Marvel's Kryptonians

Chapter 11 Great Power Belongs to Itself

Chapter 11 Great Power Belongs to Itself
There are vampires in the Marvel world, because the blade warrior is one of the superheroes of the Marvel universe.

It's just that Zod didn't expect that he would meet a vampire so soon.

"Is there no other way to kill you than silver and the sun?"

Zod didn't believe it.

"Stupid guy."

Daken struggled vigorously, but found that the hand holding his neck could not be shaken at all, and the opponent's hand seemed to be made of poured steel.

Then Daken noticed that Zod's eyes began to turn red, and an inherent sense of danger made him frightened.

The heat vision blurred his face, and to Zod's surprise, Daken disappeared in an instant.

"Strange, is heat vision so effective on vampires?"

Zod was surprised at first, and then reacted.

According to the setting, thermal vision means that Kryptonians absorb yellow solar energy and then release it. Solar no different from sunlight.

He walked out of the bathroom, only to find that there was already a river of blood outside, and what looked like a fire sprinkler above the ballroom sprayed a lot of blood, and all the dancers were dancing wildly enjoying the blood.

Zod remembered what kind of plot this is, isn't this frankly Blade Warrior 1?
It's just that he didn't see that unlucky little brother, maybe the plot hasn't started yet?
At this time, because of Zod's appearance, all the vampires bathed in blood looked over, and they could tell from the smell that Zod was not their own.

"It's human!"

"It looks so good-looking, it would be a waste to eat it."

"Turn him into a vampire too!"

Among them, the female vampires couldn't help being moved when they saw the tall and handsome Zod who fit their aesthetics very well.

"There are so many vampires in New York."

Zod shook his head, his eyes turned red, and the surrounding temperature began to rise, but the vampires who were confused by food and desire didn't notice this, and rushed over one after another.

The red rays swept across the audience, and the thermal vision was very penetrating. For vampires, they are no different from natural enemies and death!

A large wave of vampires were wiped out when they came into contact with the red rays. Before the rest of the vampires could react, Zod had already appeared behind them, and by the way, he turned his head for another thermal vision scan.

The few remaining vampires crawled and hid under the table. Zod walked over and kicked the table that weighed several hundred kilograms away.

"Meet the sun."



"Let me go!"

Then, in front of thermal vision, vampires are equal, and the charming and charming vampire girl is also wiped out, reduced to nothing, and nothing left.

After a while, Zod walked out of the bar.

He was in a good mood. After knowing that heat vision was the nemesis of vampires, Zod wanted to find more vampires to play with.

After Zod went to the Midnight Hotel in New York, a black man wearing a black windbreaker and sunglasses pushed open the door of the bar. The empty and chaotic environment made him frown.

"Familiar taste."

The Blade Warrior smelled the burning smell of the vampire when it was turned into ashes, and the ashes all over the ground made him confirm this.

"I don't know who is able to kill so many vampires."

The blade warrior shrugged and helped his colleagues deal with the scene by the way.

For example, those watches and wallets that fell in the ashes and blood... Being a vampire hunter is very poor!
The people at the Midnight Hotel were amazed at the white devil who had completed the high reward task again.

After all, Daken was much more powerful than Kit, and the killers who went to kill him killed hundreds of people before the employer hired the killers from the Midnight Hotel.

As a result, the Midnight Hotel also lost a lot of killers. Now that it is terminated by the White Devil, it has also increased the reputation of the Midnight Hotel. How can those small killer organizations compare to my Midnight Hotel!

In addition, the white devil seems unwilling to leave Texas, the high-level "dark net" of the Midnight Hotel decided to elect a new Midnight Hotel manager, and then set up a Midnight Hotel in Texas.

Back in Zod, Texas, I continued my daily routine of basking in the sun.

That is to say, Kryptonians can't get tanned, otherwise Zod would have turned into coals long ago when he was basking in the sun and moonlight almost all day long.

Of course, he also used the gold coins from the Midnight Hotel to solve the problem of building a villa. The efficiency of the Midnight Hotel in this regard was astonishingly fast.

After a period of very peaceful days passed, the villa on the ranch was built.

The Midnight Hotel in Texas was also completed, and the manager even came over to say hello to Zod. After all, he was able to become the manager of the Midnight Hotel thanks to the White Devil, which is a very powerful power.

Zod was surprised that the dark web is quite capable of doing things, so he built a hotel for convenience.

But the biggest surprise should be that he can finally fly.

After basking in the sun for a long time, Zod's super power gradually awakened. He can already fly and the most BUG biological force field.

In the case of being able to fly, Zod spent most of his time above the clouds, basking in the maximum sunlight.

He also wants to go outside the atmosphere, because there is too much radiation in the universe. Who knows what effect the radiation in the Marvel world will have on the Kryptonians in the DC world. Before the biological force field can not guarantee to completely filter the radiation, he does not consider flying out of the atmosphere. .

Zod, who is above the clouds, feels stronger every moment, the feeling of flying is also great, and the feeling of overlooking the world is even more refreshing.

"I finally understand why everyone wants great power for themselves."

Zod overlooked the civil aviation plane flying under the clouds, and returned to the ground with a slight acceleration.

Jia Deli is barbecuing, and his own BOSS is very delicious. If it is not also very profitable, it is estimated that it cannot afford it.

Zod doesn't know why he can eat so much, he is not a Saiyan, and he obviously didn't eat much when he was on Krypton.

In less than a moment, Zod ate the whole Angus cow, which made Judley's eyes widen.

And Zod also thought about his next plan while eating, for example, he had to work harder to make money, because he wanted to discover the first pot of gold of Stark Industries.

Of course, the current Stark industry is still hard to find, and it will come down when Tony Stark disappears.

But that is not the best opportunity to start a mobile phone. The best opportunity to start a mobile phone is when Tony Stark announces the closure of the weapons department after he comes back.

At that time, the stock price of Stark Industries would plummet. If Zod wanted as much as he had at that time, after Tony Stark announced that he was Iron Man, his money would be three times less!
And from now on, I don't have to work hard, and I can earn a lot of money while sitting.

"So, let's work harder now."

Zod accepted five tasks with a reward of over one million in one go, and the Midnight Hotel was shocked. Is the White Devil so confident?
(End of this chapter)

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