Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 681 Mr. Zhao This Is Really a BUG

Chapter 681 Mr. Zhao This Is Really a BUG

After a while, Mr. Zhao met a group of famous medical professors such as Colin Bell, Dave Wood, and Marcus Kidd in a large suite of the hotel.

When he came in with Director Xu and Zhao Qiping from the Sixth Hospital, besides this group of professors, there were also seven or eight visitors present.

Colin Bell was excited when he saw Mr. Zhao, "Zhao, you are finally willing to come to see us, listen to me, as long as you are willing to pay something, either this year or next year, the year after, you will definitely have the Nobel Prize in Medicine name."

The operation is the operation, and the process is actually not so easy to say. For example, Tu Daben from the Mainland invented artemisinin in the 70s and won the Nobel Prize in the mid-21s.

There is a gap of several decades.

When Dave Wood and others also came excitedly and wanted to persuade them to say something, Mr. Zhao waved his hands with a smile, "Professor, I appreciate your kindness. Come to Shanghai this time, see my arrangement, and I will definitely let you eat well." Live well."

"As for the Nobel Prize, I'm really not that interested. You know, I'm not short of money."

At these words, an old Chinese man among the visitors who came over was a little excited, "You are Dr. Zhao? You have heard about your name for a long time, and seeing it once is better than seeing it once. Although you may not be short of money, Dr. Zhao, it is another honor to win the Nobel Prize." , that is a very...very..."

Because of a little excitement, the one who spoke didn't know how to describe it, so he persuaded him.

Whether it is the scientific research community outside, the medical community or the academic scientific research and medical community in the Mainland, etc., is there a shortage of money?There are so many experts in various disciplines and industries waiting to be injected by capital tycoons to set up laboratories and research rooms.

Because of its authority of more than 100 years, the Nobel Prize really has some magic power in the world.

Mr. Zhao smiled and said, "It's okay, I also understand your good intentions, but you don't know my specific situation."

"Whether I win the Nobel Prize will not affect my mass production of various new drugs and launch them on the market, nor will it affect the efficacy of those new drugs."

For example, Tu Daben, who invented artemisinin in the 70s and won the prize 40 years later, did it affect the effect of artemisinin?Not at all.

Dave Wood said, "Zhao, your new drug is a miracle, and it is also a miracle in the history of Chinese traditional Chinese medicine. If you don't win the Nobel Prize, you will definitely be attacked by the existing multinational pharmaceutical giants when you launch it into the market. , shock."

"You don't even know that this drug of yours has cut off the fortunes of several pharmaceutical giants. It is different after winning the Nobel Prize. It is the best advertisement to the people around the world. Those pharmaceutical giants want to If you make trouble, you will also cast a mouse-eye."

"As far as the medical and aesthetic industry is concerned, a drug with such a miraculous effect in removing scars is a source of income that will kill too many people."

What Dave said is still well-founded and reasonable.

Treat winning the Nobel Prize as advertising, there is no better way of advertising than this, even if pharmaceutical giants want to smear, slander your other side effects, play dirty tricks, etc., to snipe Mr. Zhao’s medicine, as long as the general public knows that this new medicine is I won the Nobel Prize... A lot of smear tricks are useless.

Speaking of these, several foreign professors were all refreshed.

President Zhao smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, if any pharmaceutical giant wants to make trouble, I'll just buy it."


The whole living room suddenly fell into a strange silence. After Colin Bell took out a cigar and lit it for a few puffs, he frowned and said, "Zhao, I know you come from a wealthy family, and your family is also from a family of traditional Chinese medicine. It is very popular in Chinatown, New York." Fame and good status, but... But do you know what you just said, what does it mean?"

Mr. Zhao's resume at Harvard Medical School is to study Western medicine.

Why can independent research and development of new Chinese medicine ointment?The experience generated by a little humanitarian merit is still very abundant and logical.

I have been immigrated to China for several generations, and the family of bigwigs in the Chinese medicine field just happened to leave Mr. Zhao as an orphan in the first two years.

But with such a background, tonic medicine is good.

Money ability?
Mr. Zhao's money-making ability is completely obtained by hacking around the world. His family background has tens of millions of dollars in assets, which is very high.

Mr. Zhao also went to the wine kitchen and poured a glass of champagne, "Professor Colin, you really don't know my specific situation. When it comes to money, I can still get hundreds of billions of dollars, cash flow. A while ago I also want to be on Facebook or a big penguin in mainland China."

"But after thinking about it, there is no action, and now it is okay to start a pharmaceutical company."

With an understatement, the hall fell into an eerie silence again.

It was Zhao Qiping who broke the silence this time. Doctor Zhao said dumbfoundedly, "Thousands of billions, Japanese yen, South Korean currency, or Thai baht? That's not a lot, as long as it's not Zimbabwean currency."

As we all know, the new banknotes issued by Zimbabwe from 07 to 08 have a maximum denomination of 500 billion yuan.From a penny to a banknote of 500 billion yuan, Zimbabwe ran like a bull.

Ten million Zimbabwean banknotes can be exchanged for US$1000.

If migrant workers from the mainland go to Zimbabwe, they can all enjoy the arrogance of billionaires.

Mr. Zhao shook his head, "It's the mainland currency, which can be converted to 900 billion U.S. dollars, which is about the same as Soros's worth."

There is no way to talk about this topic.

Fame and fortune, Mr. Zhao's physique is here, and the old horse probably has nothing to say. If the old horse wants to improve his life, he should cash out hundreds of millions in the stock market. Mr. Zhao is all cash flow, and he can use financial means to raise money. The consequences are unimaginable.

Colin Bell was dumbfounded and couldn't help himself.

He is the student who co-authored himself, but he is also the father of the biggest benefactor? ?
Mr. Zhao sipped champagne and said, "I've already sent some unique ingredients and drinks. We finally got together. There's no need to talk too much about fame and fortune. Let's talk about academics. It's not bad."

"The samples I gave you before were just new drugs for trauma hemostasis, accelerated wound healing, and scar removal. This time I brought a new product that can accelerate the healing of injured bones. Professor Dave, you are one of the world's orthopedic authorities One, come, let's verify together..."


More than two o'clock in the afternoon.

When President Zhao, Zhao Qiping, and Director Xu walked out of the hotel together, they enthusiastically said to Director Xu, "Director Xu, some of the medicines in my hand have been certified by Amei's FDA, and some are still waiting in line. , Director Lin needs your help."

"Strictly speaking, the last time Jialin Xialifeng mudslide disaster relief, these medicines that have not been certified by the relevant departments are all used in violation of regulations and laws, but there was no way to save people in a hurry."

In Amei’s house, any medicine and food that wants to enter the market needs to be certified by the FDA, that is, the Food and Drug Administration. Without this certification, it is illegal to circulate and will be arrested.

Mr. Zhao is just a little bit of humanitarian merit, hemostasis of trauma and acceleration of wound healing, and the medicine without scars has obtained relevant certifications, including experimental data, etc., are all complete and can be used in the market perfectly.

However, more drugs have not been taken yet.

With a good start, even if the rest of them go through the normal channels, with his Harvard Medical School doctorate certificate and the influence of Colin Bell and others, they can pass the routine operation, and there is no need to waste too much humanitarian merit.

Here in the mainland is another form. The last time Li Feng used emergency medicine, it was really illegal, but natural disasters, so many injured people are waiting to be rescued.

With the good performance of various new drugs during the disaster relief period, postoperative observation, etc., no one has come to Mr. Zhao to talk about this matter so far.

It’s even easier to say now, with Colin Bell and others coming to the mainland, they have brought out a lot of North-South medicine. The authority in the medical field, the efficiency of mobilizing the relationship will not be bad. As for the establishment of a medicine garden after obtaining all the certificates , Open a factory for mass production, just throw money.

Under Mr. Zhao's words, Director Xu nodded excitedly, "Mr. Zhao is willing to take the Department of Orthopedics of our Sixth Hospital as one of the first cooperation partners. It is an honor for our Sixth Hospital, even if it is for patients to use these new drugs as soon as possible. I’m going to do my best to push this forward.”

From the morning to the afternoon, and had a super sumptuous, even magical lunch in the middle, Xu Jimin was already... full of confidence in the various new medicines listed by Mr. Zhao.

In fact, he didn't understand much when talking about Chinese patent medicine ointment and oral pills. Those are extinct medicinal materials in the history books of Chinese traditional medicine, and the formula logic is also prescribed by traditional Chinese medicine.

From seeing and asking, diagnosis and treatment, acupuncture and massage to herbal medicine... The two Chinese medicine practitioners Da Ben and Mr. Zhao had a super enjoyable conversation. When Mr. Zhao took out a few rare ancient Chinese medicine prescriptions collected abroad, the two Everyone is excited, wishing to go back in time and meet Mr. Zhao's father and grandfather...

Talking about Chinese medicine, Mr. Zhao has already convinced two domestic leaders in one exchange. When it comes to western medicine, no one in the general practice understands it. It is very pleasant to communicate with experts in different departments.

After the exchange, Director Xu really understood what the meaning of Einstein or Hawking in the medical field was that Colin Bell and other Amei's medical Taishan Beidou said.

In general hospitals, talents who know a lot about general medicine are basically gathered in the emergency department of the emergency department. They know all kinds of general medicine, but they are not very proficient.

Mr. Zhao, this is a bug.

More importantly, Mr. Zhao also said that these new drugs are currently relatively expensive due to the scarcity of medicinal materials, but they can be pushed into the medical insurance cooperation in time. When enough extinct medicinal materials are cultivated in the future, the price will plummet.

It will fall to a level that is much cheaper than existing various drugs.

Director Xu is of course enthusiastic about promoting the cooperation between Mr. Zhao and the Department of Orthopedics of the Sixth Hospital.

After exchanging a few words outside the hotel, after Mr. Zhao left, Xu Jimin also planned to leave with Zhao Qiping. Seeing Dr. Zhao's ecstasy, Director Xu smiled and joked, "What's the matter, I feel shocked? It’s okay, the world is so big, there will always be situations where there are people outside of people.”

"You are usually a representative of young talents, but Mr. Zhao, the medical profession should be famous in history, don't think so much."

Only then did Zhao Qiping wake up, and said with a smile, "Director, I didn't think about those things. What I thought about was that I never dreamed that we can eat five or six million yuan for a meal, it's too..."

10,000+ a bottle of Romanée-Conti drank eight bottles, how many people, more than a dozen people, this is more than 100 million, plus a variety of top delicacies...

This was not calculated by Mr. Zhao, but by the chef of the five-star hotel.

Chefs say that they may not meet once a year with a banquet of this level.

Director Xu, "..."

After a few seconds of silence, he also laughed, "Why hasn't the driver come yet?"

Under normal circumstances, in fact, Xu Jimin and Zhao Qiping couldn't get involved in such a dinner party at all. When they came to visit today, they were queuing up like other hospital directors and experts.

Those who can enter are all masters.

If they hadn't been called by Mr. Zhao's name when they came, the two of them really wouldn't have had this meal.

Of course, it’s still the same sentence, the millions of ingredients listed are everywhere in the plane of A Chinese Ghost Story, and the plane of the Republic of China is also rich in resources.

Mr. Zhao’s Romanée-Conti was actually brought from the plane of the Republic of China. On that plane, Niu Niu and Gaul are begging Mr. Zhao, the super predator, to take over the Pacific territory, stab the back garden of my sister’s house, and don’t harm Europa. Yes, wine? ?Brother Kujo wants to drink?
Which winery are you looking at?We send it.

Don't forget that in the plane of the Republic of China, there are also things like Nine Uncles, zombies, and vampires. Daoist Shi Jian played the zombie crisis in the island country, and turned them into a group that is even less than Indians.

The rest are still being hunted down by South Korea... When Mr. Zhao first went, South Korea was being harmed by devils. Uncle Jian showed his power, and South Korea was also very powerful when he beat the dog in the water.

The various drinks in that place are actually much better quality than those in Xihong City.


Grand Hyatt.

When Mr. Zhao drove home, he received a low-key but grand welcome as soon as he arrived in the community. He said that low-key was in almost everyone's sight range, and those who could see him were basically waiting to do something, but no one came Containment.

After all, Mr. Zhao doesn't like the scene of going out and shouting and hugging. Everyone knows it, and they have a sense of proportion.

When he was walking towards the elevator, he accidentally saw a young man holding flowers and saying something to Gu Jia with enthusiasm... Mr. Zhao wanted to laugh a little, isn't this young man Liang Zhengxian?Why did you come to pursue Gu Jia?
Well, Wang Manni has never been on a certain cruise ship, never met Lao Liang, and is still fighting on the front line of maintaining stability.

With Liang Zhengxian's strength, it's normal to pursue another goal, but Gu Jia is married and has a son, so she pursues it like this?

While he was laughing, Gu Jia was also overjoyed to see him, she left Liang Zhengxian and came, "Mr. Zhao, I haven't seen you for a while. If there is a chance, I would like to invite you to have a light meal and thank you for your help to our factory." .”

Mr. Zhao not only introduced the business to the fireworks factory, but also some senior gourmets are greedy for all kinds of top-quality gourmet ingredients in Mr. Zhao's hands. They use this to solicit orders for Gu Jia's fireworks factory.

At this stage, Gu Jia Fireworks Factory is really not short of business, the only problem is the potential safety hazard.

Mr. Zhao waved his hand, "You don't have to be so polite, by the way, isn't your husband here?"

The chasing wife has been chased to the door of the house. If Xu Huanshan is at home, why don't he run down and fight?
Gu Jia smiled wryly, "He's on a business trip to the capital."

Mr. Zhao nodded and stopped talking. We are all social people. He didn't bother to say anything about such a trivial matter. He opened his exclusive elevator and planned to go upstairs.

Even if Zhong Xiaoqin didn't have Zhong Xiaoyang's follow-up, she still divorced her husband Lao Chen. With the current divorce rate in the mainland, an average of several million couples a year, that's just one of the mortal beings, and Mr. Zhao didn't have any comments.

Just like the days when he was in Jialin for disaster relief, Jialin Renhe Hospital rescued a man in the disaster area, he was admitted to the hospital for treatment, and he was found to be HIV-positive... Not to mention that the patient didn't know, his wife was also shocked.

At this moment, Mr. Zhao's mobile phone rang a reminder, he took it out and took a look, and murmured in a dazed voice, "I'm... I got a dog after selling my account?"

He hadn't entered the elevator yet, Gu Jia said enthusiastically, "Mr. Zhao, are you still playing games?"

Zhao Xueyan was speechless, "Sometimes I have nothing to do, why not experience entertainment."

In the plane where he was born and grew up, Mr. Zhao has no hobbies for games in order to study, but in this world, sometimes he is bored, and it is very interesting to play a few games. He is not addicted, so he bought a few pig farms game account.

Now the mobile phone prompts that a pig farm account has applied for repair information.

Previously, the mobile phone number of Mr. Zhao was tied to the game, and it was a mobile phone card issued by his sister-in-law as a Chinese, and it was no longer Miss Ye Qian from the Jialin City Bureau.

In fact, after he bought an account for an occasional experience, he never recharged the money, and the number of times he played was not much. When he was retrieved, the thousands of dollars he bought when he bought the account were tantamount to disappearing. No need to fight.

Gu Jia said excitedly, "Mr. Zhao, let me handle it for you. Such a trivial matter is not worth your time."

Mr. Zhao nodded, "Okay, just find that person and teach him to let him realize his mistake."

After he sent Gu Jia all kinds of information about his account and what happened before and after, he got into the elevator and went home.Mrs. Gu worked hard for her career, and was able to help Mrs. Wang on the 21st floor get the right to name the asteroid, and was busy serving tea and water.

It's not difficult to do such a small thing.

Watching the elevator close, Mr. Zhao also disappeared. Gu Jia was planning to do something seriously, and Liang Zhengxian said with a messy face, "Gu Jia, who is this Mr. Zhao? I plan to enter the fireworks business from your factory, and I can't compare to you Is it important to help him find a game account?"

Old Liang asked himself that he was still a very gracious and polite person. After seeing Mrs. Gu, it was the kind of wifely taste that made him very greedy. The family was in business?Then it's better to get in touch. Wouldn't it be possible to talk about business?

However, now seeing her thinking about helping Mr. Zhao find a game account, are you so excited and happy? ?Our business of several million is not as good as a game account with several thousand yuan? ?

Gu Jia glanced at him lightly, "Mr. Liang, I'm sorry, our factory's fireworks production capacity is limited, and we are unable to cooperate with you for the time being. I also hope that Mr. Liang will not disturb my life."

"If you chase after Junyue Mansion like today, I can only choose to call the police."

She didn't know that her husband, Xu Huanshan, was on a business trip to the capital and was having a romantic relationship with a girl named Lin Youyou, but even if she knew, even if she got a divorce, people like Liang Zhengxian were not her type.

When she was in a hurry, Liang Zhengxian thought for a while, threw the flowers into the trash can, walked out of the building, and handed a few hundred yuan to a real estate agent in a black suit, "Dude, let me ask you something, that Zhao who lives on the 21st floor So, who is it?"

The black suit looked Liang Zhengxian up and down, and smiled mysteriously, "You ask about Mr. Zhao's situation on the 21st floor, this, the money is not enough..."

Liang Zhengxian was speechless. He stuffed 500 yuan once, just asking for something. Are the properties in this community so open-mouthed?


A frozen meat factory in the New Territories of Hong Kong Island.

Accompanied by the arrival of the two cars, Dizang stepped out of the car with the boss, and several Chinese and South Asian boys cheered and hugged each other. When they entered the surface office area of ​​the frozen meat factory, all the ordinary employees were also Dizang brothers. , Brother Dizang's respectful greeting.

When Dizang was about to walk down the frozen meat warehouse, the younger brother automatically took out a fur coat and put it on him. At this moment, the phone rang, and Jizang picked it up only to find that it was an unfamiliar number. After thinking about it, he still connected.

"Brother Dizang, your courier has arrived."

Hearing the strange voice on the other side of the phone, Jizo asked curiously, "My courier? Where is it?"

The strange man chuckled, "It's just outside Xingli Frozen Meat Factory, brother Dizang, please sign for it and give it a good review."

Jizo frowned and looked outside the factory, but didn't see anything unusual outside the gate, then turned and walked outside, "Why didn't I see it?"

After more than a dozen steps, when he led a group of younger brothers to the door, he saw an unmanned remote control plane, buzzing and circling, flying from more than 100 meters away. Under the remote control plane, there was a huge wreath. There are also his posthumous photos and elegiac couplets.

"Hey, who is going to make trouble in the street?"

"Brother Dizang, someone actually gave you a wreath?!"


Before Dizang changed his color, a group of his younger brothers bombarded the street one after another. They are a drug lord group. It's outrageous to dare to send wreaths to their heads.

However, amidst the crowd swearing, bang bang bang... There was a deep and powerful sniper sound, and several of Dizang's younger brothers sat or knelt down and screamed miserably, clutching their thighs.

Dizang was also frightened and fled back to the factory area in a hurry.

Only when the remote-controlled plane flew into the factory with wreaths hanging did the younger brother, under the command of Jizo, shoot and destroy the small plane.

It wasn't until this moment that a louder laughter rang out from Dizang's cell phone, "Brother Dizang, Mr. Zhao Tai Zhao from Binhai specially presented the opening ceremony for you. Remember to give it a five-star praise."

After the laughter fell, the phone hung up automatically.

On the mountain road a few hundred meters away, Amin quickly put away the big gun and got into the Mercedes-Benz, while Aquan drove away. When the car left quickly, Amin said with emotion, "I thought we were asked to come here empty-handed to the Tibetans." Sending wreaths, I didn't expect to use a gun, this is much more handsome."

This was definitely not something they could do when they were police officers in the past.

But when Qiu Gangao received the order, finished the first thing related to Yu Shuntian, and was thinking about how to investigate where the place is hidden, how to make wreaths, and make plans, Mr. Zhao's text message came.

He directly gave him Dizang's mobile phone number, as well as a tracking and positioning applet, and arranged for him to find a gringo to get a gun.

This is... so easy.

In Amin's emotion, Qiu Gangao also laughed, "Although this is an illegal act, as long as Jizo doesn't call the police, won't no one know about it, and no one will care about us?"

"He is a big drug lord who was sent wreaths and received couriers outside his warehouse. Shouldn't he be thinking about moving the factory first?"

"It is impossible to call the police!"

Mr. Zhao had ordered in his text message that they would go to the mainland to arrest 50 walking people and not use guns, but when fighting drug lords on Hong Kong Island, the restrictions are not so big.

Qiu Gangao also found it very exciting and hilarious. The only regret is that he could not receive the five-star praise from Dizang.

Whether the previous gunshots aroused the suspicion of the nearby residents, called the police, and opened up the nest before the Jizo was completely transferred...that's another matter.

(End of this chapter)

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