time as the gunfire exploded, the people on the opposite side began to fall in pieces.

The Scorpion Gang attaches great importance to this factory, so they prepare large-caliber and heavy-power weapons for their subordinates. Ordinary bunkers can't stop these rifle bullets at all, and they are directly penetrated.

Zod ignored the recoil, and his accuracy was terribly high. He didn't waste a single bullet. As long as the gun fired, one person would definitely fall down on the opposite side, and sometimes even penetrated twice.

The Scorpions dare not use any explosives inside the factory.

Because the ice and powder produced this month have not been shipped away, if the goods are lost, the Scorpion Gang will lose at least a large amount of income.

Zod took advantage of the fact that he had killed the group of people just now, and quickly rushed up, picking up the rifle of the Scorpion gang that he shot dead.

The heavy machine gun wanted to shoot at him, but Zod knocked it down casually. The gunship's machine gun roared, but Zod stepped forward directly with the gunfire, and then kicked the guy with the RPG away, snatching him away. RPG in hand.

"Damn it!"

The pilot of the gunship showed a terrified expression and tried to pull up, but Zod had already pointed the RPG at him and pulled the trigger.


After killing everyone, Zod captures Jin Fei.

Jin Fei was already trembling with fright at this time, more than 200 people were all killed by one person, what kind of world is this?
"Hurry up and contact your boss, send the money, and tell me that there are many people on my side, and you have been caught."

Zod doesn't like taking risks, so it's better to let the Scorpion gang come out for this factory. Of course, it's okay if they come in batches.

Jin Fei knew Zod's plan, but he didn't know when such a ruthless person appeared, and he actually targeted their Scorpion gang.

"Monis, I failed and was arrested by the opponent. The opponent has too many people, and I am not an opponent!"

But in order to survive, Jin Fei chose to obey.

"They just want the money and the goods are in good condition."

Jin Fei said that Zod didn't mind if he was revealing any news. It is impossible for the Scorpion Gang to give up such a large batch of goods. Let alone the loss and shortage of this batch of goods, the most important thing is the order, and Jin Bin and the Skeleton Gang have been eyeing this area for a long time. If something goes wrong, what will those guests do if they go to Jin Bin and the Skeleton Gang?
You must know that many guests have chosen to go to the Skeleton Gang and Jin Bin because of Jin Bin's meeting with Mrs. Gao from the Hand and obtaining high-purity fans.

Therefore, even if they knew there was danger, the Scorpion Gang, who were already outlaws, would still come.

The Scorpion Gang also did as Zod expected, they were not willing to give up the goods from the factory, since Jin Fei said that the other party only wanted money, then the Scorpion Gang would not be unable to give it.

Those armed forces just now already have a lot of strength from the Scorpion Gang. Although they can still bring out more strength and gunmen, Jin Fei has already said that the opponent has more people. What should I do?
So this time the Scorpion Gang only came with a dozen people, and they came with money.

The Scorpion Gang chose to take a step back.

"Boss Jin Fei!"

The dozen or so people looked at the corpses all over the floor, Jin Fei who was counting money on the table, and Zod who was drinking whiskey, and couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

"Idiot, hurry up and bring the money!"

Jin Fei had just rummaged through the money on the corpse, and was so tired that her waist was almost paralyzed.

"thank you."

Zod accepted it with satisfaction. Here is 1000 million US dollars, most of which are old bills with a denomination of only [-].

1000 million US dollars is much more than Zod imagined, and his car doesn't feel like it can hold so much money.

After finding a larger car and stuffing the money in, Zod drove away.

"Boss Jin Fei, let's go back quickly, Boss Monis wants to know everything."


Juddley was taken aback by Zod, because he went out for a trip, and when he came back, he not only got a new car, but also brought back a lot of money!
"What did you go for?"

 You guys are so awesome, after only three chapters, the editor asked me to sign the contract.

(End of this chapter)

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