Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 22 War Machine

Chapter 22 War Machine
At this moment, a flame flew in the distance.


The guests began to panic, and when the fire approached, the searchlights were turned on, and all of them hit the fire, and everyone saw that it was a flying... Iron Man?
Iron Man made a superhero landing and landed on the platform of the exhibition.

No way!
The appearance of Iron Man caused a sensation, and even Tony Stark showed an expression of disbelief.

Most people couldn't help standing up.

Then I saw that the iron man on the stage began to be disassembled by the machinery extending from the ground, revealing Zod inside.

"Everyone, welcome to the BTI exhibition. I am Zod Heath from BTI."

Zod smiled and said, tall, handsome and full of masculine charm, he has attracted the favor of many women, but more people are immersed in the shock of Iron Man.

It's the same with Uld, she didn't expect that the boss's cross-epoch weapon would be this, so it's really a cross-epoch weapon. . . .

"I don't think you are interested in the annoying introduction, so let's get straight to the point. That's right, the Iron Man you just saw is the content of this exhibition. BTI's cross-era weapon will rewrite the entire century's weapon system. , agile, fast, firepower, accurate, it is a flying tank, it is a group of mobile fighter jets."

As Zod introduced, the robotic arm installed the Iron Man parts just now on a mannequin raised from the ground.

Oh my God!
Everyone in the audience just stared at Zod's introduction in a daze. Even the weapons experts and scientific research groups they brought from their own country are staring at the iron man on the stage at this moment. If Zod just walks out wearing it It won't cause such a big shock yet, but it just flew here!
"The maximum flight speed can reach Mach 2, the surface has an anti-radar coating, the alloy material is steel alloy, composite armor, and the energy source is a palladium arc reactor, which can continue to fight for 24 hours, and then the palladium element has to be replaced."

"The strength of the fist is 3 tons, and the strength of the arm is 5 tons. The defense power can be blocked even by anti-material sniper rifles. It needs armor-piercing explosive shells or depleted uranium shells to penetrate."

"It is loaded with ten anti-tank bombs, with a range of 1000 meters, laser lock and heat source lock strikes, an energy cannon in the palm, the maximum power can penetrate 40mm steel plates, a range of 100 meters, fast start speed, and can be adjusted to three bursts by itself ..."

Zod didn't load too many weapons into the steel suit, anti-tank missiles and palm energy cannons are enough.

At most, it is just adding a shoulder machine gun like a war machine.

Tony Stark stared at Iron Man and the reactor on Iron Man's chest. This is a shrinking reactor technology that he has not yet achieved, but Zod has maturely applied it to his weapons.

For this cross-age weapon, everyone is aware of its value and strategic significance.

"Mr. Heath, all right, I just want to know how much it is?"

Representatives of the American military and the Ministry of Defense stood up and said directly.

This has to be exciting.

"Steel war machine, the price is 4 million US dollars, and I can also exchange it for secondary krypton gold, but it will be more expensive."

Zod direct offer.

It's the millennium, and dollars are still worth a lot.

This price...

"Don't think it's too expensive, gentlemen. It is incomparable and unmatched by most current weapons in air combat and ground combat."

Seeing that all the representatives fell silent, Zod said.

The strategic significance and value of the Iron Armor is definitely worth the price, and even Zod is even less. He originally wanted 8 million US dollars for one piece. After all, even if he wants 8 million US dollars, the three major countries of China, Russia and the United States can do it. afford it.

But don't be so ruthless the first time, wait for the second time.

Gears of War 2 will sell for $8 million apiece.

On the 3rd, it sold for 16 billion.

This is easier to remember.

Moreover, it seems that the sale is cheap, and Zod is at a disadvantage.

But in fact, this is promoting military competition and making the blade technology industry a lot of money.

It is because the US$4 million does not go up or down, and the United States still cannot spend 100 billion to buy war machines?

Oh, and then the United States bought it. Do you want to buy the bear and the rabbit?

If they don’t buy it, when the United States relies on these war machines to gain an advantage, they will still buy it. If the bear and the rabbit are bought, then Great Britain and France will also buy it. Isn’t it just 4 million US dollars? The five gangsters still can’t get it out?

The five hooligans are the mainstream in the world. They bought it, and then they showed the combat effectiveness of the war machine. Will Germany and others also buy it?

Wouldn't it be better to save money on tanks and buy war machines?

More flexible, more ferocious firepower, and more precise combat.

Even terrorists can buy them. For example, Jin Bin is estimated to spend hundreds of millions to buy a few war machines.

After the exhibition, Tony wanted to find Zod to talk about the micro-reactor.

He didn't expect to be surpassed by Zod, who was much younger than himself, but Zod made Uld refuse to meet Tony.

The blade technology industry has now entered a new era, and it may not even need to wait for Tony to close the weapons department to surpass the size of Stark Industries.

There is no way, the two things that Zod brought out are products that cross the era and affect the entire century.

War Machine was produced by father and son Anton Vanke and Ivan Vanke, and Zod left it alone after providing the technology.

Originally they planned to install more fierce firepower, but Zod said that they would put it on War Machine 2.

Uld looked at the grand occasion of the exhibition with emotion, and she knew that from today onwards, the blade technology industry has been completely different.

Like the secondary krypton gold, the representatives of various countries who placed the order all wanted to disassemble and study it.

However, they soon discovered that the war machine had no way to study it. First of all, its structure was very simple, but its most important part was the energy core of the micro-reactor!

And a built-in AI system!

In fact, they also ignored the shock absorption system. This is the third most valuable part. Zod used the shock absorption system of the Krypton suit, and the shock absorption effect reached the level of BUG.

After discovering that the war machine is the same as the secondary krypton gold, it is also a product that cannot be copied.

With a big wave of the United States, many military orders were cut off, and part of the funds were saved to buy war machines.

A large part of the cut orders were from Hanmer Industries, which almost hurt Hanmer's vitality, and Stark Industries was also affected.

This caused Obaday to be very dissatisfied with Tony Stark, because he was not as good as Zod Heath, and he was no longer an unparalleled genius in the military industry.

(End of this chapter)

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