screenwriter mystery

Chapter 75 Gather 【Please recommend for collection】

Chapter 75 Gather 【Please recommend for collection】

"If Freddy was burned to death by angry parents 20 years ago..."

After closing the file in his hand, Detective Zhou glanced at the photo in Amanda's hand, and couldn't help but speak.

"Then why did it wait until 20 years later to take revenge on the people of Springwood?"

Most of the parents of the children who decided to burn Freddy to death had already moved out of Springwood Town. If it was revenge, Freddy's revenge would have been too late.

"who knows."

Amanda also has no answer to Agent Zhou's doubts.

"On this point, maybe you should ask Freddy himself to know the answer."

"Is it still a human after being resurrected from the dead?"

Hearing Amanda's answer, Detective Zhou raised his eyebrows, looked at the photo calmly and said.

In the police station, while the two were discussing Freddy's problem.

The door of the file room was pushed open, and the sheriff looked at Amanda and Detective Zhou inside, and then said.

"Something happened again, both of you!"


"I only found out about this when I was on patrol in the morning."

Elm Street, Nancy's house.

The sheriff looked at Nancy, who was shivering and curled up in a corner, and turned to report to Amanda.

"It is said that Nancy has been in this state since last night. For this reason, Nancy's mother approached me, hoping that I could do something for her."

"I can't do anything about it. After all, I'm just the sheriff of the town, not a doctor. Originally, I planned to help Nancy's mother take the child to a nearby clinic, until I heard a message from Nancy's mother. name……"


He personally revealed the name that had shrouded Chunmu Town for 20 years and still hadn't completely dissipated.

The expression on the Sheriff's face obviously became a little bit serious. He looked at Amanda and Detective Zhou beside him, and said in silence.

"Now, what happened in Chunmu Town is beyond what I, the sheriff of the town, can handle. Therefore, I need your assistance to help us deal with what happened in Chunmu Town."

"It is stated in advance that except for special circumstances, we will not assist in handling the case, but will directly take over."

Facing the small town sheriff's request for help, Detective Zhou responded in a calm tone.

"You've done a good job, Sheriff."

Looking away from the shivering girl in the room, Amanda comforted the sheriff beside her.

"Next, I need you to help me gather all the children in this town who have had the same nightmare as Nancy."

Although, for Freddy's information, so far Amanda only knows about the pick-up case 20 years ago.

But from the first child Duncan who committed suicide, Dick who died on the bed, and Nancy all mentioned the same thing.

That was the nightmare, and all the children associated with Freddy were tortured by the nightmare before they died.

How can this kind of pure coincidence be placed in ordinary cases, or it cannot be used as evidence or clues for reasoning at all.

However, in supernatural events.

This is enough for Amanda to judge.

After all, in the New York incident, the existence of Arthur has clearly proved to Amanda that supernatural power is weird and illogical.

Since, just wearing a clown mask can make the person watching laugh wildly.

Then, the connection between Freddy's power and the existence of nightmares does not seem to be an unacceptable thing.

After all, supernatural power is obviously not something that can be explained by common sense.

Amanda understood this as early as when Texas encountered the wolf girl.


"I have followed your request and brought all the children who had nightmares on Elm Street here."

At the small town police station, the sheriff brought a few teenagers who looked disturbed to the police station.


In the police station, several children who were brought by the sheriff exclaimed when they saw Nancy.

"We thought you had..."

When they were gathered together by the sheriff, a few of them vaguely guessed something. The deaths of Duncan and Dick made everyone worried, and they were deeply afraid that they would be the next target to be found by Freddy.Therefore, when they discovered that there was no Nancy in the gathered race, everyone was killed like her and Dick.

"As a matter of fact, Freddie has come to me."

In the police station, after being comforted by Amanda, Nancy has walked out of the initial fear, at least she will no longer curl up in a corner and tremble like before.

However, thinking of the words Freddy left in her nightmare, the expression on her face still carried obvious fear.


Hearing the name Freddy come out of Nancy's mouth.

Everyone who was originally excited because their partner was alive fell into silence again.

For them, Freddy's name is like a terrible taboo.

Whenever they close their eyes, they will hear its laughter in their nightmares, and feel the sound of its iron claws approaching.

"I think, even if I don't explain it, you should already know the purpose of the sheriff's bringing you to the police station."

Speak out, breaking the silence.

Amanda's gaze swept across the children in front of her, and the expression on her face became a little dignified.

There is no doubt that these children are potential targets for Freddy.

"I have contacted the headquarters, but it will take time for help to arrive."

After returning from outside the police station, Detective Zhou shook his head at Amanda, and the expression on his face was also not very good.

As a newly established new department, many of BSI's powers are still in the stage of preparation, and must rely on the help of the FBI to be able to operate and maintain the basic framework.

However, from the previous 'clown shooting' case has been exposed.

The relationship between the head of the new BSI department and the FBI department is not harmonious.

"It seems that we can only rely on ourselves now."

Hearing the answer given by Detective Zhou, Amanda didn't have much surprise on her face.

In fact, as early as in BSI, she had already noticed that the FBI vaguely rejected her.

This kind of department-to-department problem is not something that she, a former patrolman who was transferred from Texas not long ago, can handle.Therefore, instead of expecting the so-called helping hand that Agent Zhou said to help them out of their predicament, it is better to think about how to get through the reality of tonight.

What's more, for the supernatural events happening in the small town of Chunmu Town right now.

Amanda also doesn't think that any changes can happen with the help of agent Zhou Kouzhong.

Even, even if these helpers arrived in the small town in the end, the greatest possibility would be to lose a few more lives, maybe.

(End of this chapter)

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