Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 783 History will remember you

Chapter 783 History will remember you
One day later, in 1999, near the Balihe Police Station in Pingling City.

When Zhao Xueyan and Lu Ming were having lunch in a private room in a hotel, Xia Jie walked in with a dazed face, sat on the table and drank a sip of Coke before saying in a daze, "I saw my dad Yes, and even talked to him, so young!"

"He's still the deputy office of Balihe, it's really... like a dream."

Zhao Xueyan listened calmly, while Lu Ming took a mouthful of rice and scratched his head while eating, "You really came back from the future? Can my house connect to the future?"

"I feel more like a dream than you do."

"Hey, by the way, how have I been in ten years? Have I succeeded?"

Zhao Xueyan nodded, "Successful, you will be a real estate tycoon in Shanghai in the future. Before we came, we also encountered Ni's group developing real estate in Pingling City. There was a conflict between the nail households. We asked the Balihe police to resolve the dispute."

Xia Jie just slapped her thigh, "Yeah, I just said you look so familiar? Are you real estate tycoon Lu Shiyi?"

Lu Ming was ecstatic, "I succeeded? I really succeeded, I really succeeded..."

Mr. Zhao smiled and said, "Calm down, your success is due to your boss Zhao Junyi, who tricked your boss, Mr. Gu, into signing the contract, going bankrupt with huge debts, murdering Mr. Gu, and then Zhao Junyi divided you a sum of money to invest You can only make a fortune if you follow your current plan."

Lu Ming was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Xia Jie was shocked and said, "My good guy, so dark? I'm a policeman..."

When Xia Jie instinctively took out her police card excitedly, which startled Lu Ming again, Zhao Xueyan held down Xia Jie, "Don't worry, I'm talking about the normal development track. Now, things are still in progress. Zhao Junyi is still in the pit, so he hasn't been killed yet."

"Let's talk about you, a policeman in 2017, who ran back to arrest people in 1999? Do you want the outside to find your future police card, is there no record?"

Xia Jie, "!!!"

Lu Ming shook his head frantically, "I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense, how could I be that kind of person."

Zhao Xueyan said again, "Xiao Xia, do you still want to save your father so that he will not sacrifice himself for catching thieves in the future?"

Xia Jie froze again and diverted her attention, "I miss it so much!"

Zhao Xueyan continued, "I think you should run now and tell him that in 2007 in the future, he will die to protect Director Song by catching thieves. He will most likely treat you as a fool. Why don't you ask your father to change his career?"

Xia Jie was stunned for tens of seconds, and frowned, "Yeah, it's ridiculous to say that he will catch a thief and die in 8 years. Even if I run to do a DNA test and tell him that I came back from the future, he won't believe it." Right? Will..."

Mr. Zhao added, "He is the deputy director. He will arrest you and report it to the country."

And then the space-time channel was discovered at the national level?Send people to contact at the national level?But once there is a big move at the national level, too many people and things will change.

This is after all, if you go back to the end of the Ming Dynasty to turn the sky, the history textbook will lose the chain of passages that lead Qing and most of the descendants of the Eight Banners.

The butterfly effect is too big.

Really let the high-level participate, the two eras have a dialogue between the two eras, and change it a little... It is a global change.

Xia Jie, "..."

After being silent for a while, she frowned and smiled bitterly, "My dad really likes this profession. I remember that when I was young, I stayed away from home every day and devoted myself to work. How can I persuade him to change his career?"

Zhao Xueyan suggested, "You came back as an overseas Chinese, and you said that you were related to your father for several generations? According to your seniority, you are his niece, and then you return to China to invest... Invest in Little Penguin, NetEase, and Du Niang, and let your father represent you. Hold shares, help you watch these companies?"

"If you switch to a large Internet company, the risk will not be so great."

Xia Jie's eyes widened, "That's right, the market value of Penguin in 2017 was two trillion??!!! It's only a few hundred thousand now, so if I invest now, wouldn't it be..."

Zhao Xueyan shook his head, "It's not worth a few hundred thousand now. Next year, Xiao Ma wants to sell penguins for 60, but unfortunately the other party doesn't want it."

"In 2001, the old cucumber on Hong Kong Island asked his son to invest 110 million knives and took 20.00% of Penguin's equity. Now in September 1999, if you missed the investment in Penguin, you can easily become a future billionaire. Super rich and beautiful."

"Now Xiao Ma still often wears women's clothing to enliven the atmosphere in Penguin, just to retain more users."

Lu Ming sprayed directly, "Pfft~"

After he hastily wiped his mouth, he hurriedly said, "Wait, let me ask, Penguin? OICQ? Worth two trillion in 18 years?"

Xia Jie nodded.

Lu Ming said again in disbelief, "Then it's my first pot of gold, and I got it by killing others together. How much is the Future Real Estate Group worth?"

Xia Jie scratched her head, "You are one of the real estate tycoons in Shanghai, with a market value of tens of billions? Of course you are a great rich man for ordinary people, but you are still far behind Mr. Ma. I mean, you are far behind in every aspect. "

Lu Ming looked embarrassed, "Wouldn't it be better for me to kill people and make a fortune than women's clothes... Is there such a big gap?"

He didn't believe it at all when he heard some things for the first time, such as partnering with Zhao Jun to kill the president of Death Valley, but now?He was somewhat shaken...because the real estate project plan in his hand, begging his grandpa to sue his grandma was rejected by investors time and time again, and there was no hope at all.

The last time he was hiding and lazing in the toilet, he also accidentally heard that Zhao Junyi was collaborating with outsiders to trick Mr. Gu into signing. As long as Mr. Gu signed, he would go bankrupt and the company's wealth would be swept away by Zhao Junyi.

Putting those together, even if he wanted to believe it or not, he was a little less confident.

With such a lot of hard work and risk, if the incident happens, you will be jailed or even shot, but it is far inferior to online women's clothing?

Zhao Xueyan smiled, "Okay, Xiao Xia, do you want to try?"

Xia Jie was heartbroken and embarrassed, "Isn't this bad?"

Either she is greedy for some top-notch white and rich beauty, or she doesn't want her father to die, even if she knows that if her father changes careers, it will make him give up his hobbies and real career, which may not be a good thing for her father Xia Junxiong himself.

But compared with life and death, those are nothing.

You say you're being selfish like this? ?There are so many people who die in the line of duty in Huaxia every year... It's a long way to talk about this, Xia Jie doesn't mind admitting that she is selfish in this regard.


Ten days later, 2017.

When Xia Jie was about to open a certain door, Lu Ming gnawed all the boiled corn cobs in his hand, and wiped his mouth excitedly, "Hey, is it really 2017 outside? Is it the future?"

Xia Jie nodded, looked at Zhao Xueyan again, and opened the door.

Soon, all kinds of fast-paced and high-efficiency life frequencies in 2017 were reflected in front of several people. For these, Xia Jie felt vague and familiar, as if she had just returned to her small place from the circle of discomfort.

Lu Ming looked at it again and again and whispered, all kinds of shock and emotion.

Mr. Zhao looked around, and said with a smile, "Xiao Xia, first take Lao Lu to familiarize himself with the environment, and I'll go for a walk."

He left without waiting for Xia Jie to respond after speaking.

In the past ten days, although he arranged a lot of things to make Xia Jie's father Xia Junxiong leave his previous job and start another way of life, but that was only superficial.

In private, he also went to a certain county in northern Hebei, where he met those "relatives and elders" in his 1999 background panel, and also had slight contact and slight influence.

He has already confirmed that after contact with those influences, the scope of his fusion of heaven and earth has become much larger, but he has not done specific experiments, so he will try it when he comes back.

After half a day.

On an uninhabited island in South Korea, Zhao Xueyan was holding a bottle with no trademark or logo, and was about to put the paraquat liquid inside into his mouth, when he saw a big wave ahead and swept two men on the beach.

One of the men struggled to get up, vomited and screamed for a while, and then looked around. When he saw Mr. Zhao who was a hundred meters away, his eyes lit up, "Baga, is there anyone?!"

The other man also got up after struggling, looked around, and was pleasantly surprised, "Director, we are not dead? That's great, haha."

The man known as the director scolded, "The wild dogs gang eats the gangsters. We managed to get through the Colombian line. The key is money. Luckily, we are lucky. When we go back, we will kill all the gangsters. Let's go!" , go and ask what this place is."

Soon, the two walked near Zhao Xueyan during the exchange, and a certain director said with a look of exhaustion, "Boy, what is this place? Where is the nearest hotel or resort?"

Zhao Xueyan took a sip of paraquat and said with a smile, "I don't know either."

Another man stepped forward and grabbed the paraquat in his hand, "What is this? It's so pungent."

Mr. Zhao didn't stop him, and allowed him to snatch the paraquat. These are two island fan merchants who got through the Columbia line, and they were hacked when they came to South Korea to trade?Then it doesn't matter.

But the other party said so, he had seen Zhao Xueyan drink it, and he still held his nose and put it in his mouth.

Drifting and escaping at sea for several hours, they thought they were going to die many times before... Finally escaped, are you thirsty?

After he took a sip, a certain director hurriedly snatched the paraquat, poured it into his mouth, and while drinking, the other man was lying on the ground and began to feel uncomfortable, painful, and struggling.

A certain director was stunned, and then started the same process, "This, what is this..."

Zhao Xueyan kindly explained, "Paraquat is a pesticide."

While struggling, a certain director vomited blood, ""

Mr. Zhao shrugged helplessly. He was doing an experiment. He felt that after arriving in South Korea, he had been able to fully integrate with the whole of South Korea. The scope was much wider, but the hazy perception was not particularly clear.

He hasn't had any minor illness or pain for a long time, so he wants to study the changes in the celestial phenomena?I'm not sick.

Just try something small.

Unexpectedly, at the very beginning, I met two shipwreck fans who came to grab a drink.

"Rest in peace, history will remember you!"

After saying another sentence with a smile, Zhao Xueyan got up and left, leaving the two island country punks struggling there with more and more pain. After all, they all drank in large gulps, at least 50ml in one gulp.

A certain director also took several gulps.

After some time.

Zhao Xueyan came back again, without digging a hole, took out a tombstone and inserted it between the two corpses. On it was a double label in Japanese and Korean, "Don't drink things from strangers."

Such an epitaph should be good, and it will serve as a warning to some people.

Mr. Zhao thought for a while, took out a special poison that had been refined before, and swallowed it.


Seoul, torrential rain.

The water surface of the Han River surged up and down both sides, and many vehicles on the street were submerged with more than half of the car windows. Zhao Xueyan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of a five-star hotel suite, looking out at the storm like the end of the world.

Typhoons are coming!
Looking at the outside world from this angle, there have been several major power outages in many districts of Seoul, Nuoda. The typhoon came so suddenly and strangely that the meteorological station did not predict it, or it had just discovered signs and had not had time to notify the public. Typhoon almost there.

There was a knock on the door, Mr. Zhao shouted to come in, and Wu Mingkui and a few boys in suits pushed the door open and entered.

When President Wu bowed and said hello, Zhao Xueyan waved his hands with a smile, "Sit, old Wu, you still owe me 16 bitcoins."

"Friendship is friendship, business is business."

"The weather is so good, and I don't want to talk to you about fighting and killing. What kind of entertainment are you going to give me?"

President Wu was sweating crazily on his forehead. He looked left and right. The rainstorm and thunder outside were really good weather. Wu Mingkui was overjoyed when he found a table of wine and food in the living room. He walked over hurriedly and grabbed a bottle of "wine" "I'm about to drink, "Zhao Sheng, I know I was very wrong, today I will punish myself with three bottles to make amends."

Isn't it common for adults to drink and make amends?

Zhao Xueyan was stunned, "Stop, put the things down."

Wu Mingkui was confused, "..."

Among the younger brothers who came with him, someone suddenly lost his heart and ran over to take the wine bottle, "Zhao Sheng, my elder brother's fault, I'll take care of it, I'll do it first as a respect!"

Then, regardless of Zhao Xueyan's expression, he grabbed the bottle and got up.

While drinking, the little boy fell limp and fell to the ground, bleeding from seven orifices, his body twitched from time to time until there was no sound.

There was nothing wrong with it, paraquat had no effect on him, and he took out a special elixir, an extraordinary elixir from the plane of A Chinese Ghost Story, which somehow caused rain in South Korea, covering an area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers in South Korea.

The actual area still exceeds that of South Korea, which is half the size of eastern Guangdong. However, after the rain covered the land, it continued to extend to the sea. Mr. Zhao felt that if he stood in the middle of eastern Guangdong, he should be able to cover a whole province.

The area is gratifying, but the rainfall is not strong enough, Mr. Zhao prepared other test products, and only then did the typhoon land in Seoul in a short time.

When Wu Mingkui and the other boys in suits were all dumbstruck at the one who was completely out of breath, Zhao Xueyan walked over, picked up the bottle on the ground, and sighed, "Old Wu, where did you find it?"

"It's a bit too active, we chat, what does he do."

Chairman Wu looked at the picked up wine bottle, his hair tingling with horror, "Sheng Zhao, this... this... this..."

How could this be?There is a table of wine and food in the big suite of your big hotel, isn't it for drinking and drinking?How can you die if you drink it?
Mr. Zhao refused to let him drink just now, he was a little wronged, and he admired his younger brother who dared to take the initiative to stand up for him. It was spread from around Hong Kong Island. .

What a common practice.

How did it become such a ghost! !

Zhao Xueyan looked to the left and right, "I'm just a law-abiding tourist who came to stay in your hotel. What do you mean by making such a scene for me?"

Wu Mingkui was sober, he hurriedly waved his hands, and even touched his face, "Axi, send Bingyou away quickly, and give him a beautiful funeral some other day."

The last confidant, Cheng Hao, was rescued by Gatling's six-tube Bodhisattva a year or two ago in order to fight against the helicopter pilot under Mr. Zhao's command. Now the confidant, Ma Zi Bingyou, is a bit wronged.


Two days later.

In a hotel room in Shanghai, when there was a knock on the door and Xia Jie signaled, the manager of the room department came with two waiters pushing a dining cart.

Miss Xia was speechless, "This is?"

The guest room manager's smile is impeccable, "Miss Xia, this is a special service launched by our hotel. I would like to invite some distinguished guests to comment on the skills of the newly hired chef. If you are satisfied with the meal, you can leave a comment."

"Of course, all expenses are free, I just hope you can feel..."

She was still talking when she saw a special news broadcast on the TV in the living room.

It was the host who was broadcasting on the TV station, while there was heavy rain pouring down on the other side. It seemed that the torrential rain was about to drown the world. "Special news report, South Korea suffered a catastrophic flood once in 500 years, and the Seinju Golf Course was submerged by the torrential rain..."

"The Osan base was flooded, and a lot of equipment was washed away by the rain..."

The guest room manager listened for a few words and said pleasantly, "Sa De base is flooded? God open your eyes."

This is late July 2017. If you want to talk about one of the biggest news hotspots in Huaxia at present, it is that Bangzi insists on making trouble with Amei’s family. What else does President Latian publicize in interviews that Huaxia people are very philistine and spineless? Bloodless, as long as Rakuten lowers the price a little, Chinese people will flock to it, etc...

The prospect of Rakuten is wonderful.

Let alone professionals, ordinary people who pay a little attention to the trend of the Internet have heard of it.

In the guest room manager's surprise, Xia Jie and the two waiters laughed, then smiled and exchanged some polite words with these few, sent each other off, and looked at the gourmet meal left by the hotel.

Xia Jie grabbed her hair irritably.

When she walked to the computer desk and turned on the computer, the information displayed on the upper page was, "Huaxia is the most beautiful and beautiful..."

"Xia Junxiong made precise investments. In 1999, he became a shareholder of Penguin, NetEase, etc. Even though his shares have been reduced over the years, he is still a super rich man worth hundreds of billions. Xia Jie, the daughter of a wealthy family who only got the golden key in a daze after she was born, has always been Mysterious and low-key."

"Even so, the few passport photos and road photos that are occasionally circulated can crush many celebrities, and they can be called the No. 1 appearance in the circle of wealthy daughters~"

She was indeed very speechless, although she was aware of the possible impact when operating some things during the half month in the 1999 plane. After returning, her father who died many years ago was still alive and became a super rich man.

She is currently a small policeman in Balihe, Pingling City, a trainee, but the daughter of a super wealthy family, the face of Bai Fumei's circle of praise, reports and reports, can be searched everywhere.

Fortunately, most of them are blurred photos from a little distance, or side faces, etc.

"This change is too exaggerated!!"

It's not just her who has changed, her father, even her mother's style has changed drastically. The former Xia's mother often called her during working hours. After get off work, she wished she could fly home immediately and stay by her side all the time.

Now... These days Xia Jie made several phone calls, but her mother just hung up after chatting casually, never telling her to go home quickly, at most saying, if you are not happy with your work, come back and inherit the family business.

(End of this chapter)

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