Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 769 Can I check out with my wallet! !

Chapter 769 Can I check out with my wallet! !

When Yu Zui joined the undercover project, the [-]th holiday of South China University of Finance and Economics had already ended. Zhao Xueyan was shopping in a supermarket not too far from the school when he saw a beauty and hairdressing shop on the side of the road. A figure came out.

The person who was chased away was a 26-year-old elder sister, who was dressed in a slightly fashionable dress and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. The people who chased away were two security men and a female shop assistant in uniform.

When the glasses lady was pushed and fell on the side of the road outside the store, a security guard grabbed a mini camera and threw it on the ground, yelling, "Hurry up, you are not welcome here!"

The glasses lady was furious, "I'm a reporter, you guys are so arrogant, I want to expose you guys!"

The security guard's expression was cold, and he dismissed the words at all.

A clerk said contemptuously, "What are you exposing? Beauty and beauty products are marked with price tags. Don't come in if you don't think it's too expensive. You don't want to pay after enjoying it? Is the reporter amazing? Can the reporter eat the overlord's meal?"

"Let's judge and criticize. These days, journalists can have their hair done without paying?"

When she shouted to the left and right with a loud voice, which also attracted some strange eyes from passers-by, the female reporter was anxious, "No, don't listen to her nonsense, this is a black shop that slaughters people, and your boss... let your boss come out!"

The female shop assistant made a sound, as if she was about to spit.

The female reporter got up so frightened that she didn't even have time to pick up the camera and dodged in a hurry.

The female shop assistant spat on the ground, cursed the poor man in a low voice, turned around and went back to the shop.

When the two security guards also returned to the store, the female reporter was anxious and angry, and in a frenzy, Zhao Xueyan went to the camera and picked it up, and greeted her with a smile, "Your camera, see if it's broken."

The female reporter hurriedly thanked her, took the camera and began to check it, and was relieved when she found that it was not damaged.

Zhao Xueyan asked curiously, "Exposure the black barber shop? Have you taken any useful photos? If you interview in public, the store's attitude is not good. Unannounced interviews, your camera is too big."

The female reporter thanked her again, and then said in surprise, "You also know that this is a black shop? Have you been scammed?"

Ever since the female clerk complained that the reporter wanted a beauty salon and didn't pay for her, and complained that she was poor, many passers-by looked at her what.

Zhao Xueyan shook his head, "I don't, by the way, my surname is Zhao, what about you?"

The female reporter smiled and stretched out her hand, "My name is Huang Xi, a reporter from Luteng TV Station in Zhongjiang Province."

"Ding, Huang Xi successfully signed in and will be rewarded with a magical camera, which the host can claim at any time."

The magical camera can freely change its appearance, size, stealth, and move freely. It can capture and record various photos and videos according to the host's ideas in 360 degrees without dead ends.It is a must-have at home and an excellent digital product for exploring artistic life.

Zhao Xueyan, "..."

Such a miraculous camera is too weird, did you encourage him to be Teacher Zhao?

He came over to help the other party pick up the camera, and struck up a conversation, just looking at the female reporter in front of him, who looked the same as Wang Manni and Lao Wang...I really didn't expect to sign such a prop.

Which story is Huang Xi in front of me?
Being able to walk on the street and meet the people in the story is not a pure coincidence, but Zhao Xueyan has brushed up a wave of skills for himself, with clear grievances and grievances. On the positive side, the business he has recently engaged in is relatively trivial, and he is looking for targets one by one. It's better to use skills to let the target take the initiative to bump into his life circle.

After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Zhongjiang Province? Although it's not too far away, why did you come to Pengcheng?"

Zhongjiang Province is next to the east of Guangdong, and Luteng is the capital of Zhongjiang Province.

A TV reporter from the provincial capital next door came to Pengcheng for an interview?This span is a bit large.

Huang Xi simply tidied up his appearance, stared at the beauty salon and said, "We have a white-collar office worker in Luteng who works here. Before returning home during the summer vacation, he said he was here for a haircut, but he was cheated out of nearly [-] yuan. "

"I tried to ask the media for help after repeated exchanges and asking for money to no avail. I didn't expect their attitude to be so arrogant..."

Zhao Xueyan, "..."

Getting a haircut and being cheated of nearly [-] yuan is absolutely impossible.

Isn't it ten yuan for an agent this year... Well, before he came to "go to college", a male haircut like him in a small county in northern Hebei cost ten yuan.

Even if Pengcheng is also an international metropolis, it would be an exaggeration to be cheated of a hundred thousand for a haircut.

After silently sighing, he smiled, "It seems that your interview failed, and it will not be easy to enter this door next time."

Huang Xi said excitedly, "This is a chain store, almost all of them are so bad, with the Givenchy signboard, it looks like a brand of luxury jewelry and clothing in Gaul."

"Hey, handsome guy, do you live nearby? Or go to school? Work part-time? Are there any friends around you who have been cheated by this black shop?"

"I want to collect more information and expose them."

"Do me a favor, okay? I'll treat you to dinner later."

Zhao Xueyan didn't say a word, he used his words to follow suit, and spent a little bit of human merit to deduce who Huang Xi was and which story...

Anti-crime storm!

Green vines!

Good guy, after figuring it out, Mr. Zhao couldn't help feeling that it's considered black to have such a barber shop in Pengcheng, and your green vines are not easy.

Is the eldest sister in front of you the niece of Deputy Bureau He of the Luteng City Police Station?You still have a cousin Sun Xing who was sentenced to death, but can still rely on plastic surgery to change his face and continue to sit outside in style?
After thinking for a few seconds, he nodded, "Yes, you can treat me to dinner at noon, and I will treat you to do your hair in the afternoon."

Huang Xi, "??"

After being surprised, she still nodded happily, "Okay, what do you want to eat?"

In order to cover such a big news, she has come to Pengcheng from Luteng, and she can't give up halfway, like this kind of news that can be cheated by tens of thousands, even if it is reported in detail, it can be obtained even in the whole of China. A lot of attention.

When Zhao Xueyan started, he threw all the things he bought on Wuling Hongguang, and drove Huang Xi to eat.

Just the two of them, Mr. Zhao just found a hot pot restaurant and opened it up.

During the process, Huang Xi talked a lot and asked him a lot about the situation. Zhao Xueyan dealt with it casually, talking nonsense, and eating. When Mr. Zhao saw two new customers entering the hot pot restaurant, his eyes lit up, and he quickly got out of his bag. Taking out his hat, sunglasses, and mask, he said to Huang Xi, "My friend is here."

"Invite them to do their hair in the afternoon. You are a reporter, not a rookie, so play by ear."

Huang Xi was confused, she looked at Zhao Xueyan who was wearing equipment with a pair of chopsticks in between, and doubted that he was dead.

Eating hot pot and meeting friends on a hot day, do you need to protect yourself so closely? ?

The next moment, when she saw Zhao Xueyan also throw out a new set of hats, sunglasses and masks for her... Reporter Huang couldn't handle it at all.

Zhao Xueyan laughed in a low voice, "Just to give you some excitement. My friend is a big drug lord in Yangcheng, and her husband is in jail. I don't know why she escaped from Yangcheng to Pengcheng. Maybe she has a little lover? The lover probably is too." Drug lord."

"Perhaps they also sold all kinds of powders and pills in Zhongjiang Province."

"The drug lord's barber shop was slaughtered and cheated, and he brought his younger brothers to smash the shop in a fit of anger. What do you think of this news? Put the camera away later, your camera is too big, I will take pictures."

Speaking of this, Mr. Zhao shook his wrist. There was a Patek Philippe watch on it. At first glance, it was definitely a genuine and good watch. In fact, it was a magical camera taken out of the system bar on the road.

It seems that the effect of distinguishing between grievances and grievances is really good, otherwise, how could even Shen Jiawen and Han Fuhu come out to steal someone and put a hat on Fu Guosheng, and they could bump into him?
The fate with clear grievances and grievances has always been so handsome!
Huang Xi, "!!!"

Reporter Huang's eyes widened, and the shrimp slipped from her chopsticks. She couldn't believe it at all. She would meet a drug lord in a restaurant while eating?The big drug lord in Yangcheng?

But Mr. Zhao didn't look like he was joking... When Mr. Zhao started to walk away, Huang Xi became even more excited. He casually tied his hair into a ponytail and began to wear a hat, sunglasses and mask.

Although she wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses during the initial interview, she was neither short-sighted nor astigmatic, it was just under the disguise of a plane mirror.

Ten meters away, Shen Jiawen, who was walking towards the private room on the second floor with a middle-aged man with an inch head, was still walking affectionately, when a slightly familiar greeting sounded from behind, but she couldn't remember it for a while, "Sister-in-law, what a coincidence. "

Is this calling her?Or greet others?

Before Shen Jiawen could think more, Mr. Zhao's voice rang again, "Shen Jiawen, sister-in-law!!"

Shen Jiawen stopped abruptly and turned around, his eyes were puzzled on the surface, but there was a hint of sharpness in his eyes, Han Fuhu, the inch-cut man who was walking arm in arm with her, also turned to look.

When the two saw Zhao Xueyan, who was 1.8m [-] tall and wearing a hat, sunglasses and a mask, Han Fuhu looked dazed, but Shen Jiawen shivered violently, his legs went limp from fright.

After all, when Mr. Zhao robbed her and Fu Guosheng more than a month ago, waterboarding, electric shock, small black room, etc. were also used on her in turn. It's all normal.

What's more, it was the other party who stuffed Fu Guosheng's unwashed socks into her mouth, causing her to vomit.

When Shen Jiawen felt a sense of fear, Mr. Zhao stepped forward with a smile, "It's really you, sister-in-law. I haven't seen you for more than a month, and you are beautiful again. I heard that Mr. Fu committed some crimes and went in. Is it okay?"

Han Fuhu frowned even deeper.

Shen Jiawen let go of Han Fuhu, looked around, and was relieved to see that there were no other acquaintances. Seeing Huang Xi, who was also wearing a hat, sunglasses and mask, walked behind Mr. Zhao, she also began to wonder. People, and even began to force some swindling poor ghosts to borrow from the gangster team of black online loans, and there are women? ?

Even though he was wearing a lot of things, at first glance, Huang Xi was very well-groomed, a beauty.

Sometimes, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, wearing a mask and sunglasses will only cover up the flaws of your facial features and increase your appearance!
Before the sister-in-law could speak, Zhao Xueyan smiled and said, "Are you coming to eat? Have you finished eating? Let's go. I'll ask my sister-in-law to do her hair."

Shen Jiawen smiled awkwardly, "I don't want to do my hair now."

Han Fuhu's eyes are full of question marks and exclamation marks. We just came in, and we wanted to open a box for some excitement. After all, the old man went in, and he just came back from Nanyang, thinking about replacing old Fu, the big drug lord .

Since you want to replace old Fu, by the way, help your sister-in-law unblock the sewer, isn't it the most serious replacement?

Mr. Zhao didn't care about sister-in-law's opinion, and reached out to grab sister-in-law's wrist, "Let's go, I know you like doing hair."

"There is a very good store, come here and experience it."

Shen Jiawen didn't dare to resist. The public knew that if she resisted or called the police, it seemed that a gangster like Zhao Xueyan would not dare to be too forceful? ?But, she is a big drug lord!
Which big drug lord dares to call the police to play casually? ?
After she was dragged down a few steps by Mr. Zhao, she smiled awkwardly, "Brother Hu, why don't we get some hair done?"

Han Fuhu's eyes were still full of question marks, until Shen Jiawen gave him several suggestive looks.

Han Fuhu also started to go downstairs.

Only the waiter who was guiding them was left with a confused look on his face. He came to eat hot pot and said he would open a private room. What the hell are you going to get your hair done halfway there? ?

After a while.

On Wuling Hongguang.

Mr. Zhao asked Huang Xi's address, and when Huang Xi gave out the address of a new branch of Givenchy's beauty and hairdressing shop full of surprises, he started the car and left.

Shen Jiawen sat in the middle row and looked at the various things in the back row. Mr. Zhao bought them in the supermarket in the morning, and asked curiously, "Little boy, are you all so frugal? Are you still driving Wuling Hongguang?"

"I heard someone say that people like you like to open Hongguang?"

Who did you listen to?

Zheng Chao's poison boy, Lao Biao, found Mr. Zhao's opportunity to go to the golf course, and went to shoot black guns...

Doing things crazily, there are also Wuling Hongguang vehicles of different new and old, different colors, and different license plates traveling to and from Yangcheng, Pengcheng and other places. It is normal for some things to spread some rumors.

Mr. Zhao said calmly, "This car is very good. Once you get used to driving it, you will know its advantages. It has a lot of space, is convenient, and is not noticeable on the road."

In this way, Han Fuhu and Huang Xi remained silent all the way.

Zhao Xueyan chatted with Shen Jiawen without saying a word. When they arrived at their destination, Mr. Zhao signaled them to get off the car.

When the four of them walked into the beauty salon one after another, the clerks at the door greeted them with bright smiles, welcome, etc. Zhao Xueyan coughed lightly, "My sister-in-law and elder brother haven't seen each other for a long time, clean them up and make them refreshed. Even younger is better than a newlywed."

"You can come to whatever set menu is expensive in your shop, don't look down on us."

The welcome clerk's eyes lit up, seeing that Shen Jiawen and Han Fuhu had no objection, he was even more excited and happier.

"Boss, our store is celebrating its [-]th anniversary. There is a special promotion. Buy [-] to get [-]. It is common to all chain stores across the country. It also comes with three courses of beauty massage."

When the clerk said this, Huang Xi's eyes widened.

You are so outrageous, the one who was cheated in her hometown, at the beginning, she just gave away [-] for [-].

Han Fuhu's eyes widened, "Damn it, you must be sick, I'll pay a hundred thousand for a haircut..."

Shen Jiawen pulled Lao Han violently, and when Han Fuhu shut up, Shen Jiawen smiled and said, "Okay, let's recharge the card."

Having said that, she looked back at Mr. Zhao again, with a hint of doubt in her eyes, you gang of shameless and unruly gangsters, have you expanded into new business?
They tied us up and tortured us for money, so forget it.

After all, it's a private matter.

Are you opening a shop openly and slaughtering people now?The background is so hard? ?
Zhao Xueyan shrugged, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you come and serve our sister-in-law and elder brother? Do you think Brother Hu can't have a haircut if he cuts his hair?"

Not only the welcome clerk reacted, but other clerks also came to receive them.

charge card...

Mrs. Jiawen is serious about recharging her card. The sister-in-law who has mastered the drug network in Yangcheng for more than ten years can't afford to pay you a membership fee for a hair salon? ?

After charging the cards, Shen Jiawen and Han Fuhu were invited to sit on the seats, while other shop assistants came to ask if Mr. Zhao and Huang Xi wanted to be together, but they were rejected.

When the hairdressing and hairdressing package for two was arranged, a clerk said to Shen Jiawen while busy, "Girl, besides beauty programs, our store can also help you detoxify your whole body. In my opinion, your body is a bit damp. Do you want to try it?"

"Don't worry, it's free!"

Shen Jiawen looked back at Zhao Xueyan, and found that Mr. Zhao looked like a sculpture, and asked curiously, "How to detoxify?"

The clerk smiled and said, "It is a special treatment that has been instructed by a famous doctor. It is an all-natural deep-sea volcanic ash fire treatment. But don't worry, it is absolutely safe and reliable. It has also received many certificates. It will not cause you any pain or burning sensation,... …”

While talking, when it was time to arrange a private room for Shen Jiawen, Mr. Zhao interjected, "It's okay, sister-in-law doesn't need a private room, she's just cupping, let's do it."

Shen Jiawen was confused, why did fire therapy become cupping? ?

Han Fuhu, "..."

No need for Brother Han to say anything, the clerk who served him started to introduce him about lymphatic drainage. He also said that Brother Han has many flat warts on his body, and it is recommended to remove the warts, otherwise the situation will continue to develop and may become cancerous.

When a set of professional vocabulary was uttered, Han Fuhu was taken aback for a while.

Medicines, massages, packages one after another.

Huang Xi was in a daze the whole time, and looked at Mr. Zhao from time to time. Zhao Xueyan shook Patek Philippe occasionally to give her a reassuring look.

Over an hour passed.

The starting package was almost ready, before Shen Jiawen got dressed and said to Mr. Zhao, "Is it all right?"

Han Fuhu was still in a daze, and he didn't understand what happened, after all, he just came back from Nanyang.

But he knew that Shen Jiawen was very strong, even the old Fu Fu Guosheng, who on the surface had controlled the Yangcheng drug lord network for more than ten years, in private, many of them were arranged by Shen Jiawen.

There are bigger bosses behind all of them.

Shen Jiawen was the one who spread the message for the final big boss and arranged for Fu Guosheng.

Zhao Xueyan nodded.

Only then did Shen Jiawen heave a sigh of relief, and called for the checkout. The clerk quickly smiled and came over with the bill, "Hi, dear guest, today you spent 23, just give you 7 in zero."

"I don't know if you still want to continue to recharge?"

Shen Jiawen was shocked, and looked at the other party in disbelief.

Han Fuhu, "!!!"

Boss Han couldn't help it anymore, "Fuck, you have to have a basic logic for killing people, just give us random presses, apply some messy medicine, pull out cupping, 23? Why don't you Just rob the bank?"

Shen Jiawen was shocked again, "I charged [-] before, but it wasn't enough??"

The clerk smiled and explained, "That's right, VIP, the 10 yuan you topped up includes many packages and free treatments, but those don't include today's fire therapy dehumidification, a cupping pot... No, a special fire therapy regimen is 398 yuan, I gave you 20 experiences before..."

"Those are all natural extracts from deep ocean volcanic ash..."

"There is also this VIP's lymphatic drainage, a project of 2999, flat wart removal and anti-cancer package, a basic consultation fee of 198, and these are secret medicines we use..."


"As for the 10 yuan you recharged before, there is actually more than 9 yuan left, but you can't settle today's account. Don't worry, there are still several discount packages. You can continue to use it next time."

When the clerk was rambling about explaining various expenses in detail, Shen Jiawen once again looked at Zhao Xueyan with admiration in his eyes, brother, your new business is really ruthless.

Han Fuhu was gasping for breath, and he stretched out his hand to touch his back.

Shen Jiawen's expression changed drastically, "What are you doing?"

Han Fuhu looked at his sister-in-law, then at Mr. Zhao, gritted his teeth and said, "Can I pay the bill with my wallet!!"


After a while.

Outside the beauty salon, Shen Jiawen looked at Mr. Zhao and said depressedly, "Is it all right now? Can we go?"

Mr. Zhao nodded with a smile, "Okay, it's all right. I wish you and Brother Hu a good time while Old Fu is in jail. Don't worry, I won't tell Old Fu that you gave him a cuckold."

With laughter, he pulled Huang Xi into the car, started Wuling Hongguang and drove away.

Hongguang's taillights could not be seen, so Han Fuhu gritted his teeth and said, "Jiawen, what's going on?"

He didn't bring a gun just now, otherwise he would have killed a few shop assistants inside without a few shots, and the robbery wouldn't be so outrageous!

Do you really think that Han Fuhu is easy to bully if he keeps his hair cut?

More than 20 yuan, this is enough to buy a ten-square-meter house in Yangcheng.

Shen Jiawen also said with a dark face, "Things are not as simple as you think. Just now, that guy has a big team. Recently, he kidnapped and ransomed in Yangcheng area. Old Fu and I were tricked, and he extorted more than 9000 million yuan."

"Zheng Chao, Mo Sihai, and even Zhang Anru were all kidnapped and blackmailed by his accomplices. I didn't know his identity before, but now...Pengcheng?"

"Pengcheng's association is too rude!!"

Speaking of which, Shen Jiawen looked at the beauty salon in the back with hatred. He recharged 20 yuan and then settled the bill for more than [-] yuan. The money is not much, but the feeling of rubbing their IQs on the ground and tossing them like fools , It's so disgusting!
Han Fuhu was shocked, "Damn it, so crazy??"

And there are ruthless characters who are looking for drug lords like them to rob?Still succeeding repeatedly? ?Doesn't this mean that they treat drug lords as ruthless people?


almost in time.

In a beauty salon, a group of clerks surrounded a clerk and exclaimed, "I'll go, Xiaojuan, you are too exaggerated, how dare you ask for more than 20?"

"For a new customer like this, it's not bad for a few thousand yuan to be slaughtered for the first time, right?"

"Yeah, how dare you ask for more than 20??"


A certain clerk also looked blank and puzzled, yes, how dare she ask for so much just now?That's too exaggerated.

Facing a customer, start off by slaughtering a few thousand, and then slaughter a few thousand after a while, and continue to slaughter tens of thousands. If the other party makes trouble, just arrange for security to fight.

How could she ask for so much directly and still succeed?This is too incredible.

For a while, she couldn't understand her previous mood and how she was thinking.

However, those guys really left.

The money is also in the bag! !

This is a good thing!
Xiaojuan soon showed off to her left and right sisters happily. After all, although the boss took away the most money their store made, they also got a commission for every order.

She didn't know that she had been tricked just now.

Ye Yongchang's aura of peerless business arrogance comes from the story of the man in heaven and earth!
The halo of Ye Yongchang, who can easily bankrupt all kinds of big businesses, including the top ten richest bankers in Hong Kong Island, has absolutely exploded his business arrogance.


more than an hour later.

Not too far from South China University of Finance and Economics, on the 7th floor of Building 12, a mid-to-high-end residential complex, Mr. Zhao carried various things into the house. Under Huang Xi's urging, he quickly took out a Patek Philippe watch that had been transformed into a magic camera, and connected to the The notebook starts to call the video.

The entire video shows Shen Jiawen and Han Fuhu in a beauty salon, from the moment they entered the door and were tricked into topping up, to the end when Han Fuhu shouted angrily, "Can I pay the bill with my wallet!!".

It's a bit devilish to say things like checkout in the most vicious tone.

From the beginning to the end, Huang Xi couldn't help applauding, "Beautiful, so beautiful, these angles, clarity, and recording quality... are really amazing!"

"Hey, handsome guy, are your two friends really drug lords? Fake?"

"I've never seen such a cowardly drug lord, how could he be tricked by a street barber shop?"

"You're not very old, and you're so handsome. You're quite thoughtful. Did you deliberately use this scary background to scare me?"

This is Mr. Zhao's new home. It is impossible to go to school seriously. He never thought about living in a dormitory honestly.

I bought a suite directly in Pengcheng.

This morning I added various things to my new home. As for the furniture and home appliances, I finished it yesterday.

Under Huang Xi's words, Mr. Zhao didn't respond directly, but touched his chin and said, "How about editing this video of Han Fuhu and posting it on the Internet? It feels like a ghost video."

"In the future, if Lao Fu sees his wife and Han Fuhu doing hair and experiencing various beauty packages together, I think Lao Fu will have some ideas."

Huang Xi's eyes became brighter, "These two really came out to steal people behind her husband's back? They came here from Yangcheng to play in Pengcheng? Can you still see them??"

Zhao Xueyan was also not sure, "It should be. I have been lucky recently. I was able to meet you and them because of good luck."

Huang Xi looked at Mr. Zhao, then watched the video, and suddenly smiled and reprimanded, "Slick tongue!"

Zhao Xueyan, "..."

He is now full of question marks, what the hell is this? ?
Of course he didn't know. When Huang Xigang met him at the beginning, he simply thought that meeting a good person might be helpful for her interview. While chatting, you suddenly said something about a big drug lord, it was too scary and too exciting.

She has been worried for so long, and she has been separated from Shen Jiawen and Han Fuhu for so long, and she hasn't seen any danger at all... Now [-]% of her heart feels that the drug lords are just joking, and Mr. Zhao is scaring her.

She was so scared that her heart was beating wildly before, for fear of accidents.

After being scared for so long, of course there is resentment and discomfort in my heart, and the excitement is a bit too much, but these videos taken by Mr. Zhao have made great contributions to her interview task.

Is there anything better to prove the black routines of black beauty salons than this video? ?
If I was ridiculed for being lucky enough to meet you or something, then... this handsome guy is a bit naughty.


a few hours later.

Zhao Xueyan was still making dinner when the doorbell rang. Huang Xi, who had been busy all afternoon, ran to open the door, only to see Liang Shuang standing outside the door with wide-eyed eyes, looking at Huang Xi at a loss.

Huang Xi asked curiously, "Who are you looking for?"

Liang Shuang said suspiciously, "I'm looking for Zhao Xueyan, I'm his classmate."

Huang Xi was also stunned, and asked the other party to enter the door before looking towards the direction of the kitchen. Mr. Zhao came out, "I made so many calls and sent messages, what's the matter?"

Liang Shuang looked at Huang Xi and said nothing.

Huang Xi is not stupid, he smiled and said that you two chatted first and then walked to the balcony, holding the mobile phone as if watching a drama.

When Mr. Zhao and Liang Shuang were sitting together in the living room, Liang Shuang looked around again, and then exclaimed, "No wonder so many people are looking for you desperately. The green hat you sent out is of high quality."

Of course Mr. Zhao knew that the other party had misunderstood, but he was too lazy to explain, "Talk about it."

Liang Shuang nodded, "That's how it is. Mr. Ji who was hospitalized last time, and that man named Chen Zhuo, found out my identity through the relationship with the golf club. I went to work and registered. I went to our school to complain, and then Our department counselor approached me."

"I also found Teacher Zhang from your department..."

"Teacher Zhang seems to have given you a lot of explanations, and he kept saying that it was a misunderstanding or something. The one surnamed Ji didn't intend to pursue it all the time. It's just that Chen Zhuo...he wants to make things big."

"Ms. Zhang couldn't get in touch with you, so I asked me if I could get in touch with you and settle the matter. It's best not to make a big fuss."

"I didn't betray you, I really didn't."

"It's that Chen Zhuo, who seems to be very rich. I heard from the police that whether it was you who chopped you up or shot you, they all said that you gave them a cuckold, and they were only angry for a while...then the one surnamed Chen wanted to kill them." If you don’t let go, the teacher will know.”

"If this matter is not handled well, you won't be fired, right?"

Although Huang Xi who opened the door in the room just now is older than them, she does look tall and has good legs. The key is that her skin is fairer and tenderer than Ah Shuang.

There is that kind of mature style.

Do little boys nowadays like older ones?Like this flavor? ?
Whose hat is this wholesale for?
Liang Shuang was also full of question marks and exclamation points.

Mr. Zhao nodded speechlessly, "I see, you don't need to worry about this matter, I will make it clear to Chen Zhuo, it's all a misunderstanding."

Reporter Huang Xi hasn't left since the afternoon. He's just sorting out the videos, cutting them, and even thinking about how to write the news. He's been busy until now.

Mr. Zhao was also thinking about going out after dinner, for example, to see if he could get a picture of Han Fuhu, the big drug lord who was cheated in the afternoon, and whether he would take a group of younger brothers to smash the shop at night after being cheated.

"By the way, there is nothing important in the future. Don't get too close to me. You saw it last time. Because of misunderstanding, many people will trouble me. If you don't want to be implicated, you will be chopped down on the road, or even sniped. , it’s better to stay away.”

This was kind persuasion, and Liang Shuang nodded hastily. Of course, she didn't want to be hacked and shot on the road!
This and her college life are completely different worlds, okay?
While the two were chatting, Huang Xi suddenly ran back from the balcony, his face glowing with excitement, "Hey, Xiao Zhao, the store we went to in the afternoon was smashed up!"

"It's still on fire! It's so explosive! It's so exciting!"

Ordinary people are cheated, it's hard to say.

The drug lord was cheated, of course, the more he thought about it for a while, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he suffered!
(End of this chapter)

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