Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 15 Human Experiments

Chapter 15 Human Experiments

Zod's vitamin ∞ sales were not going well, after all, his price was too high, but Zod didn't care, it would be strange if it could sell well from the beginning.

However, in the days that followed, those who bought vitamins were surprised to find out.

Compared with other vitamins and health products that have not changed much for several years.

The vitamin ∞ from Zhetian Company only took for a few days, and it gave them a feeling of energy and energy, and the fatigue caused by staying up late seemed to disappear.

This is not that Zod added stimulants to the medicine, he just added nutrients extracted from the human body.

These nutrients can indeed have an effect on the human body. As for the source of nutrients... Recently, there have been a lot of powder dealers on the US-Mexico border.

Then, after extracting the raw materials, the nutrients after cloning and cultivating can easily produce millions of them.

Although the truth is cruel, it is estimated that even if it is exposed, it will still be eaten. After all, it is really beneficial to people.

Zod also has no choice. After all, he has Kryptonian technology in his mind, which is useful to Kryptonians. Earthlings are not Kryptonians, so they can only find it from themselves.

In just one month, vitamin ∞ was sold out in New York City. Not only did the initial investment pay back directly, but it also allowed Zod to earn over [-] million yuan in income. After all, those who ate vitamin ∞ are walking signs .

When he was rich, Zod directly bought all the farms near the small town of Heathway, which is the area where his pasture is located.

It became a huge pasture of more than 3000 acres, and then the construction began. The fences of the respective farms were removed and replaced with five-meter-high concrete walls.

In addition to letting people understand the scope and boundaries of their own farm, the original fence is to prevent the cougars that appear very frequently.

But now that Zod has replaced it with concrete walls, he no longer has to worry about the cougar invasion. This more than 3000-acre place is Zod's private base.

It's much safer than New York, which is full of disasters, and you don't have to worry about someone discovering your secrets.

"Help, don't come here!"

A member of the Mexican Scorpion gang was looking at Zod in front of him in horror.

"What are you shouting about? It's just a human experiment."

Zod injected a tube of unknown liquid into the body of the member of the Scorpion gang. The opponent struggled for a while, and then died.

"No, I have clearly analyzed the human gene, why did it still fail?"

Zod frowned. After he had money, he bought a lot of materials and instruments, and created his own research base. Go and snatch it back, anyway, the other party can't find me.

What is the most important thing in Marvel?

But Zod already has it, and if nothing else, he can grow up to blow up the multiverse with one punch, so the next is his subordinates.

Super soldier serum is a good idea, but Zod has his own pride as a Kryptonian scientific researcher.

He planned to develop a super soldier serum by himself, but the reality told him that it was impossible. Even if the effect had been reduced repeatedly, the guy who was injected couldn't bear it and died directly.

Obviously there is no problem, but it seems to be restricted by something.

"I'm not allowed to make a super soldier serum? Or is it really like the setting in the comics, only Steve is special, he was selected to become a super soldier, and it has nothing to do with the serum?"

Zod thought about it, and decided to change direction and try.

In the research base, Zod caught a lot of fresh human experiment products, so after Zod changed direction and quickly produced the serum, a human experiment product was brought over.

"If you don't succeed this time, you can only take the battle armor route."

Zod poked casually, and the guy who had been injected with the serum began to struggle. This was what had happened to all previous serums, so Zod just watched.

"Ten seconds passed, did you succeed?"

Zod's clairvoyant eyes saw that everything about the other party was changing. This change was intense and painful. Without the preparation of sedatives and anesthetics, the experimental subject might have been tortured to death, but the experimental subject survived.

"You, what have you done to me?"

The experimental product fell to the ground. He looked at his claw-like hands and stroked himself in disbelief, only to find that all he touched were hard and cold carapaces.

"I injected you with the crocodile gene, and you managed to change the direction just once."

Zod looked at the tall and strong body in front of him. The skin on his body was no different from that of a crocodile. It was dark green, and the razor-like fangs and sharp teeth were exposed near the mouth. No matter how you looked at it, it was a terrifying monster. Category.

"Go to hell!"

The experimental product did not become a crocodile voluntarily, and he slapped Zod angrily.

But he was caught by Zod with one hand, and he had already awakened the biological force field of BUG. Zod didn't even pay attention to missiles, let alone a mere crocodile?
"The strength is okay, but I don't know how the defense is."

Zod seemed to be doing a test. The crocodile man was startled. Before he could react, his chest exploded as if he had been bombarded. It also flew out and hit the wall.

In terms of strength, the crocodile man was already able to smash a car with a single slap, and his defense was also good. Zod used a little force to break through the defense.

The crocodile man was dying, Zod thought about it, but he still didn't clean up the other party.

"From now on, you will be a member of the beast soldiers. The crocodile serum you are injected with contains genetic viruses. If you don't inject the antidote regularly, you will die. Do you understand?"

Zod grabbed the crocodile man's body with one hand and said to him.


The crocodile nodded quickly, but Zod ignored him. The serum was successful, and the first batch of lycanthropy soldiers would be selected.

The Veterans Hospital in New York City, almost all the patients admitted to the hospital are soldiers who lost their limbs during the war.They lost everything in the war and most had post-war syndrome.PTSD leaves them with recurring nightmares, personality changes, and extreme irritability.

In this state, they usually have a cold relationship with their families, and because of physical disabilities, they lose the ability to take care of themselves, so they can only live in the Veterans Hospital.

These soldiers are usually very rich, and the insurance and social security paid during their service allow them to afford expensive hospitalization expenses and stay in the hospital for a long time.

Zod is eyeing these soldiers, their fighting qualities are much better than the gangsters.

And soldiers are at least more disciplined than gangsters.

(End of this chapter)

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