Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 93 Sometimes 1 plus 1 is actually greater than 2

Chapter 93 Sometimes One Plus One Is Actually More Than Two

Another new day, Zhao Xueyan drove a Bentley to the East Hospital Road in Causeway Bay. It is easy to get the news from the newspapers. Today, the big star Long Wei was filming near the East Hospital Road during the day.

In the story of Longwei of the mouse, before the jewelry exhibition began, the doctor also sent Sangbang to kill Longwei. If it wasn't for Li Jie, the bodyguard, Longwei would have to lie down and leave the crew.

Or put together a platter and be carried out.

Now, he is not going to arrest Sangbang, but just wants to see Li Jie, who is the one with sharp skills and great kung fu.

What rewards can I get for signing up?
More than an hour later, Bentley stopped outside Longwei's filming set. It was less than 10 o'clock. During the filming, the crew was free to enter. Zhao Xueyan suddenly found that it was too early...

Come here, he grabbed a few medical books from the trunk of the car and read them.

Li Jiani is still adapting to normal walking in the hotel, where reading is easy to be affected, and sitting in the Bentley, sunbathing and learning to enrich herself is not bad.

Time passed by, Zhao Xueyan watched with relish, and when he was almost addicted to studying, he was awakened by a huge roar.

Have a bomb?
By the way, it was Sangbang who plotted against Longwei, put a mine on the ground of the crew and let Longwei step on it by mistake, and was knocked flying by Li Jie with a stick and exploded?
The fun has begun.

Putting away his books, he got out of the car and looked out. After a minute or two, Zhao Xueyan saw two figures jumping over the wall one after another, running and fighting. To be precise, it was Sangbang being chased and beaten by Li Jie.

Sangbang didn't have the will to fight, and the landmine didn't kill Longwei, so he knew that the mission had failed, and now he just had to do his best to escape.

After a few punches and kicks, Sang Bang got up from the ground and continued to run. When the two rushed to the road, Li Jie rushed from behind to grab his shoulder again. Sang Bang also took advantage of the situation and grabbed Li Jie. Fell back and threw it out.

When Li Jie was dodging by the passing traffic, Sangbang swept his eyes wide, stared at a passing double-decker bus and rushed up.

The bus must be non-stop, but with Sangbang's strength, I just climbed the bus halfway... Kacha~
Sang Bang, who just grabbed the window on the side of the bus to get on the bus, was alarmed by the second click on the side of the road. When he turned to look, he realized that Zhao Xueyan was holding a camera to take pictures of him.

The two looked at each other, Zhao Xueyan nodded and smiled at Sangbang with eight teeth, and continued to press the camera, click.

Sangbang is stunned, what should I do now?
Get out of the car and beat the passerby who took his photo?If he goes down, he may be entangled by Longwei's bodyguards. In just a short time before, he already knows how powerful Li Jie is in combat.

If you don't go on, let the other party take his photos. Once those photos are handed over to Longwei's people, they will contact the police... Maybe they will dig him out.

Where did this guy come out of, why do you want to take pictures of him when you are so lazy?
Bewildered, he was half-hanging on the double-decker bus and went away. Sangbang struggled until he finally didn't get off the bus. On the contrary, after Li Jie regained his freedom, he quickly saw the scene. He couldn't catch up with the bus that went away.

Can Zhao Xueyan, who is relying on Bentley to take pictures by the roadside?Good thing.

Li Jie came over with a look of surprise, "Sir, did you take a picture just now?"

Zhao Xueyan nodded with a smile, "This is a film camera, if you want it, you need to wait."

Li Jie was even more happy, "It doesn't matter how long you wait, thank you this gentleman, thank you so much, by the way, my name is Bold..."

Zhao Xueyan also smiled and stretched out his hand, "Just call me Ayan."

"Ding, congratulations on signing in to Li Jie's success, the reward is double the basic physical fitness, and the host can receive it at any time."

It's a physical reward again. This wave is sure to make a profit. The two photos of Sangbang are easily exchanged.


Night falls.

From the moment it got dark at the Cointreau Hotel in Causeway Bay, there were many luxury cars of all kinds approaching, and men and women in well-dressed or dazzling pearls got off with a smile and entered.

When Zhao Xueyan and Lei Zhilan got off the bus together, the big reporter Le Huizhen, who was standing at the door, brightened her eyes and waved to Miss Lei in surprise. Amidst the greetings of the twin cousins, the passers-by passed by. People, whether male or female, have emotional changes, either obvious or restrained.

Needless to say for men, Lei Zhilan or Le Huizhen alone, standing there is a super eye-catching landscape, two standing together?
Sometimes one plus one is really greater than two.

Women are not much better, they all feel crushed and crushed.

Zhao Xueyan glanced around, familiar with the environment here, until Le Huizhen stared at him with a snicker, "Cousin, who is this, why haven't I heard you mention it?"

Lei Zhilan looked excited, "This is a good friend I just met, Dr. Zhao Xueyan."

Le Huizhen is ignorant, such a young doctor?
Also, such a handsome and gentle doctor?

She thought it would be some kind of son, no matter how bad it is, it is the little white face of the cousin who is attracted by her body and face, but the doctor...

Zhao Xueyan smiled and stretched out his hand, "Fortunately, I was awarded an honorary doctor of chemistry by the University of Hong Kong."

This is the degree I just received in the afternoon. I am also idle. I will take it by the way. As for the research and development of medicine, how did I become a doctor of chemistry?

Phage display technology itself won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

His honorary doctorate is also very valuable.

In Zhao Xueyan's guest set, he also successfully signed Le Huizhen, [-] Hong Kong dollars. It's really blind that this pair of sisters has such a good figure and appearance.

After being simple and polite, the two sides also got to know each other. When Lei Zhilan invited Le Huizhen to come in with her, the big reporter said she would have to wait. She wanted to do more gossip about the big star Long Wei.

Zhao Xueyan entered the hotel with Miss Lei.

Once inside, the rest is easy.

I'll just find a reason to disappear later, Zhao Xueyan will just go to the underground parking lot. After the jewelry exhibition officially started, the doctor's group came in from the underground parking lot in two big cars, killed all the security guards, and rushed to the first floor. In the lobby, after controlling the situation on the ground floor, go to the 75th floor.

There is also Feifei, the doctor's girlfriend Zhu Feifei turned into a female publicist and sneaked in in advance. When the bandit team was working, she also entered the monitoring room and killed several security guards.

What kind of bad intentions can Xiao Feifei have... Forget it, aside from her female identity and her halo of a little beauty, she's still a scum, and she'll die early and be born early.

That is the girl who turned on the music and danced beside the corpse after beheading someone.

When I encounter it later, I still find a chance to knock it unconscious and throw it aside, and then send it to prison.

Lest she follow the same path to control the monitoring room, she will find something abnormal through monitoring and have the opportunity to notify the doctor to come.

During the day, he can only take pictures of Sangbang?If he wanted to, he would have dealt with Sangbang a long time ago. Isn't this because he was afraid that the death of Sangbang would make the doctor alert and not dare to start.

(End of this chapter)

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