Signing from HK Comprehensive becomes a legend

Chapter 656 Am I a serious person?

Chapter 656 Am I a serious person?

While Wang Manni was laughing, Mr. Zhao also took out his mobile phone and glanced at it and said, "Forget it, let me choose a place, and you don't need to make a reservation. The location I mentioned earlier happens to be not far from another store."

This is one of the good restaurants randomly picked up by artificial intelligence.

How good it is, Mr. Zhao doesn't know, expensive is really expensive.

Wang Manni still wanted to be polite, but Li Shiqing said, "Sister, stop arguing. Our cute newbies can't keep up with his old driver's routine. By the way, I haven't asked my sister what you do yet."

As soon as the chatterbox of the two women opened, the conversation became lively.

Chatting and chatting, after Audi arrived at a place, Mr. Zhao got out of the car first and said he was picking up something, and then came back after leaving for a while, holding a big box and putting it in the trunk.

After the new departure, the Audi arrived near a garden-style state hotel. Mr. Zhao parked and got off the car skillfully, and the big pants and flip-flops were still standard.

When the waiter simply asked if there was a reservation and got an affirmative answer, and then led the way forward while asking someone to move the box prepared by Mr. Zhao, Wang Manni and the others first looked at the surrounding environment, and then couldn't help but become restrained.

Li Shiqing pulled Mr. Zhao's short sleeves with his fingers, "Hey, isn't this kind of place like the legend that you can't enter with your disheveled clothes?"

What is the decoration pattern of the Garden-style State Guest House?The waiters are very formally dressed. She is used to Mr. Zhao wearing a pair of flip-flops with big trousers to dominate the world. It was just a few days ago that the two of them had never been in more formal and high-end occasions.

Mr. Zhao said speechlessly, "I made a reservation. I heard that the owner and chef here won the gold medal in the Chef Competition held by the TV station. I booked him to cook for dinner. Do you care what I wear?"

Naturally, artificial intelligence is responsible for making reservations, and almost all the dishes cooked by the chef on the road are almost done.

Li Shiqing curiously pointed to the boxes carried by the two waiters, "What did you bring into the restaurant?"

Mr. Zhao shrugged and said, "I bring my own ingredients."

Li Shiqing, "..."

Did she get it wrong?

Wang Manni said in a daze, "We bring our own ingredients when we go into the restaurant?"

What kind of weird operation is this?Co-author, you brought all the ingredients here, just ask the boss to help you make it?Is this appropriate?

Not to mention the interior restaurant in the garden, which is full of Europa-style decoration.

The two waiters who were moving things were also a little dazed. Their boss and chef are really famous, and their strength is also very strong. Guests who bring their own ingredients...

Mr. Zhao then explained, "They are short of good products here, such as [-] catties of wild large yellow croaker, the biggest one here is only five catties today, and the one I brought weighs more than ten catties."

[-] catties of wild large yellow croaker, of course, does not refer to the selling price of live fish, but refers to the price of the chef cooking and serving it to the table. This restaurant sells it for outsiders!

Plus the chef's culinary skills and restaurant signature factors, service charges and so on.

In a very plain sentence, Li Shiqing's legs suddenly softened and almost fell. Fortunately, Wang Manni's legs also softened. The two women supported each other and looked at each other.

Mr. Zhao said again, "Another example is the natural matsutake in Shangri-La, which enters the picking period in June and July every year. With modern and common fresh-keeping technology, it tastes the best within three days. Generally, one serving costs 2000 yuan. The matsutake I prepared, It was the matsutake king, which matured early yesterday, and was airlifted to Shanghai in the afternoon. It was originally sold to a real estate developer for more than 3 yuan, but I cut it off twice,..."

"Your restaurant doesn't have single-headed abalone either, so I just got a few from other places."

He explained it to the waiter, so that it can be passed on to the head chef here... It is a bit strange to bring your own ingredients into the restaurant.

But Mr. Zhao is speechless. Regardless of the plane of the Republic of China or the plane of A Chinese Ghost Story, fishermen can eat as many natural large yellow croakers as they like in the sea. When they come here, a catty of any size can sell for tens of thousands of yuan.

Mr. Zhao is not short of money, but there are all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, and the best ingredients, not to mention ordinary Shanghai restaurants, even in restaurants where wealthy customers can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a meal, there are no corresponding ingredients.

For example, the almost extinct Gallic blue lobster, the most expensive one can cost over one million, is definitely not available here, but Mr. Zhao brought a pair with a market price of 10,000+.

"I'll just bring some ingredients. Others, such as caviar and wine, are still consumed here. Go ahead and talk to Mr. Sun. He probably won't refuse."

If the chef boss had the strength of a god of cook, he would not be able to resist all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas produced by a Chinese ghost story and the Zhao Empire Palace.

Mr. Zhao's example just now was just a random example.

What is a ten-pound wild large yellow croaker?Mr. Zhao, who is about to become a master, can get tens of catties or hundreds of catties. It is nothing more than that kind of yellow croaker that is too shocking in the world to be handed over to ordinary chefs for cooking.

But the beef he cooks into steaks is really...

When the waiter leading the way hurried in to get some air, Li Shiqing exclaimed, "You stopped for a while before and brought back hundreds of thousands of ingredients? What are we going to eat at night?"

Then she looked at the waiter carrying the boxes in disbelief, "Can a fish really sell for 20 million?"

A waiter suppressed his horror and smiled and nodded, "Under normal circumstances, a natural large yellow croaker of six or seven catties is about [-] per serving. If it is more than ten catties, the unit price will be more expensive."

Then his strength to carry the boxes became stronger and more stable. It seemed that Mr. Zhao, with his flip-flops and big pants, suddenly had a very different demeanor.

I heard that many charterers in eastern Guangdong are dressed in Mr. Zhao's outfit...

Wang Manni also continued to support Li Shiqing and said, "Can I take pictures and send them to Moments later?"

Even if she is a salesperson in a luxury store, some high-end customers may sell for 20 to [-] yuan if they buy clothes casually, but luxury accessories and clothing, and a pair of big ones worth more than [-] yuan if they are eaten in one meal. Yellow croaker comparison?

That is definitely a super different stimulus.

The waiter's smile remained unchanged, and he glanced at Mr. Zhao before he said, "Usually, it is forbidden to take pictures in the public dining area of ​​our restaurant, so as not to affect the dining mood of other guests, but several guests bring their own ingredients, and they book private rooms. The situation is different. .”

Not only is it different, I guess the boss will also take some pictures before doing it.


After a while.

In the private room of the restaurant, Mr. Sun personally came to inspect the ingredients, such as wild large yellow croaker, single-headed abalone, Shangri-La matsutake king, and Gaul's best blue lobster.

Until, when he saw a certain portion of beef, he held it in his hand with gloves and carefully observed the texture. The more he looked, the more shocked and confused Chef Sun became.

Another minute or two later, Mr. Sun exclaimed, "Mr. Zhao, is this beef really ready?"

Wang Manni asked curiously, "What happened to the beef?"

Mr. Sun glanced at her and explained casually, "Normally, Kobe and Matsusaka beef are the best steaks. In an auction record in 2002, a Matsusaka Queen beef was sold for 300 million yuan, an average of 6000 yuan per catty. .”

"But as far as I know, even the [-]-jin Queen's meat, compared with this beef..."

"Mr. Zhao, I'm doing everything for free today, and the red wine is free. Can you give me half a catty of beef?"

Zhao Xueyan nodded briskly, "Of course it's no problem, it's about five catties here, and we can't actually eat too much, so I'll give you two catties."

This is tender beef that is about to become fine. Normal people eat it... Leaving aside the taste and taste, just talking about the benefits to the body, it can exceed the qualifications of many top medicinal materials.

When Chef Sun excitedly asked his apprentices to move the boxes to cook, and someone brought a bottle of Betruss more than 2 yuan before tax to sober up the wine, Mr. Zhao nodded and said, "Old Sun can do it, he's quite generous."

A bottle of red wine worth more than 2 yuan before tax is of course not as exaggerated as Romanee-Conti’s average price of more than [-] yuan without mentioning the year, but it’s interesting enough to give this wine for free cooking.

After all, it is impossible for a normal person on this plane to understand the true value of the little bull spirit.

Then he said to Li Shiqing, "If you are not used to drinking, you can exchange some Sprite later..."

The waiter who had just left fell down in shock at these words, and then ran away in embarrassment.

Li Shiqing glared at Mr. Zhao speechlessly, "I don't drink alcohol, but even if I gain four or five catties from this meal today, I will go all out. Do you know that this meal will almost eat up our apartment in Jialin City. "

Mr. Zhao nodded with a smile, "I'll take you to eat instant noodles for a few days and add roadside stalls to improve the food."

After talking and laughing for a while, there was a sudden knock on the door.

After a waiter walked in, he said, "Mr. Zhao, there is a police officer outside who claims to be from Jialin City, Fujian Province. He said he wants to see you. Do you want to see him?"

Mr. Zhao was surprised, and nodded after thinking, "Let him come in. It just so happens that this meal is a bit too much, so I invite Lao Zhang to have some."

Soon, Zhang Chengcheng, who was still handsome in middle age, walked into the private room. After entering, he glanced at the environment. Zhang Cheng reached in front of Mr. Zhao and stretched out his hand, "Mr.

When the waiter came over to pour the wine, Zhang Cheng hurriedly waved his hand, "No, I don't drink."

No one forced him, Mr. Zhao ordered a cup of tea for him, and Lao Zhang did not refuse. The three of Mr. Zhao drank and he drank tea, "Mr. .”

Mr. Zhao nodded, "You want to ask where Tao Yinghong has gone? How to catch her?"

Zhang Cheng nodded in surprise, "Yes."

Mr. Zhao spread his hands, "I don't know."

Officer Zhang's surprise turned into embarrassment, and the rejection was too straightforward.

Zhao Xueyan waved his hand, "Old Zhang, you came here after chasing me from Jialin, since it was a coincidence, I will treat you to a meal. I still appreciate you who are dedicated to the public."

"Let's not talk about Tao Yinghong and Wang Xingde for the time being. Let's have some dinner together as friends. The two of them have done what they want to do, and they will definitely turn themselves in."

For four or five days, Lao Zhang from the Jialin police chased him from Jialin to Xihong City, then went to Goose City, Weihe County, and went all the way to Shanghai. It was not easy.

Officer Zhang frowned and said, "Are the two of them trying to kill someone?"

Mr. Zhao was blunt, "I don't know, but you should have investigated the incident on the No. 45 bus, right?"

Officer Zhang nodded.

Mr. Zhao took a sip of his wine and said with a smile, "Then it's over, let nature take its course."

Zhang Cheng frowned and said, "We have arrested He Yingjun, and we are collecting evidence and waiting to go to court. He will be punished as he should. I still hope that Tao Yinghong and his wife can be careful and don't get too caught up."

Mr. Zhao stopped talking, continued to drink, and clinked glasses with Li Shiqing and Wang Manni. At this moment, the phone rang, and it belonged to Zhao Xueyan. When he caught it, it was an unfamiliar number, and it seemed to be from overseas... …

He hung up.

After a few seconds, the phone rang again, hung up again, and he answered the third time, "Who are you, why are you harassing me?"

Of course he speaks Mandarin.

There was silence for a while, and then a very authentic Mandarin voice sounded, "Sir, Sir Charles asked me to tell you that his more than 5 million pounds..."

Mr. Zhao got excited when he heard this, "Yes, you guys managed to catch up with this number?"

"Is it really you? Damn it, I have more than 5 million pounds. Do you know how hard it is for me to save such a little pension? Bastard, you don't talk about martial arts, who are you..."

This time it was not Mandarin, but an English Cockney accent full of angry roars.

Mr. Zhao directly put the phone on the table, put it off, and the Mandarin interpreter rang, "Mr. If there is anything, we can talk, I hope you can give me a contact method and location."

Zhao Xueyan chuckled softly, "That old bastard's family of embezzlers, one of the top three tycoons, worked hard for decades from old to middle class, and only managed to embezzle about [-] million pounds. The efficiency is too low. Tell me, why? Find my number?"

Charles's London accent sounded again, "Asshole, I personally flew to Switzerland to invite the president of the bank where you saved your money to dinner, and only then did I find out your registration information, police officer Ye Qian in Jialin City? Why are you speaking in a man's voice now?"

Translation is a close second.

Zhao Xueyan said speechlessly, "I thought it was boring for you to catch up here with technology."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, began to draw a mobile phone card, and shrugged regretfully at Zhang Cheng, "A while ago, I borrowed the identity information of police officer Ye Qian to apply for a card. Three generations of the family, old, middle-aged and young, have corrupted more than 5 million pounds, and they continue to use the identity of police officer Ye to open accounts and get money from various banks and other accounts."

"It's okay, wait for those guys to find me, let them find me, don't be surprised to tell Xiaoye, the matter has nothing to do with her, she is also a victim."

"By the way, Jialin police don't care about the discussion between a person like me who holds a sister's passport and this super corrupt criminal who violates the law, right?"

Zhang Cheng, "..."

Police officer Zhang was dumbfounded, is it true or false, isn't it too false?
Li Shiqing opened her mouth and sprayed half a sip of red wine, "You blackmailed other people's money again? More than 5 million pounds, isn't it more than 40 billion yuan??"

Mr. Zhao nodded, "It's okay, it's all illegal income, and they can't ask me for money through legal means. If it's illegal, I'll call the police. Right, Officer Zhang, if there is a bull, come to us Mainland, try to illegally kidnap and blackmail me and assassinate me, can I call the police?"

Zhang Cheng can't fix it anymore. Is it true? ?

Just in a daze, the waiter of the restaurant came to serve the food with a dining car,...

A large yellow croaker of more than ten catties full of aroma was brought to the table, Mr. Zhao said cheerfully, "Come on, move your chopsticks, you're welcome."

Zhang Cheng grabbed the chopsticks in confusion, and before he could move, Wang Manni and Li Shiqing grabbed their phones to take pictures excitedly.

Just patted and patted, Li Shiqing was okay to say, Wang Manni collapsed on the table again, and said to the waiter, "Waiter, please help me take more photos."

At first glance, no matter what Li Shiqing said about robbing the godfather of the gangster for 20 billion yuan, or one of the top three in this conversation, the more than 40 billion yuan stolen by the gangster...has nothing to do with her.

But these topics still made her unable to stand or sit still.

Fortunately, those are too far away from her. The big yellow croaker, which sells for more than 20 a piece, needs to be photographed as a souvenir when it is finished and placed on the table.

It doesn't matter whether you send it to Moments afterwards.

All must be treasured.

The way of eating one meal and one suite, even if it is not a house in Shanghai, it must be remembered.

After flashing for a while, Mr. Zhao continued to pick up his chopsticks, "Okay, let's eat."

He ate this meal happily and satisfactorily. Mr. Sun's cooking skills are really good. It's almost as good as Tang Niu's skills without the addition of internal strength. Coupled with the delicious ingredients, it can be called a feast up.

After eating and drinking enough, Li Shiqing and Wang Manni walked out of the hotel with their stomachs in their arms, while Zhang Cheng stood at the door and said in a daze, "Mr. Zhao, have you really hacked billions of others? Use Ye Qian's registration information account?"

Mr. Zhao nodded, "Yes, didn't you listen to part of the phone conversation, and then told Xiaoye not to be nervous, that's one of the first three rows over there, and we will definitely find out that Xiaoye is innocent, so we won't waste manpower and material resources."

"I'm helping you figure it out. Corruption of more than 40 billion yuan is a felony? It's a super criminal with illegal gains. My sister's green card was taken away. The two parties did not report the case. The official has no name." work."

"Then am I a decent person?"

"Once he sends some killers or criminals to attack me in the mainland, I'll call the police. Is it reasonable?"

Zhang Cheng also ate a lot just now and was very full, and now he continued to say in a daze, "I'm a little confused, let me figure it out... According to what you said, it is true that you are clean at first glance, but you are not afraid of getting angry Are you surrendering there?"

"If they turn themselves in, Niu Buluo can go to the authorities to recover the illegal gains of more than 40 billion yuan."

President Zhao, "..."

Mr. Zhao thought for a few seconds sadly, nodded, "What you said makes sense, don't worry, I will consider it, at worst, give them a little bit of money afterwards, and it won't completely kill their hope, then it won't surrendered."

"Thank you Zhang sir, you did me a little favor."

Zhang Cheng almost vomited blood, "Wait, I didn't mean that..."

President Zhao nodded, "I understand, I understand what you mean."


After a while.

Mr. Zhao and Li Shiqing drove away. Of course, they called a substitute driver. After all, they were all drunk. But at the entrance of a certain restaurant, Wang Manni and Zhang Cheng came back one after another. Standing at the entrance of the hotel, Zhang Cheng was very surprised, "Ms. Wang ?”

Wang Manni looked embarrassed, "Is there something wrong with Officer Zhang?"

Zhang Cheng nodded, "I have a meal, so I have to make up my share of the money. Since Mr. Zhao and Sun here are always friends, I should give Mr. Zhao a little money back. How about you, Ms. Wang?"

Wang Manni, "..."

After tens of seconds of chaos, she smiled awkwardly, "I just have a little thing, a very small thing."

After a while.

Wang Manni appeared outside the door in surprise and excitement, holding a printed bill with a sky-high price, and the more she looked at it, the more excited she became.

Zhang Cheng also came out quietly, glanced at him a few times, and Lao Zhang suddenly took out a cigarette and started smoking. No wonder he communicated with the restaurant before, and there were all kinds of rejections there, without much explanation.

Look at the bill for that meal just now.

The wild large yellow croaker weighs 17 catties and 4 taels, and the unit price is [-] catties. The total price...Of course, the fish is not finished, and there is a lot left, which is regarded as the waiter's welfare.

The best Gallic blue lobster, a pair of 16.

The best single-head abalone, the unit price is more than 2 yuan, four servings were served before, Shangri-La's best matsutake king, one serving was more than 4 yuan, and the super-quality steak, one serving was 4 yuan. For drinking, a pot costs 8000 yuan.

The cheap Petus is also nearly 30 a bottle.Later, the drink was not satisfying, and Mr. Zhao took out two bottles of Romanee-Conti from the car. The sum of the ordinary years was [-].

All in all.

Wang Manni ate, tasted, and took pictures of everything during the meal. She declined to leave in the car before, and ran back to collect this "normal price restaurant bill", and asked the waiter to type it out for her of.

According to the restaurant, when other high-rollers come to eat, order these, which is the price of the meal.

The hotel service fee on the bill is more than 2...

And this kind of restaurant sells a can of Coke for three yuan outside, and more than 15 yuan inside.

Wang Manni, a salesperson in a luxury store, intends to take this bill as a treasure, but Zhang Cheng is smoking a cigarette, looking at the sky speechlessly. If he had known, he would not have eaten it, even if he was a little distracted by the impact of 40 billion or something.

In addition, he was hungry at first, so Mr. Zhao ate it along with the chopsticks while enthusiastically persuading him.

No wonder the hotel didn't explain all kinds of things and didn't let him make up the money.

This is the proceeds of crime. In the past, as long as Zhang Cheng had evidence, he would definitely arrest people, but a man with a sister’s passport cheated Niu Niu, a corrupt boss, and no one reported it... The money seems to be at present. Still at Swiss Bank.

With his more than 20 years of experience in the police force, he doesn't know how to describe this wonderful dinner.

Forget it, let's call back and explain to Ye Qian.

Ye Qian was involved in a case involving more than 40 billion yuan in a daze? ?
Wang Manni was still in a daze clutching at the menu excitedly. Officer Zhang left quietly, and after walking out for a while, he dialed the number, "Xiaoye, I'm Lao Zhang, and I have something to talk to you about, although you are involved in a violent incident. It seems to be an amazing case, but no one should ask you to do anything."


Jialin City Bureau, Ye Qian, who was working overtime and eating instant noodles, said with a puzzled look, "Tell Zhang, what major case did I get involved in?? Me??"

The biggest issue of the Jialin City Bureau these days is nothing more than the near-miss case of the No. 45 bus that almost exploded, and how to deal with the aftermath.

At present, how to judge He Yingjun, the pervert who killed a female college student five years ago, just go through the legal process. The culprits are the missing Wang Xingde, Tao Yinghong, and even the ruthless Northeast man Li Tiantian. Where are they? What do they want to do? What.

After a while, Ye Qian, who was talking on the phone while eating instant noodles, sprayed the table on the spot, and asked in shock, "How is it possible, how could I be involved in a major corruption case of more than 40 billion yuan?? Or Overseas?"

"Captain Zhang, you think highly of me too, do you think I'm Wang Duoyu of Jialin City?"

It's too ridiculous, too outrageous, let alone more than 40 billion yuan, even more than 40 billion yen is a ceiling that she, a criminal policeman, is far out of reach.

More than 40 billion yen is also more than 2 million yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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