Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 727 The mentality of speculating in stocks to become a shareholder

Chapter 727 The mentality of speculating in stocks to become a shareholder

In Laifeng, Xiangbei Province, almost every village in the county has been connected to electricity, and a single-car road and concrete road have been built in the county to lead directly to every village.

At the University of Hong Kong Island, Zhao Xueyan is looking at 26-year-old Yuan Guoshi, who is standing in an experimental rice field with a pleasant smile. He has been invited to Hong Kong Island since 50 years ago. There are all kinds of support from mainland officials.

After six years of hard work, this unparalleled master finally overcome the barrier of seed production and bred the first acre of hybrid rice.

Although this is a generation, Zhao Xueyan believes that there will be a generation, and Yuan Guoshi is also in his prime, in this world, his achievements will definitely be even higher.

At this moment, Lei Luo ran over from a distance and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, there is news from Hunter that your relatives have been found."

Zhao Xueyan was stunned, "My family?"

You are kidding?I just randomly manifested an identity with the merits of humanity, where did my relatives come from?
Then he was quite speechless. Once in the world of the richest man in Xihong City, a medical family came from a family, and a group of "teachers" from Harvard Medical School volunteered to help him run the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Even in the plane where the 2012 Great Flood destroyed the world, he casually assumed the identity of a sister, and an extra elementary school classmate like Yang Zixi appeared.

This is still encountered, and it is estimated that there will be more students who have not met before.

After all, it is the merits of humanity that directly modify the memory and stabilize his origin and origin in each plane.In this plane, he embodies the identity of an overseas Chinese and immigrants for several generations, although he is currently set to have a clean identity of no father, no mother, no brothers and sisters.

But outside of the big framework, it is not surprising that some small "teacher" and "classmate" accidents occasionally occur.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xueyan laughed and said, "Hunter? Tell me, what's the situation with my relative."

After so many years, Hunter, the former bad gambler, has already made a fortune by continuously selling fans to Tokyo with Li Caifa. With enough wealth, Hunter is the first brother of the police force. Of course, he This first brother's reputation is far greater than real power.

At present, everyone on Hong Kong Island knows what to say.

Lei Luo also had a weird smile on his face, "It is said that he is the nephew of my father's cousin. He is 27 years old and has been brought to Tsim Sha Tsui."

Such relatives seem to be a bit bent.

I heard that when Zhao Sheng was in London, he was actually in an orphanage since he was a teenager.After Zhao Sheng’s bubbling in Hong Kong Island, all kinds of fancy operations in these years, if there are close relatives in London, they would have been controlled and used to make transactions.

Niu Buluo could find a nephew of the fifth service who "straddled the third service's cousin's house", so he was almost stuck on the edge.

This is probably the closest relative to be found in London.

In the 21s, because of the emergence of the Internet and the wave of metropolitan immigration, relatives who stepped on the fifth server?Many young people do not necessarily meet or contact once a year or two.

That kind of kinship has long since faded, but in this day and age, relatives who are stuck at the fifth server checkpoint?In fact, for Lei Luo, an immigrant from Chaozhou and Shantou on Hong Kong Island, he felt that this kind of relationship between relatives and friends was not too far away.

He has a weird expression, he thinks that it has been 56 years, and a Wufu brother of Zhao Sheng has been sent from London?What's the meaning?In terms of Chinese tradition, they can only be regarded as clan brothers.

If the five clothes go outward, they will develop towards the nine tribes.

Not to mention that Lei Luo was in a weird mood, Zhao Xueyan was also quite embarrassed, "What about more specific information? For example, his specific job, ability, and personality?"

In fact, those brothers from the Wufu clan have nothing to do with his real deity, they are born with human merits and virtues, and modified other people's memories to make it out.

But he also wanted to see what Niu Buluo's intentions were in doing this.At least on Niu Buluo's side, it should be believed that the two of them had a little distant relationship, so they sent them here.

Lei Luo stopped talking, and pulled out a file bag from his carry-on bag, "It's the information collected by Hunter, I didn't read it."

Zhao Xueyan nodded, opened the file bag and looked at it.

A few minutes later, he burned the documents with a toothache. This brother named Li Xiangnan from the "Wufu" family is a third-generation overseas Chinese in London. He is a standard idler and gambler. He lost all his family property and ruined his parents' lives.

Even if it was an accident that caused the death of the parents, it was useless.

"Give him 1 yuan and tell him to leave. In the future, without my permission, he will not be allowed to set foot on Hong Kong Island."

Lei Luo didn't read the information, but Zhao Sheng said, he naturally followed suit.

In view of the friendship that the humane merit has modified the memory of the other party, let's take care of it for ten thousand. Ten thousand Hong Kong papers are not a small amount of money these days.

Li Sheng opened his own plastic factory in Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong Island, and only spent more than 3 yuan.

It is estimated that Niu Buluo was looking for his clues all the way, and finally felt that he had found a handle. After researching and researching, he felt that it would have no effect on him. He held it in his hands for several years, just like the mentality of speculating in stocks and becoming a shareholder. ...

I couldn't bear it any longer, so I threw it out to send him off.

As early as 50 years ago, when he used all kinds of American knife papers and used that technology to make troubles, there were many forces around the world who were eyeing him. At that time, Niu Buluo didn't even throw this Li Xiangnan out for some bargaining chips. It can only be said that stock speculation has become a shareholder.


The mainland detonated the mushroom bomb belonging to China before Gaul, and the whole world boiled.But immediately afterwards, when the big mushroom was detonated in Gaul, the mainland had already mastered the hydrogen big mushroom.

What appeared together with the two kinds of mushrooms was the modern industrial foundation that caught up with the 80s, as well as the hard power of agriculture that can produce 300 million tons of grain per year.

After all, in this plane, not only Academician Yuan has made great efforts to promote high-yield rice, but various other high-yield grain crops have also taken root and sprouted in the north and south.

When the South Vietnam War intensified, the whole of China was thriving. Even after falling out with the big bear, it was still developing towards all kinds of benefits.

This is not because there are various mushrooms a few years after the fallout, but the power of mushrooms before the fallout.

On the contrary, it can be said that the people of the island country have been living in dire straits over the past few years... The polarization between the islanders and the islanders is extremely serious. The good ones are as prosperous as the sovereigns of the country, and the bad ones can become the fifth in the Asan family. Same caste.

Fans and super casinos, teacher clubs, and artist art school training bases have tossed the whole island beyond recognition.

On the current earth, when everyone mentions island countries, their first impression is probably...Tokyo is not cool.Like the valley next door to Hollywood, it doesn't match up with Tokyo Shoe.

Tourism, entertainment and teaching, and the casino economy have supported more than 90.00% of the island's total income.

It was under such circumstances that Zhao Xueyan was dumbfounded by a sudden news.

Li Xiangnan, the fake five-fufu brother that Niu Niu gave him in 1956, set off a big firecracker, brought tens of thousands of believers in Nagoya, and came to a big event that directly followed Master Li Mei's barbecue art...

The reason, when Zhao Xueyan learned of the news of Li Xiangnan's death, he had already found out. It was nothing more than the news that Anan was deported by Zhao Sheng even though he was not recognized by Zhao Xueyan.

If it gets out, it means that Zhao Sheng knows this person.

Relying on the advantage of being the brother of Zhao Sheng Wufu, Anan ran to Dao Guolang, eating and drinking for free, and no one would argue with him, no matter if it was the team of Fat Boy Chao, Wang Laoji, Jin Yaju, etc., or Mike. Corleone, wait, no one cares about a person's food and drink expenses.

Even if Anan started to attract fans later, the supply of goods was in short supply.

Gambling... Is he a bad gambler?It doesn't matter anymore, you can play whatever you want, no matter how much you lose, you won't be asked for debts, even if you win, don't even think about taking away much money.

In the first two years, Anan lived in Tokyo like a god, until he found out that he had cancer, which was still in the advanced stage and could not be cured.

He began to go on the wrong path by talking about it, and because he could eat and drink for free and live a good life, he recruited many apprentices, and then he wanted to go crazy before he died, and really played a big game.

This has affected some of the interests of Amei's family in the South Vietnam battlefield. After all, the island country is a logistics transfer base.

Of course, Zhao Xueyan understands the truth that one person can ascend to heaven, but he still didn't expect that it was just a system that modified the memory, and the fake relatives who had a little contact with each other were still on the verge of the fifth server, and they could make such a big one in just a few years. movement.

This is too unscientific.

Then, Zhao Xueyan looked at the few children left behind by Li Xiangnan after his death. They were all of mixed blood, including Huadao mixed blood, Huamei mixed blood, or Latino mixed blood. Group, cultivate.

He fell into an eerie silence.

When Li Xiangnan was sent to Hong Kong Island, he was alone and had no descendants. Later, Zhao Xueyan launched a thorough investigation with his own forces in Niubuluo. Indeed, he had no other relatives. Li Xiangnan was the last only seedling.

But in the years when he was in Dao Guolang, he was king every night, and it was really not surprising that he had a dozen little tails.


Hong Kong comprehensive plane.

When Zhao Xueyan returned, it was still February 1996.

This time he recuperated until May, and he was not in a hurry to travel. It was really the last little accident in front of everyone, which left him speechless.

How can a fake relative who can't be reached at all cause such a big disturbance in the world?Undoubtedly, not to mention Li Xiangnan's hot action of catching up with Master Li Mei when he finally passed away, let's talk about the dozen or so juniors who were trained by scumbags such as Fat Boy Chao, Lai Hao, Wang Laoji and Mike Corleone into a new generation ?
How many relying on a little bit of kinship with Zhao Sheng... the storms that can sweep the world will not be small.

This kind of thing, if they were a disaster in China, Mr. Zhao would easily be shot to death, but they have been in the island country, and even fled to Amei's house, that would really make people all over the world worry.

6 month.

Zhao Xueyan raised his spirits and started a new journey to the plane, but he just felt a sense of disunity between the world and the confusion of time and space as soon as he got a foothold in the new world.

What are the concepts of time and space?
It's hard to describe it in words, but with Zhao Xueyan's current ability, he can instinctively perceive that this place is completely different from the normal and serious world.

next moment.

An ax light that seemed to open up the world lit up.

Zhao Xueyan instinctively felt a little uncomfortable... To put it bluntly, it was because he had been using the transfer magic power all the time, and the total amount of human merits exceeding [-] million should not be easily squandered.

With a bad feeling, he withdrew from this plane in time.

But at the moment of exiting, he also noticed that something hit him, but it was moved away by the transfer magic power.

Standing in a slightly familiar time and space, Zhao Xueyan checked the system, and found that he seemed to be hit by an ax before, and under the effect of the burst of supernatural powers, it consumed millions of people's merits at once...

And he was wearing trousers and shoes at the moment, standing on the street, a long scar that was scarred and peeled off, running from his left shoulder to under his right rib.

The scars are not ugly, and there is a mysterious aura of supernatural craftsmanship.


He was still feeling whether there was discomfort in his body or other stubborn injuries and hidden dangers, when he discovered that the humanitarian merits in the system display column had suddenly decreased a little. This was not an illusion.

At the moment when the merits of humanity diminished, the scar from the left shoulder to the right rib was slightly cold, but there was no more feeling for the time being.

"This is me, accidentally hacked by a great god who is suspected to be Pangu? It's like learning for the first time that the system will open a new plane every month, and I can go there if I want..."

"It's the first time I'm worried that it will be bad if we encounter the scene where Pangu opens the sky?"

Really met this time? ?
In retrospect, even with Zhao Xueyan's experience, he was very confused and speechless. The feeling and taste of the indistinction between the world and the chaos of time and space, is it really the chaos before Pangu opened the sky? ?

No, I was hit by Pangu's axe, and only a few million people's merits were consumed, and now the humanity's merits will also fade with time, and a little reduction in 1 minute can heal the hidden wounds left by Pangu's axe? ?
Is this Pangu Heaven Opening Ax so low in lethality?
"That's not right. Although I have come into contact with some gods and demons before, no matter the gods and demons in the Hong Kong Zong plane or the Chinese Ghost Story plane, in fact, the strength of those gods and demons is quite different from that of Pangu."

"It's hard to say whether the Great God Pan Gu is really opening the sky, right?"

"Secondly, that ax may not be coming towards me. Even if we met Pangu Kaitian, that ax would have slaughtered many Chaos Demon Gods, right?"

"If the ax I encountered was just the aftermath of the shock of the slaughter of the demon god, it would not be surprising if it cut off the merits of millions of people with one ax."

After thinking about it, he was not sure what kind of wonderful encounter it was.

It can only be said that one plane is updated every month. From September 94 to June 9, he could have had 96 opportunities to voluntarily travel through. This is the seventh time he opened it...

It is also understandable to encounter a world-famous scene.

Amidst all kinds of thoughts flying, several motorcycles suddenly drove up on the street in front of them. A group of people on the motorcycles were supposed to roar past, but they drove on. The first one stopped beside Zhao Xueyan, and the driver took off the motorcycle. Helmet, whistled at Zhao Xueyan, "Little boy, where are you from, where did you get the scars? You look handsome and bluff."

Zhao Xueyan looked at a few drag racers. The clothes and motorcycle styles of the other party were all from the 90s, and there was a big gap between them and the Hong Kong comprehensive plane he was rooted in!
He was just startled, when he saw the shining ax light, he used the transfer magic power to go home, and he was positioned as the Hong Kong comprehensive plane, but the Hong Kong comprehensive base camp has experienced the boost of gods and demons, even aliens, and black technology.

His Zhao Group's influence has penetrated into every aspect, and it has long turned Hong Kong Island into a city of science fiction!
The motorcycles of the other party's suspected antique brand are not popular in the Hong Kong comprehensive headquarters.

Looking around again, exuding perception, Zhao Xueyan quickly discovered that this is Hong Kong Island, but not the world of Hong Kong Comprehensive Base Camp.

Good guy.

It is suspected that Pan Gu's ax has smashed his path of time and space?
Zhao Xueyan ignored the motorcycle gangsters, got up and left, and after walking a few steps, the girl behind a certain motorcycle suddenly said, "Hey, aren't you pretty boy Yan?"

"Ayan, your cousin Qi Weimin called a while ago and said that your other cousin, Qiao Yicheng, is getting married, and asked if you have time to go back to Nandu for a banquet."

Zhao Xueyan, "..."

What a mess.

Suspected to be an ax of Pan Gu, I don't know which plane he was chopped into, but two cousins ​​appeared?He had never heard of either of these names.

After stopping, Zhao Xueyan looked at the girl again, "Do you know me?"

In this new world, he didn't even manifest his identity with human merits. Someone already knows him?
The girl stared at Zhao Xueyan with her eyes wide open, "Tch, what's so great about it, isn't it just that she looks pretty, and even my old lady is forgotten."

"On the streets of Hong Kong Island, the streets are full of pretty boys, what's the air?!"

After finishing speaking, the motorcycle girl patted the driver in front of her, and the group of motorcycle gangsters stared at Mr. Zhao and muttered a few times before driving away.

On the other hand, Zhao Xueyan started to speak out, trying to find out what the hell Qi Weimin and Qiao Yicheng were, and then found out at 1:[-], this is a story about the goose girl of the Qiao family...

It was also influenced by the way of speaking, and he also figured out that he actually had a relationship with the two of them, which was almost the background table of the relationship between the nine clans.

This background sheet was derived from his fusion with the plane when he blended into this world in a daze.

A drop of water, dripping into a pond, will also intersect with each other and leave marks on both sides. In the past, Zhao always relied on the system to traverse, and when the system depleted the power of merit, he could smooth out those intersection traces independently, and he could also create independently, such as Words cannot follow the background experience that appears in each person's mask.

This time the system... had a bit of an accident, it was still suspected to be caused by Pan Gu's axe. The system hadn't tried to erase the traces of him or received his order to create the background. Resist that axe.

When he intersected with this new plane, a little background trace was derived from the plane.

Such a background?If Zhao Xueyan is not satisfied, he can erase it with words, and then recreate the background, which only consumes one or two points of human merit.

But the goose daughter of the Qiao family?Distant relatives near the edge of the Nine Clans... If it wasn't for the fact that Qiao Yicheng and Qi Weimin went to elementary school and junior high school together in the background of his birth, would they be considered relatives if they were close to the Nine Clans? ?
On his side, he came to Hong Kong Island with his elders after junior high school.

His 1966...

"The family in this story has a lot of wonderful things. The eldest brother, Qiao Yicheng, is going to get married?" After figuring out the messy lines, Mr. Zhao felt that, based on the lines and lines shown by Qiao Yicheng and Qi Weimin in the original story.

As a distant relative of an old cousin of the Nine Races, it seems that he is not very suitable to integrate into the relationship circle of the protagonist group.

Get married and have a wedding?going or not?Looking at the scar on his chest that was suspected to be left by the Pangu axe, Zhao Xueyan fell into a slight silence.

Hey, how many times has Old Qiao been married?

(End of this chapter)

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