Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 152 The Great Disaster

Chapter 152 The Great Disaster

The huge meteorite firmly pressed the Ghost Rider underneath.

Then Zodhis modified the planet's magnetic field and bound this magnetic field to the Ghost Rider.

It is equivalent to physically sealing it on this planet.

Unless he can break free from the mighty power of heaven and earth, he should not be able to leave this planet.

Ghost Rider wanted to struggle unwillingly, but he was like Monkey King who was crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain. What's more, he was under the weight of the magnetic field of the entire planet, and even moving his fingers was an extravagant hope.

"Okay, it should be safe now."

Zodhis looked at the seal he made with satisfaction. It shouldn't be worse than the sealing formation in Cultivation, right?

After finishing all this work, Zodhis ran away directly.

Only Ghost Rider was left alone on this dead and cold planet.

Zodhis, who returned to Earth, finally planned to start a big event.

Zodhis agrees with Baldy Lai's theory.

Lex Luthor!
This bald man is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is Superman's lifelong enemy.

He is well-known in the villain world, and has been selected as the best lineup of "the greatest comic villain in history" all the year round. He has repeatedly ranked among the top three in the MVP voting list.By the way, No.1 in the voting list, the villain who has won the MVP several times is the clown, he is almost unsurpassable.

Luthor is one of the smartest people on earth, with a nine-level intelligence, has run for president, and is the chairman of the extremely wealthy Lex Group.

He was friends with Superman when he was young, when Superman was still a poor boy Clark, flying in the air without pants.The gap in status and wealth did not become an obstacle to the friendship between the two. They are both intelligent people, and they can talk easily with a common language.It's a pity that this friendship didn't last long. After knowing Superman's true identity, Luthor cut off contact with Superman.

Luther's mind is very forward, seeing further than ordinary people, he believes that Superman is not a hero, but a threat to the earth.Because Superman has repeatedly saved the earth, human beings are too dependent on him and become unwilling to make progress.

That's right, Luthor believed that Superman diminished human potential!
In the face of countless crises, human beings should adapt and evolve, but Superman brutally terminated the evolution, so Luthor is committed to helping human beings eliminate this threat.

Although Zod is not as persistent as Luthor to a perverted level, he doesn't want humans to rely on him. To put it bluntly, he is lazy and doesn't want to be a nanny for all humans.

You must know that in the metropolis where Dachao is located, those construction workers do not wear safety buckles. Why?
Because you don’t need to worry about accidentally falling, Da Chao will catch it in the next moment and send it back to the ground safely.

Firefighters and police are also very negative in the metropolis, why?
Because it was on fire, the firefighters didn't need to be dispatched, Da Chao would rush to the scene as soon as possible, and then he took a frozen breath... What fire?Where?invisible.

The same is true for the police. Ordinary people encounter robbery (it is also a miracle to dare to rob in a metropolis.), they only need to shout, and report an address if they have spare energy. , Dachao will appear in the next second, and the criminal will be dealt with in a flash. The police only need to come leisurely to pick up the head.

Just ask, it's strange that human beings who are protected like a baby can evolve.

That's why Zodhis created superheroes and monsters at the same time to allow humans to adapt to this disaster and evolve.

Now is the time for the first monster disaster outbreak.

A catastrophe called the "Weird Association"!
Several major cities around the world have been attacked by strange and unexpected monsters.

In the face of these weirdos, the people suffered heavy casualties, as did the local army.

Except for the weakest wolf-level monsters who will be hurt by weapons, the flexibility or physical strength of tiger-level monsters makes them enough to ignore most light firepower. In the absence of superheroes, in order to protect most human beings For safety, the militaries of various countries have to use powerful weapons in the cities.

The wolf-level and tiger-level monsters alone have caused unimaginable casualties, which has also made many countries realize how terrible and tricky the monsters are, and they can often solve such monsters, even ghost-level and dragon-level monsters. , how powerful should it be?
Similarly, the behind-the-scenes masterminds who were secretly planning how to attack the Excalibur Bureau, for example, the five permanent members of the United Nations who cannot be named, only then realized the existence of the Excalibur Bureau. Indispensable to exist.

No matter how much Zodhis doesn't give them face, he has the ability to solve monster disasters again and again.

At this time, the Excalibur Bureau is also very busy. The strange disaster broke out all over the world. The three major races of the Sky Tribe, the Deep Sea Tribe, and the Subterranean Tribe popped up. There are also such a mess of ancient tree people, ancient dinosaur people, and 10-year-old cicadas...

So that the superheroes are too busy to fight fires everywhere.

As the most powerful and important director, Zodhis can only sit firmly in the Excalibur Bureau and direct the battle. There is no way. In this case, the top UN officials don't want Zodhis to go out to fight. It is necessary to know the battle situation through Zodhis, and to ensure that the Excalibur Bureau will not be in a hurry because of leaving Zodhis.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zodhis is recognized as the most powerful superhero in the Excalibur Bureau. With him, when he is in danger, he can directly ask Zodhis for support.

Of course Zodhis knew what these guys were thinking, but he didn't care.

Right now, the financial street after the American capital is the most important.

Because the weirdos are about to break through the line of defense.

"Hold, hold here! If these monsters break through, America will be finished!"

The urgently mobilized army fired wildly at the rushing monsters, and a full ten Apaches in the sky activated their cannons and Hellfire missiles.

However, except for some weak monsters who successfully fell under the artillery fire, most of the monsters rushed to the front of the line despite the hail of bullets.

This frightened the group of capitalists on Financial Street.

But fortunately at this time, a row of all Iron Overlords rushed out, blocking these weirdos.

"The iron bullies all over America are here. If you can't even stop them, you can only count on superheroes. Damn it, I would have ordered more iron bullies if I knew it."

The capitalists gritted their teeth. They really hated the book when it was time to use it. Although they didn't know the proverb about raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short time, the same reason, this moment is unforgettable.

 Push book, "Marvel's Saiyan"

  Introduction: Brooklyn, USA, a meteor pierced the sky.

  In the impact crater, the spherical aircraft slowly opened, and out came a boy with strange hair and wearing a battle suit.

  Looking closely, a fluffy tail behind the boy was swinging from side to side.

  "Dragon Ball, here I come!"

(End of this chapter)

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