screenwriter mystery

Chapter 84 Business Card 【Recommendation for Collection】

Chapter 84 Business Card 【Recommendation for Collection】

Early morning, Springwood Town.

The light of dawn dispels all gloom of darkness.

"You really don't think about it, Father?"

Elm Street Church.

Amanda looked at the old priest in front of her and tried to invite again.

Facing all kinds of unknown supernatural events, BSI urgently needs an existence that can help them.

"I have prayed to the Lord that I will always guard the church in the small town and prevent the evil forces from making a comeback."

Shaking his head, the old priest held the treated and re-bandaged wound on his stomach, and declined Amanda's invitation.

Facing the firm attitude of the old priest, Amanda also had to give up the decision to invite, and turned the topic to another issue.

"Freddie once revealed information about the rise of dark forces through Nancy's mouth. Regarding this, Father, do you know what it is?"

Freddy's dark rise made Amanda think of the 'cleaning' mentioned by the witcher inadvertently before, and there may be some connection between the two.


Facing Amanda's inquiry, the expression on the old priest's face was silent for a while, as if he was hesitating whether to tell the other party the meaning behind all this.

After a while, he opened his mouth softly with a hoarse voice, borrowing a passage from the "Bible" as an answer: "The Lord closed his eyes, and the power of evil enveloped the earth again. The Judgment Day began, and all the dead, no matter how big or small, stood on their feet." Before the throne, the books were opened, and another book was opened, which was the book of life. The dead were judged according to what was written in these books and according to their deeds. All the citizens of the world will rejoice and praise the Lord, the days of being slaves to Satan are gone forever, sin has disappeared forever, the entire universe has eternal peace and tranquility, and the Lord can focus on creating a new world.”

"So, Father, what do you mean, the rising of darkness represents the final judgment?"

Amanda is no stranger to the content of the priest's prayer.

This is exactly what the Bible says about the final judgment.

"Maybe, maybe not, I'm just a servant of the Lord, and I can't fathom His great will."

It didn't go any further on the topic of the rise of darkness.

The old priest looked at Amanda in front of him with cloudy eyes, looked at her frowning expression, thought for a while, and said suddenly.

"If, you really want to know more information, I happen to know a person who may be able to provide you with some help."

As he spoke, the priest took out a yellowed business card from his pocket and handed it to her.

"Spike's office?"

Looking down at the name on the business card, Amanda read softly.


"Hope, this all helps."

In front of the church, watching Amanda leave, the old priest muttered a prayer.

Turning around, supporting his weak body, he walked into the church.

"Our Father in heaven: hallowed be your name. your kingdom come. your will be done on earth as it is in heaven... Deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, the glory, all Yours forever...Amen."

Under the cross, the priest prayed devoutly.

Then he pushed open the iron gate and walked into the small courtyard where the dry well was.

Perhaps because of the fire, there was still a scorching smell in the air in the yard, and the ashes left by the burning could be vaguely seen on the overgrown weeds still sticking there.

Near the dry well, the heat left by the fire hits the face.

Through the mouth of the well, looking at the charred and cracked mud at the bottom, the old priest made a gesture of the cross on his chest, turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly, an unprecedented dark force enveloped the courtyard.

This force was so weird and evil that the old priest was shocked.

At the same time, under his gaze, everything around the small courtyard of the church became distorted and weird. The wanton growth of weeds showed distorted postures, and even the hard metal gate at the entrance of the small courtyard became distorted. Accompanied by all the twisted scenes around.

A tall and thin figure over two meters tall, wearing a suit and a black hat with only sharp teeth exposed, holding a twisted umbrella, walked crookedly in front of the old priest with twisted steps.

Facing the strange figure, the old priest subconsciously closed his eyes and prayed.

"Father in heaven, destroy the power of darkness in your name, Christ guides me to save the soul possessed by evil, no longer be deceived, drive out the evil soul, please redeem you in His name... Amen! "

The power of prayer seems to be working.

Father Merlin felt that the twisted and crazy power covering his body was dispelled, and everything around him seemed to have calmed down again.

"As he sees, we frighten the devil; believe me, God! Remember what the Lord told me in verses 4 and 5, when facing the enemy, the enemy has no strength; the voice of heaven will come closer ;The Lord is with you, pray!"

As he continued to pray, the old priest opened his eyes, and the distorted figure stood in front of him, bending his body distortedly, staring at him.

"Almighty Lord... I pray for your strength..."

"Incompetent Lord... I curse everything about you..."

Looking at the distorted figure, the pious prayer in Father Merlin's mouth also began to become distorted and crazy. Under this force, his body began to distort, and the sutured wound on his stomach leaked a large amount of water again because of the distorted body. The blood, the wailing in the mouth replaced the words of prayer.

Click, click, click!

Amid a series of appalling sounds of bone shattering, his head was twisted behind him, as if he had lost all support and fell to the ground with a bang.

The blood seeping from the body instantly stained the weeds around the courtyard.

Turning his eyes away from the twisted corpse of the old priest, the tall, thin twisted man stretched out the twisted umbrella in his hand and landed on the dry well.

Accompanied by the force of distortion, the dry well in the small courtyard was turned upside down, and the charred bottom of the well was twisted to the top.

With crooked steps, he walked to the dry well.

The twisted man bent his body in a twisted posture, stretched out his pale and twisted fingers, and scratched the mud at the bottom of the well with his sharp nails.

In the end, a scorched little finger bone was found in the charred mud.
Using sharp fingertips to pinch the little finger bone, the twisted man grabbed the twisted umbrella in his hand, and disappeared into the darkness of the church in the small town with twisted steps.

Accompanied by the departure of the twisted person.

All the distorted phenomena in the church have recovered again, except for the distorted body of the priest lying quietly in the small courtyard.


Elm Street, the surviving Nancy and others.

He was walking towards the church with a grateful expression on his face.

 Thank you for my reward of 100 starting coins for &Bookcrazy, Palace Master of Jiucheng Pagoda, Death God Sirius Moon.

(End of this chapter)

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