Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 85 What could be more expansive than this?

Chapter 85 What could be more expansive than this?

When Ruan Mei shivered with fright, Fei Chequan waved his hand arrogantly, "I don't care if your name is Ruan Mei or Ruan Lan, this matter can't be settled, if it doesn't settle, you and I are both dead, and maybe it will affect the family..."

After talking, Fei Chequan's attitude softened again, and he looked Ruan Mei up and down, "Maybe you can really settle it, anyway, we can't run away until the outcome of the matter."

It is rumored on the road that Master Zhao Xueyanyan killed the four little crabs of the Ding family because of two pieces of glass and a scratch on this Bentley.

But isn't this factor too nonsense?
There are also people who think that Bentley is not the key, the key is that that night, Lei Zhilan, the daughter of Lei's real estate, who was directed by Ding Yixi to go to the group fight, is the core. Also good enough.

Lord Yan, do you have a crush on that person?This is why he killed the backbone of the Zhongqing Society for the sake of beauty?

As a normal person, Fei Che Quan asked himself, for the sake of beautiful women to destroy strong enemies, this is a basic exercise, for the sake of two pieces of car glass... that's too nerve-racking.

What's worse is your rented car!
He never dared to slander Lord Yan for being insane. Before finding out the specific reason, no matter whether the car or the beautiful woman, just give it all.

It is estimated that [-]% of the brothers in the Yau Tsim Wang area, whether they are Hung Hung Hsing, Dong Xing or He Lian Sheng, have this mentality.

The right to fly will float and expand.

When he was driving a Bentley and carrying Ding Yi crab yesterday, he was accidentally surrounded by Hong Xing's horses. He shouted arrogantly, what did he do?Against you?Do you know whose car this Bentley is?

Under those words, a group of Hongxing horses scattered in a hurry, and countless people were full of envy, jealousy, admiration, reverence, and awe for being able to drive Yanye Bentley's speeding right... It's that kind of emotion, that kind of onlookers. The atmosphere made him swell!

Ordinary bottom-level young and dangerous, how can they withstand that kind of scenery?

Some rotten horses would rather die in a day than just be an asshole for the rest of their lives.

Only today, when he couldn't find where Lord Yan was, and when he didn't know where to return the car, he still drove a Bentley everywhere, enjoying the admiration and awe of the poor horses and the scenery.

What's more bloated than this?

Now, in trouble!
If he can't figure this out, he feels that he has no life, and he will also affect his family. Isn't that what the four brothers of Ding Yixian did?
Last night, he still carried Ding Yicrab, but after wandering many streets to confirm that the site of Zhongqing Society was looted by various societies, Speed ​​​​quan soon kicked Ding Yicrab at a certain intersection, and then... that one Also missing.

Smuggling away?

He definitely won't be able to escape, even if Lord Yan doesn't care about a fish that slips through the net or a small crab, you said that Hong Xing, Dong Xing, Yau Ma Tei Tiger Dog, Shark Bin and others who looted the Zhongqingshe site will be spared. This guy?

Now, Fei Chequan can only hope that the girl who caused him to crash, because of her face and figure no less than Lei Zhilan's face, will be treated differently by Lord Yan... otherwise, it will be over.

Following his words, Ruan Mei was stupid again, and after being stunned for a long time, she said weakly, "What are you trying to do? Blackmail me, or threaten me? Be careful and I will call the police. If you ask me to accompany me to repair the car, I will pay off the debt even if I work part-time. It's not impossible."

"But want something else, you dream."

Fei Chequan almost vomited blood, and growled in disgust, "If the alarm is useful, what do you need power for?!"


On a new day, when it was almost noon, in a crowded area of ​​street vendors in Jordan, a black and strong young man lowered his head and faced a half-played chess game, but no one was playing chess opposite him. Sitting there and falling asleep.

Quietly, a pretty girl in jeans and some autumn clothes walked over, "Excuse me, how much does it cost to repair the TV, my TV has no color."

The black and strong young man glanced at the beautiful girl, lowered his head and said, "One hundred visits, and parts are extra."

The pretty girl exclaimed, "Wow, 100 yuan is so expensive, how about fifty? Fifty packs of parts."

The black and strong young man raised his head with a sullen face, "Okay,..."

Speaking of this, the black and strong young man did not speak, and looked at the pretty girl in confusion. A few steps behind her, a group of people gathered around. Their hair was dyed colorful, and the inch head was already the most serious hairstyle. Young men with tattoos and dresses.

There were at least 20 young people in a group, and they all quietly gathered behind the beautiful girl. They were not paying attention to the pretty girl who bargained and cut the price in half, but stared at the black and strong young man, with a serious look and a cold face.

Black strong man, "..."

He was stunned again for a few seconds, and found that no one was talking to the group of men behind the beautiful girl, so he was completely cowardly, and said weakly, "Sister, is your man behind? Repair a TV, tens of 100 yuan, don't you need such a big battle?" ?”

The pretty girl was also embarrassed, turned around and looked back, "Hey, what do you guys think?"

The leader of the rotten boy group is Speed ​​​​quan, who has a solemn expression, "Ruan Lan, right? We are afraid that you will run away."

"As soon as you run away, who will protect the lives of my whole family?"

"But don't worry, we won't harass you in the slightest until that person comes back and makes a decision."

You more than 20 people follow her, a little girl, isn't it called harassment?What makes Ruan Mei collapse is that, just like what Speed ​​​​quan said last night, if the police is useful, what else do you need the power to do?
She called the police yesterday.


When the police came, Fei Chequan said that he was just shopping, pressing on the road, and hanging out, and he just happened to be in the same direction as Ruan Mei.

Later, more and more bad boys kept up with her. These bad boys not only followed Ruan Mei to prevent her from running away, but also meant to follow the right of speeding.

In Hong Kong Island society, God knows how many bad boys from the bottom who want to become the boss. It's fine if they didn't have the chance to get the upper hand before...


Whether it's Ruan Mei running away, or Fei Chequan trying to run away, they are keeping an eye on them. When Lord Yan returns to Hong Kong, is this a credit?Opportunity to come out?
Don't say that I was directly promoted by Lord Yan. With the opportunity to make credit and show my face, it's not good to say it. I failed in the robbery tomorrow, and I entered Stanley. Does this mean that squatting in an ancestral hall has special treatment?
The police are here?

Ruan Mei not only reported to the police once, but the first time the police used the right to speed up the road, and there was no reason to go shopping. The second time, the third time...the police arrested a few people in a disciplinary manner, and more gangsters came out to do things immediately. .

On Hong Kong Island, there is no shortage of young and dangerous young people who want to make a fortune.

Under the words of Fei Chequan, a young man with a short head and a fierce face took a step and stared at the black and sturdy TV repair man, "Bad boy, I call the plane, repair the TV, come to the door for [-], spare parts, go!"

"If you fix it, it's mine. If you don't fix it, I'll kill your whole family!"

In the face of the fierceness, the plane pulled out a beef knife, "Do you recognize such a bright beef knife?"

"Now it can be a fruit knife to help me peel apples, and next time it will be a good tool to stab you to meet God and Buddha."

After speaking, the plane took out another apple from his trousers pocket, peeled it, and acted ruthlessly.

The strong black man fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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