Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 756 He's not as good as multiple stepmothers!

Chapter 756 He's not as good as multiple stepmothers!
After half a day.

Qiao Simei went back and forth, still full of anger, ran into Zhao Xueyan's office to wash herself, got a basin of warm water, threw off her shoes and soaked her feet in the rest area, "Brother Yan, I'm so mad, if it wasn't for Qiao [-]% stop it, and you have warned me many times."

"I have to kick a few of them down."

"Why do you say my brother is a hooligan? I have seen that girl. She used to kiss my brother on the way home."

"If we want to talk about this matter, we must say that Qiqi is a victim. We must be too shameless, but it is impossible to wrong him for playing a hooligan and strong woman. At most, he can't stand the temptation. You love me."

"Qiao Yicheng is also true. This forces Qiqi to marry that Yang Lingzi. He just started getting married and raising children?"

"Now that Qiqi is in our inpatient department, I asked someone to take good care of him..."


This is all in 1995. It is not such a strange new thing to talk about friends in society and break up when they are not suitable for a period of time.

Men and women talk about friends, as long as they are not confused, they will fall in love, love you, and so on.

You want to say that the man has suffered and suffered... It is really inappropriate, Qiao Simei understands this truth, but Yang Lingzi's parents are clamoring to sue Qiao Qiqi for the strong woman, which is an exaggeration.

At least in Qiao Simei's mind, her younger brother Qiao Qiqi was obviously the one who was being tempted.

She and her cousin Chang Xingyu had seen Yang Lingzi take the initiative to hug Qiqi and kiss her when Qiao Qiqi was on the way home from school at night. Everything was initiated by the girl.

Zhao Xueyan said with a smile, "We're getting married soon? What's the specific situation?"

Seeing that Qiao Simei's good shoes were all kicked to pieces, one knew that this girl must be sulking a lot.The deadly fragrant chicken legs have this strength, and while talking, he went to the small storage room in the big office and took out some medicinal materials to continue to give Qiao Simei a medicinal bath.

After listening to Qiao Simei's detailed explanation, he was also speechless.

It was really the same as in the story of the goose girl of the Qiao family who was not affected, Qiao Qiqi...Yang Lingzi got together.

It is said that in that story, Qiao Qiqi has been called by the neighbors, even the students, as the face value of the Qiao family, the most beautiful child of the Qiao family, but in Mr. Zhao's eyes, the worst one right.

No matter Qiao Yicheng or the second best, they are much more handsome than Qiqi.

In the stories that Zhao Xueyan knew, Qiao Qiqi was always passive and was being pursued. Once after school, Yang Lingzi went back to her hometown with her parents, and she was afraid of going home alone. go home.

Watch video.

Still need to play mosaic, very special video.

Such a young girl, who can stand this kind of temptation when she takes the initiative?Even if Lao Fan came, he might not be able to withstand this kind of weakness challenge.

If you want to say that Yang Lingzi is underage, then Qiao Qiqi cannot escape responsibility.

But she is a bit older than Qiao Qiqi, and in the computer training school she always dresses and behaves like a social girl.

In this situation, it's too nonsensical for the Yang family to sue Qiao Qiqi for being a strong woman.

After listening to the explanation, he signaled to Qiao Simei to go into the medicine bucket by himself, and he also asked curiously, "Qiao Yicheng will let you get married? It's a bit hasty."

According to the development of the original story, he knew that Qiao Qiqi had always been passive and pushed, but this unlucky child really fell in love with Yang Lingzi, otherwise she wouldn't have moved into the Yang family immediately after getting married.

Taking care of Yang Lingzi and her family like a 24-year-old nanny, even after the child is born, Yang Lingzi runs away and gets divorced...Qiao Qiqi still takes care of the Yang family like a 24-year-old nanny hired for free.

If you want to say that this is not love, it is a bit nonsensical.

But the boss, Qiao Yicheng, didn't know much about the specific situation, and it was quite hasty to arrange the marriage just because he heard that the other party was going to sue.

Qiao Simei's eyes lit up, "Yeah, that's too hasty, Brother Yan, what do you think we should do? Why don't you go and discipline the boss? He's getting more and more patriarchal now, so he's just afraid of you."

Qiao Yicheng's patriarchal style is indeed strong.

In the original story track, all kinds of failures and desperation, they often teach a few younger siblings like a father, which is much better than Qiao Zuwang's scumbag father.

In this plane, Qiao Yicheng is an outstanding representative of successful young talents.Not only the annual Huaxia Journalism Award, but he and Song Qingyuan have won it several times, and they have been promoted to the director of the news editorial department. In the next step, they will be the deputy director of the news center.

And above the director of the news center is the level of deputy director of Nandu TV station.The news center is a unit at the same level as the office, editor-in-chief's office, TV drama production center, and organization and personnel department.

Even if Nandu TV Station is not a provincial station, and the administrative level is not very high, it is still at the leadership level.

As for why he was afraid of Zhao Xueyan, it goes without saying.

Mr. Zhao shook his head, "I'm not suitable, call Qi Weimin, Qiao Qiqi was brought up by Lao Qi, so it's more appropriate for him to handle this matter."

Over the past few years, Qiao Yicheng has developed smoothly and is still rich.

In fact, Qi Weimin is not bad. Lao Qi is not very rich in terms of wealth, but he is in the real system. He originally worked in the Propaganda Department of Xuanwu District, and he even went to the lower level to practice a while ago.

It's the kind of temporary county bureau leader.

After all, Lao Qi was a top student in the college entrance examination and a postgraduate graduate from a famous domestic university such as Nandu University. With such an educational background, he was promoted within the system, and he was indeed promoted very quickly.

Xiang Nanfang, who was similar to Lao Qi, walked faster and earlier, and was already at the threshold of Deputy Zhang Wang.

Qiao Yicheng was born in 1965 and is about to turn 30 now. Qi Weimin is a bit older, in his early 30s. It is not surprising that he can reach the county bureau level.

Qiao Simi, who just soaked the deadly fragrant chicken legs in the big medicine bucket, was even more excited, "Yes, I will call my cousin right now."

"Even if Qiqi wants to get married, it can't be like this. She was threatened to sue him for forcing her to marry."

"The boss also said that when Qiqi gets married, he will give him a house, but this house can't be given away like this!"

When she ran to make a phone call with her naked pair of fragrant chicken legs, Zhao Xueyan laughed again and shook his head, Qiao Yicheng wanted to give away the house?It seems that there is no need to go to live in Yang Lingzi's house after marriage as in the original track, and become the kind of surrogate son-in-law.

But with Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Erqiang's current financial resources, it's really not a big deal to give their younger brother a house.

In other words, Erqiang has opened a chain supermarket with more than 20 branches in the capitals of the three northeastern provinces, Beijing, Shanghai, Yangcheng, Pengcheng, and Nandu. They bought [-]% of the supermarket land and rebuilt three or four storey supermarkets.

The nearly 20 yuan of land, after 20 years, I don't know how much it will be a big business.Beijing, Shanghai, and Yangcheng occupy an area of ​​three or four floors, with an average of 20 to [-] square meters of supermarkets. After [-] years, office buildings and commercial centers with dozens of floors will be demolished. The land is ridiculously expensive.

Even for those lands and branches, the top two have absorbed funds from the outside and diluted their shares more than once, but Shangchao Group still holds [-]% of the shares at the moment, the absolute largest shareholder. Assets are mortgaged to the bank, and the branch has been developed with loans.

Let’s just say that Hualian was founded in 93, which was later than Qiao Erqiang’s chain supermarket, but it had one or two thousand branches in the mainland in the early and middle of the millennium, and then went public, becoming the first chain supermarket listed in China. It is impossible to raise it purely on your own funds.

Qiao Erqiang might not understand this kind of thing, but Qiao Yicheng and Qi Weimin did.


After Qiao Simei made a phone call, Qi Weimin, who had gone to work below to practice, hadn't returned to Nandu before Qiao Erqiang and Zhou Bingkun came to visit together.

Of course, it was a few hours since Qiao Simi took a medicated bath to nourish her legs last time.

After entering the office, the two exchanged polite greetings for a while before putting down the carefully selected gifts before Zhou Bingkun said, "Dean Zhao, I actually came here this time to ask you something, can you continue to give me gifts?" The second sister is going to Qingshan?"

"And that guy Qiao Zuwang..."

Speaking of this, he still looked at Qiao Erqiang, feeling a little embarrassed.

Six months ago, Qiao Zuwang accidentally jumped downstairs and broke his leg in order to chase Zhou Rong. He lay in the hospital for more than two months before being discharged.

He will not harass Zhou Rong later on.

Although in Lao Qiao's mind, even though he is 57 years old, he and Zhou Rong are a match made in heaven.

But since Zhou Rong is so unwilling...forget it, in the final analysis it is Qiao Zuwang who has empathized with her. Go hang Ma Suqin's house, and Qiao Qiqi joins the Yang family.

With such a messy relationship, because the family has a registered permanent residence in Nandu, the old house in Shamao Lane has a house, and there are divorced migrant workers from the countryside. I don't mind Lao Qiao's various shortcomings, and I am willing to spend time with him, even if it is running for the house and real estate. Yes, it's real estate.

The old Qiao Niu in this plane is very angry.

Qiao Yicheng Qiao Erqiang's career?
When Old Qiao was hospitalized, they hired two female nurses around 30 years old to take care of him professionally. After watching him, Old Qiao met a more beautiful and charming one.

It was the woman who took the initiative, and it was divorced with children, but she was much younger and more beautiful than Qu Aying in the original track, and she was a sister-in-law similar to Ma Suqin.

That was not a nurse from Zhao Medical Center, Qiao Erqiang hired him from the outside. After all, there are too many patients in the medical center with status, status and money. ,not enough.

He has money to hire from outside.

After taking care of her for two or three months, the nurse found out about the situation of Qiao's family. The eldest son is the leader of the TV station, the eldest daughter-in-law is the junior leader of Nandu Daily, and the second son is a billionaire in the early and mid-90s...

Qiao Zuwang himself is also a man with a juvenile character, he has no choice in Qingshan Hospital, he only has more contacts with Zhou Rong, and he has more choices when he leaves Qingshan Hospital.

You expect him to hang himself for Zhou Rong, insisting that Qingshan will not relax, that is a joke.

Even if Qiao Simei later found out that something was wrong, it would be too late to dismiss the nurse. Looking at this matter at first glance, it should have helped Zhou Rong solve a problem, but I don't know where the nurse had a cramp.

Qiao Zu looked after her, thinking that even if he jumped off the building and broke his leg, it would be impossible for him to agree.

Qiao Zuwang easily transferred her love to another, and she felt that she was being compared by others, lost her charm, or was being compared by a woman with little culture and achievements.

Just like in the later generations, I, a beautiful 40-year-old woman with a high education and executive salary who is alone and beautiful, suddenly felt that I would fry the pot if I married someone who was in his early twenties and had nothing but youth and beauty.

According to Zhou Rong's mind, it's fine if you like me, but at worst, you can lick her like Cai Xiaoguang for the rest of your life, anyway, I'm not responsible.

But you just confessed to me, and within three months you didn't care about me anymore, did you change someone?This is not enough.

Are you kidding me?In any case, it is the friendship of Qingshan who lived together for more than two years!

It is unrealistic to expect Zhou Rong to put aside everything to pursue Qiao Zuwang. The old Qiao is too old and has no culture and talent, but after Qiao Zuwang was discharged from the hospital, Zhou Rong just asked Qiao Zuwang to go out to play every now and then.

Old Joe?He knew the 30-year-old nurse's sister-in-law, who was younger and more charming than Zhou Rong, but far from Zhou Rong's cultural temperament and superficial level of cultivation. Anyway, Zhou Rong was also a graduate of Peking University and a university professor!
So old Joe, want everything!

Only Cai Xiaoguang was left secretly sad.

She just hangs up, doesn't agree, and doesn't let you alienate her.

Then the 30-year-old nurse's sister-in-law who was jealous of Qiao Zuwang's "great family and great career" and "children with status, face and wealth" was not happy, and ran to Zhou's house to make a fuss. Zhou Zhigang almost got angry and slapped him.

At first, Zhou Zhigang didn't know that Qiao Zuwang pursued his daughter, but was rejected and broke his leg.

You'll know when the nurse goes to make trouble.

It is also fortunate that Zhou Zhigang and Li Suhua have recuperated better in the medical center in the past few years. After all, they are in their early 70s, so they are not too old, otherwise they would have passed away together long ago.

That's not the case, it wouldn't be that Zhou Bingkun brought a gift to beg for the Qingshan Mental Hospital.

Qingshan, who has lived in Qingshan for more than two years, still looks like this. At most, he used to go his own way, I was never wrong, the world was wrong, and I admitted my mistakes on the surface. saved.

Qiao Erqiang said in embarrassment under these words, "My father can't be saved, but it's true, the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. He has persisted in the nature for more than 50 years. Three years of Qingshan... that is, a change of level. surface."

"And now when encountering problems, he will take the initiative to ask for our opinions, and he will make a lot of fallacies. As he said, he will not steal or gamble after he comes out, and he will not speculate on wealth. He will not cheat us. He is also willing to take care of children. Very attentive."

"I can't let other women take the initiative to chase him, so let's send him to Qingshan for further studies... He won't suffer in certain things, and he won't waste the money we earn."

Zhou Bingkun wanted to continue to send Zhou Rong in, but Qiao Erqiang was at a loss and didn't know what to do, so he continued to send in?
Old Qiao is no longer a prodigal, or he used to be a prodigal, wanting a few hundred yuan a month for living expenses. Facing the top two who are now worth hundreds of millions, that is not the same level. He is no longer a prodigal, and he has started to take care of his family and take care of his children. , Start to be a good grandpa with your heart.

There is a woman posting to Old Qiao, and he hasn't made a big deal yet, so he feels that it is a bit inappropriate to send it in again.

Don't give it away, looking at Lao Qiao's posture of wanting all of them now, I feel too fucked, especially one of them is his second sister of Brother Bingkun.

Under the words of the two, Zhao Xueyan thought for a while, and suggested, "Why don't you try to find a few men to take care of Lao Qiao, if he is empathetic and not so dead in terms of gender, Zhou Rong probably won't I will be angry, but I want to make trouble."

"Losing to a young and beautiful sister-in-law, Zhou Rong is not convinced, but losing to a man should not be dissatisfied?"

Zhou Bingkun, "..."

Bingkun's eyes widened, his face was bewildered and bewildered, Er Qiang almost bit his own tongue, if that happened, he would not be as good as multiple stepmothers!
At least it won't hurt your eyes at home, and it won't spoil the world view of the next generation of children! !
Compared with Mr. Zhao's suggestion, even Zhou Rong is not so unacceptable!Yes, under Qiao Erqiang's heart, he always felt that even if Qiao Zuwang really remarried, it was nothing to marry a nurse with a divorce belt.

After all, the No. 1 woman in Er Qiang's life is the sister-in-law Mao Xiong who is divorced and has one son and two daughters.

After a while of silence, Er Qiang suddenly laughed and said, "Brother, I don't want to bother you about my dad and Zhou Rong. By the way, my second child is almost six months old. Come to our medical center when the time comes. You have to tell the obstetrics and gynecology department for me to take more care of it."

Zhao Xueyan said in amazement, "Who? Natasha?"

Only then did Erqiang sneer and said, "No, it's a woman named Zeng Shan, the former daughter-in-law of Luo Shibin, isn't this one surnamed Luo who went in? And because the amount of bribes was so huge, not only was he fined, but also some illegal gains were confiscated. .”

"I think Zeng Shan's little sister-in-law is quite pitiful, so..."

Luo Shibin went in after the Spring Festival in 94, and it has been a year now.

Zhao Xueyan looked at Qiao Erqiang and Zhou Bingkun, and felt speechless. He really didn't know why Qiao Erqiang and Zeng Shan got together. Zeng Shan is not young, right?Although for a person in his 40s like Luo Shibin, Zeng Shan is young and beautiful.

But Qiao Erqiang is different. He was born in 1969 and is only 25 years old this year.

The first to find Ma Suqin, forget it, young people may have a bit of a strange psychology, like sister-in-law, but then Natasha, plus now Zeng Shan? ?Yes, it seems that Zeng Shan was also in 1969, and she followed Luo Shibin at the age of 19. This age is not too old, at most she can be considered a wife.

In the human story, Luo Shibin clashed with Zhou Bingkun after Zhou Nan was shot at his sister's house, fought with each other, and was accidentally killed... Then, many of the wealth and property of the Luo Group fell into Zeng Shan's hands.

This plane is different, the amount of bribes is particularly huge, the confiscation of property and fines are not small numbers.

After tens of seconds of silence, Zhao Xueyan asked curiously, "Does Luo Shibin know?"

Qiao Erqiang continued to laugh, "I know, Zeng Shan divorced him. Although he divorced after he was in prison, I also went to see Luo Shibin and promised him that he would take good care of Sister Shan."

Mr. Zhao glanced at Zhou Bingkun again, and found that Bingkun had no fluctuations in this matter, but it was true. This was not a situation where Qiao Zuwang really wanted to marry Zhou Rong, which made everyone's generational relationship messy.

Don't say that you should treat a gentleman's heart with care. As far as the grievances between them are concerned, the worse Luo Shibin is, the happier Zhou Bingkun will be.

Then again, in fact, according to the original trajectory in the world, during this period of time, Zhou Nan had already been shot at his sister’s house, and Luo Shibin was also dead... Although Lao Luo is in prison now, and his wife is pregnant with someone else’s child and remarried, Zhou Nan is still the same. I am studying at Tsinghua University and will graduate this summer.

This is much better than the original trajectory.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xueyan said again, "I'm too lazy to bother with your messy relationship. Your brother Qiao Qiqi is about to be accused of being a strong woman, do you know?"

He is not sure how many people know about Qiao Qiqi.

Qiao Erqiang was stunned for a moment, "No, Qiqi? Strong girl? Are you kidding me, his stuffy character, the character who can't hit a fart with three sticks, is he a strong girl? No, is there some misunderstanding here?"

"It's not that I want to cover him, it's his character..."

As an older brother, he didn't care much about Qiao Qiqi, but didn't they grow up together, after all, they were brothers whose blood was thicker than water, with the same father and mother.


After a while.

Qiao Erqiang was taking care of Qiao Qiqi in the inpatient department with the rest of the Qiao family, and there was a fight over there...

It was Yang Lingzi's mother who brought a group of seven aunts and eight aunts to block Qiao Qiqi. At first, Qiao Yicheng would call Zhao Xueyan to ask him to check on Qiao Qiqi's situation. It was Yang's mother who brought a group of relatives to block Qiao Qiqi. Qi was beaten by a group and injured.

This kind of trivial matter does not need Zhao Xueyan to come forward, he didn't know it at the beginning.

It wasn't until a group of members of the Yang family started making trouble outside the gate of the medical center like shrews, and the police all came, that Mr. Zhao found out.

He was quite speechless.

When there was a knock on the door, he yelled to come in. Seeing Xiang Nan walk in with a young woman, Mr. Zhao greeted him with a smile, "Director Xiang, long time no see, rare visitor."

Xiang Nanfang rolled his eyes at him resentfully, and then smiled, "Dean Zhao, it's rare for you to have a doctor-patient relationship here and alert the relevant departments."

"Didn't I just come here to see if there's anything I can do?"

The head of the Southern Metropolis Propaganda Department is at the city level, and the boss is also in charge.Xuanwu District Propaganda No. [-] is the county level, and Xiang Nanfang became the executive deputy of Xuanwu in the original track, and he will be the first sister of the county directly after going down to the post.

It's not that stage yet, and it's not too far away. She is the director of the office.

As for the troubles here in the medical center, why were the propaganda units alarmed besides the police?After a few years, Mr. Zhao's medical center has already become one of the biggest signs in the entire Xuanwu District, and even Nandu City.

Amei's family, Europa and island countries, and rich people from South Korea came to seek medical treatment.

A little movement here is a big event that many people pay attention to.

Zhao Xueyan came out with a smile and made two cups of tea. After asking Xiang Nan and the two to sit down, he explained, "It's all trivial matters. How are uncles and aunts?"

Xiang Nanfang said happily, "It's all good, and I don't need to trouble you, a genius doctor, for help. By the way, what's the situation with the Yang family? They said at the entrance of the hospital that the center is protecting strong female criminals and bullying honest people..."

Zhao Xueyan said speechlessly, "I don't bother to sue them for slander for a trivial matter. The center's expulsion of them is too much trouble, which affects other patients' rest."

Xiang Nan nodded, and she didn't think much about it. After many years of contact, she knew exactly what Zhao always looked like.It is a joke to say that he bullies men and women, and covers up friends to do evil.

If Mr. Zhao is a domineering girl or something, why is Xiang Nanfang still single?Those rich people in Amei's Europa have tried to send big white girls or Latin half-breed girls for many times to make connections.

After taking a sip of water, she continued, "By the way, I'm going to be transferred to Haiji County for a second job in March, don't you have a lot of acquaintances in Haiji here, and you know more people over there, so you have to help me a little bit. "

Mr. Zhao was surprised, "Are you going to Haiji to take a second job??"

Isn't that Li Shuihua's hometown!
Far away in Ning District.

Xiang Nanfang explained with a smile, "Did the higher authorities make sure that Nandu helps Ning District in the past few years, and Haiji's development is also very fast. You have contracted all the vineyards there, so I will take advantage of the situation."

After the Spring Festival in 91, a lot of people from Haiji have started to run the big bear trade with Qiao Erqiang. Four years now, Qiao Erqiang has grown into a billionaire with more than 20 chain stores under his command.

There are also millionaires on Haiji's side.

For example, Yongquan Village, Kushui Village, Huangjialiang and other Diaozhuang villages have long been built with various modern equipment, roads have been repaired, water and electricity have been connected, and the development of vineyards is also extremely lush. One of the biggest sources.

In addition, there are so many rich people from Europa and Amei’s family in the medical center, and those rich people or their family members also like to drink red wine. A little recommendation is mainly a celebrity effect... Haiji’s wine, within a certain range, is no better than 82 What's wrong with Nian Lafite.

In the original Love of Mountains and Seas, Fujian Province helped Ning District, and many children of Haiji went to Fujian Province to work, and talents were exported to each other. The rich first drove the rich later. It was only in the mid-to-late 21s that it fully developed.

It's different now, Diaozhuang has long been changed to Shuangning Town, and the development and changes can be said to be changing with each passing day, driving Haiji's economic environment to take off.

And Haiji, girls like Li Shuihua and Baimaimiao, many of them came to the medical center to work as nurses after they became adults.

Zhao Xueyan nodded, "Okay, before you leave, I will hold a celebration banquet for you, and wish Director Xiang every step of the way."

Xiang Nanfang gave him another look and didn't say much.

Mr. Zhao said with a smile, "By the way, your brother is still engaged in real estate on Hong Kong Island? Remember to withdraw at the critical moment, and don't collapse like Haikou."

Xiang Bei's son of a high-ranking cadre also went north to make a lot of money after the Spring Festival in 91, but after he made money, he didn't buy properties in major cities in the mainland like the second strong, and set up a chain of supermarkets.

It is to go to Hong Kong Island to buy a house and wait for the appreciation.

There is one thing to say, housing prices on Hong Kong Island have risen faster than those in the Mainland in recent years, and they have earned more. Let’s say that the average price in Beijing in 1991 was 1300.

Hong Kong Island is different. In 1991, the average price in Kowloon was in the early 20000s. This year, the average price has reached 36000. When it reached 97, it broke the [-] level mark. After the financial turmoil and plummet, the mainland also hopes to stop the car of high housing prices. The future generations of Hong Kong Island will all be trapped in one housing price.

From the end of 97 to 06, the average price of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon was only 9 to [-] yuan for about [-] years, and then the mainland economy took off completely, and countless rich people went to Hong Kong Island to buy houses, and then let the housing prices there again, like It soars like a rocket.

Xiang Beihui started to invest there after making money in 91. Of course, he consulted Mr. Zhao. Zhao Xueyan also holds a Hong Kong Island ID card in this plane, but he has been in the mainland since the winter of 90. , did not go back.

Through Mr. Zhao's relationship, Lao Xiang also got to know a local snake like Hong Le Ghost King... Having an acquaintance is easy to do, and it won't affect the reputation of Mr. Xiang's family too much.

Xiang Nan said speechlessly, "Who cares if he dies or not? By the way, when can I drink your wedding wine?"

Zhao Xueyan was speechless, and the female civil servant who came with Director Xiang drank tea silently, feeling that there was a treasure in the tea.

(End of this chapter)

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