Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 80 Forgot to tell you a good news

Chapter 80 Forgot to tell you good news
Zhao Xueyan didn't know what happened outside for the time being. He had a very happy dinner this time.

The teapot, Vaseline, and exhaust pipe are a group of five, and they are funny, but when they are together, the atmosphere tends to become more relaxed.

At the end of the meal, Xiao Zhao raised his glass and said, "Everyone, you will be released from prison the day after tomorrow, right? I will go to the mainland tomorrow. If I can get back in time, I will definitely help you clean up."

Teapot said in surprise, "Brother Yan, are you going to the mainland?"

Xiao Zhao nodded, yes, after he found his innocence and walked out of the court, he agreed to Li Jiani to send her to Qingbei for an interview. This must be done. After all, it was his foolish little girl who abandoned Niuniu and the famous schools of Maple Leaf to go to the mainland.

After nodding, he excitedly had a few drinks with a few people before he drove away.

Zhao Xueyan didn't drink too much, just fainted. His physical fitness is five times that of ordinary people, and his alcohol intake is naturally large, but he can drive away. The most important thing is that Hong Kong Island is not strict about drunk driving in this era. standard.

Not to mention Hong Kong Island, there are no similar clauses in the mainland at present.


When Lord Stanley drove to the hotel to stay, the North Point Police Station.

A beautiful inspector walked into the detention center with a calm face, looked at Ding Yixi, Fei Chequan, and another horse boy who were locked together, and then smiled, "Bad boyquan, you can go, remember to put that Drive away with a Bentley."

Fei Chequan looked surprised, "Madam Yang, is it true? Can I go now?"

Didn't the North Point area still have to sue them for super dangerous driving, serious endangerment of public safety, serious waste of police force, etc.?
Ding Xiaoxi has sent ordinary lawyers to test it out. The North Point Police Station is very determined to sue them. According to the superficial evidence, they are likely to go in and squat, and the lawyers can only try their best.

Now you let me go, what do you mean?
Following the words of Fei Chequan, Inspector Yang spread out a pair of white hands in a dashing manner, "Why is there so much nonsense, if you don't want to leave, then continue to live."

Fei Chequan got up and looked at Ding Yixi, "Yi Shao?"

Ding Yixi was also excited, "Madam, what about me? I can go too, after all, it wasn't me who was driving at that time, it was the right of speed."

The bad thing about sending Bentley home to Zhao Xueyan, the driver who drove it was the right to speed.

As for a certain little brother that Ding Xiao crab sent in?The other party had committed another case and had to be locked up here for a few days.

Inspector Yang smiled, "You can go too."

Although the big beauty's smile is very bright, it always feels a little weird.

Ding Yixi didn't notice this weirdness at first, so he got up and walked to the door excitedly, "Then open the door quickly, bashing the street, I'm not staying here for the night."

I had been squatting in Stanley for a few days before, and I was tortured in various ways.

Killing him now doesn't want to spend the night in detention.

Not to mention, because of all kinds of excitement when delivering the car today, the wounds he had just healed had cracked a few times and had just barely healed.

Under the direction of Inspector Yang, a uniformed police officer quickly opened the door and guided Ding Yixi and Fei Chequan to go through the bail process. Inspector Yang just watched quietly during this process.

Until the two stood outside the police station, breathing the free air of Hong Kong Island at night.

Inspector Yang said with a chuckle, "Ding Yixi, Fei Chequan, I forgot to tell you some good news."

Ding Yixi smiled boldly, "What good news?"

He might have squatted for a while, but the lawyers always said that, but suddenly he is free like this. It must be good news. Did the boss make great efforts, or did the third lawyer hire a lawyer?
Either way, it's a good thing.

Inspector Yang's smile became more subtle, "Ding Yixi, your Zhongqing Club may be gone, it's about to end, and I don't know if you can survive tonight."

Ding Yixi was stunned, and Fei Chequan jumped up in fright, "What are you kidding, Madam, the Zhongqing Society is going to end? Don't talk nonsense, this is just the North Point."

Inspector Yang rolled his eyes, "I scare you? Are you kidding me? Are you worthy? It was this afternoon that Ding Wang Crab, Ding Li Crab, and Ding Xiao Crab disappeared one after another. Among them, the younger brother who accompanied and protected them, More than a dozen people were shot."

"Two more people died under the pineapple bombing, and all three are now missing."

"I just received the news that after the three brothers of the Ding family disappeared one after another, the little bosses such as Tiger Dog and Shark Bin from Yau Ma Tei, including the Prince of Tsim Sha Tsui, and Situ Hao Nan of East Star Captured the Dragon and Tiger, rushed into the territory of the Zhongqing Society. In a carnival grabbing the field."

"Hopefully, after you go back to Tsim Sha Tsui, you can have a peaceful night, bye."

Abandoning these words, Inspector Yang returned to the police station.

As an honest and hot-handed detective, she has a little opinion about the disappearance of Ding Wang Crab, Ding Li Crab, and Ding Xiao Crab, and vaguely guessed that it might be related to Stanley Yan... But she didn't Evidence proves that Brother Yan did it.

For Brother Yan, her emotions are also very complicated.

If you really took away the three brothers of the Ding family, it would not be legal, but... as a member of the system, she also clearly felt that since the negotiation between Niu Niu and the mainland failed and Hong Kong Island was destined to return, the Hong Kong government He has been deliberately condoning all kinds of villains and scum, including club gangsters.

As a public official, she did not agree with the way the three of Ding Wangxi disappeared, but as a Hong Kong Islander, she wanted to applaud and celebrate the disappearance of the three.

The police don't have any evidence to break down the Zhongqing Society or other organizations for now, but some people have suppressed them strongly, and it can be regarded as a new sunny day for the citizens.

As for Tiger Dog, Shark Bin, Prince Hongxing, Dongxing Situ Haonan, etc. intervening?Even if that is the power of the community, in the short term, those who will do things in a low-key manner will definitely reduce the intensity of harming the citizens.

Inspector Yang walked away dashingly.

Ding Yixi continued to stay at the door for dozens of seconds, before crying without tears, "What is this? Pujie, do you think that bastard is intimidating us and talking nonsense?"

"I don't believe that the boss, the third and the fourth, will end like this."

The right to fly, "..."

At this moment, the right to fly has already been obtained. It is like stealing the 50 check, and operating the same way as the manager of a certain car dealership. The tree fell and the monkeys scattered.

The husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they will fly away from each other when disaster strikes, not to mention that he is just a younger brother of the Zhongqing Society?With his one-handed racing skills, which prefix can't you mix with?

Of course, he couldn't believe something without seeing it with his own eyes.

More than half an hour later, Speed ​​​​quan drove a Bentley with Ding Yi Crab. When driving on the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui, he passed by one after another that the Zhongqing Society had seen, and found that these places were either just after a fight and were beaten and smashed. Either there is no trace of a fight, but there is a big change in the group.

Fei Chequan's hands and feet were a little uneasy while driving, and Ding Yixi, who began to bleed again, said, "..."

Ding Yicrab couldn't accept this fact.

It was not until, when Fei Chequan passed by a field again, because the speed of the cars on the road was too slow, he was quickly surrounded by a group of strange horses, and when someone shouted the name of Ding Yixi, Fei Chequan suddenly braked and turned off. , said to the crowd of strangers surrounding him, "What are you doing, what are you doing? I want to turn against you? It doesn't matter if you beat people and smash the store, do you know whose car this Bentley belongs to?"

Originally surrounded by horses with eager expressions, there was an instant uproar.

Bentley? ?Dying.

Is this the Bentley that ruined the entire Zhongqing Society?
(End of this chapter)

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