Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 83 Where is this school?

Chapter 83 Where is this school?

Time passed by, and when Cheng Dongqing returned to his faculty dormitory, he saw his girlfriend Su Mei was reading a book carefully, and she immediately stepped forward and hugged Su Mei excitedly. Miss Su was stunned.

Cheng Dongqing laughed excitedly, "Su Mei, I will be able to go abroad soon, and I will definitely be able to get a visa next time."

Su Mei was at a loss, "So sure?"

She is also a person who would do anything to study abroad. In the future, after dumping Cheng Dongqing to study abroad, she will return to China with a mixed-race child.

After all, studying abroad is one thing, whether or not you can get a green card is another.

Cheng Dongqing and her have been defeated repeatedly. This is a completely different situation from Meng Xiaojun, who succeeded in the first battle. He had already won the visa easily because of his emotional injury, but he was waywardly too lazy to go to the bald eagle Wang Yang.

Every time she mentions whether she can get a visa next time, Cheng Dongqing is full of anxiety, anxiety, nervousness and other emotions. What's going on now?
Teacher Cheng was still laughing wildly, "Have you heard the school's broadcast before? Is it a professor at the University of Hong Kong looking for information about Dr. Zhao?"

Su Mei nodded.

Cheng Dongqing clapped his hands excitedly, "Yes, I know that Dr. Zhao, and I was chatting with him before the broadcast, what he said is that as long as I am willing, with my strength, I can 100% be admitted to Stanley University .”

As soon as Stanley University came out, the doubts in Su Mei's eyes became more obvious, because Mao had never heard the name of this university?In order to successfully study abroad, as long as the Bald Eagle is better and the university is higher, which one would she not want to try?

Cheng Dongqing explained again, "At first, I thought that Stanley might be an unknown school, but you know what Director Gao asked him to do? It was the professor Sun of the University of Hong Kong who told Dr. Zhao!"

"King's University in London and Nagoya University in the island country both want to hire Dr. Zhao as a visiting doctor. Nagoya is even willing to pay 100 million dollars to buy the patent of Dr. Zhao's previous scientific research results!"

"One million US dollars, how much is our monthly salary? Even Meng Xiaojun, who went to Bald Eagle to work as a teaching assistant at Columbia University, is just a teaching assistant."

Su Mei was shocked, "Really?"

She doesn't know Stanley, but the island nation of Nagoya and King's College London are all properly among the top 21 universities in the world. Graduates of the [-]st century can enter the world's top [-] companies, which is already considered a good salary.

Top [-] famous schools, study abroad?

No, this is the top [-] schools that hire you to be a Ph.D.!
In China, many universities often hire visiting professors and honorary professors, which is of the same nature as visiting doctors and honorary doctors outside.

And an honorary doctorate is often a false title, an honorary title. Maybe after you become an honorary professor in a university, you will never go to that university for the rest of your life. The guest seats are different. When you become a guest, you need to give lectures, lectures, or share with colleges and universities. scientific research results.

From this point, it can also be seen why some colleges and universities are looking for Xiao Zhao.

To be subtle, I am just looking for you as a guest temporarily, and to be straightforward, like a college in an island country, I want to buy everything.

Again, the person who pioneered the phage display technology waited for more than 30 years for a Nobel Prize. Zhao Xueyan's thesis is the in-depth application and development of this technology.

Even if ordinary people can't see its prospects, senior people and professionals in certain aspects can definitely find its bright spots after in-depth research.

You said that Zhao Xueyan only got his thesis for two or three days. Why are the colleges and universities outside moving so fast?
It took almost a month for his thesis to be delivered, wait for news, and then publish. During this time, how many well-informed people would have gotten inside information?

The vision is not so long-term, just look at it naturally.

Having a long-term plan and vision is another matter.

Cheng Dongqing is like showing off his ability, and once again passionately said, "Do you know why, those world famous schools will invite Dr. Zhao? It turned out that Dr. Zhao published a paper, which was published in the scientific journal of the Bald Eagle, which is the latest One issue."

"My God, that's one of the CNS journals!"

"In the current mainland, not to mention our Peking University, even with the addition of many academicians, how many people have published separate papers in CNS journals, not a review?"

"This is 100% confirmed. When I was waiting at Director Gao's place, some professors from our school's biology department had already rushed over to visit this great scientist. If he is willing to come to us, maybe I will also become a professor directly."

Su Mei was stunned.

She is a liberal arts student, but she has been studying at Peking University for so long, and she also knows what CNS journals represent in the scientific community.

"So, can you cultivate a Stanley of Dr. Zhao??"

All of a sudden, Stanley University, which was originally unknown and almost never heard of, also became taller in Su Mei's heart.

"Can I apply for Stanley? Which country is it from?"

Cheng Dongqing showed a hint of embarrassment on his face, "This..., I originally wanted to ask a few more things, but Dr. Zhao has been surrounded by the big guys in the biology department, and I have no chance to contact him for the time being."

"But don't worry, Dr. Zhao is here to send a little girl from Hong Kong Island to our school for the exam. The little girl wants to come here for school, so let's find her."

"She and Dr. Zhao must have an unusual relationship. Take care of her and ask more questions."

Cheng Dongqing is a big man. If he shows all kinds of attention to a strange little girl, it is definitely inappropriate, and it is easy to cause misunderstanding. Su Mei is different, this is also an old school sister.

Cheng Dongqing now wants to call Meng Xiaojun directly and ask him more about Stanley's situation. However, in this era, it is not possible to make overseas calls if you want.

When you call, the other party may not be on the phone.

Su Mei stood up abruptly, "Okay, let's look for it. But she is a Hong Kong Islander, so she is willing to come to the mainland to study? If she doesn't study well, forget it..."

While speaking again and again, Su Mei couldn't understand Dr. Zhao's brain circuit.

The little girl who has a good relationship with you, with your current status in the academic world, the top [-] famous schools in the world have sent olive branches to you. Isn’t it delicious to take your own people to study abroad?
But no matter how suspicious, surprised, and detoured she was, she still understood.

She will show [-]% enthusiasm to receive and take care of a certain little girl, whether it is a day, a month, a year, she definitely hopes to get a business card to study at Stanley through a roundabout strategy .

In the original story, it took two or three years for Su Mei to get a visa to go to the Bald Eagle.


After some time.

Li Jiani, who was at a loss on the campus of Peking University and didn't know where to find Zhao Xueyan, was suddenly startled by Su Mei and Cheng Dongqing who came up.

Mainly these two smiles are too warm and too bright.

The two sides explained and understood that Zhao Xueyan was entangled by a group of scientists, and Li Jiani was relieved.

But this tone was quickly raised again, and he was even more nervous.

"Ah, ah~? Stanley University, the college where Brother Yan graduated? Right... right?"

"He just graduated from Stanley. Where is this school?"

Li Jiani is madly complaining in her heart, Brother Yan, as for you to harm the big brother and big sister in front of you so much?
(End of this chapter)

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