Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 688 Mortuary is not enough at this stage

Chapter 688 Mortuary is not enough at this stage
After a period of time, Mr. Zhao's convoy headed towards the UCSF Medical Center. At this moment, the convoy not only received a medical support team of hundreds of people from the mainland, but Esmita and other Kung Fu Yoga practitioners were also hanging behind the convoy.

When Mr. Zhao asked the question "Doesn't going back now mean poisoning the mother country?", Esmita and the others finished their thinking, and asked politely, how to determine whether they had already carried the virus?How to detect?
If you can check it, you'll be fine.

Mr. Zhao's answer is also very simple, nucleic acid test.

UCSF Medical Center already has testing capabilities. After all, it is also the hospital that currently receives the most ape flu patients in Amei's family.

At present, thousands of patients in San Francisco, hundreds of critically ill ICU patients who are on ventilators, and nearly [-] people who died, half of them are in medical centers.

The full name of the center is the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center. Its Department of Respiratory Medicine and Pulmonary Surgery has also been ranked among the top 10 hospitals in the country all year round.

Infected patients such as the former CEO of Genome Systems Company, Elia Bryant, and His Excellency the Mayor were also treated there. Half of the Quan Amei invited by Mr. Zhao and even some respiratory medicine doctors from Europa also gathered in the medical center.

As the convoy set sail, Mr. Zhao's extended Rolls-Royce, Zhuang Shu, Lu Chenxi, Yang Fan, etc. were also sitting in the car, watching more details of the ape flu with seriousness, and the more they watched, the more nervous they became.

Speaking of which, in the original surgical situation, there was a large-scale infection and isolation incident, and that incident caused Jialin Renhe the hospital to be quite injured, but Mr. Zhao secretly participated, and the source of the infection was eliminated as soon as it appeared.

At that time, only the first source of infection was targeted, and his illness was cured with a little humanitarian merit. Dr. Zhuang and Dr. Lu did not experience the impact of the epidemic.

The situation is really different now, a group of apes marches across the city, fighting with humans, humans are cross-infected, flying around...

Just after Mr. Zhao got the news, he was about to fly over. It was already dozens of hours later.

Amid the three people's emotions, Mr. Zhao grabbed a few bottles of drinks and handed them over, "I haven't congratulated Dr. Zhuang and Dr. Lu yet, happy wedding."

Only then did Dr. Zhuang put down the materials and said with a smile, "Thank you, Dr. Zhao, the situation in San Francisco this time is not optimistic."

Lu Chenxi couldn't help complaining, "It's not just pessimism. If the public can follow the instructions of the experts, and do a good job of self-isolation and protection, with the action of Amei's family, it is possible to control the ape flu. In the San Francisco area."

"Now, I heard that there have been more than a dozen confirmed cases of ape flu in Los Angeles and Las Vegas."

This is the news they received when their expert group was flying in the sky.

Speaking of this, Lu Chenxi frowned and said, "Dr. Zhao, the few cases in Los Angeles were beach parties. Thousands of people gathered on the beach to play various games, and then someone became ill and coughed up blood. In this case..."

Mr. Zhao shook his head helplessly, "Amei's house likes to have parties too much, and there are too many powerful creatures talking about freedom, distorting the facts and wantonly guiding... We just do our own thing."

Yang Fan is now the director of Renhe Hospital, took a few sips of the drink, "Dr. Zhao, I would like to ask, using the governance model in 03 as a sample, is there any hope that this ape flu will be eradicated within this year?"

Zhao Xueyan shrugged, "It's too early for you to ask this. You can only take one step at a time. Now I am afraid that the virus will mutate and mutate again and again in the cross-infection of countless people."

"Do your best, you medical staff, the most important thing is to protect yourself."

When the convoy arrived at the UCSF Medical Center, the crowd was fully armed when they got off the car. They were all standard protective clothing, surgical masks, goggles, etc., and then...

It doesn't matter whether Yang Fan, Zhuang Shu, Lu Chenxi and others watched some materials when they were in the mainland, or saw some materials on some online videos.

Looking through the screen and standing in front of the real are completely different things.

When you are in the event, you witness at close range one by one, groups of dozens of hundreds of people gathered in the corridor, or standing or standing, with fever, weakness, and constant coughing. From time to time, blood foam is coughed out of the patient's mouth...

When you pass the corridor, you can see that every ward, whether it is a medium ward with five or six people, or a two-person or single ward, is full of beds, almost full of seriously ill patients.

More people in the ICU rely on ventilators to continue their lives.

This kind of close-up witness is really shocking!
The members of the medical team who came from the mainland are all hairy. In fact, based on the experience of doctors, the more powerful they are, the more they see the separation of life and death. In the emergency centers of ordinary big city hospitals, there will be no various kinds of medical treatment. Injured patients?
To ordinary people, any patient sent in a car accident would be the scene of a horror movie.

The experience of elite doctors, including old criminal investigators, squatting next to horrible corpses to eat is commonplace, and their hearts are very big, but they witnessed and visited the current situation of ape flu patients up close, and everyone was still frightened.

Only professionals understand how fast this kind of respiratory disease transmitted by airborne droplets can spread, and it still has such a serious condition and such a strong fatality rate.

Everyone can understand that this cannot be controlled, and soon a city will become like this, or even a state and a country... At that time, the number of people who will die will be astronomical.

This is really not comparable to ordinary car accident injuries.


Two days later, President Zhao's motorcade left UCSF Medical Center and headed for Zhao's Manor. Passing an intersection, Qiu Yingying in the passenger seat suddenly said in surprise, "Brother Zhao, isn't that Andy, Qu Xiaoxiao, and Fan Shengmei?" ? And Bao Yifan, why are they here?"

"It seems to be still being targeted?"

After saying this, Mr. Zhao turned his head to look, and it was really... a coincidence.

In Ode to Joy, several men and women led by Bao Yifan were surrounded by a group of black people on the side of the road. They all wore protective measures such as masks and gloves, while a group of black people had no protection, and some held daggers and baseball bats.

Only then did Mr. Zhao say, "After all, you guys have known each other for a while, so if you want to help, go ahead."

Qiu Yingying was overjoyed, and Guan Juer, who was sitting in the back row, was also very eager to try. When the extended Rolls Royce stopped on the side of the road, the two women quickly got out of the car, grabbed a Glock 17 and walked towards the crowd. He also yelled, "What do you want to do? Spread out!"

Several black people surrounding Bao Yifan and his party turned their heads. Although Xiaoguan was wearing a mask, which made it hard to see his appearance, but his body shape, big eyes and fair skin outside the mask, already made the black people look confused. Bright.

Immediately, a black man with a cobra tattoo walked towards Guan Juer with a smile, "Hey, here are some more Asian whores..."

A few meters away, Guan Juer raised his hand and fired a gun into the sky. A group of black people froze, and then, bang bang bang.

After a series of shots, the three black gangsters who had just pulled out their guns were all shot in both hands and legs, and the other blacks scattered.

Many pedestrians on the nearby streets quickly dodged the scene in this area.

The crowd had almost dispersed before Guan Juer walked towards the three who had been shot, "Get lost!"

Those three left in a scrambling manner, Xiao Guan walked up to Andy and the girls, "Sister Fan, why are you here? The current San Francisco is too chaotic, it's best to leave as soon as possible. "

Fan Shengmei was the first to recognize Guan Juer through the mask, and suddenly exclaimed in disbelief, "Guan Guan? It's you? Are you a little earthworm?? You..."

Both Guan Juer and Qiu Yingying were dressed in black suits, flat-heeled leather shoes, and ponytails. Their walks were full of resolute, heroic, cool and handsome, plus the merciless aura of shooting and wounding people before.

It made Fan Shengmei's three views messed up, she really couldn't connect the two super elite women in front of her with the two co-rented girls before.

Before, a group of them were surrounded by a dozen black people. The malicious eyes and gestures of those guys almost didn't scare people to death.

Andy and Qu Xiaoxiao were also very shocked. Soon, Andy glanced at the extended Rolls-Royce not far away and the two bulletproof Mercedes in front and behind it. He vaguely saw Mr. Zhao's figure, and then explained, "Guan Guan, it's great to meet you. Aunt Bao has a heart attack. We came to San Francisco for treatment some time ago, and we live in the Cardiology Department of the UCSF Treatment Center. We didn't expect to encounter such a thing as ape flu. , too bad luck."

"Now my aunt's heart disease has almost been cured, but it is almost impossible to buy a ticket to return home."

"You and Mr. Zhao are here too?"

Mr. Zhao urged Will Rodman and Gene Systems, including some experts who had been nominated for the Nobel Prize, to jointly publicly demonstrate and preach the horror of ape flu, hoping to attract public attention.

But only when you reach a certain status and identity, or your identity at Amei's house, can you know that Zhao is always the biggest driving force behind the scenes.

Andy and others don't know.

In the story of Ode to Joy, Bao Yifan’s mother did have heart disease, and because of fighting with Bao’s father’s family, Bao’s father got angry and got sick. The most serious time was coma, blood pressure oppressed the brain tissue, and caused surrounding edema At that time, the doctor judged that even if he recovers well in the future, hemiplegia, aphasia and other sequelae will remain, and the most serious is a vegetative state.

This is the original story in Ode to Joy, which happened before Qu Xiaoxiao's brother Qu Lianjie lost [-] million in Haojiang.

Mr. Zhao has had a lot of influence on the story of Ode to Joy, but the most important influences are Guan Juer, Qiu Yingying and Fan Shengmei...Andy and Mr. Bao?He basically didn't get involved.

This is when the Qu family's parents divided the family property and transferred all kinds of family property to Qu Xiaoxiao. Bao Yifan's parents fought each other and caused the heart attack in the original story. He has recovered well in China before.

Then came to Amei's house to continue seeking medical treatment.

When the Bao family came to seek medical treatment, Qu Xiaoxiao came with them. She still wanted to continue to show off, hoping that Andy could be a consultant for her investment company, and Qu Xiaoxiao and Fan Shengmei were good girlfriends who had been in the detention center for several months. Friendship, Fan Shengmei also took a wave of travel.

Everyone never dreamed that Baomu's heart disease-related matters were almost treated, and when she encountered ape flu, she exploded.

After Andy explained, Guan Juer nodded, "So that's the case, then you'd better not go out at ordinary times, especially don't go to black communities. Asians are relatively excluded in San Francisco at present, and it's not uncommon to be attacked."

With the outbreak of ape flu, why do blacks or whites exclude and discriminate against Asians... Even if there is no flu, Asians are the lowest in Amei's house.

The Asians who follow the guidance of experts to take protective measures will have even more fun.

After finishing speaking, Guan Juer had some polite words with the others, and then walked back to the Rolls-Royce with Qiu Yingying, and Mr. Zhao's small motorcade also set off again.

During this process, Andy, Fan Shengmei and other women hesitated to speak for many times, but they still didn't say anything in the end.

Only Bao Yifan complained to the left and right after the car left, "Are you still the bodyguards I specially hired? Why are you so cowardly in the situation just now?"

Bodyguard A smiled wryly, "Boss Bao, we don't have guns. Even if we had guns, we wouldn't have the guts to shoot them. If we had guns and dared to shoot, the dozen or so gangsters could easily be dealt with."

Having said that, he also pointed to the three guns left by the three black men who were wounded on the ground, "Like this gun, we didn't dare to hold it when it fell on the ground."

Bao Yifan, "..."

In broad daylight, if you walk on the streets of Amei's house in San Francisco, you will be besieged by gangsters, who even brought guns... And until now, Mr. Zhao's convoy has gone far away, and there is no police coming to do things? ?

This is so magical!

This is the banner world of cooking seed oil, Amei's? ?
It's outrageous.

Forcibly suppressing all kinds of urges to complain, Bao Yifan still waved his hands helplessly, motioning for a few people to move forward. As they walked, there were all kinds of bang bang bang, rattling and even booming sounds in front of them.

A few bodyguards didn't have guns, and they didn't dare to do big things easily in the face of the San Francisco gang, but at this moment, a few bodyguards still showed some professionalism, and quickly protected Xiaobao and Andy and other women to avoid roadside shops.

After a few minutes.

Certain sounds subside.

Bao Yifan and others resolutely came out to stop the taxis, and directly wandered the street with a few hundred dollars in dollars. After stopping a few taxis, they quickly got in the car and reported the address, and then they were out of the way.

When the three rental cars arrived on a certain street one after another, Mr. Xiao Bao hurriedly said, "Stop."

Andy in the back row also looked at the intersection not far away, where Mr. Zhao's small convoy was.

Wang Manni, Guan Juer, and Qiu Yingying are three women in suits. Qiu Gangao's hair is all curled up with instant noodles. The seven elite three hold pistols in both hands and grenades on their waists. Two of the four carry two A rifle and two large snipers.

The seven people guarded outwards in many directions. In the center, Mr. Zhao stepped down to the side of more than a dozen corpses on the street, squatting down to question a living person.

Seeing this scene, only tens of meters away, the scene there made Bao Yifan speechless again, a little shocked and shocked.

Her legs were trembling, and her heart was beating too fast.

Andy was at a loss, "Isn't Mr. Zhao a top rich man? He is very low-key and hasn't shown much in public, but his name is also on the Forbes rich list."

Are the top rich people so dangerous in Amei's house?
What made them even more speechless was that, watching and watching, the police car drove up with the sound of sirens. Wang Manni, Qiu Gangao and others did not seem to close their guns. Instead, they waited until the police car arrived, exchanged ideas, and left the police Dispose of corpses all over the floor...Leave.

Bao Yifan and the others continued to be chaotic in the wind.

No matter how you look at it, in this gun battle on the street, one side suffered heavy casualties and the other side had so many long and short guns, and the suits were not stained. The police came and let them go?Is this appropriate?

After a moment of confusion, Bodyguard A said leisurely, "Boss, if you can do this, I definitely don't mind shooting."

Bao Yifan was choked, completely speechless.

In silence, he signaled the driver to continue driving. After a few minutes, Bao Yifan spoke up, "Andy, do you still have contact information with Xiaoguan and Xiaoqiu? Ask?"

Andy grabbed the phone and dialed the number. He waited for the number to be dialed before asking in surprise, "Off? We saw before that you seem to have been attacked? Is it so exaggerated?"

On the other side of the phone, Guan Juer said calmly, "It's okay, it's a small matter, it's over."

Mr. Zhao arrived in Amei’s home in San Francisco less than 20 days ago, and he was doing good deeds when he came. He presided over the anti-simian flu virus. How could someone ambush him?

Just kidding, Mr. Zhao has killed many Mesozoic backbones of the Amei family consortium, such as someone who had to sell shares in Future Automobile, and even joined hands with one of the top three rows of Niu Buluo to cut CIA leeks and so on.It doesn't matter if others are in the mainland, but they really went to Amei's house.

Those behemoths who have been tricked and tossed by him, even if they are afraid of Zhao's Pharmaceutical Group's posture as one of the top financial groups in the world, they dare not directly target Mr. Zhao, but they sent some ordinary gangsters and ordinary killers to test the water.

Isn't this very reasonable?
During the time Mr. Zhao stayed in the manor, not to mention the daytime, almost every night someone wanted to sneak in and do something, and then under the control of strong artificial intelligence and the monitoring system in the middle and late 21s, one would kill one, and one would come. pair evaporated.

The seven elites who are slightly stronger than the Wolf Warrior class, have abundant firepower and occupy the terrain advantage, mastering the perfect surveillance system...

This little thing really sucks.

Hearing Guan Juer's calm voice, Andy was a little speechless for a moment.

Dozens of human lives were wiped out by you just like that, so ordinary? ?

When the rental cars finally arrived in San Francisco's Chinatown area, Andy and the others found out that Chinatown had blocked itself, and people wearing protective suits and goggles pulled the cord to isolate themselves from the outside world, and outsiders wanted to enter...

Not only whites and blacks are not allowed to pass, but also tests and nucleic acids are required.

Andy said in a daze, "It wasn't like this when we came out??"

A certain bodyguard scanned some corners that were easy to defend and hard to attack, and found traces of guns, then shrugged and said, "Boss, let's do things according to the arrangement. We are all Chinese, so we shouldn't die without help."

When they were running around trying to buy air tickets today, they heard a lot of new news. For example, although there are not tens of thousands of confirmed cases in San Francisco, the medical system of more than ten small towns in the entire Bay Area has collapsed.

In fact, San Francisco only has more than 80 people, but the entire Bay Area dominated by San Francisco, with nine counties and more than 100 towns, including Silicon Valley and other places, has a total population of nearly 800 million.

The guy who fled San Francisco a few days ago has completely swept the Bay Area with ape flu.

Even Los Angeles has heard that three-digit extra patients go to the hospital for medical treatment in a few days, and Las Vegas is also triple-digit.

The UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco has treated more than 2000 patients, and more patients will prescribe some medicine for you to go home and fend for yourself.

The death toll is close to 200.

In this situation, of course, safety comes first.


After going through a lot of trouble, they stayed in the isolation hotel in Chinatown, and were told that they could no longer leave the guest room until the calculation results came out, and they could only call and ask the waiter to deliver them if they needed it.

Qu Xiaoxiao hugged Fan Shengmei with a broken face, "Sister Fan, we won't die here, right? It's not like I haven't been to Amei's house before, but compared with before, the gap has changed too much. You shouldn't have come!"

Fan Shengmei also wanted to cry, "Just being quarantined like this? Like in will pass. Think about it, even a big boss like Mr. Zhao lives in San Francisco, and I haven't seen him leave. "

"This ape flu can definitely be contained, we..."

Qu Xiaoxiao was even more devastated, "We were in the UCSF Medical Center before. Although it was not the emergency department or the respiratory department, there were so many patients going there back and forth, and we were at a high risk of being infected."

"If I knew it earlier, I should have continued treatment in China. Aunt Bao's illness is not that serious."

"If we are infected, will we be put in body bags and sent to be incinerated like garbage??"

When I thought that I was like those guys in the hospital, with constant hemoptysis, fever, unconsciousness, and being put on a ventilator, what was even more frightening was that I was put on a ventilator and was not saved in the end, so I put it in a body bag and put it in the car. transport away...

At this stage, the mortuary at UCSF Medical Center is not enough to accommodate so many dead, so they can only be bagged and taken away.

This is really a nightmare experience and encounter!

She wants to go home and find her mother.

The next moment, Fan Shengmei was still trembling and said, "Why don't we contact Xiaguanguan and Little Earthworm? See if we can ask them to help us get a few tickets back to China?"

Qu Xiaoxiao was overjoyed, "You can try it, Sister Fan, you have a good relationship with them, you try it?"


In Zhao's Manor.

When Mr. Zhao received Guan Juer's report that it was Fan Shengmei who wanted to buy a plane ticket back to China, he said speechlessly, "Has the result of the nucleic acid been obtained? If it is positive, wouldn't you go back and inject the poison?"

He has a bad impression of Fan Shengmei, but he has already sent her to a prison cell. When one meets compatriots in a foreign country, it is okay to help occasionally.

But this simian flu virus is really different.

If you send it back without knowing it, how many people and families will be hurt?

It’s the sisters Esmita and Kayla in Kung Fu Yoga. After going to the medical center for the nucleic acid test the day before yesterday, there was no accident... The two sisters plus a group of bodyguards, translators, and guides, two of them tested positive and were recruited, and everyone else was also quarantined .

White elephants like Esmita took the initiative to do nucleic acid after asking themselves that you are not afraid to go back and poison your mother country.

Fan Shengmei and the others thought it was pretty.

Of course, if all of them are negative, and they have tested negative for many days in a row, then sending them back is not out of the question.

Consideration refers to the chartered flight, and only after the flight crew is confirmed to be negative can the departure be made. As for the expenses, Bao Yifan will pay. Anyway, the second generation is not short of money, what is lacking now is channels and influence.

If you buy a few air tickets and send them back, who knows what the risk is for other people on the flight? ?
There are no hidden dangers in the chartered flight disinfecting. This kind of flight can only be sent, and the entry must be quarantined for a period of time. Mr. Zhao thinks that the quarantine period should be at least two weeks. In the story, the ape flu wiped out human beings and only left more than 1000 million people. Horror exists.

His suggestion to Esmita and others is to continue nucleic acid for 20 days, and wait for more than 20 days to see the results.

(End of this chapter)

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