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Chapter 683 Crying is more painful than last night

Chapter 683 Crying is more painful than last night

When Zhou Shutong ushered in her first case in Jingang Changfeng Branch, Mr. Zhao was also walking under the night in Jingang City.

His emotions are a bit mixed.

Mr. Zhao was very impressed with the story of Bai Ye chasing the murderer. From the day he met Zhou Shutong, he intervened in some things. In the original story track, someone killed the police undercover Wu Zheng's family, exterminated the family, and planted it on Guan Hongfeng. Chief of criminal investigation.

Before the black hands did things, Mr. Zhao asked the artificial intelligence to leak the news to Wu Zheng in advance... Wu Zheng decisively ran away with his family.

It is too tragic for a person who has worked so hard to dedicate so long to the police force to be wiped out.

Mr. Zhao doesn't mind helping with such things that can be done easily.

In the original story track, Wu Zheng was exterminated and Guan Hongfeng was thrown to the scene, leaving behind various hairs, skin tissues, etc., and the gangster even called the police. The police came faster and there was no time. The captain who wakes up at the scene with the murder weapon in his hand will be locked as the murderer.

He knew that he did not do this, but if he stayed, he would definitely be identified by the police as the number one suspect, arrested and interrogated...

He ran away and took away the murder weapon, glued the fingerprints of his identical twin brother Guan Hongyu on the murder weapon, and left the murder weapon near the scene.

Identical twins are so effective. His hair dandruff and other DNA are the same as that of his younger brother Guan Hongyu, and the fingerprints can distinguish the two.

Guan Hongyu was blamed, and he became the murderer of the Miemen case and was on the wanted warrant.Because of this incident, Guan Hongfeng's brother became the murderer of the Miemen case and left the police force.

Then Guan Hongfeng hid Guan Hongyu at home during the day, prevented him from going out, and trained him in various criminal investigation knowledge and skills. He himself became an expert consultant hired by the police force and approached the Changfeng Bureau, hoping to find an opportunity to investigate the truth of the Miemen case.

Find out who framed him.

At night, Guan Hongfeng suffers from night phobia, and his younger brother comes out to mix with the police, trying to find the truth about the Miemen case while solving the case.

In this plane, Wu Zheng took his family and ran away, but he didn't die...

Just in a daze, another murder case in which Guan Hongfeng was framed came up. Only one person died, and this guy still used his younger brother's fingerprints to get the package.

Mr. Zhao didn't engage in the biggest black hand. This is a municipality directly under the central government, and the level of the black hand is not low. He is an overseas Chinese with a sister's green card for several generations, so it is not suitable to mix with those.

Fan smuggling, gun smuggling, etc., that mafia team is really tough.

"The undercover Wu Zheng's family is fine. Lao Guan is just too hardworking and capable. He probably threatened to affect the black hand again, so he will be planted again."

"But Gao Yuan, the delivery man..."

The serial corpse throwing case that Zhou Shutong is now encountering is Gao Yuan, a small delivery man who suffers from uremia and needs kidney dialysis and dialysis. He has no money to go to the hospital and makes his own dialysis equipment to survive.

My body is too unhealthy, so I feel envious and jealous towards those otaku who are in good health but waste their time at home, to the point of twisting their minds, venting their anger, and carnival-like serial killings.

The first deceased was Gao Yuan’s shared roommate, an otaku, the second and the third were Gao Yuan’s brother and sister who often delivered food, the older brother was an otaku and was supported by his younger sister. After Gao Yuan’s murder, the younger sister just came home and was arrested. He hacked to death.

Murder and dismemberment take advantage of the convenience of the delivery man to throw the body.

Mr. Zhao was speechless.

Before Gao Yuan broke out in the crime, Mr. Zhao cooperated with various hospitals in the Mainland this year, including the hospital here in Tianjin and Hong Kong, and had already selected Gao Yuan as a patient for matching kidney transplantation.

The hospital has also successfully matched the type and replaced him with a kidney. The cost... I borrowed a wave of interest-free loans, and I can also reimburse part of it through medical insurance.

This is all done in some charitable projects.

Mr. Zhao thought that with these, he had given Gao Yuan a new life a few months ago, and this guy should no longer explode into a serial murderer.

Unexpectedly, the case of murder and dumping of corpses still appeared.

As for how innocent Gao Yuan's roommate and the brother and sister died?Mr. Zhao didn't give them any hints, what should I say, advise them not to stay at home all the time, and change to another life, or change houses?
Even if the three deceased now change houses and cities, they escaped this time. As long as Gao Yuan explodes, it will be other innocent people who die.

Mr. Zhao was walking downstairs in the community where Gao Yuan lived, and wanted to call him to have a chat, but he still didn't call, he did everything, and the victim was gone, so he should call the police.

It can only be said that in the charity plan he and the mainland hospital built, he mistakenly saved a paranoid target.

The three innocents who died, gather their spirits to become souls, and send them abroad to reincarnate.

Just find a few sisters' families or the backbone of the island country's chaebol, and enjoy the wealth after a wave of reincarnation for more than ten years. In the first ten years, Mr. Zhao does not intend to let them awaken the memories of this life.

Let's release it intermittently after more than ten years.

After all, Mr. Zhao has the supernatural power of reincarnation, Team Leader Zhao of the Underworld Working Group.

More than ten years later, the memory was awakened... so what, the three ordinary people who couldn't explain the reincarnation process themselves, what they revealed to the outside world was just gossip and gossip, not to mention that there were so many sects out there, and deceitful rumors were everywhere.

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhao first sent a text message to Zhou Shutong and told about Gao Yuan's matter. As for how Xiao Zhou and the team make up, that is her business. After leading the team with so many experts, I have met so many Multiple cases.

Xiao Zhou is also talented in this regard.

After texting, he grabbed his mobile phone and called Wang Zhige, the director of the identification center, "Old Wang, don't care who I am, come out for a drink and chat?"

"I know many things about you. For example, you have been killing people serially for many years. You like to catch those men and women in traffic on heavy rainy days. After you kill them, you clean up the scene. Come out. I feel a little unhappy. Let's talk."

Wang Zhige is also a "talent" in Bai Ye Chasing the Evil.

Many years ago when my daughter-in-law was pregnant, I went out with my daughter-in-law on my back for a quick run with my old classmates. I hid well on a rainy day, but was caught by Lu Siping, a street gangster who pretended to be a national defense.

Wang Zhige was so frightened that he handed over all the money, watch, etc. to Lu Siping.

He thought the matter was over, but who would have thought that Lu Siping, a street gangster, would use this incident as an excuse to blackmail and ask for money again and again, even to the point of asking Wang Zhige's wife to open a hotel with Lu Siping.

Lao Wang couldn't bear it anymore, and took advantage of his wife's time to go to the hotel to kill Lu Siping together.

If the matter ended here, it would be no big deal, but because of this incident, he had an extremely distorted mentality. He liked to find and kill men and women who were hiding in remote places and playing car battles most on rainy days.

Heavy rainy days tend to wash away evidence, and wild mandarin ducks in taxis will also avoid the monitoring system. Wang Zhige himself is a former university teacher and is now the director of an appraisal agency. Many homicide and criminal cases have physical evidence, murder weapons, and other appraisal tests. If the branch, The appraisal center of the General Administration can't even do it.

That is all handed over to Director Wang's unit.

Therefore, from many years ago to the present, Pharaoh did not leave a few clues and evidence, but left a bunch of unsolved cases for the Tianjin and Hong Kong police.

If Mr. Zhao didn't call him out this time, it might not be long before Wang Zhige will start hunting for a new year.

After hanging up the phone and telling the location, Mr. Zhao rushed to a nearby night market barbecue square.

After he ordered a bunch of skewers and a few bottles of beer, he saw a silver-gray Jetta parked outside the square, and Wang Zhige also stood at the entrance of the square, looking around.

Mr. Zhao first shook Lao Wang with his mobile phone, and then he got up and stretched out his hand to say hello, "Here."

Director Wang came over with a gloomy face, sat down, looked at the skewers and beer, and said coldly, "Who are you, who are you?"

Mr. Zhao pointed to the beer and skewers, "Not to your liking?"

Director Wang was silent.

Mr. Zhao took out a cup of milk tea from under the table, "It's hot, it's not opened yet, do you want to try it?"

This is the magical cup of milk tea that came out of Zhou Shutong's body.

The paper cup has a lid, comes with an unopened straw, and the packaging...the plain paper cup has no fancy packaging, and there is no brand logo.

So far, Mr. Zhao doesn't know what effect this cup of milk tea has.

Given that it was contributed by Zhou Shutong, at most he speculated that the little miraculous effect described by the system might be related to poison?It doesn't matter if that's the case, Mr. Zhao is standing here, and Wang Zhige won't die if he drinks it.

Director Wang still didn't speak and remained silent.

Mr. Zhao frowned and said, "Is it so disrespectful? I called you because I was feeling a little uncomfortable."

Wang Zhige looked at the skewers and beer, grabbed the unopened milk tea cup, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and wiped the cup.

He has severe cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Although many skewers are placed separately, Mr. Zhao has eaten a few skewers, and he already feels that he can't touch them. There are also many bottles of beer glasses that have not been opened. It is still Mr. Zhao who has drunk a can, and he will not touch it.

Mr. Zhao raised his beer glass, "I almost forgot that you have severe cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder. When people shake hands with you, you have to wash them for a long time, and even apply disinfectant. Come, let's touch them in the air."

Wang Zhige frowned, opened the lid of the milk tea, and sniffed it, "Don't think you can scare me by talking nonsense, you don't have any evidence, it's slander."

In his original story, he continued to hunt and kill a man and a woman who took a taxi this year, and was finally caught by the police under suspicion. He was also very calm from beginning to end.

After all, the nature of the previous work is there.

Mr. Zhao smiled, "How do you know that I have no evidence? How many years have you not taken off the wedding ring on your hand? Including the murders over the years, let's have it appraised on the ring... By the way, you are an appraiser, He knows more professionally than me.”

Wang Zhige's face changed wildly, and he even wanted to...

Mr. Zhao raised his cup and said, "I advise you not to move. Do you think if we fight here, what chance do you have of winning? I will take your ring away and test it. I can solve many serious and old cases for many years. Cheers .”

Wang Zhige had no choice but to give up the action of picking off the ring, raised his glass, and drank the milk tea with a strong sense of nausea. He was surprised when the milk tea entered his mouth, entered his throat, had a comfortable temperature that was neither too cold nor too hot, and tasted exploding with his taste buds. What kind of milk tea? It's so delicious?"


a new day.

A group of Changfeng criminal policemen looked at Zhou Shutong handcuffing the red-clothed delivery man Gao Yuan into the station in bewilderment. Zhou Xun couldn't help but said, "Xiao Zhou, what does this mean? Didn't I ask you to follow Mr. Guan?"

On the surface, Guan Hongyu's murder was proved to be solid and he absconded. Zhou Xun also thought that by following Guan Hongfeng, he might catch clues about Guan Hongyu.

Sending Zhou Shutong to follow him all the time means monitoring.

Last night, everyone researched and discussed the case in various ways. At the end of the research, didn't Guan Hongyu take Zhou Shutong out to investigate?

By the way, also last night, they received news that they found a third dumping place, which was a garbage dump not far from a nightclub.

It is estimated that the forensic doctor is still staying up late doing puzzles.

Under the words, Zhou Shutong said happily, "Captain Zhou, this is Gao Yuan, the murderer of the serial murder case. I not only arrested him, but also found the head, palm and other limbs of the first deceased in his home."

A group of policemen were shocked, and they were all inconceivable. It seems that when you gathered to study the case last night, you, a young man who just graduated from the police academy, could easily explain the identity characteristics, clues, etc. People look up.

After all, if he didn't explain, Zhou Xun, Xiao Wang and other policemen wouldn't understand either.

After going out for one night, you caught the real culprit? ?It's too exaggerated.

The crowd was puzzled, and Zhou Shutong quickly explained, "Last night, I followed Mr. Guan to investigate. He went to the bar to investigate, and then we separated. I saw Mr. Guan went home to sleep, so I thought about going to the corpse throwing site again. "

"If the first deceased is the first victim, then when ordinary people become murderers, there is often a concept of a psychological safety zone when committing crimes. This safety zone is the murderer's residence, workplace, etc. that radiate outward."

"The radiation radius is often no more than one kilometer on foot, three kilometers on a bicycle, and five to 3 kilometers by car."

"When I arrived at the first construction site where the body was dumped, I deduced that the place where the murderer dumped the body was probably the location he could see before dumping the body. Naturally, I came to the conclusion that it was in other residential areas within the sight of the construction site."

"Then I went to the suspected community and found a car that hadn't been started for a long time and was full of tickets. Based on the autopsy of the first corpse, it was deduced that the victim may have driven frequently, or had similar occupational diseases while sitting in front of the computer, and happened to be in that car again. A cat was found near the car, a domestic cat..."

"I found Gao Yuan's house along the way. At that time, he was still admiring the victim's head that he had refrigerated..."

Mr. Zhao sent Gao Yuan's information to Zhou Shutong. Xiao Zhou has been trained for so long and has been specially trained for so long. It is very easy to subdue Gao Yuan.

With the result in the reverse push process, it is too simple.

In her explanation, Zhou Xun, Xiao Wang and other policemen were completely petrified.

After a long silence, Zhou Xun quickly stepped forward and escorted Gao Yuan to the interrogation room. Xiao Wang came over in surprise, "Xiao... No, sister Zhou, you are too efficient, right?"

I didn't see that last night, even the consultant Mr. Guan didn't follow up after giving some clues and information. I don't know how to continue.

Get a little sleep in the middle of the night, wake up and catch the criminal?Can the case be closed?
Another policeman also came over and said in surprise, "Sister Zhou, why is this Gao Yuan committing murders so crazily?"

Zhou Shutong said speechlessly, "I don't have much useful information in a short period of time, but I speculate that he once had kidney failure and needed dialysis, was impoverished, and had debts. live."

"However, the rejection reaction after the kidney transplantation and a lot of arrears put him under too much pressure and torture, so he met a healthy and normal roommate who shared a roommate, and he was free all day long, staying at home with food Drink like a loser."

"But he has gone through so many hardships... Maybe he hates the injustice of God."

Xiao Wang was confused, "Kidney disease, didn't you get a new one?"

Zhou Shutong shook his head.

She couldn't give much explanation either.

In the silence of many criminal policemen, Zhou Xun arranged for someone to interrogate Gao Yuan, and even arranged for someone to go to Gaoyuan's rental house to collect various evidences. Xiao Wang received a call from the 110 alarm platform and transferred to the criminal investigation, "What? Robbery, illegal detention? ?”

"You say, I remember."

At the end of the recording, Xiao Wang quickly ran to report to Zhou Xun, and the Changfeng criminal police also dispatched at high speed again, but when they arrived at the reporter's location, which was also the reporter's home.

Seeing a family of three looking at each other in dismay, they also had strange expressions that could not be explained in words.

Zhou Xun quickly stepped forward to testify and appease the reporter, "What's going on? The robbers or burglars who broke into the house..."

The middle-aged male head of the household said, "It's like this. Last night we were watching TV at home, and my son Xiaole was doing his summer homework in the house, when he heard a knock on the door saying he was delivering food."

"No one at home ordered takeaway, but the outside insisted that it was here, so I went to open the door, and when I opened the door, the other party knocked me out with a hand knife."

"Then my daughter-in-law was also knocked out during the resistance."

"When we woke up, it was already late at night... At that time, I was very scared and panicked. Who would have thought that the assailant wearing a mask and hat would make us supper. It tasted very good, even better than my wife's cooking. ..."

"He didn't ask us for money or do anything else, he just tied us up in the master bedroom and we woke up in the morning and we were free and the man was gone."

"My husband and I took an inventory of our finances, watches and necklaces, and it seems that we haven't lost anything... I can't be 100% sure for now. After all, we have been married for many years, and it's hard to say how many gold, silver or jade ornaments we have."

When he said this, Xiao Le, who looked eighteen or nineteen years old, raised his hand, "Dad, let me tell you, after that uncle took control of the scene last night, he snatched my summer homework in front of me and wanted to put it Finished, so I have no homework to do."

"At that time, I was very happy in my heart, watching him help me with my summer homework for four or five hours."

"Before he left, he said that he would come again next time."

"That uncle also cleaned up the house, and it was cleaner and more hygienic than my parents. Everything was rearranged, and I felt that it had a different taste."

Zhou Xun, Xiao Wang and Zhou Shutong all stared at Xiao Le in disbelief.

Papa Le said awkwardly, "Let me explain, it's not that the guy cleans and organizes the house better than our husband and wife. This guy has obsessive-compulsive disorder, or severe cleanliness!"

"Before leaving, clean everything with disinfectant, and wipe off all traces related to him. This kind of person..."

Zhou Xun looked at Zhou Shutong, "Xiao Zhou, what do you think?"

Zhou Shutong, after being in a mess for tens of seconds, she was not sure, "Break into the house to commit murder, knock out the head of the household and rush to write the students' summer homework?"

She has seen thieves burglary. Halfway through the theft, the owner came back and hid under the bed in fright. Then the owner suspected that the thief's feet were too smelly and smelly, so he called the police to catch the thief.

I have seen thieves burglary, but saw a serial drama playing on the computer that was turned on, and was caught while staying up late to catch up on the drama.

Those are the insights gained in Shanghai or other places.

But how many hours did illegal break-ins steal students' summer homework?

In a daze, after looking at the family's furniture and cleaning results, he said for sure, "According to this, this lunatic really has a certain degree of cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is a clue."

"At the same time, there may be a certain mental illness... Also, the knowledge reserve is very good."

No matter how weird it is, that guy was involved in illegal detention, which is a felony!Even if he cheated to open the door and knocked out the male head of the household, that would be illegal entry, and the crime is not small.

When other police officers brought Xiao Le's summer homework as evidence, Zhou Xun just said that these things should be taken away. You may need to rewrite the homework. I am still in high school as an adult, and I am in my third year of high school. I was suspended for two years due to a certain illness, and now I have recovered.

He cried more painfully than when he watched strangers scramble to write his summer homework last night.

Investigating and gathering clues.

The consultant Guan Hongfeng came, "I heard that the last case was solved? Zhou Shutong did it alone? It's amazing."

"By the way, what's going on here, the victim..."

Zhou Xun was amnesty, "Master, you are finally here, come on, listen and analyze it for me."

After listening to the general process, Guan Hongfeng said, "..."


"That suspect has a good reserve of knowledge, high school homework..."


In about the same time, a certain identification center.

Seeing that there is still no one in Director Wang's office, and there is no car downstairs, the ordinary staff members are both grateful and puzzled.

Director Wang, who has severe cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder, usually does not make things difficult for them in his daily work, but the arrangement of various desk items, what color to use for things, and not to mess up the desk case at will, etc., are also not good for them. light.

Director Wang like this is late?Are you so late?

Is it sick? ?

The crowd is puzzled.

In a certain residence, Wang Zhige was woken up by his wife in a daze. He was sleepy, and his wife said in surprise, "What's the matter with you? I answered a phone call last night and went out. I didn't ask you anything. I didn't say anything until six o'clock in the morning." Home, not going to work today? It’s almost 10 o’clock.”

Wang Zhige's expression changed drastically.

who I am?where am I……

No, he recalled, why did he go to a certain night market stall last night, and after eating and drinking something, he drove into the room, snatched a student's homework, and helped him with his homework?
Pit father ah.

He was a ruthless man who killed the street ruffian Lu Siping together with his wife many years ago, and later committed serial murders repeatedly. How could he do such things as breaking into and detaining students and rushing to write students' homework?
Are you out of your mind?split?Out of a second personality?
Why did you do that, I have no impression.

Did you go out to the night market stall after answering the phone last night?No impression, he has no memory of this.

Thinking back on some things, Wang Zhige breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't understand the strange behavior last night, but he recalled that the whole process of doing things was relatively stable, and there should be no clues left.

The trouble is handwriting identification.

Student homework... Lao Wang was a university teacher before he became the director. He didn't know all subjects, and one or two subjects were not difficult.


Somewhere in Tianjin and Hong Kong, Mr. Zhao held a cup full of milk tea that was still unopened and had a new unopened straw in his hand, with an indescribable expression.

Lao Wang drank a cup of milk tea, was he not poisoned to death?Mr. Zhao didn't use words to erase anything casually. After Lao Wang drank milk tea, he suddenly lost his memory automatically...

Forget everything related to Mr. Zhao.

Follow-up, is the little surprise contained in this cup of magical milk tea? ?

(ps: There are confirmed cases nearby, I hope everyone will fight it as soon as possible~ If one day the author is recruited, he can only suspend the update~)

(End of this chapter)

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