Chapter 91 Honey Smile
Zhao Xueyan felt that he had a good idea, Uncle Hai, after a few seconds of confusion, he tentatively said, "A lot of long and short guys, pineapples, such a caliber..."

As he spoke, Uncle Hai showed a honeyed smile, "Brother Yan, don't worry, everything is covered by me, and I'll settle everything for you."

There are so many people in Hong Kong, but there are only two of them who are the big dealers and the top arms dealers. One is his Ah Hai and the other is Johnny Wang. Some people buy goods in large quantities.

Johnny Wang is his rival.

Think about it, a group of gangsters and raptors across the river, with complete equipment to do big things, robbery, bang bang bang, all hit people a little hurt, fake bullets with minor injuries, the pineapple throws out puff puff and smokes It will be fine.

Afterwards, no matter what will happen to these gangsters and Jiang Raptors, are they killed on the spot?For example, when robbing a bank or a car with a gunman, your guy is all fake, and the guards of the other party are real, then it will be embarrassing.

Or maybe they didn't rob a bank or a mortgage car, and the robbed object didn't have a gun. Even if the robbers took fake goods, they wouldn't die, but it's not a good thing to be caught.

When the news spreads, their purchase channel, Johnny Wang, will definitely become the target of countless people on the road.

You are so pitiful in selling arms, who will dare to look for you in the future?
Once Johnny Wang's reputation is broken, Uncle Hai will win, so he originally planned to ask about the caliber of the arms, but he stopped asking, and wanted to take the upper body by himself.

The more he thought about it, the more beautiful he became, Uncle Hai took the initiative again, "Brother Yan, is there anything else that can be used for me? Someone offends you. This is courting death. I will arrange for a group of gunmen to do things? , our gunmen brought real guys and killed everyone with ease."

Zhao Xueyan thought for a while, but still refused, "Then there's no need."

Uncle Hai's smile was almost squeezed out of the wrinkles, "It's okay, anyway, if you dare to offend Brother Yan, life is more terrible than death. I wish that group of people who rush to the street will die sooner than later."

Zhao Xueyan felt that this was a bit wrong, and instinctively wanted to refute. Uncle Hai said again, "I have made a few Gatlings in private. Brother Yan is interested in looking for me at any time. This thing is strong enough."

Gatling Buddha?Good stuff.

Excitedly, he rubbed his hands, saying that he must go and see if he has the opportunity, and Uncle Hai left with brisk steps.

After Zhao Xueyan passed the excitement of Gatling Bodhisattva, he suddenly found that Ruan Mei was about to cry.

One by one, I thought about everything after I met this girl, forget it, I won't explain it.

Just let her think for herself.

These broken things, first of all, two uniformed police officers added fuel to the jealousy, what happened in the top ten tortures of the late Qing Dynasty, and then the wave of Uncle Hai, ...

But who knows what kind of crazy villain the doctor is?Two years ago, he had already received the ransom for kidnapping and extorting a car of elementary school students and a female teacher, so he blew up the entire car just for fun.

Such a person, after a conflict with Xiao Zhao, did Dr. Zhao go too far with him?

so tired.


After a while, a restaurant in Jordan.

He Heqi happily had a sumptuous dinner, and Liansheng Airplane, surrounded by several younger brothers, respectfully watched Zhao Xueyan and Ruan Mei leave.

Before he could say anything, he heard an exclamation from behind, "Dou, a 1000 yuan big golden bull? Master Yan is domineering!"

"Yan Ye is mighty, and he also gave me a big Taurus, haha, sent it~"

"I didn't expect that we were just doing a little thing for Lord Yan, staring at Fei Chequan and that pretty girl to prevent them from running away, not only for shark fin tasting, but also for big golden bulls."


For this meal, Zhao Xueyan hosted more than 50 people, with a table of seven or eight people. The scale of the banquet served dishes, including shark fin and abalone, and the meal cost was only tens of thousands of yuan.

Every gangster who does things is also a big golden bull red envelope per person. After talking about some scenes, guiding people to be kind, it is over.

Spread more than 6 yuan all at once, just to thank the gangsters for the little things they did?In fact, this is not a question of more money and less money, it is Zhao Xueyan who took the initiative to send a signal to the outside world.

Willing to help him do things, some earn, some fish.

What does tens of thousands of dollars mean to him?Just find a mahjong parlor and walk around, and high-level gamblers like the God of Gamblers and the Holy Gamblers can often save eye-popping wealth. Zhao Xueyan will not make a fortune by gambling, but it is necessary to save a wave if he is short of money.

He is just telling the outside world that he, Dr. Zhao, has this credibility and is worthy of the bottom gangsters doing things for you, or taking the initiative to deliver various news to you.

This dinner is a thousand pieces of gold to buy horse bones...

Don’t think that it’s rare to add a thousand red envelopes to a banquet. You must know that most of the gangsters follow the boss to talk to other bosses. It’s only tens of 100 yuan a time. It’s only two or three hundred for a real hack. .

Serious boss, help him hack three or four times, and only earn one thousand dollars. If you are injured, you are out of luck. Abalone and shark fins?Stop dreaming, it would be nice to have a pineapple bun, and I will give you a few more fish balls?

The money given by the serious bosses is too bad compared to Dr. Zhao.

This is also why the gangsters are not excited. From beginning to end, they just rely on the crowd, and the guards keep an eye on Fei Chequan and Ruan Mei, and prevent him from running with her.

While the crowd was boiling, the plane did not rush to look at his red envelope, but stared in the direction where Zhao Xueyan disappeared, and muttered to himself, "Yan Ye is really a good boss."

And who is the Liansheng Airplane Boy?

At the beginning of the underworld story, he followed the boss fish head to collect the money from the big D to buy the restaurant, and laughed, and the big D fiercely asked him to eat a soup spoon, so it was made of porcelain, can you eat it?Big D is nothing more than intimidating the younger brother, just kidding.

Without saying a word, the plane crushed the spoon and poured it into his mouth.

Later, when he was fooled by Jordan Le Shao, he would kill people without blinking an eye. When it comes to his mind, he is really clueless and easy to be deceived. But when it comes to being ruthless and ruthless, he is no worse than the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers from the mainland.

It's nothing more than the bad weather of this cargo, and I haven't met a good boss.

The current Big D has not yet been the one to talk to about Fuwanzai. His name is not on the roster.

Even so, he has been around for two or three years, and he knows what kind of boss he is, and he is a good boss.

Rewards and punishments are clear and fair.

This is the good boss in his mind, and before the wine table, Zhao Xueyan specially let him sit at the main table together, which means that you have done a few things in your early days, and you have been in the detention room for 48 hours, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, He has seen it all. The bad thing is that you shouldn't vent on Shi Jincao. The other party, a wage earner, doesn't have so much decision-making power. He will fine you three cups and apologize to Manager Shi. As for the suit money, Zhao Xueyan will pay for it himself.

good thing?Fang Zhanbo, who was willing to help Ruan Mei to do things spontaneously, was commendable. Fang Zhanbo, who helped Ruan Mei intimidate him, didn’t dare to play tricks while repairing the TV, and he didn’t dare to bully Ruan Mei after the incident. .

Lord Stanley Yan praised him so much in public. This is to give him face and to hold him up. Before the banquet was over, many ordinary gangsters looked at him with envy?

And such a big bonus.

This is the good boss.

(End of this chapter)

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